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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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While "doing cf" my squat 200->300, deadlift 315->450, couldn't do a pull-up at all -> 18 dead hang, never done Olympic lifts before -> snatch 192, clean and jerk 242, 7 minute mile -> 5:22 mile. I'm not a super strong dude but I can definitively say I've gotten stronger doing cf.

I like this post. Not that I think crossfit is ideal personally, but I'm glad to hear success stories.


Anybody have this book:


I picked it up about 6 years ago, its how I got into weight lifting and has some really good info in it.


Junior Member
Anybody have this book:


I picked it up about 6 years ago, its how I got into weight lifting and has some really good info in it.

Yeah, I love that book. I had no idea you were supposed to round your upper back when doing sit-ups. Good shit.

Also Kelly Starrett's book is finally out. I should have a copy in the next few days.


Szu, have you ever needed to kick someone in the face, and if you did was their head still attached to their body after?

Believe it or not, yes I have. The goal was to do it and keep his head attached to his body.

Here's proof.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Szu said:
Thanks a lot, I'm glad to be of service.

As for the answer to how many years, your number was "close", but it's missing the digit "1".

I've been lifting for 12+ years.

That's some beautiful thing. How long did it take for you to settle in to that workout? I'm starting from scratch and know I have a year of working humbly before I can get happening. I just use you as a long term goal, very inspiring.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
While "doing cf" my squat 200->300, deadlift 315->450, couldn't do a pull-up at all -> 18 dead hang, never done Olympic lifts before -> snatch 192, clean and jerk 242, 7 minute mile -> 5:22 mile. I'm not a super strong dude but I can definitively say I've gotten stronger doing cf.
Every single word you posted is great! Way to work hard. My point is in 2 years that isn't necessarily efficient progress. With serious weight training your progress would be greater. The running part is simply a matter of repetition and can be accomplished while on a more productive weight training program. I think it comes down to people enjoying the culture of crossfit which is fine but realize there are more efficient ways to achieve the goals you desire.

And this wraps up my discussing of crossfit.


Junior Member
Every single word you posted is great! Way to work hard. My point is in 2 years that isn't necessarily efficient progress. With serious weight training your progress would be greater. The running part is simply a matter of repetition and can be accomplished while on a more productive weight training program. I think it comes down to people enjoying the culture of crossfit which is fine but realize there are more efficient ways to achieve the goals you desire.

And this wraps up my discussing of crossfit.

I'm conflicted. I agree with you wholeheartedly but if I hadn't joined a cf gym I probably wouldn't have ever done a squat or a deadlift and I sure as shit never would have done any Olympic weightlifting. It opened my eyes that those things were out there.


That's some beautiful thing. How long did it take for you to settle in to that workout? I'm starting from scratch and know I have a year of working humbly before I can get happening. I just use you as a long term goal, very inspiring.

No problem, I think I settled into this type of workout split after about 3 years. Let me say, I wish I was on an online forum such as this when I started. It would have saved me quite a bit of time. I truly believe you're in a better place and better state of mind than I was during my first year.

To put this into perspective, this was pretty much my routine for most of my first year.

Any random day - Chest & Shoulders
Cardio - Walk for 15 mins
Chest machine - 4x12 (I don't remember the weight, but it was nothing special.)
Incline chest machine - 4x12
Shoulder machine press - 4x12
Lateral machine raises - 4x12

Another random day - Legs
Leg Press machine - 4x12
Leg extensions - 4x12
Hamstring curls - 4x12
Calves raises - 4x12
No cardio because my legs were too tired

Random day #54622 - Back
Cardio - Walk
As many pull-ups as I could do
Pull-down machine - 4x12
Chin-down machine - 4x12
Cable rows - 4x12

Random day, again - Arms (only day that I actually used weights)
Bicep curl - 4x12
Preacher curl - 4x12
Tricep extensions - 4x12

The Chef

I'm conflicted. I agree with you wholeheartedly but if I hadn't joined a cf gym I probably wouldn't have ever done a squat or a deadlift and I sure as shit never would have done any Olympic weightlifting. It opened my eyes that those things were out there.

