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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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My man.


I want to try his blood and guts routine. As you mentioned, it doesn't seem like a lot of volume but everyone who does it, swears by it.


I want to give Blood and Guts a try, I'm currently about to do Jay Cutlers routine but I may switch next week to Blood and Guts and decide which I like better.

Have you been seeing better gains through decline compared to flat?

I've noticed that my chest is starting to really round out a lot more and has gotten slightly bigger.


Would someone mind filling me in in the decline press thing? Why would you do that over a regular or incline?

Would someone mind filling me in in the decline press thing? Why would you do that over a regular or incline?


If people aren't seeing results from normal bench or incline its a good variation. It doesn't work for me but some swear by it.

Bruce your a freakin beast. And you actually encouraged me to take some pics ;)


Age: 29
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 173lbs

Things I want to work on:
-Gain more weight (God its hard)
-BIGGER shoulders
-Bigger chest

Input is welcome! Just dont be too harsh.

My goodness you look great man. I don't know if I am worthy of the title BruceLee anymore. Great definition, awesome awesome job.

you really look great, Congrats! :)

I was wondering, why do you think it's hard for you to gain weight? Are you eating the right food at the right time?

and you and Bruce, how many years (tell me it's months and I'll faint) to get where you currently are??

as someone who has been hitting the gym for 7 months, I'd really like to know more or less when can someone expect to look like you guys. It sometimes bring me down how everybody in me gym looks incredibly bold and defined and while I do see gains, I don't look like them, in the least, I'd like to know why. I try to convince myself it's a matter of time but I don't know..so any insight would be appreciated.

I don't know what The Chef's timeframe is but going from no foundation to where I am at is probably a 12-18 month process. Its hard for me to guage cause I have always been doing something with weights over the last 12 years(Football, Recreation, Strength Lifting, BodyBuilding, ect..)

I am sure a lot of people will agree with me but if you just make it part of your lifestyle the gains and body image your looking for will come. Where people hamstring themselves is when they chase results and don't see them fast enough so that discouragement makes them give up.

Lean and mean! Great work bud! Now go do some modeling or get on stage! >:)

Darth!! Thanks man that means a lot coming from you. I ain't going anywhere close to the public eye until I have your legs, Cooters shoulders, Aliens strength and Falling Edge's Hair.

The Chef

you really look great, Congrats! :)

I was wondering, why do you think it's hard for you to gain weight? Are you eating the right food at the right time?

and you and Bruce, how many years (tell me it's months and I'll faint) to get where you currently are??

as someone who has been hitting the gym for 7 months, I'd really like to know more or less when can someone expect to look like you guys. It sometimes bring me down how everybody in me gym looks incredibly bold and defined and while I do see gains, I don't look like them, in the least, I'd like to know why. I try to convince myself it's a matter of time but I don't know..so any insight would be appreciated.

Thanks man!
For me, gaining weight is incredibly tough. I have to be so strict when it comes to eating because, I swear, the second I go below my calorie/protein intake for a day I will lose weight. Its horrible.

I've been working out for a couple years but honestly I've only gotten REALLY serious in the past 3-4 months, but I think I had a pretty solid foundation to begin with.
Have you been seeing better gains through decline compared to flat?

For me, I have. My strength increase and the size in my chest, I attribute to a steady dose of heavy decline with lighter accessory work in both decline and incline.



I want to give Blood and Guts a try, I'm currently about to do Jay Cutlers routine but I may switch next week to Blood and Guts and decide which I like better.

I've noticed that my chest is starting to really round out a lot more and has gotten slightly bigger.


Bruce your a freakin beast. And you actually encouraged me to take some pics ;)


Age: 29
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 173lbs

Things I want to work on:
-Gain more weight (God its hard)
-BIGGER shoulders
-Bigger chest

Input is welcome! Just dont be too harsh.

Damn. You look great. It is crazy because of your low bf% you look a hell of a lot bigger than 173.

Would someone mind filling me in in the decline press thing? Why would you do that over a regular or incline?



Yates talks a bit about the benefits of decline.


Thanks man!
For me, gaining weight is incredibly tough. I have to be so strict when it comes to eating because, I swear, the second I go below my calorie/protein intake for a day I will lose weight. Its horrible.

I've been working out for a couple years but honestly I've only gotten REALLY serious in the past 3-4 months, but I think I had a pretty solid foundation to begin with.

