And are those all glute-ham raise stations on the right?! ::swoon::
I've always heard that cardio before lifting is a no-no? And this seems like a ton of cardio in general.
Well....It wasn't pretty but I got it up! On my 2nd attempt too. It's going to take a while to get 45 up.
Muscle up with 35lbs...
One thing that pisses me off though:
As a woman working hard you will lose body fat on places you do not want to..so if you go for bikini or muscle competitions there is just no other option than having breast implants done. If you do not want to do that and are petite to start with you are basically screwed as you will never win a competition..
Knee sleeves or wraps, Andy? Sleeves are fine, wraps should only be used on a 1rm attempt that's really heavy.
Cooter, you are just a solid mass of power. Good job, man.
So I left my gloves in my car which is currently being worked at the repair shop so the past few days I've been lifting without them. And goddamn, the dumbbells are killing my precious little hands. I had to stop doing some exercises because of the redness and uncomfortableness. Is this normal? I don't want to lose my Constanza-esque hands...
So I left my gloves in my car which is currently being worked at the repair shop so the past few days I've been lifting without them. And goddamn, the dumbbells are killing my precious little hands. I had to stop doing some exercises because of the redness and uncomfortableness. Is this normal? I don't want to lose my Constanza-esque hands...
Sounds like you should be a hand model.
I use a lot of dumbbell work and I don't have issues, I also work a weenie job in an office so it's not like you can strike a match in the palm of my hand. Dunno what's up with yours unless yknow...you should be a hand model.
Which exercises in particular are shredding your hands?
I've noticed that all the heavy compound lifting does nothing for the skin in my hands. No callouses whatsoever.
I've noticed that all the heavy compound lifting does nothing for the skin in my hands. No callouses whatsoever.
Meanwhile curls and other "crap" do give my callouses![]()
That's how it's pronouncedTell me that's NOT how you are supposed to pronounce hypertrophy..
Not even deadlifts? :l
I've noticed that all the heavy compound lifting does nothing for the skin in my hands. No callouses whatsoever.
Meanwhile curls and other "crap" do give my callouses![]()
That's how it's pronounced
Wow...I always read it in my mind as HYPER-TROPHY
Man, I'm still not in ketosis again since carb nite on saturday. This is seriously bumming me out, and I think I'll dump carb nite since I'm not back and still have a little weight to lose. I've been super strict with my diet too. I got really sick last night at 2am and figured I was back on keto but the sticks say no. :/ Bummed out.
How do you know?
pissin on ketostix.
Doesn't mean you're not in ketosis. From what I understand they aren't very accurate.
This should help:
i just got a mental image of you getting a "negative" and being all depressed about it like a woman hoping to be pregnant.
Better hurry if you're getting the Olympus ones. Only 1 pair left at size L (36).
Target acquired. Will be here on Friday. Just in time for deadlift day.
I thought it was hyper-trophy![]()
I thought that until I heard Layne say it on the podcast last week.
No? Then I'm not so bummed out. My last keto stint lasted for about 3 months and I'd check the sticks once a week to make sure of it or whenever I made a decision I wasn't confident about dietwise. I'm sure I'm on the cusp of it, but I was disheartened by not snapping back into it in a day, but knowing it isn't particularly accurate helps my soul a bit.
Shit, this makes me feel better too.
That's a lot closer than you think to the truth![]()
I refuse to say it like he's saying it. It sounds like he's having a stroke as he says it.
#team Hyper-Trophy.
From someone that was on keto for a year, they are totally not accurate. If you are fat adapted and if you are drinking enough water, it might not show. When I first started keto those bitches would be purple, but as my body got used to burning the ketones for fuel instead of pissing them out, they never worked. Plus I drink a lot of water.
Side note, if you guys wanna know how to build monster traps, go to Prison. Even the guys who don't even work out have fucking traps. It's unreal. Also, these guys respect people who lift. Dudes come up to me all the time trying to talk training stuff.
Sometimes I really wanna get into a conversation, but I keep that shit to a minimum. I bet there's some stuff I could actually learn from these bigger guys.
What are they doing to work their traps?
Those traps aren't from working out, but from all the stress of living in prison 24/7.
Fuck if I know, I keep the socialization between me and them to a minimum, especially in my rookie year.
Wow...I always read it in my mind as HYPER-TROPHY
Fair. I'll just assume it comes from having the weight of the world on their shoulders.
Considering traps are a very easy muscle to get bigger, and are one of the first muscles you'd probably see on just a guy walking down the street, I wonder if prisoners try to build their traps first as fast as possible for intimidation reasons.
Chest/Triceps REPS
BB Bench Press 3x10
Incline DB Press 3x10
Chest Flys 3x10
Tricep Overhead Press 3x10
Tricep Pulldowns 3x10
Skullcrushers 3x10
Dips - To Failure Until Failure
Deadlifts 5x5
One Arm DB Rows 3x10
Lat Pull Downs 3x10
Wide Grip Pull Ups/Medium Grip Pull Ups/Chin Ups Until Failure
Bicep Curls 3x8
Hammer Curls 3x10
Concentration Curls
Squats 5x5
Leg Press 2x25
Calf Raises 3x15
Hamstring Curls 3x8
Arnold Press 3x8
BB/DB Shrugs 3x10
Military Press 3x8
Seated/Standing Bent Over Dumbbell Laterals 3x8
This look any good?
Chest/Triceps REPS
BB Bench Press 3x10
Incline DB Press 3x10
Chest Flys 3x10
Tricep Overhead Press 3x10
Tricep Pulldowns 3x10
Skullcrushers 3x10
Dips - To Failure Until Failure
Deadlifts 5x5
One Arm DB Rows 3x10
Lat Pull Downs 3x10
Wide Grip Pull Ups/Medium Grip Pull Ups/Chin Ups Until Failure
Bicep Curls 3x8
Hammer Curls 3x10
Concentration Curls
Squats 5x5
Leg Press 2x25
Calf Raises 3x15
Hamstring Curls 3x8
Arnold Press 3x8
BB/DB Shrugs 3x10
Military Press 3x8
Seated/Standing Bent Over Dumbbell Laterals 3x8
This look any good?
Chest/Triceps REPS
BB Bench Press 3x10
Incline DB Press 3x10
Chest Flys 3x10
Tricep Overhead Press 3x10
Tricep Pulldowns 3x10
Skullcrushers 3x10
Dips - To Failure Until Failure
Deadlifts 5x5
One Arm DB Rows 3x10
Lat Pull Downs 3x10
Wide Grip Pull Ups/Medium Grip Pull Ups/Chin Ups Until Failure
Bicep Curls 3x8
Hammer Curls 3x10
Concentration Curls
Squats 5x5
Leg Press 2x25
Calf Raises 3x15
Hamstring Curls 3x8
Arnold Press 3x8
BB/DB Shrugs 3x10
Military Press 3x8
Seated/Standing Bent Over Dumbbell Laterals 3x8
This look any good?
That's a lot of work and I prefer to go down in reps and up in weight every set but that will work if you get enough rest and eat correctly.