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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Is this the thread for posting about running or is it just weights related?

I recently raised over £700 running 10K a day for the month of March. I'm looking for a new challenge now. I've found this event http://www.ratracemanvsmountain.com.

It's nominally about all fitness, though the regulars are pretty strength and bodybuilding focused.

Impressive that you raised that much! You ran 10k every single day for all of March? How was your body afterwards, totally trashed?


Does anyone else like going to the gym alone more than going with a partner?

I've noticed over the past few months I'm more focused and I get more reps when I'm alone. A partner makes it difficult to concentrate and it's difficult to refocus after shooting the shit between sets.

after months going to my gym, I can say the most valuable thing there is the mini-plates for micro increments. There are a total of four 1.25 kgs (2.75 pounds) in the whole free weight zone and they are priceless to me.

Ever since I started writing down what weight I lift in every set in every exercise, I 've been more conscious and aware of where I stand and I it's easy to not get in a confort zone and to know where I have stalled or reached a plateau.

I have added weight to every exercise I do for the last 4 weeks but particularly with the squat, I have been adding 5 kilograms every week to it for the last 4 sessions, and feels awesome. I have a different mindset when I am aware that "THIS is the set, so concentrate, fuck everything else and do it". This combined with this reference thing in www.strstd.com and I am really pushing myself good to get more strenght. It's exciting because if I manage to pull it off and add another 5 kgs in the next squat session, I'd be near intermediate level :O

Am I the only one who writes down stuff? I am always moving around with water, towel, pencil and a blank post-it and the post-it from the last session to know what exactly I did last time.

Keeping a record of your lifts is key to progress.

I have a notebook filled with my 5/3/1 routines since I started late last December. It's fun looking back and seeing my progress. It's more fun looking ahead and seeing where I'm headed.


Am I the only one who writes down stuff? I am always moving around with water, towel, pencil and a blank post-it and the post-it from the last session to know what exactly I did last time.

I don't write it, but I use my phone and Fitocracy to track everything I do in the gym. Not quite as flexible as a pen and pad, but I like having it all tracked in that manner.
Am I the only one who writes down stuff? I am always moving around with water, towel, pencil and a blank post-it and the post-it from the last session to know what exactly I did last time.

If you are a serious lifter, you should be tracking everything. Only way to remember how much you have progressed, where you stalled, etc.
Hi GAF, I'm a complete beginner to fitness looking for some advice.

I want to try out the C25K program (based around alternating walking and running) on a treadmill, and I have a quick question. When the program tells me to 'walk at a brisk pace', about how fast should I set the treadmill? 3-4 mph? Same for running, is 5-6 mph a good speed? This might sound like a stupid question, but I don't really have a good measure of what these terms mean, especially in the context of fitness and running on a treadmill.


Hi GAF, I'm a complete beginner to fitness looking for some advice.

I want to try out the C25K program (based around alternating walking and running) on a treadmill, and I have a quick question. When the program tells me to 'walk at a brisk pace', about how fast should I set the treadmill? 3-4 mph? Same for running, is 5-6 mph a good speed? This might sound like a stupid question, but I don't really have a good measure of what these terms mean, especially in the context of fitness and running on a treadmill.

On a treadmill, I think 3.5-4 mph feels about right. Unless you have lower joint problems, I think 3 is a bit too slow for the "brisk" walking pace. As for running, do whatever makes you feel comfortable, but 5-6 mph is a good range.


I should be writing everything down but I don't.

Same here, I tried to use JEFIT when I started out, but it never stuck and I'd almost always forget to bring my log book. So basically



I tried Kettlebells a while back. Doing several full gym days using them and personally, for my goals, I they are seriously a waste of time and energy.
I do sometimes use kettlebells just to warm up my shoulders but thats pretty much it.

Yea its very different and I can see how its not for everyone. It was nice hearing from the PT that I was bigger then him :p. He is beast with those kettlebells and is much more cut though.

For me its something new to try and keep it fresh. Keeping up with the momentum was the hardest part but it gave a really nice burn.
Oh and a shoulder press with a 16kg kettlebell is much hard then a 16kg dumbell.

Edit: I stopped writing things down when I moved across the ocean. Going from LB to KG f'd my notes up. Now I am used to KG and get a bit confused when I go back home and work out. Should put kg and lb on all the weights!


I should be writing everything down but I don't.

I have my weekly schedule made with Excel so it's nice and good looking. Then I print a bunch of them, staple them together and carry them with me in a small folder at the gym. And when I get home I log everything to Fitocracy.
Does anyone else like going to the gym alone more than going with a partner?

I've noticed over the past few months I'm more focused and I get more reps when I'm alone. A partner makes it difficult to concentrate and it's difficult to refocus after shooting the shit between sets.

Keeping a record of your lifts is key to progress.

I have a notebook filled with my 5/3/1 routines since I started late last December. It's fun looking back and seeing my progress. It's more fun looking ahead and seeing where I'm headed.

I do the same. Although my current noteback is about to fall apart. I have a new one ready but I love looking back at the past month or see and see how my lifts have progressed before tackling working sets.