Got to talkin with a guy at my gym recently and he was kinda in the same boat. CF got him him into fitness but, as he said, it only took him so far so he decided to defect to Gold's.

edit: I just wolfed down 2 McGriddles....uh god these are amazing and horrible at the same time.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I will say that even though we share the same splits Szu it looks like you do about 3 times the work I do! How long are you at the gym? My chest/bi day consists of flat bench ss with BB curls 10,8,6,4 and incline bench ss with hammers 10,8,6,4. I can crank it out in 45 minutes if I had to.


I will say that even though we share the same splits Szu it looks like you do about 3 times the work I do! How long are you at the gym? My chest/bi day consists of flat bench ss with BB curls 10,8,6,4 and incline bench ss with hammers 10,8,6,4. I can crank it out in 45 minutes if I had to.

I usually spend about 60-80 minutes depending the amount of people who have to share equipment with me.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
2 months for $1 is a dream -if- they have a squat rack.
I pay $7.50/mo for a 1 squat rack gym. Cheap and close to my house.

Geez, I hope you guys realize how lucky you are. The only gyms here with actual weight equipment (i.e. more than some machines) cost anywhere from $80-$200/mo. Feels like this stuff is only attainable if you're making really good money, which I most certainly do not.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Some dickhead in the gym today playing "personal trainer." Went up to two women and tried to give them tips, then gave them a "lecture" when they gave him attitude. Went on about how he only does bodyweight reps now and that he can do 225lb bench for 30 and that's equal to 405 bench. I really, REALLY had to bite my tongue. He started to walk over to me as I banged out 420lbs for 8 on deadlift and I gave him the death stare, so he walked off.

Fuck people like that.

You make good points Shogun but I refuse to not pass negative judgment on a program that promotes doing compound exercises for time. Yes, getting out and exercising is better than sitting on your couch but not if that exercise carries a high likelihood of injury.

And no way you're getting as strong as you are now doing crossfit! Not happening. It's ok to admit certain ways to train are better than others.

EDIT: Shit Szu, you pair the same muscles as I do. I knew there was a reason I liked you! ;)

The thing is, like anything, it's up to you to be "honest."

You can do a bunch of bullshit reps (and risk injury) to hit that new AMRAP PR, or you can do it correctly for time. Again, this goes with anything. Just like people posting HORRIBLE form "pr" lifts and "counting them" as real lifts. Granted, form WILL break down at a 1RM attempt, but it's clear when it's "too much" especially if you're not doing full ROM.

Also, I never said I'd get stronger doing Crossfit, but that's exactly my point. Not everyone's goal is to get strong as shit. Some people want to be as "Crossfit" as possible.


Geez, I hope you guys realize how lucky you are. The only gyms here with actual weight equipment (i.e. more than some machines) cost anywhere from $80-$200/mo. Feels like this stuff is only attainable if you're making really good money, which I most certainly do not.

It's barebones...that's for sure.

I consider myself a beginner lifter until I can string together AT LEAST a full year of lifting uninterrupted and if I outgrow it then I'll go somewhere more serious, but until now I haven't earned a damn thing except a few pounds lost and some muscle.


Some dickhead in the gym today playing "personal trainer." Went up to two women and tried to give them tips, then gave them a "lecture" when they gave him attitude. Went on about how he only does bodyweight reps now and that he can do 225lb bench for 30 and that's equal to 405 bench. I really, REALLY had to bite my tongue. He started to walk over to me as I banged out 420lbs for 8 on deadlift and I gave him the death stare, so he walked off.

Fuck people like that.

I just imagined this guy with the hair flipped on top.
My work gives out free 24 Hour Fitness memberships. Good to any gym in Colorado. I go to a Super Sport and it is really nice.

That being said, all the gyms are the same with one power rack and one squat rack.



Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun


Neo Member
Thanks for the critique guys, I appreciate it.

It's funny everyone keeps saying something about the shoes because this morning before I hit the gym I thought about going barefoot, but I don't know how clean the floor is. Guess I'll just have to deal with some socks getting dirty. lol

The Chef

OH MY...look what just arrived from GNC...

Don't see my gold card tho...maybe it gets mailed separately.

