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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Also, I should probably introduce myself. I've been lifting for awhile, currently on a cut. 5'5, 158, BP max is 275, squat max is 315, DL max is 345 on trap bar and 255 on straight bar, happy lifting!

Beast numbers. Why the massive discrepancy between trap-bar deads and conventional, if you don't mind me asking?

Chris R

It comes out to 15 bucks a box give or take some cents based on varying state taxes.

What flavor did you get abuC?

Mine ended up costing 16.70. Going to grab two more dozen, just wish the flavor variety was a bit better. Yes chocolate brownie is damn tasty but I want to try some of the other flavors, but GNC just doesn't carry them


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Anybody here do body weight only? I notice that free weight fitness seems to dominate the discussion here; anyone have a badass calisthenic routine that they swear by? I'm currently training in this area with Niroc; trying to get those muscle ups going, but I'm still a little too heavy and a little too weak in the shoulders to pull it off.
I don't do a lot of body weight stuff but I do incorporate muscles ups into my weekly routine! Love em


I don't do a lot of body weight stuff but I do incorporate muscles ups into my weekly routine! Love em

I tried doing those for the first time last week! I can't get them every time, but I'm getting the hang of it and can manage it maybe 1 for every 3 attempts.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I tried doing those for the first time last week! I can't get them every time, but I'm getting the hang of it and can manage it maybe 1 for every 3 attempts.
Much of it is getting correct form. If you can do one then you should start increasing that rather quickly with regular practice.

It's good abuC! Don't expect a baby ruth but for what you get it's an unmatched ratio of taste and nutrition!


Chocolate chip cookie dough, if it's good I'm going all out with the Petrie coupon!

Maybe this coupon will finally get me a Tag, seems to be catching on!

The cookie dough are so damn good. Plan to grab another box of those and one more PBJ tomorrow, then I'll branch out on varieties going forward for a bit.

Everyone from my workplace has been buying them now too. I'm making Quest a shitload of money, but I do not work for them. Promise.

It's good abuC! Don't expect a baby ruth but for what you get it's an unmatched ratio of taste and nutrition!

Yeah I brought one to a friend at the gym and he's like "yeah it's ok, like any other candy bar". For some reason despite him being crazy about nutrition, the significance of this fitting perfectly into anyone's diet and macros was lost on him. Made me sad.


First time dead lifting in about 2 months last night. Been waiting on my back to heal. I didn't plan on doing it so I didn't bring chalk or anything unfortunately.

8 x 185
6 x 225
5 x 315
5 x 365
2 x 405
10 x 315

I took it easy. I know I could have gotten several more reps with 405 but its still way off frommy best. I want to take it easy and make sure my back can handle it.

I ended up with a weird pain in my left back by my hip but its gone today and no problems with my disk. I'm still wary though. Not sure if I'll start squatting this week.

Gonna take things sloooow

I think I need to find a good back stretching/mobility routine. It always feels so stiff and tight. I think that's why I keep reaggravating it.
The issue for me is that I am not used to/good with any sort of explosive movement. It's really good in that regard.
Yeah, I'm not exploding at the top like I should. That push with the shoulders and forearms fails me if I don't initially raise up at least chest high, and I'm trying to do them without kipping. I think it's more of a mental barrier for me than anything, due to a shoulder injury a year ago.
Solid PR today on bench: 290x1. Pretty stoked, and I think it was thanks to a recommendation from a friend. For 5/3/1 Bench, I was supposed to do:


Work sets

However, a friend of mine (Jacob Cloud, the guy who edits 70sbig.com now that Justin is away) has been training another buddy whose bench used to be weaker than mine. However, his bench is now close to 315, mostly due to this change to help him get used to heavier weight. Instead of my usual, I did:


Work sets

Weight went up with barely a stall. Keep in mind this is also with me 5 pounds lighter than I was last week (due to travel), and when I did 285x1, it was slow going.

A single set isn't quite enough to convince me that it was purely the cause--my form was also on point and it was the first time I wore squat shoes to bench in, which helped my foot position--but I may even try it with squats and deads.

I think Jacob is posting an article about it (the method, not me) tomorrow on 70's Big, too. Hoping this can at least help my dead finally get to 500. A previous training partner thought my limiter was my nervous system not being used to max effort weight, too.