Does anyone else like going to the gym alone more than going with a partner?

I've noticed over the past few months I'm more focused and I get more reps when I'm alone. A partner makes it difficult to concentrate and it's difficult to refocus after shooting the shit between sets.

Keeping a record of your lifts is key to progress.

I have a notebook filled with my 5/3/1 routines since I started late last December. It's fun looking back and seeing my progress. It's more fun looking ahead and seeing where I'm headed.

I love going with my lifting buddy. We get eah other psyched up and he keeps an eye on my form for me.
My Sunday cheat looked like this

All day BBQ family event

Hot Dog
2 pieces of white grilled chicken breast
1 drumstick
3 rips

Thats throughout the day

Banana pancakes

2 bites of red velvet cake

Didn't feel fat or bloated at all. Had zero effect and I am cutting. My diet was grade A perfect last week as well. Got an excellent pump in the gym today as well. I was thinking that I should stop cheat meals, but I find that they really help me on that Monday morning.
My Sunday cheat looked like this

All day BBQ family event

Hot Dog
2 pieces of white grilled chicken breast
1 drumstick
3 rips

Thats throughout the day

Banana pancakes

2 bites of red velvet cake

Didn't feel fat or bloated at all. Had zero effect and I am cutting. My diet was grade A perfect last week as well. Got an excellent pump in the gym today as well. I was thinking that I should stop cheat meals, but I find that they really help me on that Monday morning.

Yup. As mentioned, one day will not kill you. Making a habit of it will.

On that note, I really need to clean up mine. Been slacking here and there lately.


My Sunday cheat looked like this

All day BBQ family event

Hot Dog
2 pieces of white grilled chicken breast
1 drumstick
3 rips

Thats throughout the day

Banana pancakes

2 bites of red velvet cake

Didn't feel fat or bloated at all. Had zero effect and I am cutting. My diet was grade A perfect last week as well. Got an excellent pump in the gym today as well. I was thinking that I should stop cheat meals, but I find that they really help me on that Monday morning.

That's not BBQ...lol


My Sunday cheat looked like this

All day BBQ family event

Hot Dog
2 pieces of white grilled chicken breast
1 drumstick
3 rips

Thats throughout the day

Banana pancakes

2 bites of red velvet cake

Didn't feel fat or bloated at all. Had zero effect and I am cutting. My diet was grade A perfect last week as well. Got an excellent pump in the gym today as well. I was thinking that I should stop cheat meals, but I find that they really help me on that Monday morning.

Aside from the banana pancakes, I don't really see anything there as an outright 'cheat'. You've got more wilpower than me haha
hhhmmm that's alot of stuff for ur cheat.
I only had one Rubios burrito and some noodles. I was kinda scared I might mess up.

Might hit some burgers next time


I went all out this weekend.

Friday night - Family dinner with my aunt treating us.
10 courses consisting of BBQ pork chops, garlic chicken, seafood deluxe, lobster, egg drop soup, pepper steak, etc.

Saturday - Movie day with wife
Quizno's roast beef sub for lunch
Chipotle chicken bowl for dinner

Sunday night - Mother's Day dinner with mom and mom-in-law
Another 10 courses


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
I finally, FINALLY managed 20 pull-ups in a row. I won't lie and say the final three or so reps were perfect, as I had to kick quite a bit on them, but hey, I still managed to power through the move and end with my chin over the bar.

Ah, feels good, man.


I finally, FINALLY managed 20 pull-ups in a row. I won't lie and say the final three or so reps were perfect, as I had to kick quite a bit on them, but hey, I still managed to power through the move and end with my chin over the bar.

Ah, feels good, man.

Great work, pull-ups are no joke.


I finally, FINALLY managed 20 pull-ups in a row. I won't lie and say the final three or so reps were perfect, as I had to kick quite a bit on them, but hey, I still managed to power through the move and end with my chin over the bar.

Ah, feels good, man.

How did you work up to 20?


I just write everything down in the notes Iphone app. I just make a different note for each day. I'm sure it's not the best way but I can't be bothered with anything else.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
How did you work up to 20?

Well, I originally just did calisthenics for about two years (still do it), and that helped my pull-up strength go up naturally over time. And then I hit a plateau of about 16. No matter what I did or how much stronger I got overall I could not squeeze out even one more rep.

A month and a half ago I had this idea to download this excellent pull-up app on my phone, throw on a 25 pound weight vest, and follow its program. Doing pull-ups without the vest makes me feel like I'm flying. But in that month and a half I've managed to add four more reps to my total, which I think is impressive.


the piano man
I finally, FINALLY managed 20 pull-ups in a row. I won't lie and say the final three or so reps were perfect, as I had to kick quite a bit on them, but hey, I still managed to power through the move and end with my chin over the bar.

Ah, feels good, man.

the pull-up is possibly the one regular exercise with the highest entry quota, meaning, people will have to work hard just to do 1 rep. it's amazing how the move is simply not available to a lot of folks that are already athletic and in shape.

considering that, BRAVO for doing 20, Respect.

you must have a monster back/arms.