You have visible abs. If you're complaining about gaining weight while you have visible abs, you're doing it wrong.


the piano man
I don't know what The Chef's timeframe is but going from no foundation to where I am at is probably a 12-18 month process. Its hard for me to guage cause I have always been doing something with weights over the last 12 years(Football, Recreation, Strength Lifting, BodyBuilding, ect..)

I am sure a lot of people will agree with me but if you just make it part of your lifestyle the gains and body image your looking for will come. Where people hamstring themselves is when they chase results and don't see them fast enough so that discouragement makes them give up.

Thanks for this reply. Yes, I think I've managed to make this part of my liftestyle, I notice I don't give up when I am feeling down or whenever I can't workout for several days, I always come back no matter what.

12-18 months from no foundation (I take it you mean it's possible without having a backrground like yours, with sport activities for 12 years), yeah, it seems reasonable.

considering how I've changed in 7 months, another year should really be bringing me somewhere near that. Either that or I will have done something terribly wrong, like no eating or too little effort or quality time at the gym.

Thanks man!
For me, gaining weight is incredibly tough. I have to be so strict when it comes to eating because, I swear, the second I go below my calorie/protein intake for a day I will lose weight. Its horrible.

I've been working out for a couple years but honestly I've only gotten REALLY serious in the past 3-4 months, but I think I had a pretty solid foundation to begin with.

thanks you too!

I was wondering whether you do too much cardio. If I had to guess what kind of training does a body like yours would have to get in order to look like that, I would have said there's plenty of cardio there, but what do I know :p

as for me, I have never ever worked out prior to these 7 months and I am 35, so I am a bit worried with age, sometimes it feels like just becasue of my age there's a certain kind of body I will never have access to, period, regardless of how I train or for how long I train. I'll see in the next months I guess :)

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
as for me, I have never ever worked out prior to these 7 months and I am 35, so I am a bit worried with age, sometimes it feels like just becasue of my age there's a certain kind of body I will never have access to, period, regardless of how I train or for how long I train. I'll see in the next months I guess :)

Nope, you have another good 20 years where you can attain any body you want to with hard work.

Look at how far you've come in 7 months. It's awesome. And now you're just building onto that foundation. It'll be even better. Have a little faith, from the outside looking in we all can see the change much better than you can. Trust us.
Thanks for this reply. Yes, I think I've managed to make this part of my liftestyle, I notice I don't give up when I am feeling down or whenever I can't workout for several days, I always come back no matter what.

12-18 months from no foundation (I take it you mean it's possible without having a backrground like yours, with sport activities for 12 years), yeah, it seems reasonable.

considering how I've changed in 7 months, another year should really be bringing me somewhere near that. Either that or I will have done something terribly wrong, like no eating or too little effort or quality time at the gym.

thanks you too!

I was wondering whether you do too much cardio. If I had to guess what kind of training does a body like yours would have to get in order to look like that, I would have said there's plenty of cardio there, but what do I know :p

as for me, I have never ever worked out prior to these 7 months and I am 35, so I am a bit worried with age, sometimes it feels like just becasue of my age there's a certain kind of body I will never have access to, period, regardless of how I train or for how long I train. I'll see in the next months I guess :)

Yeah by no foundation I mean no lifting background or real fitness experience whatsoever. I had a partner for about 4 months that had no prior lifting experience and after about 3 weeks of basic training I made him hit the ground running and I couldn't believe how quickly his body was changing.

If you still find yourself going to the gym even when your discouraged shows you have graduated to making it a part of your lifestyle which is excellent that is the most difficult part.

That was a good guess that The Chef was relying on cardio to achieve that BF because for most of us that is the case. I can't get that trim without incorporating a lot of sprints every week into my workout some peoples genetics and metabolism though allow them to get away with way more than some of us when it comes to dieting.

Anyway keep hitting it. Your making great progress and were here for you man with anything you need.
I'm getting ready to begin my first cutting phase after bulking up from 185lbs to 215lbs since December. I'm around 15% body fat now, would like to be in the 10% range.

These are the macros I'll be shooting for. Do they look appropriate? Or should I change some things around? This is the first time I'll be doing a proper cut so if the numbers look crazy, please let me know. Any opinions are welcome.

