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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Anyone here have any experience w/ these shorts? Might pick these up:


So basically you're telling him not to look into Crossfit.

Well it really depends on the gym to be honest. Some of the gyms make very unwise decisions with their programming, and some are really smart about it and don't do any of the things I listed (at least not to excess). It can be a great system for people who are looking to get generally in shape.

I'm more a fan personally of getting strong as hell then applying that strength to things like crossfit. Seems more efficient and progression is ensured, but if the poster is determined to explore jumping around and aerobics with lots of variety without doing the weight machines all day, Crossfit fits the bill nicely...
A new crossfit gym opened up across from my work. I swung by there to check it out.

$200 a month.

The hell! Seems like a lot of money for a place with a tire and climbing rope.


A new crossfit gym opened up across from my work. I swung by there to check it out.

$200 a month.

The hell! Seems like a lot of money for a place with a tire and climbing rope.

Crossfit is expensive.

I think it has to do with the trainers. All classes are small group classes, with personal training on the WODs.


Crossfit is expensive.

I think it has to do with the trainers. All classes are small group classes, with personal training on the WODs.

Yeah my fiancé looked at the local crossfit gym. 130.00 a month.

You look online and some people think its TOO CHEAP.


Yeah my fiancé looked at the local crossfit gym. 130.00 a month.

You look online and some people think its TOO CHEAP.

I'm all for motivation but damn that seems crazy.

A new crossfit gym opened up across from my work. I swung by there to check it out.

$200 a month.

The hell! Seems like a lot of money for a place with a tire and climbing rope.

Crossfit is expensive.

I think it has to do with the trainers. All classes are small group classes, with personal training on the WODs.
Time to play the game "LEARNING HOW FUCKED UP THE INDUSTRY IS" starting your own insider, me. This is my first round, they'll be more.

So, X-Fit gym, or any gym, opens up. Let's us count the expenses:


So, let's say you have 50 Crossfitters. Each Crossfitter pays 200 dollars, per month, to Crossfit. That gives us 10000, per month, for all of the above. That's not a whole lot, especially starting out.

Because these classes are lead by a trainer and because each session lasts an hour and there are six sessions (following HQ here) per week and there are four weeks per month, that means each session, per person if they only come for one hour and for all six sessions, nets them around EIGHT DOLLARS PER SESSION PER PERSON (If they only come to one session a day, three days on one day off). Let's say they're really good at scheduling and they evenly divide everybody up into ten five people classes so they only need one trainer. That Forty five dollars per session gross. 450 per day, gross.

Now, My math may be a bit off, but here's the rub. If you have one trainer working ten hours (not factoring commission here) and you're only paying them 15 an hour, you're down to 300 per day of gross profit. Remember, this is only six days per week. That's puts us at a staggeringly low 7200 per month.

Minus Rent
Minus Utilities
Minus Cleaning
Minus the owners bills
Minus Taxes

And that's with fifty clients. Who knows how long their contract is, or if they even have one.

Group classes are an absolute nightmare to make profitable, and I'm in a massive gym chain. Crossfit gyms are are a pyramid scheme, straight up, when you look at the money.

I haven't even begun to discuss what big gyms have to do to stay in business.


^ Wow thats enlightening. How in the world is my gym making it on $30 a month?

They're not.

They're making it off of the PT department, who gets shit on (hi there), and convenience sales (the markup on drinks is INCREDIBLE, almost 200-300%).

If they are, it's because the staff is paid, quite literally, borderline above min wage.

Getting into this industry is a completely bad decision unless you're lucky or have a solid hook up. Rip talked a lot about how him keeping his gym open is due to being good at not spending money versus making bank.


On contract my gym is $10 a month, I did a 3 month trial to see if I liked it and even then it came out to $29 a month. My previous gym was $80 a month, and they didn't have half as much equipment as my new place. I couldn't imagine paying $130-200 for crossfit, for that type of money you can hire a personal trainer to work with you.


Retro is 20.00 a month. They must really pay their trainers shit. :/

I am a manager.

I have to be here from 8 am to 8 pm. I may take up to a two hour break, but I must work ten hours between those hours.
I get no overtime, as I get paid commission, but since my club is slow as hell there's not many people to sell to.
If I am not on track to make goal by week two, I must work 8 to noon on Saturday. I may miss goal one month. Should I miss it again, I am terminated.
I get one vacation day for every two and and half months of work. I must work a year to get a full week. That's not so big a deal, but calling out for a day leads to termination.
I have no benefits. No insurance. No 401k.
My hourly pay is less than ten dollars an hour.
Once I get switched to salary (if I stay that long, doesn't look like it) it will be comparable to now, except less if I work the extra Saturdays.

