Someone mentioned motivational videos a few pages back. I could watch this one all day:
Man, the keto diet has fucked me up. I think I am done with this and going back to my normal diet. Will just have to clean it up a bit more.
Does anyone have any recommendations for cutting while on a University meal plan? The food is kind of shit, but I'm looking for kind of way to at least eye ball the portions that I'm eating. 170lb at 5'8'' is a bit much.
I'm the same - I tried keto a few years back and variations of it since then but I can't live on little or no carbs - I almost passed out driving once and that was like a month into it - well after the keto flu should have passed. I've discovered that high protein and the balance of calories after that from about equal measures of fat and carbs work best for me. Like you say, it's gotta be clean though.
Do you have to eat everything that's in your plates? Think quantity, not quality.
Or cardio.
Someone mentioned motivational videos a few pages back. I could watch this one all day:
Had a breakthrough on my bench last night. After being stuck on 2 plates for the past 3 months, I pushed up 245 x 2 and then 255 x 1.
It's those kinds of moments that keep ya going after you plateau for awhile.
Is this thread beginner friendly? Been weight lifting and running with a pal for the last few months but not really seeing much difference, so I'm looking for advice on losing weight and gaining strength at the same time.
Where do I start?
Age: 34
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 199lbs
Goal: Lose weight and gain strength particularly in arms and chest.
Current Training Schedule: 2 to 3 times a week lifting, first thing in mornings and 2 to 3 runs per week @ 5 miles average per run. Flat concrete terrain.
Current Training Equipment Available: Most machines, Smithy machine, free weights
Comments: Not lost a single lb in the last 3 weeks but my diet hasn't been brilliant either. I also go out drinking every other weekend, but this wasn't a problem when I lost 3 stone last year. I drink 2 Whey Isolate protein and creatine shakes per day, including rest days and I have a feeling this isn't enough? The majority of my weight seems to be in my torso/belly and I have the skinniest arms in the world!
I guess what I'm asking is, not including weekends, how many times a week should I dedicate a session to just my arms to see gains quicker? How much protein (in grams) should I be taking in for maximum benefit? I'm going to start tracking my food intake via Calorie Counter, but assuming that I take in between 2000 and 2500, shouldn't the weight be coming down slowly?
If you want muscle you've gotta lift more than 2-3 times a week. And by lift I mean squat, deadlift, press.
Doesn't that like contradict everything written in the OP?
If you want muscle you've gotta lift more than 2-3 times a week. And by lift I mean squat, deadlift, press.
No, 2-3 is optimum for most people since you need to recover also. Even 1x week can work for some, especially older folk. 4x is maximum for most natty people and is already pushing it.
Is this thread beginner friendly? Been weight lifting and running with a pal for the last few months but not really seeing much difference, so I'm looking for advice on losing weight and gaining strength at the same time.
Where do I start?
Age: 34
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 199lbs
Goal: Lose weight and gain strength particularly in arms and chest.
Current Training Schedule: 2 to 3 times a week lifting, first thing in mornings and 2 to 3 runs per week @ 5 miles average per run. Flat concrete terrain.
Current Training Equipment Available: Most machines, Smithy machine, free weights
Comments: Not lost a single lb in the last 3 weeks but my diet hasn't been brilliant either. I also go out drinking every other weekend, but this wasn't a problem when I lost 3 stone last year. I drink 2 Whey Isolate protein and creatine shakes per day, including rest days and I have a feeling this isn't enough? The majority of my weight seems to be in my torso/belly and I have the skinniest arms in the world!
I guess what I'm asking is, not including weekends, how many times a week should I dedicate a session to just my arms to see gains quicker? How much protein (in grams) should I be taking in for maximum benefit? I'm going to start tracking my food intake via Calorie Counter, but assuming that I take in between 2000 and 2500, shouldn't the weight be coming down slowly?
Right... I think a big part of my problem is I overdid my caloric intake on a bulk, it seems like I really don't need to eat more than 400 or so above my TDE. I want to cut, but I barely look like I even lift at this point, so I feel like I'll just be potentially killing my gains and hurting what little muscle I've built since December.
Lift numbers are as follows (5RM)
Squat: 176lb
Bench Press: 148lb
Deadlift: 230lb
OHP: 95lb
I just joined the gym and I'm looking to lose weight. I just choose the lose weight function for my cardio routine on the elliptical but I need a weight-lifting routine to do before it. I have no idea what machines to use though.
Weight: 250
Goal: Ideally? Lose 50 pounds. Realistically? 30 pounds
Current Training Schedule: I only go with my friends but they go often, at least twice a week. 1h a session.
Current Training Equipment Available: I subscribed to the gym so I'd assume everything
I wouldn't do a full cut when your weights are still pretty low. What you should try is to maintain your weight and drive your weights up. Only increase calories when you stall out. At this stage in your training, you can probably squeeze out some body recomposition. When your weights are something like this:
Squat: 315
Bench: 200
Deadlift: 335
OHP: 135
Then you'll have a strong base of muscle and might think about a cut down if desired.