Current weight: 212lbs (~15%). Goal: 10% body fat (so around 195-200lbs?). Caloric maintenance around 2700 calories.
Sample macros: 2200 cal, 260g protein, 84g fat, 100g carbs.

Any advice is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I'm beginning to come to the conclusion I've been fucking around for a year. I'll know if what I'm doing now is beneficial or detrimental soon enough.

Needless to say, my workouts now are much more intense.
I'm beginning to come to the conclusion I've been fucking around for a year. I'll know if what I'm doing now is beneficial or detrimental soon enough.

Needless to say, my workouts now are much more intense.

With the kind of weight your moving around how in the world could you classify your workout as detrimental.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
With the kind of weight your moving around how in the world could you classify your workout as detrimental.

Because I wasn't getting stronger, I was getting weaker and I only managed to add 10lbs to my deadlift over a year.

The 5/3/1 alterations I've made now are kicking my ass. And I think it might be exactly what I needed. The "detrimental" part will be if I'm doing high intensity. And I end up injuring myself.


I'm getting ready to begin my first cutting phase after bulking up from 185lbs to 215lbs since December. I'm around 15% body fat now, would like to be in the 10% range.

These are the macros I'll be shooting for. Do they look appropriate? Or should I change some things around? This is the first time I'll be doing a proper cut so if the numbers look crazy, please let me know. Any opinions are welcome.

Current weight: 212lbs (~15%). Goal: 10% body fat (so around 195-200lbs?). Caloric maintenance around 2700 calories.
Sample macros: 2200 cal, 260g protein, 84g fat, 100g carbs.

Any advice is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Looks good. Fats are spot on protein is high, which is good, carbs should make up the rest of your calories. Carbs are pretty individualized, so not everyone responds quite the same on a relatively low carb diet, and intensity of workouts are a factor. I think I'd start my carbs higher, but that's me. Don't be afraid to do refeed days either.


I'm getting ready to begin my first cutting phase after bulking up from 185lbs to 215lbs since December. I'm around 15% body fat now, would like to be in the 10% range.

These are the macros I'll be shooting for. Do they look appropriate? Or should I change some things around? This is the first time I'll be doing a proper cut so if the numbers look crazy, please let me know. Any opinions are welcome.

Current weight: 212lbs (~15%). Goal: 10% body fat (so around 195-200lbs?). Caloric maintenance around 2700 calories.
Sample macros: 2200 cal, 260g protein, 84g fat, 100g carbs.

Any advice is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Curious, what was your body fat % in Dec. and we're you new to lifting?

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
I looked in Rebel today for shoes coincidentally and there weren't any specific to lifting.

Online's probably your only shot unless there's a speciality store in your area. Generally, none of the mainstream outlets carry lifting shoes. I asked a guy in a Rebel a few months back, the convo went like this:

"Hey, do you stock any weightlifting shoes?"
"Shoes? Nah."
I can only assume he meant that they stocked weightlifting gumboots, thongs and flippers, but not shoes.
Because I wasn't getting stronger, I was getting weaker and I only managed to add 10lbs to my deadlift over a year.

The 5/3/1 alterations I've made now are kicking my ass. And I think it might be exactly what I needed. The "detrimental" part will be if I'm doing high intensity. And I end up injuring myself.

Oh wow I didn't know that. Weren't you following the 5/3/1 template the whole time? If so how did you intensify them? I did 5/3/1 in the fall which was great but I had to change it drastically when I started wanted more size as well. Don't know why as the basic template should have been adding plenty.

As far as injury your lifts are some of the cleanest I have seen so I doubt even with the increased intensity that you will hurt yourself.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Oh wow I didn't know that. Weren't you following the 5/3/1 template the whole time? If so how did you intensify them? I did 5/3/1 in the fall which was great but I had to change it drastically when I started wanted more size as well. Don't know why as the basic template should have been adding plenty.

I my mistake was not focusing on strength though. I got wrapped around the *x10+ rep ranges for the periodization assistance. I basically wasn't pushing myself hard enough because I wanted to keep hitting those rep ranges.

Now I've said "fuck it" and on my 3 and 1 weeks I push the assistance for strength 3-5 reps for 4-5 sets for exercises that can be intelligently loaded heavily. I'm also pushing additional heavy reps on these weeks with the main work.

"5s week" will remain "hypertrophy" week and higher rep ranges will be hit OR I'll dial back and rest depending on how I feel.

