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Fire Emblem Fates |OT| Nohr does what Hoshidon't


Get Inside Her!
Hey these bonuses you get for owning all three versions. That means I gotta buy and install all three Before I start my very first playthrough of any version, yeah?


Oh yeah, since you can skip right to the choice afterwards, I'm wondering are people doing that, or is there more interest in re-rolling a different Corrin (Boon/Bane/Talent)

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Hey these bonuses you get for owning all three versions. That means I gotta buy and install all three Before I start my very first playthrough of any version, yeah?

Uhh, no, not really. You can't even buy the third version yet. It's not out yet.

And I think the "bonus" you get it something pretty menial. There's no point to buy both versions at the same time, you can download the other one you don't own from the eShop for $20 after you finish the first version, and get the "bonus" - I think it's an item or whatever, once you start up the second version.


Wow, that's awful. What city do you live in? You filed a police report I hope?

They took everything I had that time, my phone. my bag, what is left of my cash. I had to run to the nearest gas station just to ask some people to borrow their phone, luckily this nice girl dialed 911 for me, and I filed a police report afterwards. I'm just glad I'm still alive.


Oh yeah, since you can skip right to the choice afterwards, I'm wondering are people doing that, or is there more interest in re-rolling a different Corrin (Boon/Bane/Talent)

You create a new Corrin when you choose to skip to the choice.

They took everything I had that time, my phone. my bag, what is left of my cash. I had to run to the nearest gas station just to ask some people to borrow their phone, luckily this nice girl dialed 911 for me, and I filed a police report afterwards. I'm just glad I'm still alive.

Shit. It's good that you weren't seriously hurt.
Oh for people talking about Boon / Bane they effect both Stat Growth and Stat Cap. The + Skill / - Strength while having excellent growth potential for a mage type has not great caps (-1 Strength, +3 Skills , +1 Defence ).

Admittedly I'm not convinced Caps matters much unless you're a reset fiend or going to do serious post game grinding. (Assuming Serenes Forest info is right , making this note because it appears that Promotes don't necessarily have better stats than pre-promotes, just different, which seems off).

(Numbers enough to make you cry follow)

Avatar (+ Skill / - Strength) Growth Rates
45	40	30	60	45	45	35	25

Base States ( + Skill / - Strength)

19	6	4	10	6	5	6	2

19 Levels of Growth as a Pre-Promote, 20 as a Promote. 

Going to be Lazy and assume Prince (20) -> Dark blood (20) 

Gives Caps of 
Pre- Promote:    40	22	17	22	21	22	22	19
Promote:         60	31	31	31	32	27	30	32

Growth Rate including class
Pre- Promote:    60	55	40	70	55	55	45	30
Promote:         60	50	45	65	60	50	40	40

Pre Promote Growth:   11.4  10.45  7.6 13.3 10.45 10.45  8.55  5.7
             Total:   30.4  16.45 11.6 23.3 16.45 15.45 14.55  7.7

Skill gets capped at 22 (the Cap penalty to Skill from Strength works against you here). 

Promotion:                     1.0   1.00  3.0  0.0  2.00   0.00  1.00  4.0
Total:                        31.4  17.45 14.6 22.0 18.45  15.55 15.55 11.7
Promote Growth:          11.4  9.50  8.55 12.35 11.40  9.5   7.6   7.6
        Total            42.8 26.95 23.15 34.35 29.85 25.05 23.15 19.3

Skill gets capped at 31. Nothing else is even in the ballpark.

In summary the main effect of caps is to put a hard limit on your "best" stat unless you're in a class that's well suited to it (Prince / Dark Blood doesn't suit Skill) and the other stats require between above average and almost impossible rolls to even approach the caps.

Still this analysis suggests that Skill (even with -Strength) is not a good choice for a Dark Blood Build. In fact only Hoshido has spellcasters with high skill caps , so if you're going to do this build on Nohr you should continue poaching Excorcist / Basara access (for offensive magic) or Falcon Knight* / Priest (for Healing).

*Falco Knight is always available to both genders if you do full recruits (via Friend Seals), Priest is available to males (except on Revelations) (via Friend Seals), Basara / Excorcist can be reached through Diviner a a talent. on Nohr for a magic focused build.

ETA - Ugh. You can't spoiler code boxes. Apologies.


EDIT: Also, isn't this thread kinda dead? I thought the hype was pretty high for Fates. Do we have separate threads for Birthright and Conquest?

