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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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I was talking to a co-worker today about fasting and suddenly an overweight woman chimes in and informs me how unhealthy it is and that breakfast should never be missed. This type of situation happens often to me when I discuss my eating habits. We have a long way to go reversing the attitudes regarding when and what to eat in this country.

The days of this country getting to a knowledgable plane of food and fitness are long gone.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I think everyone's just waiting for some magic pill to be invented to burn the fat away.

I was, then I got off my ass and realized it's because I was simply fucking LAZY. That I would make excuses and give myself a way out. Once I came to grips with that and decided hey I don't want to be a fat shit, things changed. It's hard work but it snowballs. The first two weeks were the toughest. I used to use the excuse of not having enough time, but that's bullshit. With regards to diet, all you have to do is NOT EAT SHIT. You don't even have to go to a gym. Don't have to exercise. Just stop eating shit.
I made a douchebag move at the gym today. There are these two young guys ages 16-19 that are definitely on some type of hardcore toid cycle(crazy acne along w/ amazing muscle development for guys their age) that were doing squats. 8 plates ATG, with their knees going a good 7" past their feet with the backs bent over. I was so freaked out about it I interrupted them to be typical "old balls dude that interrupts everyone with advise" and told them they could really mess themselves up. Of course I just get stares of contempt and total silence till I excuse myself. Their morons but man I hate when people interrupt me. I should have just let it be.


Ok guys, I've been going through Starting Strength for the last two months and my squat has gone up pretty well. However, I've been reading Rippetoe's book and I'm starting to think I'm not going deep enough. I never feel sore in my glutes and I'm worried I'm not hitting them. One thing I don't understand is that a lot of people say not to lean forward when squatting. But going by the diagrams in the book and by my ACSM PT book, leaning forward seems like a requirement.

Rippetoe says to keep your upper body aligned at a 45 degree angle. The ACSM book states "the further the lifter leans forward from the trunk the further the weight acts from the axis of rotation at the hip." It continues "as the external resistance moves further forward horizontally, the resistance from the hip extensors is greater." That leads me to believe that I'm not leaning forward enough to get the bar above the mid-foot range but I was always told to keep everything more vertical. Is it ok to lean forward and to squat with that 45 degree angle?

I might have my answer here. The ACSM book says that situating the bar higher up on the shoulders stresses the knee extensors more than the hip extensors. I usually have the bar high up on my traps, so maybe that's why I don't seem to be hitting my hip extensors as much.


Steroid Distributor
I used to be a district manager for GNC. I was in a store one day when a slightly heavy lady came into the store holding a large size of NewYork Fries. When we asked her if she was looking for anything special her reply was
Her: "Do you guys have any asparagus capsules?"
Me: "No, sorry I don't believe we do."
Her: "ah that's too bad"
Me: "how come were you looking for asparagus capsules today?"
Her: "oh I read they help you lose weight"
Me: ...........................
Her: "well you guys should get them. I read they work really good"

I said nothing. I just stood there and kinda nodded a bit. She said thanks and carried on.

Probably 1500 calories in French fries and wanted asparagus pills to help her lose weight.



Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I made a douchebag move at the gym today. There are these two young guys ages 16-19 that are definitely on some type of hardcore toid cycle(crazy acne along w/ amazing muscle development for guys their age) that were doing squats. 8 plates ATG, with their knees going a good 7" past their feet with the backs bent over. I was so freaked out about it I interrupted them to be typical "old balls dude that interrupts everyone with advise" and told them they could really mess themselves up. Of course I just get stares of contempt and total silence till I excuse myself. Their morons but man I hate when people interrupt me. I should have just let it be.

Your intentions were pure. You can sleep soundly tonight. :)

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Ok guys, I've been going through Starting Strength for the last two months and my squat has gone up pretty well. However, I've been reading Rippetoe's book and I'm starting to think I'm not going deep enough. I never feel sore in my glutes and I'm worried I'm not hitting them. One thing I don't understand is that a lot of people say not to lean forward when squatting. But going by the diagrams in the book and by my ACSM PT book, leaning forward seems like a requirement.