Junior Member
Yeah, I'm not exploding at the top like I should. That push with the shoulders and forearms fails me if I don't initially raise up at least chest high, and I'm trying to do them without kipping. I think it's more of a mental barrier for me than anything, due to a shoulder injury a year ago.

Yeah, I'm in the same boat. Started doing some weighted pull-ups and dips to try and get a dead hang muscle-up because I've seen way too many people snap their shit up doing kipping muscle-ups.

On a side note, I let my competitiveness get the best of me and decided to max my overhead squat again today after my buddy bested me last night. Got 246# today, enough for a one pound victory. Feelsgoodman.
This will be my major form of cardio this year.
I absolutely love handball; used to dominate and win tourneys back in my day. It's a wonderful way to stay in shape; I wish people played more often at the parks like the old days. Highland Park and West 4th St. Park were my second homes in the summer.


Okay so I was doing bench today and noticed I have difficulty pulling the bar put.
I take a power lifting stance, back arched with my shoulders tucked, and as I pull the bar out I have to lift up and my shoulders are brought back into the movement. This of course throws me all off.
Any side exercises I should do to fix this?
Okay so I was doing bench today and noticed I have difficulty pulling the bar put.
I take a power lifting stance, back arched with my shoulders tucked, and as I pull the bar out I have to lift up and my shoulders are brought back into the movement. This of course throws me all off.
Any side exercises I should do to fix this?

I think I may be misunderstanding, but it sounds like you just have it set too low on the bench pins/rack.
Go to Orchard Beach, nothing but Boriquas playing handball.
Yeah, I used to play there. it's a little out of the way for me now, so I play on Stillwell by Coney Island. The money games are brutal; that shit's a job for some over there. Got beat 21-19 by a 55 year old white dude who was jacked!

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Solid PR today on bench: 290x1. Pretty stoked, and I think it was thanks to a recommendation from a friend. For 5/3/1 Bench, I was supposed to do:


Work sets

However, a friend of mine (Jacob Cloud, the guy who edits 70sbig.com now that Justin is away) has been training another buddy whose bench used to be weaker than mine. However, his bench is now close to 315, mostly due to this change to help him get used to heavier weight. Instead of my usual, I did:


Work sets

Weight went up with barely a stall. Keep in mind this is also with me 5 pounds lighter than I was last week (due to travel), and when I did 285x1, it was slow going.

A single set isn't quite enough to convince me that it was purely the cause--my form was also on point and it was the first time I wore squat shoes to bench in, which helped my foot position--but I may even try it with squats and deads.

I think Jacob is posting an article about it (the method, not me) tomorrow on 70's Big, too. Hoping this can at least help my dead finally get to 500. A previous training partner thought my limiter was my nervous system not being used to max effort weight, too.

I actually had a post about this a while back. I think last week actually regarding the necessity of doing maximal/near maximal weight to get stronger instead of simply relying on rep maxes. I also brought up using the trick that you unrack and hold a weight heavier than your 1RM then re-rack and drop the weight down. Now whatever you use will feel lighter.

Anyway, yeah, if you want to increase maximal strength at some point you're going to need to/should do some maximal /near maximal work.

Here's the post actually.


The "over 1RM trick" thing was quite a few weeks ago I think and I don't wanna go looking for it.

Okay so I was doing bench today and noticed I have difficulty pulling the bar put.
I take a power lifting stance, back arched with my shoulders tucked, and as I pull the bar out I have to lift up and my shoulders are brought back into the movement. This of course throws me all off.
Any side exercises I should do to fix this?

Build your back and lats.


I think I may be misunderstanding, but it sounds like you just have it set too low on the bench pins/rack.

No it's at max height. I tuck my shoulders so I don't use them, this has eliminated shoulder soreness as well as allowing me to remain tight.
The issue I'm having- I hope this is clearer-is with heavier weights causing my shoulders to come untucked and throwing off my form.
I notice this by the bar being raised higher than I would like when I unrack it; my arms are basically fully extended upwards with the bar at that point.

AlienShogun said:
Build your back and lats.