There's a Special Edition thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1139417 which seems to be absorbing some of the activity.
Undub patch is working now! An earlier version crashed during a chapter 5 cutscene, the line that made it crash is muted now. Physical only, digital isn't working yet


Instructions and links from the person who made the undub patch on how to set up homebrew, and link to the HANS patch file. I just homebrewed for this undub, but basically just follow the instructions in the reddit post, it was pretty simple. I'm on a New 3DSXL using the latest firmware. The patch isn't permanent, the game needs to be launched through the homebrew menu -> entering the HANS application -> enable the patch (romfs set to yes) and launch each time to enable the undub patch.

The normal soft reset gives a black screen, but L+R+DOWN+B exits out of HANS lets you relaunch the game without rebooting the entire system.

Download just the one patch that matches your game ID, and it undubs all routes (ie don't download separate patches for each DLC route).

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
They took everything I had that time, my phone. my bag, what is left of my cash. I had to run to the nearest gas station just to ask some people to borrow their phone, luckily this nice girl dialed 911 for me, and I filed a police report afterwards. I'm just glad I'm still alive.

Yeah, no kidding. Everything else can be replaced, as long as you're safe.



Shit. It's good that you weren't seriously hurt.
They tried to pepper spray me first so I could not see them, I tried to run but they caught me and hit me in the head, they tried to beat me up too so I would give up of my bag. They let me go after I gave all my possessions to them. So I ran away as fast as I can to the nearest gas station just to find a phone.

Edit: I shouldnt be talking about stuff like this in here. I hope you guys are enjoying the game, mine will have to wait :)


How on earth do you beat Chapter 5 on hard?

I just kind of abused Corrin. Used Kaze and Rinoka to kill or at least weaken the wrymslayer units to the point where corrin could finish them off. Just kind of took on the units on the left before moving everyone to the right to hold my ground.

Ala Alba

How on earth do you beat Chapter 5 on hard?


I did it on hard mode without much trouble. Only one restart. Basically, just send everyone left for the first two enemies, then double-back and stomp the guys coming up the right when they get close. Finally, lure out one of the mages on the right side, and let them all come to you.

Just have Corrin stomp whoever is the most dangerous (can one-hit kill anything on the map), and have Rinkah and Kaze take another. Give extra turns to whoever is the most needed at that moment.

Mages are probably the most dangerous unit in general. Corrin can probably take a single hit from a wyrmslayer (especially with Sakura around to lower damage).


How on earth do you beat Chapter 5 on hard?

Have Corrin kill everybody. Pair up Kaze and Rinkah together so they don't die instantly and use them to wall off your opponents. Once you get past the enemies that head straight for you at the beginning the chapter becomes a lot easier because you have time to breathe and think calmly.


I did it on hard mode without much trouble. Only one restart. Basically, just send everyone left for the first two enemies, then double-back and stomp the guys coming up the right when they get close. Finally, lure out one of the mages on the right side, and let them all come to you.

Just have Corrin stomp whoever is the most dangerous (can one-hit kill anything on the map), and have Rinkah and Kaze take another. Give extra turns to whoever is the most needed at that moment.

Mages are probably the most dangerous unit in general. Corrin can probably take a single hit from a wyrmslayer (especially with Sakura around to lower damage).

The wyrmsalyers were by far the bigger threat for me. Even Azura could take a hit from a mage and live.
Is official. Conquest Chapter 8 is impossible on hard without losing anyone :(

Ice been stuck for 2 hours.

Not impossible, if you're losing someone against the boss, don't attack, just get close, let him have first blood while dealing dmg (i let my effie tank and do some dmg) i saved, moved my healers to heal effie, move in with myMU besides multiple supports which finished him off.

For conquest, don't just powerthrough everything, you are bound to lose someone if you don't utilize the dangerzone and attack and guard stance. In conquest you'll have yo learn how to play slowly, meaning moving everyone close to each other instead of rushing. Felica + Elise are your backbone, make sure they are away from dangerzone.


Ok, Chapter 8 in Birthright. Here are some more thorough impressions.

Story: The premise is really excellent on paper. You get to observe two sides of a war from vastly different angles. Both sides are very different yet also have a noticeable number of similarities. I also like the contrast in aesthetics between a dark fantasy evil empire and the Japanese-inspired kingdom. The first six chapters speed by understandably so, but I was impressed at how they made the decision harder than I initially assumed. The Nohr siblings are likeable and their situation is not as one dimensional as it seems. The Hoshido group kind of speeds by too quickly in those first few chapters, which takes some emotional weight out of those scenes. But I suppose it works better with Birthright as you obviously start spending more time with them. There are many directions you can take this story, so I'm interested in seeing how it all plays out.