Rippetoe says to keep your upper body aligned at a 45 degree angle. The ACSM book states "the further the lifter leans forward from the trunk the further the weight acts from the axis of rotation at the hip." It continues "as the external resistance moves further forward horizontally, the resistance from the hip extensors is greater." That leads me to believe that I'm not leaning forward enough to get the bar above the mid-foot range but I was always told to keep everything more vertical. Is it ok to lean forward and to squat with that 45 degree angle?

I might have my answer here. The ACSM book says that situating the bar higher up on the shoulders stresses the knee extensors more than the hip extensors. I usually have the bar high up on my traps, so maybe that's why I don't seem to be hitting my hip extensors as much.

My glutes NEVER get sore also. Probably something messed up with my form, but it FEELS right. I feel the hip drive, I go up, I understand...I dunno. I need to make some adjustments or ask for a form critique probably. You can only read so much before you need people to look right at it.


Yea, plus I think I'm thinking too much about it and it's going to lead to me changing my form in a bad way. When I've done squats with my personal trainer, he says I'm doing ok most of the time. I think I'm just going to lower my weight a little and try to go a little deeper than parallel without losing my form. I think I was going pretty much to parallel before.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Yea, plus I think I'm thinking too much about it and it's going to lead to me changing my form in a bad way. When I've done squats with my personal trainer, he says I'm doing ok most of the time. I think I'm just going to lower my weight a little and try to go a little deeper than parallel without losing my form. I think I was going pretty much to parallel before.
That would be my advice. Go as deep as you possibly can and don't worry about weight. If you can't go deep then lower the weight until you can.


Ok guys, I've been going through Starting Strength for the last two months and my squat has gone up pretty well. However, I've been reading Rippetoe's book and I'm starting to think I'm not going deep enough. I never feel sore in my glutes and I'm worried I'm not hitting them. One thing I don't understand is that a lot of people say not to lean forward when squatting. But going by the diagrams in the book and by my ACSM PT book, leaning forward seems like a requirement.

Rippetoe says to keep your upper body aligned at a 45 degree angle. The ACSM book states "the further the lifter leans forward from the trunk the further the weight acts from the axis of rotation at the hip." It continues "as the external resistance moves further forward horizontally, the resistance from the hip extensors is greater." That leads me to believe that I'm not leaning forward enough to get the bar above the mid-foot range but I was always told to keep everything more vertical. Is it ok to lean forward and to squat with that 45 degree angle?

I might have my answer here. The ACSM book says that situating the bar higher up on the shoulders stresses the knee extensors more than the hip extensors. I usually have the bar high up on my traps, so maybe that's why I don't seem to be hitting my hip extensors as much.

How much you lean forward will be a funcion of the angles of the hips and the knees. Those angles, in turn, will be a function of the position of the bar on the back as well as individual anthropometry, because the hip angle has to be adjusted so that the bar travels perpendicularly to the floor over the middle of the foot.


As you can see in this diagram (from Starting Strength 2nd Edition), the back is almost completely vertical in the front squat, since the bar is already over the middle of the foot in when standing just holding the bar. So in order to keep the bar path vertical, the back will also remain pretty vertical.

In the middle we see the high bar squat, with the bar sitting on the traps. The back angle is less vertical now, because there has to be some lean over to accommodate the bar path.

Finally we have a low bar squat, in which the bar is placed on top of the shoulders. The back angle is close to 45°, because this is necessary to keep the bar path vertical over the middle of the foot.

So yes, your back will be at a 45° angle (or close to it) if you are doing low bar squats.

The result of this is that the hamstrings are much more engaged in the low bar squat, since they reach a high amount of tension at the bottom (below parallel) since the hips have to stick out to accommodate the back angle. This is what enables the low bar squat to utilize a significant amount of "hip drive", as well at a bounce from the bottom, which is why Rippetoe prefers this type of squat.

The "back must remain vertical" bit is just typical gym conventional wisdom, just like "going bellow parallel will wreck your knees", "look up when squatting", "don't lock out your knees", etc. It's just drivel that's passed on without any thought applied to it, but as such it doesn't really withstand any scrutiny.

