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Fire Emblem Fates |OT| Nohr does what Hoshidon't


I gave Felicia a Flame Shuriken. That... that just ain't right. I look forward to seeing her demolish foes. [/SPOILER]

I did the same and she is incredible. In Conquest 13 she was basically my main attacking unit down the left side
against all the magic users

Makes me almost want to marry her after all, she's been S-support-begging me for three chapters now. But I want her sister!


Paralogues scale to the chapter now, so there's no rush to do them ASAP unless you want the kids. And after a point the kids come with a special item called an Offspring Seal that instantly scales them to an appropriate level anyway.

oh that's nice. i can continue farting around then


So did you actually
kill everyone on that map?? o_O

Not completely.
I send everyone except my 2 fliers down the normal path. My fliers killed the 4 enemies on "the islands" and also baited Xander and friends for a few turns. I couldn't really beat him at that point, so I had to bait him, because else he would reach Corrin as soon as Corrin reached the Dragon Pulse. After every enemy becomes active, I blocked the path and killed everyone except Garon, Xander and one normal mob that was quite behind. Not a complete route, but close enough. But Xander here was so strong, I just saw no way to reliably kill him without heavily relaying on luck.

Dee Dee

I had some unsuccesful runs on chapter 13 Birthright yesterday.

At first everything went really well, with a lot of favor from RNGesus, like Silas evading 95% sure death. Then I didn't realize that Camilla's reach extended to that crucial dragon vein in the top middle. She insta-KO'd Corrin and made me cry.
I was more careful the second time, not risking anything, but after I lured out and killed Camilla, the stupid tanks moved and I mispositioned Orochi.
At least I know I can work this strategy now, just need to get to the Dragon veins as soon as Camilla falls and stop trying to make Orochi happen probably...

I might end up S-ranking with Silas, the shady lucky devil. I S-ranked Stahl in Awakening, so it might be cavalier-nostalgia.
Also, I am not liking those chapter 15 spoilers here...



Yeah, it's weird how if you're tank has too much damage they die because you keep getting kamikaze'd.

Yeah, tanks to stronk. I only have Oboro as a real tank (aside from Hana as an evade tank or Corrin with the Dragonstone), and she just murders everyone.


Is the european translation the same from the us version? I remember awakening being different in pal regions.

It had some mistake fixed but some are still there.

For example Saizo no longer says Solder in his support with Oboro and says Solider instead, which is the correct one. Also some supports where they got the wrong spreaker's names are also fixed

But stuff like Ike Amiibo's greeting is still having saying that he's from the the Greil Mercenaries

Oh and someone on reddit pointed out that Takumi will call corrin his sister regardless of the gender of your avatar if the French version is played

Goddamn does someone even proofread
that feel when you crit on defense allowing a second unit to run in, take the formerly occupied spot, and kill your unit

To be fair Fates has lots and lots of weapons that cannot crit so if you want a unit to hold a chokepoint and not kill things you can have him hold one of those weapons.
Okay so my Sakura!
who I reclassed into a Witch is fucking absurd. I feel as though I have an Awakening Sorcerer back when I equipped her with Nosferatu and thanks to Sakura having passed down Astra to her(thank you my castle skill people), her insane magic stat and also high Speed she just fucking wrecks faces.


Sölf;204608385 said:
Yeah, tanks to stronk. I only have Oboro as a real tank (aside from Hana as an evade tank or Corrin with the Dragonstone), and she just murders everyone.

Effie on Conquest is the GOAT tank. Damage so high she'll one shot most enemies, then Def so high she practically shrugs off 10 attacks. On top of that, she has a high amount of Spd for a tank so she has a good chance of dodging spells too.

I would send her off to block an entire corridor by herself while the rest of my team would struggle to kill the enemies ahead.

To be fair Fates has lots and lots of weapons that cannot crit so if you want a unit to hold a chokepoint and not kill things you can have him hold one of those weapons.

Better yet, unequip their weapon so they can't attack back.
So I just got to the branch and went with Birthright. So will I continue with my stats from that point when I do the other paths or will I use my stats from the end of Birthright?