That's management. So, yeah, it's pretty bad

On contract my gym is $10 a month, I did a 3 month trial to see if I liked it and even then it came out to $29 a month. My previous gym was $80 a month, and they didn't have half as much equipment as my new place. I couldn't imagine paying $130-200 for crossfit, for that type of money you can hire a personal trainer to work with you.

How much work is the question. If a trainer is working with you for 50 dollars an hour they still need:


So, 200 isn't going to get you a lot of PT.
I am a manager.

I have to be here from 8 am to 8 pm. I may take up to a two hour break, but I must work ten hours between those hours.
I get no overtime, as I get paid commission, but since my club is slow as hell there's not many people to sell to.
If I am not on track to make goal by week two, I must work 8 to noon on Saturday. I may miss goal one month. Should I miss it again, I am terminated.
I get one vacation day for every two and and half months of work. I must work a year to get a full week. That's not so big a deal, but calling out for a day leads to termination.
I have no benefits. No insurance. No 401k.
My hourly pay is less than ten dollars an hour.
Once I get switched to salary (if I stay that long, doesn't look like it) it will be comparable to now, except less if I work the extra Saturdays.

That's management. So, yeah, it's pretty bad

Damn, do you even have time to work out there?
I assume they also demand that you're relatively fit so as to attract costumers.


Damn, do you even have time to work out there?
I assume they also demand that you're relatively fit so as to attract costumers.

I work out during my lunch. So, while I'm not "working" I'm still at work, mid day. Being in the same place for 12 hour, when you're getting paid like I am, is a rough regardless of professions.

So, yeah I train, I'm just fucking exhausted. Shit's weak.


[snip]Crossfit knowledge[/snip]
Thanks for the input!

I've mentioned before that I have a cousin who owns a box. It's 70 - 100 people give or take, and I believe the charges are around $110 - $150 per person. There's discounts for various things but I know they charge additional for 1 on 1 training outside of classes. After three years they finally got it down to where they make $1000 profit a month, and to date every cent of that profit goes back into equipment. Crossfit bumper plates, squat racks, and rowers aren't cheap.

At least that's the gist of what I was told. More anecdotal evidence to back up your assertions here. You don't open a Crossfit box to get rich. You create a Crossfit affiliate system to get rich.


Thanks for the input!

I've mentioned before that I have a cousin who owns a box. It's 70 - 100 people give or take, and I believe the charges are around $110 - $150 per person. There's discounts for various things but I know they charge additional for 1 on 1 training outside of classes. After three years they finally got it down to where they make $1000 profit a month, and to date every cent of that profit goes back into equipment. Crossfit bumper plates, squat racks, and rowers aren't cheap.

At least that's the gist of what I was told. More anecdotal evidence to back up your assertions here. You don't open a Crossfit box to get rich. You create a Crossfit affiliate system to get rich.

Greg Glassman is fucking gin drinking genius.

I wonder how the heck planet fitness makes money at 10 bucks per person

Remember the math up above? That was based on X people coming to Y sessions.

Globo gyms make their money with sheer numbers of clients. Who cares if they all come at once or don't come at all. It's equipment, they signed up to do it and can't sue us if they get hurt. As long as they sign up, I can pay some 16 year old 7.50 an hour to say "have a good work out," sell over priced smoothies, and charge a few hundred dollars a month, on top of the membership, for training. Slap a three year commitment with complete end of term charges on that bitch, and you're golden.

Besides, not everybody is paying ten and the ten dollar charge probably has some sort of stipulation around it. Go through those contracts with a fine tooth comb, you'd be surprised what you'll find.
Are we talking about clauses disallowing to frequent use of the gym or something like that?
Because that seems like a good idea (from a business POV), as your average gym user will never run into that problem but your powerlifters who end up using your facilities in an advantageous manner will most likely be kicked out to save running costs.


Are we talking about clauses disallowing to frequent use of the gym or something like that?
Because that seems like a good idea (from a business POV), as your average gym user will never run into that problem but your powerlifters who end up using your facilities in an advantageous manner will most likely be kicked out to save running costs.

Timing clauses, end of term clauses, ability to cancel clauses, automatic renewal clauses...

We sell a package for three years of commitment that only allows you to come in Monday/Wednesday/Friday and Sunday and only during non peak hours. Twenty dollars a month. How often you think they come in?
Yeah, sounds really shady.

I don't get it, a gym shouldn't really be that expensive to keep running.
You buy a bunch of weights, rack stands, etc, for maybe 50-100k - and that's it as far as equipment go.
Then just a running cost consisting of bills/rent/insurance.

People need to start up co-op gyms :p


Yeah, sounds really shady.

I don't get it, a gym shouldn't really be that expensive to keep running.
You buy a bunch of weights, rack stands, etc, for maybe 50-100k - and that's it as far as equipment go.
Then just a running cost consisting of bills/rent/insurance.

People need to start up co-op gyms :p

Expensive to run and profitable, my friend, are two very, very, different things.