All this info is in Starting Strength; I suggest you read and reread that book as it's a trove of knowledge. And it's knowledge that relies on mechanics and anatomy, not just a collection of "conventional wisdom".

If you want you can post a form check and we'll take a look at it.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Ok guys, I've been going through Starting Strength for the last two months and my squat has gone up pretty well. However, I've been reading Rippetoe's book and I'm starting to think I'm not going deep enough. I never feel sore in my glutes and I'm worried I'm not hitting them. One thing I don't understand is that a lot of people say not to lean forward when squatting. But going by the diagrams in the book and by my ACSM PT book, leaning forward seems like a requirement.

Rippetoe says to keep your upper body aligned at a 45 degree angle. The ACSM book states "the further the lifter leans forward from the trunk the further the weight acts from the axis of rotation at the hip." It continues "as the external resistance moves further forward horizontally, the resistance from the hip extensors is greater." That leads me to believe that I'm not leaning forward enough to get the bar above the mid-foot range but I was always told to keep everything more vertical. Is it ok to lean forward and to squat with that 45 degree angle?

I might have my answer here. The ACSM book says that situating the bar higher up on the shoulders stresses the knee extensors more than the hip extensors. I usually have the bar high up on my traps, so maybe that's why I don't seem to be hitting my hip extensors as much.

The instructions in Starting Strength are for a low bar squat, if you're squatting high bar (bar on the traps, not cross the shoulders) your torso should be a bit more upright.


Up until recently, I really didn't know I could position the bar differently without it being wrong. I was just confused from reading the squat part of SS but now I'm starting to understand. I might just try out some low bar squats and see how I like it and try some variety a little without purposely leaning forward more than I naturally should be.


I was talking to a co-worker today about fasting and suddenly an overweight woman chimes in and informs me how unhealthy it is and that breakfast should never be missed. This type of situation happens often to me when I discuss my eating habits. We have a long way to go reversing the attitudes regarding when and what to eat in this country.

I have to say, after 2 years of fasting I'm ready to call it quits. It's not feasible while maintaining a hard labor job and it really fucks me up irregardless. The article I posted a few pages back has explained something that has been there since starting to fast but was never really a concern or I could never identify it as being the consequence it is. After I work out and break the fast, no matter how much I eat or whatever rest I get, I still feel tired throughout the rest of the day.
This may be due to thyroid issues, however, as I've been taking the medicine while fasting I've found the improvements I'm seeking were not attained and a consult with the doc says the fasting is probably promoting excess stress the body doesn't need while attempting to recover. This brings me back to something I read during the start of the fasting craze, a quote from Robb Wolf from a podcast," Don't fast unless you have everything under check first..."
I'm not saying everyone has a thyroid issue but I am saying not everyone needs to give IF a shot as it may create an unnecessary risk.

The overweight woman herself probably suffers from a thyroid issue however doctors today are unfamiliar with the original diagnostic test of checking basal temp. and pulse and so go by blood tests that overlook sub clinical thyroid issues. Fat people aren't determined gluttons but actually often times suffering from a thyroid issue that at least causes a bad metabolism that when coupled with a bad diet compounds and leads to obesity. People forget the stomach is every much the fuel tank that drives the car and when the fuel can't be properly utilized it's not just a matter of aesthetics going to the wayside but everything else that the fuel serves to function.


It wouldn't be so bad if they weren't so resistant to listening and learning. I get so many handwaves and "Oh well I'm gonna just stick with what works for me" as they spend 6 months trying to lose 5 lbs. Or say your eating plan is "some crazy diet" - goddammit people! It's not crazy! You're letting advertisements rule your life!

Some five years ago my parents counted calories carefully and biked every day, and they lost significant weight and their legs became awesome. Now they don't exercise and added ice cream and soda to their regular diet. I was talking to my mom recently and she didn't believe me when I told her why she regained weight, she blamed my figure on my metabolism, and she said she wants to try Sensa instead.

This infuriates me so much. I don't understand how such a wise person can go from seeing great results on a proven, common-sense method first-hand, to denial and falling for such an obvious scam.


