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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Brian Burke punched my mom
Haven't worked my broceps out properly in a looooong time, years... plural, the most I've done recently is a set or two of DB curls or chinups.

Gonna give them a deep burn tonight...deep...burn.

Gonna curl in my squat rack.


Did rows and then neutral grip pullups :/


just to quickly weigh in on the eating thing - I have to eat constantly from when I wake up until I go to sleep. even when I was sedentary I had to, otherwise I'd die from hunger in like an hour. now that I'm working out again and actually doing some cardio, it's amazing how much I eat.


so todays workout went pretty well.
started off with 1.5 miles on the bike. I love this bike. although the part of my leg where the break is/was feels like it's floating away when I pedal haha.

moved onto stretching and some ankle rehab work.

squats - 3x5 @ 135. finally back up to a plate. heck yeah.

supersetted pullups (4x5) and calf raises (4x10 5-count each leg).

supersetted incline db bench (3x5 @ 60s) and bowler squats (3x10 each leg). the squats here were incredibly difficult on my right leg lol. my leg just does not want to support all that weight by itself apparently. it needs to man up.

dips to failure/15 reps max. got 15, 13, 8.

then back on the bike for another 1.5 miles. got home and did some more ankle/leg rehab.

time for a protein shake and playoffs!

sidenote, do you guys think I should be doing more back work than the pullups? I can do bb rows, but my leg shakes nearly uncontrollably and my form is kind of off for now. can't really think of anything else to do besides db rows.

edit: oh and let me just say one more thing. broken leg + squats + leg rehab + stairs = death


Haha. Thanks Franics. I will read it at all.
And it hasn't been ten or twenty. I'm not THAT old.
You are welcome. And lol, didn't mean to imply you were that old! I ripped that phrase from one of the links.
So 5-6 meals might not be gospel anymore but I don't think it hindered results. And results may vary.
This is largely what should be taken from the new rules of nutrition. The old rules aren't gospel - but better yet, we are learning that the reasons some diets worked weren't the same reasons we attributed to them. Multiple meals worked via portion control, for example, rather than some sort of metabolic mechanism.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Cooter lookin' all stacked and shit. Dude, got some sausage?

Go to bread.

Over 200g of carby goodness.

Around 2200 calories with dat Quebec Maple Syrup.


Bro, I try to see how many times I get breath until completion of the lift. PR is a little over 9000.

Damn you fools gonna make me start eating early.

Wife is making beef and broccoli and crab Rangoon right now. Like, right now right now.

too much sausage gives you heart disease

And a case of the gay. Not that that's a bad thing, I love me some sausage. Gimme all the sausage in my mouth.

You think fasting has a positive long term effect on your metabolic rate? Will fasting today for 24 hours mean that nine months from now my metabolism will be improved?
Getting told my words are BS from someone that has just bought his first tub of protein? Confused.

Broscience certified?

Whoa. Ok tell me where I'm wrong then. I'm not going to come in here like a dick and drop my life experience in the fitness/nutrition/supplement industry down on the table and argue. I will gladly bail outta the thread if my advice isn't wanted.
And better yet if what I was saying was incorrect I guess I have some reading to do.


Want some sausage?

Haven't worked my broceps out properly in a looooong time, years... plural, the most I've done recently is a set or two of DB curls or chinups.

Gonna give them a deep burn tonight...deep...burn.

Gonna curl in my squat rack.


Did rows and then neutral grip pullups :/

Dude, record the curls in the squat, gif it with "deal with it" texted in and report back.


Sorry I didn't see your reply. I was more just throwing that out there to see if anyone else took a bite at the question.

My answer is you need to spread those calories out a bit people.
Regardless of how many calories you are trying to eat throughout the day you can't get them all at once. Big difference between eating 25g of protein six times a day and eating 150g of protein in one sitting.
Your stomach has a limited amount of digestive enzymes to break down your food. Too much food at once? Food possibly not fully utilized. Simple as that.
Spread those calories out.

Another thing that is suggested with protein intake is don't have a whole bunch of different protein sources in a single meal. Now you can have several in a shake. I mean the shake itself might use a mix of Whey Isolate, Whey Concentrate, Casein, Milk, Egg and that's fine. But using milk, heavy cream, peanut butter and a powder all in one mix is gonna tax those digestive enzymes and good luck getting your body to break all those down as well as you hoped while mixing it.
People don't sit down and have some chicken, eggs and steak with a side of bison and drink a whey protein shake with it. So don't do the same with your shakes.