This all goes back to my big post a few weeks back about the importance of getting heavy shit in your hands to get stronger.

Sometimes we need some sense knocked into us. Even if it's from yourself.

As far as injury your lifts are some of the cleanest I have seen so I doubt even with the increased intensity that you will hurt yourself.

I appreciate that, but in my head I'm sloppy as hell. Probably another issue I need to get over.
I my mistake was not focusing on strength though. I got wrapped around the *x10+ rep ranges for the periodization assistance. I basically wasn't pushing myself hard enough because I wanted to keep hitting those rep ranges.

Now I've said "fuck it" and on my 3 and 1 weeks I push the assistance for strength 3-5 reps for 4-5 sets for exercises that can be intelligently loaded heavily. I'm also pushing additional heavy reps on these weeks with the main work.

This all goes back to my big post a few weeks back about the importance of getting heavy shit in your hands to get stronger.

Sometimes we need some sense knocked into us.

I appreciate that, but in my head I'm sloppy as hell. Probably another issue I need to get over.

Ahh gotcha well the weight you have been consistently putting up is really impressive man.

The Chef

Damn. You look great. It is crazy because of your low bf% you look a hell of a lot bigger than 173.

You have visible abs. If you're complaining about gaining weight while you have visible abs, you're doing it wrong.

Bruceleeroy and chef, you lean ass motherfuckers. Looking good.

You guys both look great. Exactly what I currently aspire to be. Congratulations on your hard work and dedication.

Man, hearing all these great compliments is so encouraging. Thanks so much everyone!

thanks you too!

I was wondering whether you do too much cardio. If I had to guess what kind of training does a body like yours would have to get in order to look like that, I would have said there's plenty of cardio there, but what do I know :p

That was a good guess that The Chef was relying on cardio to achieve that BF because for most of us that is the case.

I tried doing a 5 min sprint on the tredmill before each workout. Its fantastic as a wamup but I began losing weight doing it. I had to virtually cut out ALL cardio in order to get my weight up to where Im currently at. However, I think I have a pretty odd metabolism honestly. The second I do anything really cardio heavy my body wants to shed weight.

I was sitting at 167lbs about 3 months ago and have been slowly, but surely, gaining more by eating like a flippin horse everyday.
3 eggs, fage and salmon in the moring
shake as a snack, or almonds and cottage cheese (now quest bars)
Chicken breast or tuna for lunch
post workout protein shake
As much as I can eat for dinner. Chicken/Steak or Fish and veggies.
Sometimes another shake before bed.


That 5lbs ON for $43 is a great deal. Thanks.

I just got back to being serious in the gym after a few months off. I have not been seeing the progress I want but now I have a car and the ability to consistently go, so hopefully in a few months I'll where I want to be in terms of lifts.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Hi, guys.

I'm just recently getting started with Carb Nite (I bought both of Kiefer's ebooks--expensive, but some good info) and read them completely. I'm still confused about Carb Backloading, but my goal isn't really to bulk up like crazy, anyway.

Anyway, I want to incorporate some decent resistance training into it. Right now, other than walking around a decent amount, my "workout" consists of doing 8-10 chin-ups and 30 squats in the morning, with occasionally 30 push-ups, too. I'll also frequently do a couple of sets of chin-ups or pull-ups in the evening, too.

Anyway, I feel like trips to the gym are pretty much necessary at this point. I was looking at the beginner routines in the OP and they look pretty doable. Looks like they wouldn't even take 30 minutes, but I may be underestimating them. How do you all recommend I work through the routines? Is it better to alternate exercises between sets, or do all of the sets for a single exercise in succession of each other with rest breaks in between?

Also, in terms of starting weight amount, is it recommended to lift as heavy as you can as long as you can complete the sets?

Thanks in advance for any advice!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Supposed to have 2 days off before workout out on Monday, but I'm antsy. Gonna go to the gym every other day with SS. Fool's errand or not a bad one?

Hi, guys.

I'm just recently getting started with Carb Nite (I bought both of Kiefer's ebooks--expensive, but some good info) and read them completely. I'm still confused about Carb Backloading, but my goal isn't really to bulk up like crazy, anyway.

Anyway, I want to incorporate some decent resistance training into it. Right now, other than walking around a decent amount, my "workout" consists of doing 8-10 chin-ups and 30 squats in the morning, with occasionally 30 push-ups, too. I'll also frequently do a couple of sets of chin-ups or pull-ups in the evening, too.