Up until recently, I really didn't know I could position the bar differently without it being wrong. I was just confused from reading the squat part of SS but now I'm starting to understand. I might just try out some low bar squats and see how I like it and try some variety a little without purposely leaning forward more than I naturally should be.

Sounds good. Keep it up.

The low bar squat that Rippetoe focuses on does have some more forward lean of the torso than the high bar squat, and it seems to be less known. That's why you're always hearing about having to keep your torso vertical. I was actually interrupted once by a gym employee because I was working on low bar squats, and she said I shouldn't be leaning forward. I know my form is not perfect, but I didn't think it was that bad.


Sounds good. Keep it up.

The low bar squat that Rippetoe focuses on does have some more forward lean of the torso than the high bar squat, and it seems to be less known. That's why you're always hearing about having to keep your torso vertical. I was actually interrupted once by a gym employee because I was working on low bar squats, and she said I shouldn't be leaning forward. I know my form is not perfect, but I didn't think it was that bad.

I think I was correlating leaning forward with rounding my back and was totally confused with Rippetoe showing me a pic of a person leaning at 45 degrees.


Oh yeah I think it was noemi last time that critiqued my squat form well I watched a video after I was told my back was rounding. One thing I noticed in the video immediately was how high the bar is on the back during said squat, and I had been pushing the bar lower for comfort until yesterday when I kept the bar uncomfortably high to where the ball of my neck is sore today. Turns out this allowed me to easily keep my back straight while squatting though it almost feels like I've started again for some reason, in regards to form change bringing that feeling.


LOL, that video is hilarious. I never knew calf muscles were such a big deal, matter of fact I used to think there was something wrong with mine for being so thick. I played basketball and the most athletic people I knew had really high calf muscles that were slender.


Gold Member
Suggest me moves GAF

I am in a hotel in Delhi. Imagine my delight when at a quick glance I see not only a range of dumbells, but plates and a squat rack. Except, upon closer inspection, it turns out to be a Hammer f'ing Strength machine. So I am left with dumbells. What should I do instead of deadlift and squats...?


Suggest me moves GAF

I am in a hotel in Delhi. Imagine my delight when at a quick glance I see not only a range of dumbells, but plates and a squat rack. Except, upon closer inspection, it turns out to be a Hammer f'ing Strength machine. So I am left with dumbells. What should I do instead of deadlift and squats...?



I used to be a district manager for GNC. I was in a store one day when a slightly heavy lady came into the store holding a large size of NewYork Fries. When we asked her if she was looking for anything special her reply was
Her: "Do you guys have any asparagus capsules?"
Me: "No, sorry I don't believe we do."
Her: "ah that's too bad"
Me: "how come were you looking for asparagus capsules today?"
Her: "oh I read they help you lose weight"
Me: ...........................
Her: "well you guys should get them. I read they work really good"

I said nothing. I just stood there and kinda nodded a bit. She said thanks and carried on.

Probably 1500 calories in French fries and wanted asparagus pills to help her lose weight.




Had two chicken burritos, the hunger came over me today. I haven't eaten like this in a minute, I forgot how great bulk eating is.


I was, then I got off my ass and realized it's because I was simply fucking LAZY. That I would make excuses and give myself a way out. Once I came to grips with that and decided hey I don't want to be a fat shit, things changed. It's hard work but it snowballs. The first two weeks were the toughest. I used to use the excuse of not having enough time, but that's bullshit. With regards to diet, all you have to do is NOT EAT SHIT. You don't even have to go to a gym. Don't have to exercise. Just stop eating shit.

Well said!
Now I need my BF to understand that...but he never will. You know what fucking frustrates me is this:
I was diagnosed with MS a few years ago. Two years after the diagnosis I was so fed up with not having control over my body that I started Beachbodies P90X. Fuck I went from zero unassisted pull ups to 3. From zero normal push-ups to over 20 consecutive ones and from 0.5 kg to 5 kg dumbbells. And it was freaking hard for me who could hardly walk down stairs without holding on to the siderails due to balance issues and now a few years later I feel better than I have ever been and am probably fitter than ever before. Yet I can't seem to inspire or motivate him to get off his chubby butt and do something..I am not nagging him about it though. That would just be counter productive. I just wished I would inspire him a bit..