Investing in a half decent digestive enzyme supplement wont hurt either. Even if you just pick up some Papaya chewables at your local supp shop they can still help a bit. Also you could start adding a wedge of pineapple to your meals with a big piece of meat to help with protein digestion.

Thanks, buying the ingredients tomorrow and will split the serving in to two.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Dude, record the curls in the squat, gif it with "deal with it" texted in and report back.

Failed and didn't even train them! But that sounds like a plan.

I'd like to get my biceps up to snuff again which should put me at 18" cold. Triceps right now are just overkill and dominate all my pressing movements. :/
Bro, I try to see how many times I get breath until completion of the lift. PR is a little over 9000.

Nice sarcasm. Try saying that to Dave Tate: http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/sports_body_training_performance/the_dead_zone

Mistake #4: Not having enough air in your belly

As with most exercise you must learn how to breathe. Stand in front of a mirror and take a deep breath. Do your shoulders rise? If so, then you need to learn how to breathe. Learn to pull your air into your diaphragm. In other words, use your belly! Pull as much air into your belly as possible, then when you think you have all you can get, pull more. The deadlift isn't started by driving your feet into the floor; it's started by driving your belly into your belt and hips flexors.

One note on holding air while you pull. You do need to try and hold your air as long as possible, but this can only last for a few seconds while under strain because you'll pass out. So for a long pull, you're going to have to breathe or you'll hit the floor and people will stare. While there are several people out there who may think this is a cool thing, I disagree. It's much cooler to make the lift!

So when you reach the point where you begin to really have to fight with the weight, let out small bursts of air. Don't let it all out at one time or you'll lose torso tightness and cause the bar to drop down. By letting out small bursts you can keep your tightness, continue to pull, and lock out the weight.


You hold your breath while the bar is moving.

Be that a squat, press, dead, bench. It's all the same.

This is not up for debate.

You don't slowly exhale when you need to push your car out of the road.

Do it how you'd like, but if you're ever trying to truly max out, holding your breath is the only way to do it.

Alright thanks for clearing that up everyone!
Excuse the shitty quality but I can't seem to take a non-blurry pic (shitty cell phone cameras).


I'm about 3 weeks into my cut, down 3 lbs, and about 2% body fat. Right now I'm sitting at 168.5 lbs, 5'10, 11.5-12% body fat. My top 2 abs and obliques are clearly visible, need to drop another 2-3% to get dem lower abs showing.

I'm also pumped because I hit a new 1RM on OHP yesterday despite being on a cut.

Bench: 265
Deadlift: 375
Squat: 275 (terrible)
OHP: 145 (terrible)

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Nice sarcasm. Try saying that to Dave Tate: http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/sports_body_training_performance/the_dead_zone

Mistake #4: Not having enough air in your belly

As with most exercise you must learn how to breathe. Stand in front of a mirror and take a deep breath. Do your shoulders rise? If so, then you need to learn how to breathe. Learn to pull your air into your diaphragm. In other words, use your belly! Pull as much air into your belly as possible, then when you think you have all you can get, pull more. The deadlift isn't started by driving your feet into the floor; it's started by driving your belly into your belt and hips flexors.

One note on holding air while you pull. You do need to try and hold your air as long as possible, but this can only last for a few seconds while under strain because you'll pass out. So for a long pull, you're going to have to breathe or you'll hit the floor and people will stare. While there are several people out there who may think this is a cool thing, I disagree. It's much cooler to make the lift!

So when you reach the point where you begin to really have to fight with the weight, let out small bursts of air. Don't let it all out at one time or you'll lose torso tightness and cause the bar to drop down. By letting out small bursts you can keep your tightness, continue to pull, and lock out the weight.

The fuck are you talking about? Who the fuck are you talking to?

Donnie, you're out of your element.
Do you guys have any breathing technique suggestions? I've been getting lightheaded after i do heavy sets of power cleans, dls, and pendlay rows. I usually have to finish the last rep and then find a seat immediately to catch my bearings. Maybe something else is causing my lightheadedness, but the only thing i can think of is my breathing.


Excuse the shitty quality but I can't seem to take a non-blurry pic (shitty cell phone cameras).


