Sometimes I head to McDonalds and get some burgers post workout. Usually on squat or deadlift day.
In fact, I did this yesterday!
I do that every Wednesday (531 Deadlifts + BBB Squats).
I had 2x Chicken McMenus + 1 McBacon
I love Wednesdays.
Sometimes I head to McDonalds and get some burgers post workout. Usually on squat or deadlift day.
In fact, I did this yesterday!
Thanks for posting that, Alien!
By some odd chance I just got a call from my fiancé about how's she's going to stop being so rigid, love her body more, appreciate her gains and be more proud of herself. Ok who messaged her?
Can you have protein shakes on days you're not working out?
New job, long days, shifting workouts to the weekend.
Cut stalled at -13. Lost some inches, visible loss on dat serratus, abs still safely protected by a nice soft cushion. All in all it's a victory, but damnit.
Week two of 5/3/1. For those that have started this decent lifting experience, what's the usual in going beyond the last set? Meaning, if I'm putting up 11-12, would that suggest the weight was too low?
Is that the second week of the first cycle? What do your training maxes look like?
You are fine, probably. It's better to start too low than too high.
Depending on how many reps you get in the last rep of the 3rd week of the cycle, you might want to consider increasing lower body lifts by 20lb and upper body by 10lb just for your second cycle.
Thought you were on Carb Nite, Sun?
Yeah, it's week two of cycle one. Good idea on the 20/10 jump for the second cycle; if I'm putting up 5 on a "1 rep max" I'll seek out a larger increase. I'm starting just right on squat/press, probably "too low" on bench/deads, but that's OK. I was surprised more than concerned.
Real quick question I think I know the answer to
Keto w/SS - waste of time? I'm seeing gains but I'm sure their days are numbered. I'm in no way eating a caloric surplus. Thinking about dumping keto for a couple months to see how I gain then. I've outgrown my weenie complimentary apartment gym and am going to be moving to a real gym, want to make efficient use of my time.
Real quick question I think I know the answer to
Keto w/SS - waste of time? I'm seeing gains but I'm sure their days are numbered. I'm in no way eating a caloric surplus. Thinking about dumping keto for a couple months to see how I gain then. I've outgrown my weenie complimentary apartment gym and am going to be moving to a real gym, want to make efficient use of my time.
Well, but's not a true 1RM; it's a training Max.
I'd say 5 Reps on the 3rd week of the first 531 Cycle is not only okay; it's pretty much expected. So if you only get 5 Reps on your 3rd week, then probably you shouldn't jump more than 5lb / 10lb pounds for the next cycle. Add more only if you get something like 9-10 Reps.
I'm in my 6th Cycle and I'm still putting 4-5 reps on the last set of the third week in all my lifts.
Generally keto and SS aren't a good mix. It's a really aggressive program that benefits from some carbs (and a surplus or maintenance if you're heavy).
Word. Big fish in small pond seeks a lake brah. I just joined a real gym three weeks ago.
Hi FitGAF.
I'm new here but have been lurking for a few months now.
I began Starting Strength around mid-March. Liking my progress so far but time for a form check.
I am not satisfied with my deadlift form, so here it is:
I am generally more confident in my squat, but have a look anyway. I'm doing the high-bar version.
Any comment, suggestion, criticism would be welcome.
Thanks Noema for the tips and sorry about the deadlift one. It should be viewable now.
just spoke to my doc earlier this week, blood and urine tests were mostly good, but my cholesterol results were bad.
LDL was 4.18
HDL was 1
triglycerides .74
chol/hdl ratio 5.52
how do I go about lowering the bad LDL?? Should I stop eating white rice?
Thanks again, I'll put that to practice.
The reason I was doing my stupid neck twist is to be sure my back stays straight when I initiate the lift, but I guess I'll just try to feel it from now on.
About the bar placement relative to the feet, I think it's pretty close to the actual middle of my foot. But thanks for the hips unlocking thing, this will definitely change the way I descend the weight.
And I did check bits of the SS book here and there but I'll read it in full.
Anyone else?
I'm wearing chucks in these videos. But since I'm a short guy, I might try going barefoot.
Szu, don't care about the number. You look lean as fuck. The percentage that a machine gives you doesn't matter if you're cut like yourself!
Everytime I've tried to analyze bf I just get frustrated and depressed. I hate it!
Real quick question I think I know the answer to
Keto w/SS - waste of time? I'm seeing gains but I'm sure their days are numbered. I'm in no way eating a caloric surplus. Thinking about dumping keto for a couple months to see how I gain then. I've outgrown my weenie complimentary apartment gym and am going to be moving to a real gym, want to make efficient use of my time.
I use body calipers at home. If the number continues to go down, I'm doing something right.
I miss Kroc rows! I remember a similar article Kroc posted on T-Nation, except it didn't have t-bar rows or shrugs. It was the Building a Big Freaky Back article (I have this saved under my bookmarks, lol) and this was the sample workout:
All I did to tweak it was to change his deadlift protocol to the 5/3/1 protocol. Then I did 100 chins in as many sets as it took (this fucking sucks when you're not Matt Kroc or Shogun) and finished with a set of Kroc rows.
Do you have a specific spreadsheet you fill out on these? Meaning I'm guessing you measure at multiple points and then average everything.
2 quest bars usually do the trickFitness-GAF, what do you eat, or feel like are good things to eat before doing a more strenuous training. For a practical example, say it's the end of the afternoon, lunch is far gone, do what do you eat so your blood sugar isn't too low and you feel weak but not foods that make you feel nauseous when under stress. (which I guess does happen anyway if you push yourself too hard?) And how long before training do you eat?
I do that every Wednesday (531 Deadlifts + BBB Squats).
I had 2x Chicken McMenus + 1 McBacon
I love Wednesdays.
It is absolutely incredible that he is able to do chins with that much weight on his frame.
Also Kroc rows for life.
Thanks for posting that, Alien!
By some odd chance I just got a call from my fiancé about how's she's going to stop being so rigid, love her body more, appreciate her gains and be more proud of herself. Ok who messaged her?
Speaking as a man that weighs 228-230lbs, pullups fucking suck.
Try being 240 with a 6'4 wingspan. Not fun =/
I have long-arms, but I'm back down to the low-180lbs range. Pull-ups are already getting easier.
Fuck that I'll take being a midget. (5'8")
Dear Alien,
I admire your pullup strength and mass.
Yours always,
Lifting overall has seriously improved my posture, both in walking, and sitting on the computer typing this out. I used to lean over with the "computer posture" but it seems lifting has corrected that form overall.
While I may never be as SQUAT GOD Alienshogun or Szu, what motivated you to take control of your health and fitness GAF?
Dear FallingEdge,
I admire your hair styles.
Yours never,
P.S. You will never be on my level.
Seriously though those squats yesterday were impressive