Changes from Awakening: I really loved Awakening, but I am aware of its faults. There are some small but important changes that already make this game feel very different. Namely the pair-up mechanic. While you were god king of the universe when you paired up in Awakening, it's less so here. Instead of something that's a must, it's now definitely a tactic to think about and use in only certain situations. It also may be because I'm playing on hard, so I can't just steamroll everything. I'm not 100% sure how the dual attack and dual guard mechanics in this game work though. It seems like the more battles you are in with that pair up per map, your chances to do those abilities increase. The new weapon triangle also allows for more interesting match ups. Speaking of weapons, many of them have interesting debuffs or abilities. Some ninjas have this ability where they swap places with you after attacking. This allows them to wombo combo your dumbass halfway across the map. BEWARE.

My Castle: Did you know if you press L you can zoom in and look at stuff in 3D? YOU CAN. Not a lot here, but I like how you can walk around and even change the aesthetics of the place. A good step up from the castle in FEA. I do think it's funny that my army basically has to take shifts working the stores. Am I even paying these people?

Characters: Here are my opinions on the characters thus far.

Corrin: Ballin' ass dragon. He's definitely incredibly strong, but certainly not invincible.

Azura: Pretty much essential. I almost always use her to ensure Corrin gets two turns. I keep calling her "Azula" though.

Felicia: Maid on a mission. She's actually pretty versatile. I'm a bit tired of her moaning sound bites though.

Hana: Speedy samurai. I've been pairing her up with Corrin for a few tryout battles and she does pretty well in that position. Waifu status undetermined.

Subaki: Sumia, but not good. He died in like the first turn in chapter 7.

Silas: He's got a horse. And a javelin! Pretty good thus far.

Saizo: This dude is awesome. He doesn't even need two eyes, that's how rad he is.

Orochi: She's HOT but she lacks power right now. Bring back Tharja.

Kaze: I hated him at first, but grew to like using him. Saizo seems to be certainly superior, but Kaze has a good skill and his speed isn't shabby.

Sakura: I'm trying to like her, but with Felicia on the team she just seems redundant. I've used her in every story battle and she's level 2 right now. TWO.

Rinkah: I'm not sure what to think about her. Her strength growth is bad, but her skill makes her basically a berserker and she has high defense. She saved my ass in the DLC chapter. I don't want to bench her, but I'm not sure where she fits in my team.
Yeeeeeees **** you chapter 10. Finally cleared it without anyone dying. Turn 9 to 11 was intense with multiple fliers just penetrating through, had to shove Azura and my healers in the greenzone. Formed a line of:
Nyx/odin Elise/Azura Selena Zero
MyMU/Felicia Effie/Arthur Silas Camilla/flier

Start of the match, I shove Effie at right bot and she tank with no heal for 8 turns, it was so amazing lol. Effie u da real mvp.

I dstone tank left bot with myMu and Selena and Silas working the top right where the balista was.


You might be able to get through chapter 5. It will be really tough though.

Through Chapter 9 on Birthright, I've only had to talk to people. Although there is no unit you can miss from Chapter 1-6.

I have no idea how. Corrin is the only one who can do damage, and after two turns the dudes with the wyrmslayers get close to me. Even if I kill all the enemies in the upper half part of the screen, the ones below never move until I'm in attack range, and then they gang attack me.


I have no idea how. Corrin is the only one who can do damage, and after two turns the dudes with the wyrmslayers get close to me. Even if I kill all the enemies in the upper half part of the screen, the ones below never move until I'm in attack range, and then they gang attack me.

Yeah, on second thought you might be screwed. Might want to restart.


If people die in 1-6, that counts in the later missions?? Stupid.

Chapter 7
Going into the Forest and Felicia comes and saves me in the cutscene but she's not there during the mission...
I finished an early mission in Conquest and left like 5 enemies and their valuable experience points on the map. Should I stop doing this? Am I already dead?


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
So far I like kaze and his "twin brother" saizo. They look badass, and kaze is so good on the field.

Seriously? How are they twins tho? Also, how does my mom and PA look nothing like me? Lol?

EDIT: And I also like how you can build up "meter" to get that guard rather than it being chance like before. Less stupid. More cool.
If you go to the accessory shop and put Saizo in a towel, it removes his mask and you can see he is identical to Kaze aside from hair color and style.
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