I'm about 3 weeks into my cut, down 3 lbs, and about 2% body fat. Right now I'm sitting at 168.5 lbs, 5'10, 11.5-12% body fat. My top 2 abs and obliques are clearly visible, need to drop another 2-3% to get dem lower abs showing.

I'm also pumped because I hit a new 1RM on OHP yesterday despite being on a cut.

Bench: 265
Deadlift: 375
Squat: 275 (terrible)
OHP: 145 (terrible)

Looking good man. Congrats on the 1rm...it's not terrible, strength is all relative.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Do you guys have any breathing technique suggestions? I've been getting lightheaded after i do heavy sets of power cleans, dls, and pendlay rows. I usually have to finish the last rep and then find a seat immediately to catch my bearings. Maybe something else is causing my lightheadedness, but the only thing i can think of is my breathing.

Use the valsalva manuver. Take a belly full of air, close your windpipe and try to exhale against it.

I use this for everything even masturbation.
The fuck are you talking about? Who the fuck are you talking to?

Donnie, you're out of your element.

Immort4l's 'yep' was to agree with Mr. Toughpants that you should always hold your breath on a deadlift in response to my viewpoint that it was fine to exhale near lockout. To which you wrote, 'Bro, I try to see how many times I get breath until completion of the lift. My PR is over 9000'.

I'm sorry if I mistook this comment for sarcasm if it was not.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Immort4l's 'yep' was to agree with Mr. Toughpants that you should always hold your breath on a deadlift in response to my viewpoint that it was fine to exhale near lockout. To which you wrote, 'Bro, I try to see how many times I get breath until completion of the lift. My PR is over 9000'.

I'm sorry if I mistook this comment for sarcasm if it was not.

It was a joke. You really think I could deadlift 545 and hold it the entire time? Shit, I even clearly breath at the end in the form of beast growl.

Their points were more to the point that a held breath should be maintained as long as possible I'm sure.

I doubt anyone here is dealing in absolutes. I could be wrong though.

As for your article I'd wager the two guys you're talking to have read it, probably more than once. I think I've read if 5 or so times along with everything else on T-nation/EFTS. Even in that article the breath is still held although a little pressure is released as you near completion. You're not "breathing" (as in for in AND out) as you do the lift.

Also, for shit like multiple reps "puffing" is preferred as opposed to full on breathing.

Now I'm off to go military press like a mother fucking boss. I'm gonna be a rebel and breath too. Try to stop me.
I doubt anyone here is dealing in absolutes. I could be wrong though.

It's not a personal choice. Exhaling while in the middle of the concentric is broscience at its best, and shows a lack of understanding of why we hold our breath in in the first place.

From SS:

"The combined effects of increased lung (intra-thoracic) pressure, intra-abdominal pressure
produced by abdominal muscle contraction, and spinal erector contraction on spinal stability during loading. The Valsalva maneuver increases the ability to produce this pressure and stability. Exhalation during heavy efforts prevents the development of sufficient pressure to stabilize the spine. [...] Best is a big, held breath during a heavy effort.

Conclusion: don' exhale on the way up.

You hold your breath while the bar is moving.

Be that a squat, press, dead, bench. It's all the same.

This is not up for debate.

You don't slowly exhale when you need to push your car out of the road.

Do it how you'd like, but if you're ever trying to truly max out, holding your breath is the only way to do it.

Noema and Veezy were dealing in absolutes though.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Noema and Veezy were dealing in absolutes though.

Noema and Veezy were dealing in absolutes though.

No, you're simply finding fault with their posts. The breath is still held. You're simply letting out puffs. You're not "breathing" (in and out) and you're not doing a "full exhale" and you're definitely still holding your breath.

You're fucking arguing over nit picky shit right now.

OFF TO THE SQUAT RACK! I'll report back with my final 1rm for the week .


No, you're simply finding fault with their posts. The breath is still held. You're simply letting out puffs. You're not "breathing" (in and out) and you're not doing a "full exhale" and you're definitely still holding your breath.

You're fucking arguing over nit picky shit right now.

OFF TO THE SQUAT RACK! I'll report back with my final 1rm for the week .

