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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Tried my first ever weighted pullup yesterday because of you :p
Held a 6 lb. medicine ball in between my thighs. Definitely harder than a regular pullup. Two reasons, the coordination to hold the ball and of course the additional weight.

Good luck on the muscle up!
Thanks. I would invest in a weight belt so you can just concentrate on the pull up. Much easier.


Despite it being really embarrassing number wise (bare with me, gotta start somewhere) this was today's workout:

Sumo Dead-lift (25kg/55lbs) 8 reps
Assisted Chin-ups 8 reps
Sumo Dead-lift (25kg/55lbs) 8 / 8 reps
Assisted Chin-Ups 8 / 8 reps

Sumo Dead Lifts (20kg/44lbs) 12 reps
Assisted Chin Ups 12 reps
Sumo Dead Lift (20kg/44lbs) 12 /12 reps
Assisted Chin ups 12 / 12 reps

Leg curls on Swiss Ball 16 reps
Underhand lat Pull down (25kg/55lbs) 16 reps
Leg curls on Swiss Ball 16 / 16 reps
Underhand Lat Pull Down (20kg/44lbs) 16 / 16 reps
Leg curls on Swiss Ball 16 / 16 / 16 reps
Underhand lat Pull down (20kg/44lbs) 16 / 16 / 16 reps

Goblet Squat (10 kg/22lbs) 16
Push Press (8kg/17lbs) 16
Goblet Squat (10kg/22lbs) 16 / 16
Push Press (8kg/17lbs) 16 / 16
Goblet Squat (8kg/17lbs) 16 / 16 / 16
Push Press (6kg/13lbs) 16 / 16 / 16

Ended with a Cardio HIT circuit of 14 minutes including weighted lateral step out squat

going to try to add 5 pounds each week and slightly reduce rest between sets.

Interesting. I could imagine this could be used in a condo gym with a little modification. Could you post a link to the program?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Is 20g of protein for a cooked chicken breast a solid estimate? Getting as low as 24g and as a high as 30+.

Yeah I always go with approx 20. Depends on the size but ballpark you're lookin at 20.
That sound like a small chicken breast. The ones I usually get from Randalls/Safeway or the local butcher are around 9-10oz's cooked.
That sound like a small chicken breast. The ones I usually get from Randalls/Safeway or the local butcher are around 9-10oz's cooked.



Yeah I always go with approx 20. Depends on the size but ballpark you're lookin at 20.

Thanks. Using 8g of protein for two tablespoons of peanut butter also which takes me to 160g in total. A Müller yogurt has 6g of protein, so that's over the 164g I'm going for. Will have missed the yogurt tonight though as went our for dinner and had ... chicken.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Ugh, looks like that special promotion for Anytime Fitness requires you to schedule personal trainer visits to get it for $1 for a month. That's not...what I want. Guess I'm shopping for a gym.
I guess this is as good a time as any to introduce myself.
I couldn't fall sleep last night and only managed to get 2h worth of sleep from 4.30 to 6.30, when I dragged myself out of bed only to realise that I forgot to buy oatmeal. So I opted for a coffee-only breakfast and went to uni where I had to give a presentation and listen to other student's presentations for two hours, during which I fought to keep my eyes open.
Afterwards I went home to catch some sleep. Naturally, I was wide awake now and couldn't fucking fall asleep. After 3 hours of lying in bed doing nothing I decided to order a pizza with a shitload of toppings to somehow get my calories in (I usually eat up to 4000 kcal a day). Pizza came shortly after and I could only get half of it down. Alas, back to bed trying to sleep and failing to do so for another three or four hours.
I felt like shit but decided get off my ass and hit the gym anyway. Can't miss press day. Press day is best day. My usual chest routine consists of high volume DB presses as the main lift and additional high volume assistance work. After warming up though I feel like having none of that and going with heavy barbell benchpress instead. Last time I did BB bench was before Christmas when I prepped for my gym's holiday meet (where I put up a PR of 130kg at 81kg BW) so I approached the bench with caution. Worked up to 100kg and expected to get 3 reps.
Put up 6 easy ones, followed by another set of 6. Upped the weight to 110 and put up 4 reps, made those weights my bitch.
So now I was already feeling great and proceeded to do BB OHP and neutral close grip BB bench, putting up PR numbers on both. Finished of with six sets of triceps isolation movements and left the gym with a broad smile.

