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First Look: CW's Supergirl & Superman Together

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Should've gone with the trunks!

awful photoshop but he will look good in action.


He looks like Superman here

They should've just had him wearing a Superman t-shirt and jeans.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
strafer, nice job. Cavill still looks better lol even with his head just plastered on. CW giving us VampSupes with this photo.


Benoist looked awful in first pictures too. I don't expect a TV show to knock it out the park but lets wait and see for footage. You can't expect an actor to bulk up like Cavill constantly either, he will be fit but not a roid beast.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Is he short or is the picture in op deceiving me?

He's listed at 6ft, could be a little shorter. Which is also why I think they gave him those boot lifts.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
They seem to like it.

Kinda shocked, honestly. Those boards shitted all over Routh (suit did suck) but this photo is even worse than the first Routh photo that was released.


He's listed at 6ft, could be a little shorter. Which is also why I think they gave him those boot lifts.

Has to be smaller. His most forward foot is at level with Melissa's farthest foot. Plus the lifts. You fix those and he looks like he's barely taller than her. 6ft is either a hard oversell or there is some super shitty scaling going on in what is already a bad photoshop.
Who ever made that image and the person in marketing that okayed its release should reprimanded.

Also, if he has any scenes with Jim... James, it's going to look weird because while Hoechlin isn't a small dude Mehcad Brooks is huge and judging from that plane ride video he's got some John Ramsey arms, maybe bigger...
Isn't he too young? I only watched a few episodes but I remember the first episode clearly establishing that Clark was already Superman when she was just a kid. So shouldn't he be in his mid 30s or early 40s?

Should've of just got Welling imo.
Yeah, he's 28 currently playing a character who's like 35 but CW gonna CW and Superman does pretty much stop agiing (or starts to age extremely slow) after he reaches a certain point so it's not that big a deal.

Welling is actually the age Clark is supposed to be, I gave up fighting against this but he really would've been out of place with this show but he did have the size.
I REALLY don't like the Superman suit. Looks bad. Especially that weird belt.

Yeah, the belt looks utterly pointless, unless it's like holding the top and bottom parts of the suit together (which would be dumb) its pointless. They could've found something else to break up the blue long johns. That Nu52 inspired suit makes me miss the trunks.


I'd hate to jump on the wtf wagon, but wtf?!

He looks like he wasn't ready for the pic, and they took it while he was getting ready to pose.
His face, he's not even looking at the camera.. more like the camera man standing behind it.
Stephen Amell looks bigger (muscle-wise) than him. This is supposed to be Superman, not Conner Kent (Luthor/Kal-El clone).
The boots look hilarious. The belt doesn't make sense. The suit isn't terrible, but it isn't good either.
He has the facial structure, eyes and looks to be Superman. I'm not sure what happened here.

He needs to learn the CW stare. Melissa learned it pretty quick


should have just put brandon routh back into the suit, and just handwave any issues with him also playing the atom
should have just put brandon routh back into the suit, and just handwave any issues with him also playing the atom

Earth 4
There, no need to bs on why he is playing two characters.

Would have been fine if it was Routh or Welling. This guy just looks weird.


Why not go for the classic look? Something akin to Alex Ross version. This looks terrible.

Im not too high on the show anyway, but I was hoping this might sway me over.


It's funny how a lot of the same people I keep up with were so excited about Superman coming to the show are now passive about it because the suit is so bad.


Yeah that costume was not fitted to him well... it's pretty unflattering. Design is fine, but he ain't looking great in it.

As posted before, he's a good-looking, well-built dude. Just a really unflattering photo.


Actor seems good for the role but the costume is strangely a cheaper version of the current movie suit. Would've been wiser to emulate a more classic look; be it Donner's or DEAN CAIN.

I dont think I've ever agreed with a single post on Neogaf more in my life.
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