At Fitgaf no one makes up and kisses. You makeup and squat.
I'm done lifting around 6 and that is when I have a shake with 50gs and a Red Bull. After that I don't eat until about 9:30-10 and I'll eat until about 11:30 and go to bed stuffed. I usually wake up full and not eating all day is really pretty easy. Repeat, repeat, repeat! That's about it.

Awesome progress man you look great!
Do your body a solid though and cut that BS chemical dump of a energy drink out of your routine.


So does anyone have experience with getting extremely sick after having lifted regularly for over a year? I went to Cancun and came back with a really bad GI virus.

I've been sick for about two months now and I'm down almost 15 pounds. I'm wondering how much of that has been muscle mass? Because I only feel slightly thinner, but not very much. Am I going to lose all of my gains from the past year :( just from not being able to work out or eat enough for 7 or 8 weeks or will I be able to rebound pretty quick? I'm planning to start heading back to the gym in the next week or two.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Awesome progress man you look great!
Do your body a solid though and cut that BS chemical dump of a energy drink out of your routine.
I sell it for a living. Not gonna happen man. One after you lift is just fine! :) I need sugar anyway.


good credit (by proxy)
I've lost around 13 lbs. I don't think I get how to use these bodyfat calipers...

If I'm not fucking it up I'm at an estimated 21% bodyfat at 250lbs. I guess I have like 30 more lbs to go :((((
You think fasting has a positive long term effect on your metabolic rate? Will fasting today for 24 hours mean that nine months from now my metabolism will be improved?

Getting told my words are BS from someone that has just bought his first tub of protein? Confused.

Good for you! I'm glad you were able to go through my post history and find something to discredit me. I'll make sure not to question your authority again.

Now I personally don't see how the fact I get the vast majority of my protein from food rather than powder is relevant, but you said it so it must be. I hope the discussion that ensued with several people who have bought more than 1 tub of protein chiming in has helped.

I've got another tub of protein coming in the mail soon so hopefully I can sit at the adult table when that arrives.

After a year of decadence, lethargy, and alcoholism I've decided to get back into the game GAF.

I found a boutique gym that is entirely based on your own body (no machines, even the treadmill is a manual one).

My first day I injured my knee... but regardless of that I was wondering if anyone had any suggested "I want to push myself until I collapse" workouts to get back into the burn. I have a bad shoulder so I became pretty reliant on machines the last time around.

I don't have any suggestions but just wanted to say good on you for making the effort again and good luck.

All I know is that I have worked with several athletes that have gone on to great success following the basic feeding schedule of at least 5-6 meals per day.

Success is not isolated to a single influencing factor of training and nutrition, but if one of those factors were completely broken I believe success wouldn't happened at all.
So 5-6 meals might not be gospel anymore but I don't think it hindered results. And results may vary.

Sounds like correlation not causation. Do you believe that those athletes wouldn't have been just as successful if they had used IF or only eaten 3 meals a day? IF or doing anything (logical) other than 6 meals a day doesn't break the nutrition factor.

No one is saying 6 meals a day hinders results just that it's not essential as you were claiming. If it's not necessary, eating that often can be an inconvenience in many people's lives.

Why bother when eating less or doing IF has shown the same results or as many people have demonstrated, even better results.


check out the new basketball court my gym just got. they added the college 3 point line as well as the NBA sized paint. pretty dope.

Nice court, I've always wanted to play on a floor that has the NBA line just to see how accurate I am from that range.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Are you maried? If so how does she take it you never eating dinner with her?
Yes I am. She usually doesn't eat dinner either. We fix dinner for our 3 kids and they eat together. Half the time she's at work during dinner anyway.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Excuse the shitty quality but I can't seem to take a non-blurry pic (shitty cell phone cameras).


I'm about 3 weeks into my cut, down 3 lbs, and about 2% body fat. Right now I'm sitting at 168.5 lbs, 5'10, 11.5-12% body fat. My top 2 abs and obliques are clearly visible, need to drop another 2-3% to get dem lower abs showing.

I'm also pumped because I hit a new 1RM on OHP yesterday despite being on a cut.

Bench: 265
Deadlift: 375
Squat: 275 (terrible)
OHP: 145 (terrible)[/QUOTE]

Those numbers aren't terrible, ohp is almost bw which is very good.


Damn, can't wait to see the video Shogun.

My ankle is healing surprisingly faster than expected. I took the aircast off today to take a shower and decided to leave it off after being able to put most of my weight on it.