Also why did they lie about how powerful the dragon form is? Shit is way worse than a sword lol


I'm sitting here staring at the path selection screen, and now I'm unsure which I want to go with. Both options sound good, and I was planning on playing them both eventually anyway.


Dat moment, when the 24% hit and 20% crit enemy crits you and kills your Hana. At least it was fairly early in the beginning of chapter 21. But god, that chapter already annoys me to no end.


First impressions of the two sets of royal siblings..

Takumi is a dumb-dumb
Leo should be the face of Nohr, not Xander.

Ryoma is a bro, and I mean that in every facet of the word.
Not keen on the initial presentation of Camilla and her very "succubus"-esque behaviourisms.
I'm sitting here staring at the path selection screen, and now I'm unsure which I want to go with. Both options sound good, and I was planning on playing them both eventually anyway.

Birthright is supposed to be a bit simpler so I figured I would be let down by it if I played Conquest first.


Got to the branch yesterday, Birthright first. Digging the artstyle more than Awakening.

One thing I would like in the next fire emblem is full voice acting.


So is there any downside to having your buildings destroyed when you do battle in your own castle? Was annoyed that my 'lvl 10 invaders' were crushing my stuff left and right... but after battle everything was all fine and dandy. Is it because I'm playing casual mode?


The only downside is during the battle. Many buildings give the defenders bonus stats, like +crit evade, +damage or +hit. If the building is destroyed, that buff disappears.

I finally beat chapter 21. It only took me 3 tries, but it was so fucking long. And I could have won on my second, but after the boss is pulled more units spawned and I had everything planned out - and then put one of my units so that Takumi couldn't attack the boss. My only chance was to attack him with Setsuna with a Takuma supports and one of them had to crit and Setsuna had to evade a 49% hit. Which she didn't, so she was one shot. >_>


So is there any downside to having your buildings destroyed when you do battle in your own castle? Was annoyed that my 'lvl 10 invaders' were crushing my stuff left and right... but after battle everything was all fine and dandy. Is it because I'm playing casual mode?
Nope, buildings and
always come back . The downside is losing the buffs the buildings provide during that battle.


Currently doing Chapter 11 Conquest. Tricky, but it is all about positionning (and abusing units with high Defense). Ironically, Silas is a better tank than Effie, thanks to good growths (he has 16 Defense, whereas she has 14+2), and with Effie supporting him in a Defensive stance, he is basically invulnerable (especially with the Nohr Blade, which grants +3 Defense). Without him I don't know how I would have dealt with the ninjas (well, there is Camilla, but I decided to not use her at all for this chapter).

I am shamelessly abusing the fact that the boss of this chapter can be healed to level-up units. Mozu needed the weapon experience anyway, since I reclassed her into an archer.

... Wait.
Kaze is joining me?
At a decent level on top of that? Didn't expect that. Oh yes. That being said, his strenght is kinda low.

PK Gaming

During the five runs I've done so far I usually kept those two ( or azura and sakura when playing birthright/rev) out of enemy range but conquest's endgame makes it harder because of the reinforcements from behind. Azura wasn't fielded at all during my conquest hard/classic endgame and Elise was on her own but Xander was there to shelter her when it was needed, otherwise he was busy dual striking or picking off units. I'm concerned there won't be enough safe spots on the map for Azura and Elise during endgame on lunatic. However I could be wrong and if I can avoid having to buddy them up then it leaves me with what should be more than enough offensive power to handle what the map throws at you and get to the boss at a reasonable pace.*

* I've seen conquest lunatic endgame tackled a few different ways and while I'd like to win on my own terms I have no qualms about cheesing the map should it be necessary.

Trust me, the reinforcements from behind won't even be relevant. If you can't clear the map in 2~ turns, you're done. And yeah I definitely feel you in regards to beating it on your own terms. Almost spent an entire day trying to hash out the perfect strategy for it, haha.
I forget there are people that actually use Azura. I use her for all of the first few chapters after choice and then drop her only to pick you up again temporarily so that I can get someone to have a couple kids with her.

