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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Gold Member
It's a rut, really, that is hard to dig out of. I was like that. But once you're out, even on the days you feel like you did absolutely fuckin nothing, you look at how you used to be and you'd go "...every day? I did that EVERY day? I can't do that. I really did NOTHING?" and it feels so foreign.

Sundays are the worst now, I really have to hold back to rest.

I agree with the progress thing, I really love getting stronger, learning things I couldn't do earlier, getting better and better in nutrition. It's a simiar feel to gaming achievements funny enough.

A PT recently said a really powerful thing that stuck with me - "You only have a chance at this exercise session once. When it's gone and you are home, you can't do it again. So you might as well just go all in."

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
A PT recently said a really powerful thing that stuck with me - "You only have a chance at this exercise session once. When it's gone and you are home, you can't do it again. So you might as well just go all it."

Gonna remember that. Last night was one of those feel-bad but good workouts.

I remember being on the bench for my final set, after struggling but overcoming the one before. Didn't think I could do it. Then I did it. THAT feeling is so good, that you did something you didn't think you could manage.


the piano man
It's like levelling up a character but in real life lol.

"OH! you encounter 2 poisonous 25 lbs. Dumbbells! what do you do?"


a fight is a set you finish in 8-10 turns, your only magic spell is "Broscience" so use it at your own risk, your items are the Protein Bar, your MP3 player and your towel. Running is for pussies as in every RPG but you'll survive to tell your tale and come back some other day.

and then prepare for the BOSS BATTLE: here comes the evil "PR Barbell Squat", Guardian of the Leg Domain, and it will kick your butt if you come unprepared to the fight.
"OH! you encounter 2 poisonous 25 lbs. Dumbbells! what do you do?"


a fight is a set you finish in 8-10 turns, your only magic spell is "Broscience" so use it at your own risk, your items are the Protein Bar, your MP3 player and your towel. Running is for pussies as in every RPG but you'll survive to tell your tale and come back some other day.

and then prepare for the BOSS BATTLE: here comes the evil "PR Barbell Squat", Guardian of the Leg Domain, and it will kick your butt if you come unprepared to the fight.

Sphinx RUNS! Sphinx loses 5 gainz.


finally got my hands on some Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Quest bars. They are the truth! I like how the little bits of chocolate make the bar more "moist." Definitely going to become a staple of my diet, lol!


Hey guys I'm looking to start working out, I'm currently 143 pounds (65kg) and I'd like to put on weight. My ideal weight would be around 165 pounds and I think I need to increase my metabolism to achieve this. I know there is starting strength for newbies but my friend is on sixpackshortcuts.com I'm not sure if it works so I'm interested if you guys could offer any advice. If that workout works then I'd prefer to do it together, though if starting strength is better I don't mind doing it on my own.
Hey guys I'm looking to start working out, I'm currently 143 pounds (65kg) and I'd like to put on weight. My ideal weight would be around 165 pounds and I think I need to increase my metabolism to achieve this. I know there is starting strength for newbies but my friend is on sixpackshortcuts.com I'm not sure if it works so I'm interested if you guys could offer any advice. If that workout works then I'd prefer to do it together, though if starting strength is better I don't mind doing it on my own.

How tall are you?


That guy look like he already has a fair amount of mass and the pic looks like one of those "before and after pics where the after is really the before and only taken a few hours from one another"

In order to reach your goals, you need to put on mass which means eating and lifting heavy. Do SS and worry about building a solid base. Then you can figure out if you want to continue to get bigger or lean out and acquire said 4/6 pack.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Well done! Not easy to do at all. Next stop muscle ups!

I can already do those. Haven't done them in a few months due to a wrist injury, but at my best I could pump out ten of them.

I believe he did the 20 without the vest, but he used the vest to work his way up to the 20.

Exactly right. With the vest I can probably do 12-15.


How tall are you?