He doesn't eat much though. Just works a lot even during nights extra freelance jobs but he would still have time to find an hour to workout..and eat what I eat..

I made a douchebag move at the gym today. There are these two young guys ages 16-19 that are definitely on some type of hardcore toid cycle(crazy acne along w/ amazing muscle development for guys their age) that were doing squats. 8 plates ATG, with their knees going a good 7" past their feet with the backs bent over. I was so freaked out about it I interrupted them to be typical "old balls dude that interrupts everyone with advise" and told them they could really mess themselves up. Of course I just get stares of contempt and total silence till I excuse myself. Their morons but man I hate when people interrupt me. I should have just let it be.

I wish I had someone check my form. I am totally obsessed with doing everything correct. Especially since I have issues with squatting in general. Maybe some of these days when we have our home gym I take some vids and post them for correction advice.

Really concerned with fucking something up. Especially now that I want to go high weight low rep.

Also, to be fair, on the diet intermittent fasting or not discussion:
Insulin resistance, hormonal issues and other stuff can weigh into nutrition decisions. Not every method works for everyone. Some people do need breakfast for one reason or another..others can do without.


Well said!
Now I need my BF to understand that...but he never will. You know what fucking frustrates me is this:
I was diagnosed with MS a few years ago. Two years after the diagnosis I was so fed up with not having control over my body that I started Beachbodies P90X. Fuck I went from zero unassisted pull ups to 3. From zero normal push-ups to over 20 consecutive ones and from 0.5 kg to 5 kg dumbbells. And it was freaking hard for me who could hardly walk down stairs without holding on to the siderails due to balance issues and now a few years later I feel better than I have ever been and am probably fitter than ever before. Yet I can't seem to inspire or motivate him to get off his chubby butt and do something..I am not nagging him about it though. That would just be counter productive. I just wished I would inspire him a bit..

He doesn't eat much though. Just works a lot even during nights extra freelance jobs but he would still have time to find an hour to workout..

Why don't you try and get him to workout with you? Make it part of your lifestyle together and maybe he will enjoy it?

Just a thought.


I've seen a lot of discussion over the last twenty-odd pages about people attempting low-bar squats but realising later that they're actually holding the bar in a high-bar position and getting confused (myself included for a while).

Anyway, here is the definitive video for low bar placement in agonising detail from the man himself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2tyOLvArw0

Also, to be fair, on the diet intermittent fasting or not discussion:
Insulin resistance, hormonal issues and other stuff can weigh into nutrition decisions. Not every method works for everyone. Some people do need breakfast for one reason or another..others can do without.

This is true in my case. I don't know what it is, but I've tried keto, tried this, tried that, and basic medium carb, medium fat, high protein, regular meals seems to work best for me in both the way I feel and function during the day and how I progress. I just have to be strict.


I used to be a district manager for GNC. I was in a store one day when a slightly heavy lady came into the store holding a large size of NewYork Fries. When we asked her if she was looking for anything special her reply was
Her: "Do you guys have any asparagus capsules?"
Me: "No, sorry I don't believe we do."
Her: "ah that's too bad"
Me: "how come were you looking for asparagus capsules today?"
Her: "oh I read they help you lose weight"
Me: ...........................
Her: "well you guys should get them. I read they work really good"

I said nothing. I just stood there and kinda nodded a bit. She said thanks and carried on.

Probably 1500 calories in French fries and wanted asparagus pills to help her lose weight.


Bro. Do you know how much hard work is required for diet and exercise? I DIDNT THINK SO! PILLZ 4LYFE!
Some five years ago my parents counted calories carefully and biked every day, and they lost significant weight and their legs became awesome. Now they don't exercise and added ice cream and soda to their regular diet. I was talking to my mom recently and she didn't believe me when I told her why she regained weight, she blamed my figure on my metabolism, and she said she wants to try Sensa instead.