Lesson learned: 1) Lifting heavy is much more fun than high volume work; 2) Sleep and Food are overrated.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I guess this is as good a time as any to introduce myself.
I couldn't fall sleep last night and only managed to get 2h worth of sleep from 4.30 to 6.30, when I dragged myself out of bed only to realise that I forgot to buy oatmeal. So I opted for a coffee-only breakfast and went to uni where I had to give a presentation and listen to other student's presentations for two hours, during which I fought to keep my eyes open.
Afterwards I went home to catch some sleep. Naturally, I was wide awake now and couldn't fucking fall asleep. After 3 hours of lying in bed doing nothing I decided to order a pizza with a shitload of toppings to somehow get my calories in (I usually eat up to 4000 kcal a day). Pizza came shortly after and I could only get half of it down. Alas, back to bed trying to sleep and failing to do so for another three or four hours.
I felt like shit but decided get off my ass and hit the gym anyway. Can't miss press day. Press day is best day. My usual chest routine consists of high volume DB presses as the main lift and additional high volume assistance work. After warming up though I feel like having none of that and going with heavy barbell benchpress instead. Last time I did BB bench was before Christmas when I prepped for my gym's holiday meet (where I put up a PR of 130kg at 81kg BW) so I approached the bench with caution. Worked up to 100kg and expected to get 3 reps.
Put up 6 easy ones, followed by another set of 6. Upped the weight to 110 and put up 4 reps, made those weights my bitch.
So now I was already feeling great and proceeded to do BB OHP and neutral close grip BB bench, putting up PR numbers on both. Finished of with six sets of triceps isolation movements and left the gym with a broad smile.

Lesson learned: 1) Lifting heavy is much more fun than high volume work; 2) Sleep and Food are overrated.

Well that's quite the introduction. Welcome to the thread that changes lives!
Considering this place - one caveat though.


I know the owners, went to school with them, and I fuckin hate em. heh. To be fair though it looks like they have a shitload of good equipment I'll need.

haha thats a funny backstory. Gym does look good though if its reasonably priced. Greatest gym I ever worked out in was this seedy as hell place where chalk was all over the damn place because of how many buckets they had around. Nothing fancy just big weight and dudes with beards. I loved that place and learned more there in a month of lifting with those guys than at any other point of my life.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
haha thats a funny backstory. Gym does look good though if its reasonably priced. Greatest gym I ever worked out in was this seedy as hell place where chalk was all over the damn place because of how many buckets they had around. Nothing fancy just big weight and dudes with beards. I loved that place and learned more there in a month of lifting with those guys than at any other point of my life.

Hah. If I go that route and go with them I will feel like Rocky in Rocky III where Apollo takes him to the shit part of town and has him train for REAL. I like a gym with character, but there's also something to be said about bright, clean facilities that are spartan. I like both. Decisions decisions.


Interesting. I could imagine this could be used in a condo gym with a little modification. Could you post a link to the program?

Sure, gotta mention though that I am a girl and following the woman schedule. I think there is a male version too but might be too much cardio and HITT stuff in there for you guys. Have not checked out the male version though. The male link is at the bottom. I am sure you can find it as download somewhere without paying.
Hah. If I go that route and go with them I will feel like Rocky in Rocky III where Apollo takes him to the shit part of town and has him train for REAL. I like a gym with character, but there's also something to be said about bright, clean facilities that are spartan. I like both. Decisions decisions.

Hahaha now you got to do it.


Yesterday I tried MusclePharm's Assault preworkout and it's honestly one of the worst things i've ever put in my mouth. Worse than Craze. I can't believe I have like 80 servings total of bad tasting pwo's lol.


Had a dissapointing day of bench. I need to stay positive though. In the fall I could only rep 175x4. Now I can do 175x8.