That guy look like he already has a fair amount of mass and the pic looks like one of those "before and after pics where the after is really the before and only taken a few hours from one another"

In order to reach your goals, you need to put on mass which means eating and lifting heavy. Do SS and worry about building a solid base. Then you can figure out if you want to continue to get bigger or lean out and acquire said 4/6 pack.

Haha yeah that picture is definitely fraudin. Taken a few hours apart.. Take the good picture, drink a bunch of coke, and crap, bloat yourself, push out your belly and take the before picture.


Thanks for the quick replies, I'm 5' 6' and I think I'll go with SS. I can do about 10-11 reps on 16kg dumbells so what kind of weight should I be looking to start off with on the SS novice program? Or is it something I should just figure out while there?


Thanks for the quick replies, I'm 5' 6' and I think I'll go with SS. I can do about 10-11 reps on 16kg dumbells so what kind of weight should I be looking to start off with on the SS novice program? Or is it something I should just figure out while there?

Buy the e-book, it's a few bucks. It goes through all that. Basically though, you find your starting weight by practising with an empty bar, concentrating on getting your form right for each exercise. This is important - get your form right from the start and work off of that. In your first workout, gradually add weights to your bar and do a set until you reach a weight at which your form starts to suffer. This is your starting weight (I can't remember if you back off the weight a little after your form starts to suffer, but it's in the book!)


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I can already do those. Haven't done them in a few months due to a wrist injury, but at my best I could pump out ten of them.

Wow. That's crazy you can do 10 muscle ups but 20 pull ups was a struggle. Go figure. Both are impressive!


Did a lot of negative reps for triceps today and god damn do they hurt, also used a 4030 tempo for the first time and that of course also hurt. It was a deep burn, ah so deep, I could barely move my right arm.


seen two guys spotting a guy on a hammer strength chest press today basically lifting each side of it up for him for all 3-4 reps, he had 4 plates on each side. I thought of this thread title and shook my head


Gold Member
seen two guys spotting a guy on a hammer strength chest press today basically lifting each side of it up for him for all 3-4 reps, he had 4 plates on each side. I thought of this thread title and shook my head

I had to do squats last week in a hammer strength machine in a hotel in India since they had no barbells. It was the f'ing worst thing ever, that constrained path of movement. I can not imagine anyone wanting to use one for anything, it seems utterly pointless.

I could not bring myself to deadlift on it though, that's where I draw the line.


Strange request-

Looking for a few lifts to work into my routine.

For one-
Are there any olympic lifts that DONT get the ass? I miss my squats and DLs, but I'm trying to shrink my butt.

Any recommendations for calfs, outside of the basic iso stuff? Doing calf work sucks.


Hail to the KING baby
How much are you looking to spend?

The Garmin Forerunner 210 is kind of the standard in that area--most accurate GPS, fastest, good software, but it's MSRPs at $249 with heart rate monitor. It's very similar, yet slightly more stylish, older brother (FR110) retails for bit less.

Then there is the Motorola Motoactiv. At $250 (without accessories), it's easily the most functional GPS device for the money. Water resistant color screen, tons of workout features, and more data than anything else will provide you for the price. And on top of that, it plays your MP3s, too. A techies dream.

Where Motorola gets you is the accessories. It doesn't come with a wrist strap. You'd have to but that separately (it does come with a clip). It doesn't include a heart rate monitor, but it is compatible with most ANT+ devices.

Thanks, I went ahead with trying out the 110 (incoming from Amazon) since it seemed like a decent size for me and also has the features I need. I guess it makes sense, but my God some of the higher-end watches are absurdly gigantic. Literally faces probably quite a bit larger than my wrist. Bummer is that all the tiny fuelbands don't really work for me since I really wanted live display on the watch.


Thanks so much. That means a lot coming from you.

Press, BBB, DB rows, and dips supersetted with chins.

Aw thanks, Mully. I'm nothing special though. Awesome work needs to be praised.

So you're having success on BBB press, huh? I know a couple guys said it didn't do much for their press. Glad it's working for you.