Anyway, I feel like trips to the gym are pretty much necessary at this point. I was looking at the beginner routines in the OP and they look pretty doable. Looks like they wouldn't even take 30 minutes, but I may be underestimating them. How do you all recommend I work through the routines? Is it better to alternate exercises between sets, or do all of the sets for a single exercise in succession of each other with rest breaks in between?

Also, in terms of starting weight amount, is it recommended to lift as heavy as you can as long as you can complete the sets?

Thanks in advance for any advice!

A couple things I need to know first - what's your current build, and what are your goals in particular?
Looks good. Fats are spot on protein is high, which is good, carbs should make up the rest of your calories. Carbs are pretty individualized, so not everyone responds quite the same on a relatively low carb diet, and intensity of workouts are a factor. I think I'd start my carbs higher, but that's me. Don't be afraid to do refeed days either.
Thanks, dude. How much higher would you start them? Like 150g? I've never really been on a low carb diet (or any diet for that matter) so I've yet to determine how my body will react.

Good tip on the refeeding days. I was planning on just squeezing in a cheat day every week or two but those look to be a little more beneficial. Thanks again.

Curious, what was your body fat % in Dec. and we're you new to lifting?
It wasn't much lower. Probably in the 12-15% range. Here's a recent post that has my before/after pics in it. I started lifting in June so I had been at it for about 6 months at that point. Always been active though.


I want to go back on CKD keto or carb nite for these last 25 lbs to get to 10%.

Problem is I'm going to SF later in May for Bet Breakers and a conference so that's like a week of heavy drinking and shit eating.

I can visualize myself at 6'0 225 10%, I just gotta focus.


Thanks, dude. How much higher would you start them? Like 150g? I've never really been on a low carb diet (or any diet for that matter) so I've yet to determine how my body will react.

Good tip on the refeeding days. I was planning on just squeezing in a cheat day every week or two but those look to be a little more beneficial. Thanks again.

It wasn't much lower. Probably in the 12-15% range. Here's a recent post that has my before/after pics in it. I started lifting in June so I had been at it for about 6 months at that point. Always been active though.

That's some pretty sick progress to gain that much in such short time an basically stay almost at the same leanness. Freakin good job man.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Going shopping for whey protein tomorrow. What's your favorites? Brand and flava - and did it break the bank? or not...

Also post horror proteins so I can avoid. Thanks!

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Supposed to have 2 days off before workout out on Monday, but I'm antsy. Gonna go to the gym every other day with SS. Fool's errand or not a bad one?

A couple things I need to know first - what's your current build, and what are your goals in particular?

5'11" 155 pounds.

I was at my peak of almost 230 lbs in early 2011 when I learned about low-carb dieting. Dropped down to around 170 pretty quickly from there. Have been in the 150 - 160 range for the past year or so (have just been continuing a pretty low carb diet, eating mostly things that would be considered Paleo).

Right now my main concern is body fat. While I lost a lot of wait and look pretty thin, I still have an annoying amount of flab in my lower back area that just won't go away (I imagine it will be the last to go). My main goal right now is to try and get to as close to 10% body fat as I can without losing muscle. I just got started doing the Carb Nite routine (first official carb night was last Thursday).

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
5'11" 155 pounds.

I was at my peak of almost 230 lbs in early 2011 when I learned about low-carb dieting. Dropped down to around 170 pretty quickly from there. Have been in the 150 - 160 range for the past year or so (have just been continuing a pretty low carb diet, eating mostly things that would be considered Paleo).

Right now my main concern is body fat. While I lost a lot of wait and look pretty thin, I still have an annoying amount of flab in my lower back area that just won't go away (I imagine it will be the last to go). My main goal right now is to try and get to as close to 10% body fat as I can without losing muscle. I just got started doing the Carb Nite routine (first official carb night was last Thursday).

If you don't mind losing a little muscle, if you go with a cardio heavy plan you'll probably lose that back fat you have, but like you said, you don't want to lose muscle.

Sounds like carb nite is the solution and may be just what you need to kickstart those final 10 lbs. I don't feel like the gym is necessary for you as diet is SO much of it. I'd go Carb Nite, re-assess everything you eat and make sure there's no possible pitfalls, and give it a few months.
Going shopping for whey protein tomorrow. What's your favorites? Brand and flava - and did it break the bank? or not...