I think I'll start 5/3/1 in 4 weeks (when I get back from my honeymoon).

Excited to combine it with BBB.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Had a dissapointing day of bench. I need to stay positive though. In the fall I could only rep 175x4. Now I can do 175x8.

I think I'll start 5/3/1 in 4 weeks (when I get back from my honeymoon).

Excited to combine it with BBB.

That's progress, brother. You can't argue with numbers. The numbers don't lie!

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
fantastic. time to order a pair.

Better hurry if you're getting the Olympus ones. Only 1 pair left at size L (36).

After 14 cycles, I am going to stop 5/3/1. It's been a good run and I have gotten stronger than ever before, but I am switching for a few reasons:
  • Just a bit fatigued, TBH. One routine for about a year and a half will do that
  • Several buddies are doing Texas Method, so it will be easier to train with them
  • In a weird turn of events, I feel like my legs have gotten smaller, and my legs have always been a source of pride. This is so superficial, but I do think my legs grow when I squat more frequently than once every four workouts...and I kinda miss squatting multiple times a week.
My numbers from Cycle 1:

My ending numbers from Cycle 13/14 (failed my cycle 14 squat):

Bodyweight has remained relatively the same: 200 lbs, +- 5lbs.

Keep in mind, 5/3/1 starts you off with "low" weight, so those numbers are bit inflated in terms of actual gains. Still, it's a fantastic program and I will definitely come back to it--I set PRs in everything, and only had to reset my press. Everything else just kept moving up. My dead started pretty low and I only recently got some form and strength corrections, so hopefully that will separate from the squat soon.

I'm looking forward to starting Texas Method--it's been awhile since I did it, and last time I did, I wasn't nearly this strong.

Let me know how TM works for you. John Phung is a big fan and he's making great progress on it.

I'm curious how this altered 5/3/1 is going to work for me. If it fails I may look into TM for myself.


Discovered that the Air Force Base I work on has a GNC. BOXES of Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, no sales tax and military discount on top of the coupon. FUCK and YES.


°Temp. member
With all this talk about some tuna having unsafe mercury levels, is it safe to eat tuna or not?
It's a good source of protein...


With all this talk about some tuna having unsafe mercury levels, is it safe to eat tuna or not?
It's a good source of protein...


Tuna is extremely high in mercury. Technically all fish contain mercury but levels vary depending on the fish.

I steer clear of all fish as a regular protein source. Tho I will take a dive into some Mahi Mahi every now and again from a reputable vendor two or three times per year but that's about it. I'd rather be safe than sorry.


I noticed a really dangerous habit I have in the gym, when pulling 45s off the rack my right foot is almost always directly under the weight. If I dropped it, it's game over for my foot.

Time for an update!

-198lbs(couldn't break 200 this week gah!)

After last summer and Aliens points I really took a backseat on pushing chest and focused on my shoulders. They are better but still not where I need them to be. I should be Summer ready by June at this rate though so thats good.

Bench - 225-235 1RM(Last month I got 235 but can't get more than 225 this month :/
DeadLift - 335
Squats - 275(Still pretty pathetic - Hopefully hitting them twice a week now will help)
DB Curl - 60
Weighted Dip - 90(two 45lbs plates)
Weighted Wide Grip Pullup - 45lbs + 10lbs
Bent Over Row - 205lbs
Military Press - 80lbs(You would be so proud Alien)

Here is what I am most stoked about though:

1 Mile Sprint - 5:20(Outside not on a treadmill)
3 Mile - 6:04(Outside not on a treadmill)

I am entering a Spartan and I need to get in the low 5's to even have a chance at this thing so hopefully I do okay.

Bruce your a freakin beast. And you actually encouraged me to take some pics ;)


Age: 29
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 173lbs

Things I want to work on:
-Gain more weight (God its hard)
-BIGGER shoulders
-Bigger chest

Input is welcome! Just dont be too harsh.

I just wanted to say very impressive job Bruce and Chef. I can only hope to get those kinds of results. You guys didn't post your routines by chance did you?
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