Pendlays or cleans? I already do weighted pulls at 55 lbs, with dumbells though, vests are expensive.
No it's at max height. I tuck my shoulders so I don't use them, this has eliminated shoulder soreness as well as allowing me to remain tight.
The issue I'm having- I hope this is clearer-is with heavier weights causing my shoulders to come untucked and throwing off my form.
I notice this by the bar being raised higher than I would like when I unrack it; my arms are basically fully extended upwards with the bar at that point.

Sorry, I actually meant to write the opposite--it sounds like the bar is set too high, so that merely extending your arms isn't enough to get it unracked.

However, Shogun has a good point. Back/lat strength (and size, to an extent) can be critical to building a solid bench base. I personally love Kroc Rows. They do a lot for my grip and upper back strength.

I actually had a post about this a while back. I think last week actually regarding the necessity of doing maximal/near maximal weight to get stronger instead of simply relying on rep maxes. I also brought up using the trick that you unrack and hold a weight heavier than your 1RM then re-rack and drop the weight down. Now whatever you use will feel lighter.

Anyway, yeah, if you want to increase maximal strength at some point you're going to need to/should do some maximal /near maximal work.

Here's the post actually.


The "over 1RM trick" thing was quite a few weeks ago I think and I don't wanna go looking for it.

Bingo. I think not working near maximal weight is one of the blind spots of 5/3/1. I absolutely get that working with rep maxes is effective for a lot of people, but for me, I need a bit more to build up absolute strength.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Sorry, I actually meant to write the opposite--it sounds like the bar is set too high, so that merely extending your arms isn't enough to get it unracked.

However, Shogun has a good point. Back/lat strength (and size, to an extent) can be critical to building a solid bench base. I personally love Kroc Rows. They do a lot for my grip and upper back strength.

Bingo. I think not working near maximal weight is one of the blind spots of 5/3/1. I absolutely get that working with rep maxes is effective for a lot of people, but for me, I need a bit more to build up absolute strength.

That's why every cycle I at least throw in "heavy singles" with the training max.

Pendlays or cleans? I already do weighted pulls at 55 lbs, with dumbells though, vests are expensive.

If it works back do it. I do a ton of shit, stuff I don't even list in my log.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Reliving the days of carrying a full MOLLE pack eh? Is the weight vest for agility training?

It can be, when I strap it down it doesn't go anywhere.

And yeah, basically going to be doing some very, very low millage "ruck marches" with gear that evenly distributes the weight.

Probably won't ever go more than 2 miles with it.


It can be, when I strap it down it doesn't go anywhere.

And yeah, basically going to be doing some very, very low millage "ruck marches" with gear that evenly distributes the weight.

Probably won't ever go more than 2 miles with it.

Nice, are there a lot of hills in your area?


It can be, when I strap it down it doesn't go anywhere.

And yeah, basically going to be doing some very, very low millage "ruck marches" with gear that evenly distributes the weight.

Probably won't ever go more than 2 miles with it.

This reminds me, I need to figure out what the foreign legion does for their stuff when I go to apply. Any idea how I should be training for cardio? It's basic military stuff across the lines probably; what's a ruck march?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
This reminds me, I need to figure out what the foreign legion does for their stuff when I go to apply. Any idea how I should be training for cardio?

Start running and when you think you've run enough. Run some more. When I was in the military running was everything. I doubt that's changed any.

Edit: Good time to post this.\

Running me.


Lifting me.



Gabriel Knight
So I finally bought a box of quest bars

Chocolate chip cookie dough and for an all protein no sugar type of bar, I must say its pretty good

I even used the coupon from here - thinking about buying another box tomorrow


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Did yours really go away? I have the same issue in my right wrist. Can't curl or make corkscrew motion and have to constantly pop it. I've had this since August. I got a cortisone shot in October. it went away but the pain came back worse than ever in January. I've been wearing a splint and icing to no avail. I finally went to a doctor and got an MRI. He said he sees inflammation, nothing else. I even had my first go of physical therapy today where they told me nothing I didn't already know or try to do to promote healing. Do you have any other advice. I'm so sick of living with this. I did stop lifting for 2 months back in November but since the pain came back I've just adjusted my lifts. No more curls or super wide pull-ups. Really don't want to take more time off.