This infuriates me so much. I don't understand how such a wise person can go from seeing great results on a proven, common-sense method first-hand, to denial and falling for such an obvious scam.
Oh god. This is my fucking kryptonite. When I tell people I know that if they stick to the diets I tell them about they will see results, but they just tell me that I'm young so it's my metabolism that allows me to be this way. I'm 26, sure. But a year and a half ago I was a tub of lard and I worked out more than I do now. It was my goddamn diet. They think they can break their diet everyday and still see results. "Low carb? But I only had a sandwich during lunch! Durr Something something metabolism" Fuck!


Oh god. This is my fucking kryptonite. When I tell people I know that if they stick to the diets I tell them about they will see results, but they just tell me that I'm young so it's my metabolism that allows me to be this way. I'm 26, sure. But a year and a half ago I was a tub of lard and I worked out more than I do now. It was my goddamn diet. They think they can break their diet everyday and still see results. "Low carb? But I only had a sandwich during lunch! Durr Something something metabolism" Fuck!

This happens with my g/f quite a bit. She'll tell me its "only" a slice of pizza or beer or whatever, but when I try to explain that all those "only" items add up when they are just day after day, she'll tell me how her other meals weren't bad. You can't cheat everyday sweetie.
My wife and I are doing carb nite together. Yesterday I discovered that she ate some leftover ice cream from our last carb up. I feel betrayed kind of. She got mad at me for being "judging".

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Well said!
Now I need my BF to understand that...but he never will. You know what fucking frustrates me is this:
I was diagnosed with MS a few years ago. Two years after the diagnosis I was so fed up with not having control over my body that I started Beachbodies P90X. Fuck I went from zero unassisted pull ups to 3. From zero normal push-ups to over 20 consecutive ones and from 0.5 kg to 5 kg dumbbells. And it was freaking hard for me who could hardly walk down stairs without holding on to the siderails due to balance issues and now a few years later I feel better than I have ever been and am probably fitter than ever before. Yet I can't seem to inspire or motivate him to get off his chubby butt and do something..I am not nagging him about it though. That would just be counter productive. I just wished I would inspire him a bit..

He doesn't eat much though. Just works a lot even during nights extra freelance jobs but he would still have time to find an hour to workout..and eat what I eat..

I guesssssssss mayyyyyybe keep his food from him, or throw it out, and force him to eat WITH you every single time? It sounds super overbearing (and I'd hate that, and go hide-n-eat if I didn't want to) but it sounds pretty tough. Rough situation, but I'd imagine eventually he'd feel like things are way out of balance if you're crushin' shit and he's not, and that might motivate him to change in some way. Also monster congrats on overcoming your own adversity - that is really awesome to hear how far you've come. It couldn't have been easy!

My wife and I are doing carb nite together. Yesterday I discovered that she ate some leftover ice cream from our last carb up. I feel betrayed kind of. She got mad at me for being "judging".

She ate leftover carbs!?


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I just really hate seeing people let themselves down.

I'd probably (and foolishly) let her know that even though she doesn't think much of it, it's a huge blow to my own resistance of cravings and makes it tougher for me. Let her know that she helps support you by doing it too and when she does that it makes you feel like quitting and doing it too.

Ugh, don't say any of that. It's a bad idea. I'd just let it go :(


I just really hate seeing people let themselves down.

Oh I know. I used to be like you guys and try and explain why you should or shouldn't eat something.

Then I laid down the rule she can do whatever she wants but I'll be following my own thing. That seemed to do the trick.
You weight loss guys know how it is though. I am constantly doubting myself. Am I too strict, am I too judging, am I too hardcore, am I not merciful?? She has always been thin or relatively so, weight isn't an issue in her family. My mother and brother are both obese and it has become a part of my personality to fight it.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
You weight loss guys know how it is though. I am constantly doubting myself. Am I too strict, am I too judging, am I too hardcore, am I not merciful?? She has always been thin or relatively so, weight isn't an issue in her family. My mother and brother are both obese and it has become a part of my personality to fight it.

Well if she's naturally thin, just let her do her own thing and focus on you. You're the master of your destiny brah! She ain't struggling like you do. Head down, keep focus, and you'll beat it up.
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