And yeah I've begun realizing the importance of chins, dips and pull-ups.


I've gained so much fat (while trying to bulk).....ugh. Failed. At 20 percent bf, I want to shed off this gut before beach time. How bad would it be to start running distance everyday for my physique. I am afraid muscle will go down as well.


I've gained so much fat (while trying to bulk).....ugh. Failed. At 20 percent bf, I want to shed off this gut before beach time. How bad would it be to start running distance everyday for my physique. I am afraid muscle will go down as well.


Your fears are warranted, sprint, sprint and sprint, on the days you can't sprint do HIIT.


Went for my first bike ride in 4 years tonight. Just 4 miles. Jesus my buddy Lance gotta hook me up with some juice because my legs are dying


Aw thanks, Mully. I'm nothing special though. Awesome work needs to be praised.

So you're having success on BBB press, huh? I know a couple guys said it didn't do much for their press. Glad it's working for you.

And yeah I've begun realizing the importance of chins, dips and pull-ups.

I'm not too sure. I've been doing them for all four main lifts since I started 5/3/1 five months ago. It definitely helps in the hypertrophy and soreness department.


4 sets of 5 huh?

meh, that's aight.

just aight.


Yea....I sure aint moving drug kingpin weight yet, maybe next week

lol not on this cut

Damn, beast.

Thanks, I've been trying to hit 4 sets of 5 for like the last month. Of course it would be the weekend I say fuck macros that I hit it, and wasn't even nearly the grind that it normally is on my attempts. Eat big to get big lift big I guess.

Nothin but a Peanut!

Dios Mio!

no es nada a un jefe

*puts on sunglasses


Hey guys I'm looking to start working out, I'm currently 143 pounds (65kg) and I'd like to put on weight. My ideal weight would be around 165 pounds and I think I need to increase my metabolism to achieve this. I know there is starting strength for newbies but my friend is on sixpackshortcuts.com I'm not sure if it works so I'm interested if you guys could offer any advice. If that workout works then I'd prefer to do it together, though if starting strength is better I don't mind doing it on my own.
Mike Chang is a fraud. Even the name of his company/domain is disingenuous as fuck. There is no shortcut to a sixpack.


a set of 5 @ 405 is dumb

4 sets of 5 is stupid stupid strong.

Haha, as I'm dieting down I figured, why not set a benchmark to gauge my strength since I feel moving 315 is more muscular endurance than anything else for me. Since adding strength days and hypertrophy days, I figured I may as well up the ante. Also I like to watch guys like Ben Rice and Bryce Lewis, who's strength is truly humbling.


Thanks to weight lifting, I found out I'm cross dominant, my left hand is much stronger than my right even though I'm right handed. This really would have come in handy if I stuck with boxing, I would have had a monster jab & left hook and a great straight right, I coulda been a contenda.


yo, started working out but the gym i have in my apartment. its got a bench, dumbells and a cable wieghts machine.

although theres no squat rack (so i am unable to do bicep curls) and nothing to deadlift with. is this anything i can do there that can help work my back and legs? lunges maybe for legs?


Man, the keto diet has fucked me up. I think I am done with this and going back to my normal diet. Will just have to clean it up a bit more.

yo, started working out but the gym i have in my apartment. its got a bench, dumbells and a cable wieghts machine.

although theres no squat rack (so i am unable to do bicep curls) and nothing to deadlift with. is this anything i can do there that can help work my back and legs? lunges maybe for legs?

My work gym is the same. You can do dumbbell squats, they might feel a bit weird at first but they are effective.
Check this out:


And remove isolation from the left hand side menu.


Mike Chang is a fraud. Even the name of his company/domain is disingenuous as fuck. There is no shortcut to a sixpack.

Thanks, I think I'll go with SS but my friend did look at some of the SS exercises and though he isn't an expert he said shortcut looks like a variant of SS or at least has some similarities.
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