If I cant swap out the chocolate-peanutbutter ones I bought yesterday for a better flavor Im basically going to be putting my bars in my Vitamix to make them easier to consume.


I finally got a box of Quest bars from a local place. Assorted flavours I picked myself, no cookie dough flavour though. :'(


Steroid Distributor
Eh, this shit comes up all the time on bb.com Countless debates with people posting articles and anecdotal stories of knee injuries backed by broscience.

In terms of actual anatomical structure, there's science supporting the theory that when you overlap your toes it stresses the ACL. Henceforth why catchers in baseball typically stop catching into their 30's due to the stress on their knees. See position changes; Joe Mauer (who still catches occasionally).

I think you guys went too deep with my question. I was just asking your personal opinions.

First off it isn't bioscience. That word seems to bet thrown around way too much. And it's not the ACL that is known to have issues. It is stress on the patella tendon and the cartilage that is on the back of the kneecap itself.
The cartilage on the kneecap can get fissures over time and becomes inflamed. Increasing pressure in the knee as the knee cap is being pushed farther out than normal. This stresses the patella tendon.
The surgery to repair these fissures SUCKS.
The ACL is injured when the lower leg and the upper leg rotate in different directions. Nothing is impossible but the odds of suffering an ACL injury while performing squats is extremely low. Like as close to unlikely as possible.


Steroid Distributor
No clue how that double post happened. Only hit post once.

I am still wondering opinions about the mixed grip that so many of these people are using in the Crossfit videos. Confuses me that people are being taught this grip (assuming someone is teaching this).


OH MY...look what just arrived from GNC...


Don't see my gold card tho...maybe it gets mailed separately.


Got two boxes myself yesterday, a long with the gold card. I got two discounts but could have gotten three with that $10 off coupon going around. The employee was amazed how much money I saved. I basically got the 2nd box for free or something.

So beautiful

By far, the best flavor. I agree with the rest of FitnessGAF. Tastes like chocolate chip cookie dough!

So.. Quest Bars from my ranking (not a connoisseur, I've only had like 8? flavors)

1) Chocolate Chip Cooking Dough
2) Peanut Butter Surpreme
3) Vanilla Almond Crunch

The rest are bleh. I was hoping Cinnamon Roll would be spectacular but it's 'OK'. (Sorry Cooter)
Strawberry Cheesecake sounds fantastic but it's also just 'OK'. (Sorry Sean)

Edit: I have not tried the infamous PB&J but I don't like that flavor in the first place.


I think you guys went too deep with my question. I was just asking your personal opinions.

First off it isn't bioscience. That word seems to bet thrown around way too much. And it's not the ACL that is known to have issues. It is stress on the patella tendon and the cartilage that is on the back of the kneecap itself.
The cartilage on the kneecap can get fissures over time and becomes inflamed. Increasing pressure in the knee as the knee cap is being pushed farther out than normal. This stresses the patella tendon.
The surgery to repair these fissures SUCKS.
The ACL is injured when the lower leg and the upper leg rotate in different directions. Nothing is impossible but the odds of suffering an ACL injury while performing squats is extremely low. Like as close to unlikely as possible.

ACL replacement guy here...

It's pretty much as you say...I tore my ACL playing baseball when I went to catch a pop-fly/linedrive and overshot it running at full speed.

I dug my cleat into the turf but my body momentum kept going and I basically contorted my lower leg in a different direction as my upper leg. I heard two loud pops and was down on the turf writhing in pain and on the verge of throwing up while being called a pussy by everyone on my team (lol).

The ACL is the tendon that provides stability when doing pivotal motions. The surgery is elective but recommended if you want to play sports again or live an active lifestyle. The fact is you can pretty much run and walk in a straight line unimpeded without an ACL, but after my swelling went down and I did some pre-hab, doing simple tasks such as turning a corner in a hallway my knee would buckle.

To further my experience, my replacement method was to cut out the central third of my patellar tendon and graft that. As a result, my doctor told me to avoid putting any undue stress on the tendon so he basically had me avoid leg extensions for awhile, and at that point I didn't know jack shit about squatting but I imagine if I did them incorrectly I could have probably fucked up my patellar tendon as well with improper form.
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