
Time for an update!
-198lbs(couldn't break 200 this week gah!)
After last summer and Aliens points I really took a backseat on pushing chest and focused on my shoulders. They are better but still not where I need them to be. I should be Summer ready by June at this rate though so thats good.
Bench - 225-235 1RM(Last month I got 235 but can't get more than 225 this month :/
DeadLift - 335
Squats - 275(Still pretty pathetic - Hopefully hitting them twice a week now will help)
DB Curl - 60
Weighted Dip - 90(two 45lbs plates)
Weighted Wide Grip Pullup - 45lbs + 10lbs
Bent Over Row - 205lbs
Military Press - 80lbs(You would be so proud Alien)
Here is what I am most stoked about though:
1 Mile Sprint - 5:20(Outside not on a treadmill)
3 Mile - 6:04(Outside not on a treadmill)
I am entering a Spartan and I need to get in the low 5's to even have a chance at this thing so hopefully I do okay.