Wanna hear something that will make you so angry you'll break a PR?

The owner of my gym chain holds stock in Visalus, a multi level marketing protein shake. It will be required for me to buy into the program from my manager, for him to be under the president who is under the owner of the company. I will have to sell a portion of the shakes per month and try to get my trainers to buy into the program under me.

I'm being forced to be part of an MLM.

Enjoy your work out.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Nice any interesting stories or can you not really say?

Nothing too interesting, it's not what you would think of when you get there. Definitely not OZ. But interesting enough, I love it.

Welcome back!

That commute is garbage. I'm a half-hour out from work and I still think that's too much. Any longer would be horrid.

From what I understand of your line of work is that you're going to have to contend with less-than-ideal work shifts for a while too. If you are exclusively working the graveyard shift that will require some adaptation. I'm sure you're up to it, and your lifts may suffer for a time but you'll find your rhythm.

Yeah, the commute is terrible, we are working on getting a new house/selling the one I have now, but that's gonna take time.
Yeah, the shift work is a problem, as is scheduleing eating, but I'll work though it. I don't mind the midnight shift actually since there's less admin to worry about and I actually can spend time with my family in the evening before heading to work. The shit part is the scheduling working out. Right now 2x a week is it until I get this commute under wraps, sometimes I hit some extra accessory work at the gym at my prison, but that gym sucks pretty bad.

Your total commute is 2 hours? Wow man I am sorry that would rob a lot of strength and motivation from me.

Yep, 105 miles round trip. It's not robbing me of motivation, just time and ability to hit the gym. In this type of work going to the gym before work (how I work out) would be kind of stupid since I'd arrive at work "spent" and that's the wrong answer.


Welcome back Big Sexy.

Would you be interested in buying some refreshing Visalus and taking the 90 day weight loss challenge?


I work out during my lunch. So, while I'm not "working" I'm still at work, mid day. Being in the same place for 12 hour, when you're getting paid like I am, is a rough regardless of professions.

So, yeah I train, I'm just fucking exhausted. Shit's weak.

You're a manager at a Retro Fitness? No wonder its a revolving door of employees at my gym.


You're a manager at a Retro Fitness? No wonder its a revolving door of employees at my gym.

LOL, not there specifically. But Globo gyms are pretty consistent.

I'm the fourth PT Manager in less than a year. That's how shitty it is.


I pay 60$ per month, and can go there as often as I want (technically, I can only go there in the morning, but they let me in anyway if I come later). I think they do pretty well, since they renew all their equipment every 5th year or so, and have probably 20 people working there. They have around 3000 paying members, though.


Junior Member
Welcome back Big Sexy.

Would you be interested in buying some refreshing Visalus and taking the 90 day weight loss challenge?

Some dudes at my gym sell Advocare, which from my understanding is the same shit. One just got back from a huge conference that had like 100k in attendance. Somebody is making money. Ain't the dudes I know though.


I pay 60$ per month, and can go there as often as I want (technically, I can only go there in the morning, but they let me in anyway if I come later). I think they do pretty well, since they renew all their equipment every 5th year or so, and have probably 20 people working there. They have around 3000 paying members, though.

Globo gyms do okay, but they do okay because of number of clients plus low pay of employees plus structure everything around sales goals.

The people making bank are at the top. Unless managers are hustling, they're pulling MAYBE 30-40 (depending on the club). And their salary is directly tied to their sales and the sales of their team. Case by case could be, of course, different however from everything I've looked at behind the scenes, shit seems really messed up.

Some dudes at my gym sell Advocare, which from my understanding is the same shit. One just got back from a huge conference that had like 100k in attendance. Somebody is making money. Ain't the dudes I know though.

Oh yeah. It's god damn MLM. Dude at the top gets rich and sells shit to folks at the bottom.


God damn, went out bought a blender last night, made a shake this morning and got through two sips before I threw it up.

I am either not a good chef or have serious problems eating oats. Even when I cook them normally there's this strange moment when I first start eating them where I feel nauseous and have to stop for a minute and drink a lot of water. After that I feel better and can eat the rest of them but today was the first time I actually puked (though again, this was the first time I'd used them in a shake). Anyone else have a problem like this?


God damn, went out bought a blender last night, made a shake this morning and got through two sips before I threw it up.

I am either not a good chef or have serious problems eating oats. Even when I cook them normally there's this strange moment when I first start eating them where I feel nauseous and have to stop for a minute and drink a lot of water. After that I feel better and can eat the rest of them but today was the first time I actually puked (though again, this was the first time I'd used them in a shake). Anyone else have a problem like this?
Maybe just don't eat oats then?


My biceps are immune to DOMS, I absolutely destroyed them last week and they were ready for action the next day. I hit them extremely hard today, and while they hurt during the workout I feel I could jump up right now and do pullups with no problem.