All I can say is this:

I injured my wrist falling back in December. Was stubborn and never got it checked out, despite feeling pain during certain movements (like push-ups, handstands, chest press, etc.). After three months I finally decided to go to the doctor because I was sick of limiting myself to only a few exercises. X-ray and MRI showed I had no broken bones, fractures or tears. Doctor gave me a brace to wear for two weeks until mid-April. Pain persisted, so I continued wearing one for two more weeks, albeit a bit less. Would apply an ice pack to the area once or twice a day.

Anyway, my last appointment was a couple days ago, marking a full month since I began resting my hand, but I'm back to doing push-ups. Nothing intensive yet, but I no longer feel pain in certain positions like I did before, so yeah, it's looking good so far. Of course the pain can always come back, but for now I feel like I've made some progress.

Good luck, man, I know how frustrating this particular injury is. You take for granted how many exercises actually involved a fully functional, strong wrist.


Yeah, I used to play there. it's a little out of the way for me now, so I play on Stillwell by Coney Island. The money games are brutal; that shit's a job for some over there. Got beat 21-19 by a 55 year old white dude who was jacked!

Yeah the viejos are serious about their handball, seems like great exercise though.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Schattenjäger;55361896 said:
So I finally bought a box of quest bars

Chocolate chip cookie dough and for an all protein no sugar type of bar, I must say its pretty good

I even used the coupon from here - thinking about buying another box tomorrow

I'm starting to feel guilty about all these quest posts so I will also give anan update on how my cut is going. Let's get the important topic over with first! Apple pie is very good! These bars are remarkable. No joke.

As far as my mission to get abs in 2 to 3 weeks... It's pretty much done and it took 16 days. It is very rewarding accomplishing a goal even if it's an insignificant and meaningless goal such as my dumb ass getting a defined stomach! I snapped a pic today but I think I will wait another day or two until I post the finished product here.


I hate cardio. there was a time when I was a skinny twig running upwards of 100 miles a week but I don't know if I can go back that. Damn this world.
Apologies if this is a stupid question. Can anyone recommend a skipping rope that isn't made of leather? Failing that is there anything worth considering in my purchase? I've read that getting a weighted one might be worthwhile.

Looking to complement my back exercises/yoga with a different kind of exercise. Too lazy to go running too broke for the pool.
I've come to the conclusion that I will probably never really be happy with my body.... Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

I would imagine a lot of people here feel the same way. When I'm cutting I feel small, and when I'm bulking I feel fat : /


I've come to the conclusion that I will probably never really be happy with my body.... Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

I would imagine a lot of people here feel the same way. When I'm cutting I feel small, and when I'm bulking I feel fat : /

It's all between your ears.


I've come to the conclusion that I will probably never really be happy with my body.... Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

I would imagine a lot of people here feel the same way. When I'm cutting I feel small, and when I'm bulking I feel fat : /

I know that feel. I was looking at myself in the morning and I looked so flat...to my credit I wasn't carbed up and was very depleted, natty problems I guess. Going to the gym and seeing people bulked up sometimes makes me want to just stop my cut. But you gotta commit to one or the other for any given period, otherwise you're just half stepping, shuffling around aimlessly.


Body dysmorphia is a bitch.


Apologies if this is a stupid question. Can anyone recommend a skipping rope that isn't made of leather? Failing that is there anything worth considering in my purchase? I've read that getting a weighted one might be worthwhile.

Looking to complement my back exercises/yoga with a different kind of exercise. Too lazy to go running too broke for the pool.

The ones I like use cables. http://www.buyjumpropes.net/Ultra_Speed_Cable_Jump_Ropes_p/006ultraspeedcablejump rop.htm


Anyone in here doing convict conditioning? I would love to read some stories about your improvements and (possible) plateaus. I was doing quite well in it, then I had a stomach sickness that lasted for a week, followed by a week of semi-fasting, and well, it set my progress back for at least a month or possibly two.

I was planning to start doing one-handed pushups (correctly, with form, not like a worm!) by june. Now it might be a bit later, but definitely in the summer.


Saw this on Reddit, what this girl does is insane. Holy moly.


Also, I'm sure you could get a lot of...mileage out of it.

Also, I should probably introduce myself. I've been lifting for awhile, currently on a cut. 5'5, 158, BP max is 275, squat max is 315, DL max is 345 on trap bar and 255 on straight bar, happy lifting!

Another reason why pole dancing NEEDS to be an Olympic sport.
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