I just joined the gym and I'm looking to lose weight. I just choose the lose weight function for my cardio routine on the elliptical but I need a weight-lifting routine to do before it. I have no idea what machines to use though.
Weight: 250
Goal: Ideally? Lose 50 pounds. Realistically? 30 pounds
Current Training Schedule: I only go with my friends but they go often, at least twice a week. 1h a session.
Current Training Equipment Available: I subscribed to the gym so I'd assume everything
Thanks for the advice guys.
I'll try to get in more gym sessions but as I'm currently training for a half marathon, I tend to do it the day after my gym day, so that's 6 days a week I'm doing something.
I go down the gym with a mate who's already massive, but doesn't do any compound lifts apart from bench press. I can't do any pullups yet, but I've just bought a pull up bar to practice on.
One more question, if I weigh 199lbs, am I supposed to have at least 90g of protein per day? How much of that should be from shakes?
A lot of bioscience in here this morning. You can have more than 1 shake a day if you want, it's not going to impede your weight loss...how would that even be possible? Just make sure you hit your macros. Sure, something like chicken is gonna keep you fuller but if you are hitting your macros on both it doesn't matter. Make sure you are getting enough whole food to get all your vitamins and minerals though.
No shakes
1 shake
2 shakes
Whatever it's up to you just hit your macros.
. Any tips on how to increase my situps speed? Wider legs? Closer bent knees? Or maybe don't touch my head to the ground?
Edit: I know situps are bad for you and they aren't normally part of my calisthenics routine but I'm only training them for the competition and then I'll go back to hanging leg raises.
Eat a box of Quest Bars if you want!I really could.
Real question. I want to trim some fat while doing SS. Will sprinting 2-3 times a week screw up my squats/deadlifts?
Are there any downfalls to eating the same carefully planned meals every day? I don't really care about variety in my diet, just want to establish a good routine.
Thanks. I'll try it out.My assumption is that you want to lose fat, not just weight. To accomplish that goal, you'll really want to strength train. The reason for that is that if you only do cardio, you'll burn both muscle and fat off, so I agree with the need for a weight routine.
So if you want to lose 50 pounds of fat, it's totally doable. Just takes a while. Budget 6-12 months for it.
If you go twice a week (non consecutive days, like mon-thurs), here's something that I did for a while:
Warm up 5 minutes on rowing machine, do warm up sets for movements.
Day 1:
Bench 4x5
Squats 4x5
Chinups 3xfailure
Dips 3xfailure
Day 2:
Overhead Press 4x5
Deadlifts 2x5
Pullups 3xfailure
Bicep Curls 3x8
Every time you do an exercise, add a bit of weight. Read up on form as well.
Yeah I read about the nutrition part, heck I even took a nutrition class in CEGEP. It's difficult to completely change what I eat though because I still live with my parents and essentially my mom cooks the food. They're leaving for vacation for awhile soon though so I'll be doing the groceries and I'll definitely make sure to buy the appropriate things.There are more qualified people in this thread to tell you what to do, but keep doing what you're doing right now. Get used to the equipment at the gym and start looking into Starting Strength.
Also continue to eat clean. Find out your bmr and shave off a few calories.
I'm gonna be eating a ton of quest bars next week. Probably 2 boxes or a box and a half. I'm in SF at a conference all week so it's going to be hard to hit my protein otherwise.
dat 10 bars / day week
Venice Muscle Beach is a shadow of its former self. I remember being so intimidated here. The talent must have moved on.
Yeah? I went there in the early 2000s and it was intimidating for sure, heh.
Just normal looking dudes like any gym. Really odd
so what exactly is the point of a BCAA supplement?
Everything I've read up to this point indicates to me that it's only something you'd need if you're somehow not getting enough protein or working out in a fasted state or something?
They're leaving for vacation for awhile soon though so I'll be doing the groceries and I'll definitely make sure to buy the appropriate things.
so what exactly is the point of a BCAA supplement?
Everything I've read up to this point indicates to me that it's only something you'd need if you're somehow not getting enough protein or working out in a fasted state or something?
so what exactly is the point of a BCAA supplement?
Everything I've read up to this point indicates to me that it's only something you'd need if you're somehow not getting enough protein or working out in a fasted state or something?
Leucine appears to be a direct activator of mTOR. Using a leucine enriched formula can stimulate protein synthesis via the mTOR pathway to the same or higher degree as resistance training. Resistance training alone stimulates protein synthesis by roughly 40%; leucine, 50%.
Using leucine as part of post-workout nutrition can increase protein synthesis to 145% above baseline, compared with only 40% or so without leucine enrichment. Not using leucine is the slow-boat to China.
This pretty much.
Though apparently leucine is pretty awesome. At least Kiefer thinks so:
Source: http://www.fitnessnoir.com/524/the-secret-of-leucine/
So 5-15g of leucine (which is in BCAA) after workout could have some benefits. I have some BCAA lying around anyway from IF'ing, so I've been adding it to my shakes lately.