I have fire practice tomorrow morning and I'm pretty excited to see where I am and when I can start weightlifting again.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
So here's the 3 videos for military press starting at 225lbs. At 229 body weight.

I didn't really notice how much my delts/traps stick out until these videos, even in that picture I took a few weeks ago. Also, dem calves. ;)




Absolutely had to stop there. Wrists and front delts were still wrecked from Tuesday's Bench 1RM checks. I'm more than happy with 245 though.

Damn, can't wait to see the video Shogun.

My ankle is healing surprisingly faster than expected. I took the aircast off today to take a shower and decided to leave it off after being able to put most of my weight on it.

I have fire practice tomorrow morning and I'm pretty excited to see where I am and when I can start weightlifting again.

Well, that's good news for sure!


Steroid Distributor
Good for you! I'm glad you were able to go through my post history and find something to discredit me. I'll make sure not to question your authority again.

Now I personally don't see how the fact I get the vast majority of my protein from food rather than powder is relevant, but you said it so it must be. I hope the discussion that ensued with several people who have bought more than 1 tub of protein chiming in has helped.

I've got another tub of protein coming in the mail soon so hopefully I can sit at the adult table when that

Hey just wanted to make a public apology here. I sent a pm as well man.
Sorry Rooster. I over reacted to your comments. I had other stuff going in this morning and was actually pissed that the genuine effort I had put into that post was laughed at.
I took the low road. Which normally isn't me.
I usually don't retaliate.

I don't enjoy my knowledge or qualifications being challenged so easily and took offense to it. Just like you didn't like me inferring that your opinion didn't matter because you had just bought your first protein powder.

I didn't make my points from some condescending mantle. I was just trying to help with something I felt I knew enough about to assist with.
And If I had come in here and bashed one way of eating and then preached my own feelings on the subject I could understand the laughing gifs and being told my words were BS. I would have deserved it even.

You ask if my athletes would have similar results with different eating schedules. Maybe. Maybe not. No way to know. No way to control that study. But the athletes had success, so it's reasonable to think that their diet assisted them more than it hindered them. And they are far enough into their careers now and still having success that's it unlikely that they would change now. And they have continued to get better as time goes on so its part of that if it ain't broke don't fix it thing.

I'm going to read and get into the whole IF principles so I understand them better. I'm not one to shy away from new knowledge.

Did Truelize have that tag a few hours ago? lol

Yeah for a couple of years now man. I'm not one though.
I explained it a couple of pages ago if you care to jump back. It was funny to the mod that gave it to me.


Hey just wanted to make a public apology here. I sent a pm as well man.
Sorry Rooster. I over reacted to your comments. I had other stuff going in this morning and was actually pissed that the genuine effort I had put into that post was laughed at.
I took the low road. Which normally isn't me.
I usually don't retaliate.

I don't enjoy my knowledge or qualifications being challenged so easily and took offense to it. Just like you didn't like me inferring that your opinion didn't matter because you had just bought your first protein powder.

I didn't make my points from some condescending mantle. I was just trying to help with something I felt I knew enough about to assist with.
And If I had come in here and bashed one way of eating and then preached my own feelings on the subject I could understand the laughing gifs and being told my words were BS. I would have deserved it even.

You ask if my athletes would have similar results with different eating schedules. Maybe. Maybe not. No way to know. No way to control that study. But the athletes had success, so it's reasonable to think that their diet assisted them more than it hindered them. And they are far enough into their careers now and still having success that's it unlikely that they would change now. And they have continued to get better as time goes on so its part of that if it ain't broke don't fix it thing.

I'm going to read and get into the whole IF principles so I understand them better. I'm not one to shy away from new knowledge.

There's also no way to know if you may have hindered them, and they might have had more success with something different.

More than likely though results would have been similar in that regard.


Steroid Distributor
There's also no way to know if you may have hindered them, and they might have had more success with something different.

More than likely though results would have been similar in that regard.

Well from their succes we should be able to say that it didn't hinder them more than it helped. Their body composition changed dramatically as did their strength and performance.

We don't know how they would have done in comparison to IF though. You are right.
It's likely gonna be a long time before a nutrition method like this is full endorsed by the athletic community.
But people thought I was out of my mind when I told them to not do more than 6 reps per set and never train to failure. So who knows what will be accepted by many 10 years from now.
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