Also post horror proteins so I can avoid. Thanks!

Really hard to beat Optimum Nutrition 100% whey. They have a lot of great flavors. I really like Strawberry-Banana, Rocky Road, and plain Strawberry.


Being 5'11" at 155... jesus. I think you should hit the weights dude, what are your lifts?

For reference, I am a round 145 at 5'6" with very mediocre lifts but you really can't get much thinner without sacrificing a lot of strength at your stats.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Being 5'11" at 155... jesus. I think you should hit the weights dude, what are your lifts?

For reference, I am a round 145 at 5'6" with very mediocre lifts but you really can't get much thinner without sacrificing a lot of strength at your stats.

I have no idea what my lifts are, because I don't lift (don't really have access to weights). A few months ago at a friend's house, I was able to manage 150 lb dead lifts without much trouble. I have no idea what my limit would be, though. I can do pull-ups and chin-ups using my body weight pretty easily, too.

Anyway, I would definitely not mind gaining muscle, but my main desire right now is to drop in body fat. If doing something like carb back loading and going to the gym is the best way to do that, then I'm definitely interested. Reading through Carb Nite it looks like it's a solid way to lose body fat almost exclusively (not sacrifice muscle tissue). I think I'm going to give it a go for a little while and see where it takes me.


all good things
Being 5'11" at 155... jesus. I think you should hit the weights dude, what are your lifts?

For reference, I am a round 145 at 5'6" with very mediocre lifts but you really can't get much thinner without sacrificing a lot of strength at your stats.

I was 165 at 6'3". Not everyone carries weight the same.


I have no idea what my lifts are, because I don't lift (don't really have access to weights). A few months ago at a friend's house, I was able to manage 150 lb dead lifts without much trouble. I have no idea what my limit would be, though. I can do pull-ups and chin-ups using my body weight pretty easily, too.

Anyway, I would definitely not mind gaining muscle, but my main desire right now is to drop in body fat. If doing something like carb back loading and going to the gym is the best way to do that, then I'm definitely interested. Reading through Carb Nite it looks like it's a solid way to lose body fat almost exclusively (not sacrifice muscle tissue). I think I'm going to give it a go for a little while and see where it takes me.

None of this is that necessary for you right now. If you hit the weights and even eat at an excess, you'll put on muscle and burn fat for at least two months.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I was 165 at 6'3". Not everyone carries weight the same.

I'd be dead at that. I was 6'7" at 300. Good lord. Keep in mind I was chunky though. Now I'm down to 260 or less. I'm not giving shits about the scales though.


all good things
I'd be dead at that. I was 6'7" at 300. Good lord. Keep in mind I was chunky though. Now I'm down to 260 or less. I'm not giving shits about the scales though.

Yeah I'm up to about 175 now but my upper body, at least the front of it, looks pretty much the same as it did at 165.

I'm just saying you can't always tell by a weight and height because a lot of people think I'm just skin and bones if its the only thing they know.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
If you don't mind losing a little muscle, if you go with a cardio heavy plan you'll probably lose that back fat you have, but like you said, you don't want to lose muscle.

Sounds like carb nite is the solution and may be just what you need to kickstart those final 10 lbs. I don't feel like the gym is necessary for you as diet is SO much of it. I'd go Carb Nite, re-assess everything you eat and make sure there's no possible pitfalls, and give it a few months.

Thanks for the reply. I think I'll keep at Carb Nite for a while and see how it goes. I do eventually want to get into the gym, though, and get some access to weights. I don't plan on going all hardcore, but it would be nice to have access to something really heavy to life a couple of times a week.

In case I do find myself in a gym, I think I'll give those beginning routines in the OP a try. Going back to one of my original questions, does it really matter the order in which you do the sets? Should I mix up the exercises or do all sets of a specific exercise and then move on to a different exercise?


Going shopping for whey protein tomorrow. What's your favorites? Brand and flava - and did it break the bank? or not...

Also post horror proteins so I can avoid. Thanks!

Trutein is the best. It's expensive but worth it. Can really only get it online. Cinnabun is amazing, so is chocolate peanut butter. All the flavors are good though. It's also the best protein to cook with.

Musclepharm is a budget friendly good protein. Their cookies and cream is great.
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