Speaking of biceps, when I started out everyone told me not to focus on them, I feel that was such BS. My arms are really long and do not grow without direct work, and since I started giving my biceps more attention they really took off. I feel they'd be so much better had I focused on them from the jump.


God damn, went out bought a blender last night, made a shake this morning and got through two sips before I threw it up.

I am either not a good chef or have serious problems eating oats. Even when I cook them normally there's this strange moment when I first start eating them where I feel nauseous and have to stop for a minute and drink a lot of water. After that I feel better and can eat the rest of them but today was the first time I actually puked (though again, this was the first time I'd used them in a shake). Anyone else have a problem like this?

You're just not good with oats. Find something else that works that doesn't make you sick.

Allow me to point you to my Visalus marketing page, where you can set yourself up for the 90 day weight loss challenge. Start living. Start losing. Start loving.


Fucking kill me.


Some dudes at my gym sell Advocare, which from my understanding is the same shit. One just got back from a huge conference that had like 100k in attendance. Somebody is making money. Ain't the dudes I know though.

Is that like herbalife or something? I got some idiot I used to be in the Air Force with hawking that crap on my facebook page.



Globo gyms do okay, but they do okay because of number of clients plus low pay of employees plus structure everything around sales goals.

No, it's in Norway - a small local chain with five gyms. I know that the people who work there are paid pretty well, and their locales are very central and probably quite expensive to rent, so I'm not sure how they do so well. They sell energy drinks and some clothes, but never push them on us. Don't think they have the "sales goals" mentality either, since they've had the same people working there for years and years.


No, it's in Norway - a small local chain with five gyms. I know that the people who work there are paid pretty well, and their locales are very central and probably quite expensive to rent, so I'm not sure how they do so well. They sell energy drinks and some clothes, but never push them on us. Don't think they have the "sales goals" mentality either, since they've had the same people working there for years and years.
Oh, well, in that case, the life of the Norwegian worker is MUCH different than that of the American worker.

ACE 1991

So Noema suggested to me a few days ago that I switch to 3x5 for squats (I'm doing Strong Lifts). I've been stuck on 65kg for a good 2 weeks at this point, and resting and eating has not really helped. I won't fuck up my gains by switching to 3x5 (from 5x5) squats this early in the game, right? It's a little frustrating that I've hit this wall way earlier than virtually everyone else who does this program.

On an unrelated note, does anyone have any good tips for Pendlay row form? For some reason, regardless of how hard I try, the left part of my shoulder/back rises way higher than the right when I pull the bar towards my chest, even on light weights. Thanks guys for any feedback =)


Junior Member
I have friends in the fitness industry (both CrossFit, globo, and sports performance) and from what I hear it's definitely not the business to be in if you want to make tons of money. It can be incredibly rewarding if you work for yourself and own your own gym (which is almost only doable as a CF gym) but if you work for someone else it's going to be long hours, shitty pay, and you will be shoehorned into their way of doing things, whether you agree or not.


So Noema suggested to me a few days ago that I switch to 3x5 for squats (I'm doing Strong Lifts). I've been stuck on 65kg for a good 2 weeks at this point, and resting and eating has not really helped. I won't fuck up my gains by switching to 3x5 (from 5x5) squats this early in the game, right? It's a little frustrating that I've hit this wall way earlier than virtually everyone else who does this program.

On an unrelated note, does anyone have any good tips for Pendlay row form? For some reason, regardless of how hard I try, the left part of my shoulder/back rises way higher than the right when I pull the bar towards my chest, even on light weights. Thanks guys for any feedback =)

if anything it'd be easier for you to make gains only doing 3x5. make the switch.

as for the rowing form, this seems like a good link


I'm glad I got a student gym.
I pay the equivalent of 130USD for a year, or about 11 dollars a month.

My student gym was awesome. They even bad a deadlift stage.

I am a manager.

I have to be here from 8 am to 8 pm. I may take up to a two hour break, but I must work ten hours between those hours.
I get no overtime, as I get paid commission, but since my club is slow as hell there's not many people to sell to.
If I am not on track to make goal by week two, I must work 8 to noon on Saturday. I may miss goal one month. Should I miss it again, I am terminated.
I get one vacation day for every two and and half months of work. I must work a year to get a full week. That's not so big a deal, but calling out for a day leads to termination.
I have no benefits. No insurance. No 401k.
My hourly pay is less than ten dollars an hour.
Once I get switched to salary (if I stay that long, doesn't look like it) it will be comparable to now, except less if I work the extra Saturdays.

That's management. So, yeah, it's pretty bad

How much work is the question. If a trainer is working with you for 50 dollars an hour they still need:


So, 200 isn't going to get you a lot of PT.

That sounds terrible :/. And you were so hopeful for this job too. What do you think you'll do??
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