Dee Dee

I forget there are people that actually use Azura. I use her for all of the first few chapters after choice and then drop her only to pick you up again temporarily so that I can get someone to have a couple kids with her.

You can double your best unit's range or get an extra attack every now and then. What's not to like?


Being that she is a unit that has to be protected and babied I find her value to be very little to me.

Olivia > Azura

While she can't take much damage, her speed and attack are so high that she can actually dish out quite a bit of damage. I don't use her often for fighting, but she definitly can fight. She is probably the first dancer I actually want to use in my active party. Which I am currently doing on my first playthrough.

Hellllllllllllllllll no

Olivia is arguably the worst dancer in the franchise. Azura is easily the best.
Who said I used Olivia as a dancer? =P

I turned her into a Myrmidon and then a Swordmaster or Assassin. She was the crit god on my team with high attack and speed to boot. Making Azura a Falcon Knight or Kinshi Knight has no purpose.

PK Gaming

easily the best? FE4 would like a word with that

Azura is better in Fates than Layla, Sylvia and her kid were in FE4.

Who said I used Olivia as a dancer? =P

I turned her into a Myrmidon and then a Swordmaster or Assassin. She was the crit god on my team with high attack and speed to boot. Making Azura a Falcon Knight or Kinshi Knight has no purpose.

But literally any Mymidon could be a crit god with the experience (and effort) you put into Olivia. Anyway, she starts off at level 1 with low stats across the board so she's more a liability than an asset in combat.


Trust me, the reinforcements from behind won't even be relevant. If you can't clear the map in 2~ turns, you're done. And yeah I definitely feel you in regards to beating it on your own terms. Almost spent an entire day trying to hash out the perfect strategy for it, haha.

I'll have to do the research and math on how many tiles are in play exactly but I think I can one round the endgame by getting the avatar to the boss then warping in with Ophelia for the kill because
if I pass on duelists blow from odin, plus her natural heartseeker from starting as a dark mage and bowbreaker from dipping out of witch into sorcerer for a few levels
it should be easy peasy. That said I do want to see if my dream team can take the map in a more old fashioned way first and I'd be happy to spend a day or two doing trial and error attempts until I know what will and won't work.

I forget there are people that actually use Azura. I use her for all of the first few chapters after choice and then drop her only to pick you up again temporarily so that I can get someone to have a couple kids with her.

I like the buffs she gives and you can get multiple refreshes off per round with shelter and transferring her so she provides a lot of potential benefit for the deployment slot she takes up. I don't think she's necessary but she is awfully convenient when you can fit her into your lineup. I could definitely see myself not bringing her into endgame if I wanted to bring that rallybot nobu instead ( assuming I can successfully capture him).

For a run that hasn't even begun yet I am putting a lot of thought into this hehe, thanks for indulging me.


Man, Birthright Chapter 13 was a pain.
It's an easy start until you get to Camilla. Only the archers do any serious damage to her (apart from Corrin), but with only something like 20% hit rate. Right after that all the armored dudes come down at you extremely fast and at the same time. At the end I had to take out like 6 units in one turn to not let them be able to go for a kill. Felt good when I got it, archers and ninjas had to work overtime.

If Birthright is the clearly easy campaign and Conquest the really tough one then I might just go right to Revelation after Birthright and then call it a day, lol. This difficulty (on Hard/Classic) feels just right for me.
The Azura conversation a few posts ago reminds me of this 4koma.


Dee Dee

When you invest your avatar to go S Rank with Silas but he dies in battle


Noo, how?
Bring him back!!
He is such a great offensive and defensive pair up, and he is super lucky with dodges in my game.

I want to save my Corrin for Ryoma's kid, but ♡Silas♡.

I finally beat chapter 13. I messed up horribly 3 times in a row. I eventually beat it, activating only one dragon vein (bottom right corner).
Chapter 14 seems really doable now - especially with my new recruits!


Silas died on my Birthright run and was benched on my Conquest run. If I'm gonna use him all the way through, it'll be in Revelation or never.
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