A month and a half ago I had this idea to download this excellent pull-up app on my phone.

what App is that? I'd like to give it a try.
I finally, FINALLY managed 20 pull-ups in a row. I won't lie and say the final three or so reps were perfect, as I had to kick quite a bit on them, but hey, I still managed to power through the move and end with my chin over the bar.

Ah, feels good, man.

20 WITH a 25 pound vest? That is awesome. I started doing them with a 25lb plate after I got to 15 and it is tough.


Are you able to do the top half of a squat motion without pain? I was taught to do what I call "drop squats". I don't know if that's the correct term for them.
Holding a dumbbell in each hand, feet shoulder width apart (basically the starting position for any squat) you quickly release muscle tension, drop and then flex and catch yourself approximately a quarter of the way into the squat range of motion. Stand up to beginning point again.
The range of motion is small. And I thought the move was dumb until I got the hang of it and learned how to do it properly.
The goal is to engage the quads (especially the Vastus Medialis) with the catch without putting a lot of stress on the knee joint itself.
I was having issues with cartilage in my left knee and was losing quad strength near the knee. This is the exercise I was given. It helps.

Hack squat will likely hate you if leg press was bad.
Can you ride a bike? Thats great exercise for your legs.
Do you take any fish oil supplements or joint specific supps?

I think I feel pain right as my thighs become parallel to the ground when squating. Of course, the grinding is occurring throughout the motion. but thankfully I experience little pain at this point. I think I can do at least the top half fairly comfortably.

The drop squats sound good. I just hope that there's little pain when I do the catch. I'll def try it next leg day, thanks!

Yeah, I tried a few light-weight hack squat reps last night. My knees quickly said "nope" lol. A bike is no problem for me, even at full resistance. I try to sub out the elliptical for the bike at times.

I was on about 3 capsules of fish oil a day for a good while. I was also taking osteo bi-flex, which helped some. If you can recommend some good joint supplements, I'm all ears!


I love going with my lifting buddy. We get eah other psyched up and he keeps an eye on my form for me.

I guess it comes down to who you're lifting with and if they have similar goals as you. While my friend is starting to get there, I find it grating to have to hear the same bro science from him between sets.

Was your lifting partner your friend before you started going to the gym or did you meet him at your gym?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I finally, FINALLY managed 20 pull-ups in a row. I won't lie and say the final three or so reps were perfect, as I had to kick quite a bit on them, but hey, I still managed to power through the move and end with my chin over the bar.

Ah, feels good, man.

Well done! Not easy to do at all. Next stop muscle ups!


I guess it comes down to who you're lifting with and if they have similar goals as you. While my friend is starting to get there, I find it grating to have to hear the same bro science from him between sets.

Was your lifting partner your friend before you started going to the gym or did you meet him at your gym?

I met him at the gym. I was only like a month into strong lifts and he was on the squat rack doing something in the high 400s. I basically asked to train under him. He's helped push me a lot and is my go to guy for all my questions. Our training is pretty no nonsense. Now that I've read 5/3/1 I can tell he's Wendler inspired.
I asked my brother to come to the gym with me this summer since he works from home and he said no because "gyms smell bad". What a pussy. Gyms may smell bad but they beat the hell out of type 2 diabetes.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I asked my brother to come to the gym with me this summer since he works from home and he said no because "gyms smell bad". What a pussy. Gyms may smell bad but they beat the hell out of type 2 diabetes.
That may be one of the most pathetic excuses I've ever heard. I hope you layed in to him for it!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Haha! I can see that too. It's sad how opposed many people are to activity. :(

It's a rut, really, that is hard to dig out of. I was like that. But once you're out, even on the days you feel like you did absolutely fuckin nothing, you look at how you used to be and you'd go "...every day? I did that EVERY day? I can't do that. I really did NOTHING?" and it feels so foreign.


I met him at the gym. I was only like a month into strong lifts and he was on the squat rack doing something in the high 400s. I basically asked to train under him. He's helped push me a lot and is my go to guy for all my questions. Our training is pretty no nonsense. Now that I've read 5/3/1 I can tell he's Wendler inspired.

Damn. I'm jealous.
In good news I hit 225 on my second deadlift day. It's nothing compared to most of you guys, but it felt really good to move two plates.


In good news I hit 225 on my second deadlift day. It's nothing compared to most of you guys, but it felt really good to move two plates.

One step at a time. We all were there at one point and we all felt the same way you did now: proud and excited. Congrats on progress man. Keep it up!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
It's a rut, really, that is hard to dig out of. I was like that. But once you're out, even on the days you feel like you did absolutely fuckin nothing, you look at how you used to be and you'd go "...every day? I did that EVERY day? I can't do that. I really did NOTHING?" and it feels so foreign.
No doubt. The rub is the more you exercise the easier it becomes to get your diet in check.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
No doubt. The rub is the more you exercise the easier it becomes to get your diet in check.

Yeah. It's good. You see EVERYTHING you do as progress in a way, now. Whereas before you didn't see it as making things worse every day. Now every day is another step out, a step further and higher.
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