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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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This one legitimately scares me.


The one thing I hate about going gym by myself is getting people at my gym to spot. Since I generally go at different times each time, I'm never sure of who is there to be able to spot me properly. Most of the guys I've had spot me recently have been terrible.


The one thing I hate about going gym by myself is getting people at my gym to spot. Since I generally go at different times each time, I'm never sure of who is there to be able to spot me properly. Most of the guys I've had spot me recently have been terrible.

What's the difference between a good and a bad spotter? Knowing when you can take more and when to help you get the weight off?


the piano man
What's the difference between a good and a bad spotter? Knowing when you can take more and when to help you get the weight off?

there's no way telling and that's the reason spotting sucks.

some guys want you to help them with their last 3 reps and you might even lift more than 60% of the weight in the last rep, while others will get pissed off if you even slightly touch the barbell too early.

fuck spotting.
there's no way telling and that's the reason spotting sucks.

some guys want you to help them with their last 3 reps and you might even lift more than 60% of the weight in the last rep, while others will get pissed off if you even slightly touch the barbell too early.

fuck spotting.

Just ask them. Most people I have found in my gym, don't want help. They just want you there so they can go with another rep without the pressure of failing. I have had the guys though that expect you to help with clearly too much weight for them (and me), since I am never a guy to refuse a spot request, these ones make me a little nervous.

I have had to correct a guy at my gym a few times when I do heavy dumbbell presses. I only want a hand getting them into position, from there I want to be on my own, but he always starts "helping" when I start to struggle. I never get angry at anyone, but I have told him I only need him to get the dumbells up but he can't help himself. He is a good guy though and I am lucky at my gym but everyone is cool and its overall a very positive environment. Its very small but has everything.


What's the difference between a good and a bad spotter? Knowing when you can take more and when to help you get the weight off?

Yeah pretty much this really. I've had a few people have their hands on the bar pretty much the entire time even after I say "I got it/my bar".

I have had to correct a guy at my gym a few times when I do heavy dumbbell presses. I only want a hand getting them into position, from there I want to be on my own, but he always starts "helping" when I start to struggle. I never get angry at anyone, but I have told him I only need him to get the dumbells up but he can't help himself. He is a good guy though and I am lucky at my gym but everyone is cool and its overall a very positive environment. Its very small but has everything.

I'm the same in that I only want a hand getting the bar off the starting position. it might look like I'm struggling with the first few reps but that's to be expected. Like you my gym is quite small but has everything I need and the people are cool.


Need some advice.

I lost a lot of weight last year. I was 197lbs and now I am 139-140lbs. I am 5'5"-5'6".

I did INSANITY once and it did help me loose weight. Now I want to get cut. I am not sure which way to go.

To do Insanity again, or join the gym next to my work. I ride my bicycle to work, so I get cardio from that everyday, therefore I feel like I don't need the cardio from insanity.

I want to get leaner and have muscles. Plain and simple. When I look in the mirror, I see that I have definition, just need to make it more obvious. I have also found the perfect diet that works for me, so no worries there.

Wanted to know what you guys think.

I personally think I should join the gym and start lifting, and then I can ride my bike home right after, which will be my 30-40 minute cardio session.

I am no pro but I was in the same boat (I did quite a few BB programs P90X, Insanity, Asylum, P90X2) which leaned me out nicely but those last fat resources on my legs especially combined with a super thing upper body did not make me happy. That is the reason I switched to lifting at the gym now. I train with exercises that work on the biggest muscles groups and switch it up with some cardio every other day (6 days and 1 day off).

I think some gym time with lifting weights would do you good. Also, muscles automatically increase your metabolism and thus burn ratio. Win/Win in my book.
Yeah pretty much this really. I've had a few people have their hands on the bar pretty much the entire time even after I say "I got it/my bar".

I'm the same in that I only want a hand getting the bar off the starting position. it might look like I'm struggling with the first few reps but that's to be expected. Like you my gym is quite small but has everything I need and the people are cool.

Yeah that's all a spot should be really and just a hand to rerack at the end of the set. With the dumbells I think this might be what he is seeing. I am purposefully doing them very slowly and it looks like I am struggling more than I am.

Blackflag you are a big dude! Your delts look like gymnast delts, you can also see your "V" from the front


It's amazing to see the difference between a man and woman building strength. Yesterday my fiancée changed her Facebook banner picture to one from our engagement shoot in October. Last month we took a picture in a similar pose. I look significantly bigger, she looks identical but is much stronger.

You won't get big, ladies!


Junior Member
Guys. How do I bulk up without putting on fat? Essentially I only want to 'lean bulk'. Finding this process of gaining weight somewhat discouraging. Been training consistently for the past 3 months but my physique looks exactly the same. :\


Make sure you have a good start picture. Don't just go by what the scale says :)

I know ;)
Been going through this with BB programs so I am doing it as well now with the strength. It's going to be interesting to see the difference in progress and body composition..

Asking my question again though:
I am supposed to do Barbell Bench presses again. Is the lower back supposed to be arched and only the shoulders and glutes should touch the bench or is it better to keep the whole back down?


Guys. How do I bulk up without putting on fat? Essentially I only want to 'lean bulk'. Finding this process of gaining weight somewhat discouraging. Been training consistently for the past 3 months but my physique looks exactly the same. :

Putting on some fat is inevitable even on a cleaner bulk.

You could try lean gains (a form of intermittent fasting)


Guys. How do I bulk up without putting on fat? Essentially I only want to 'lean bulk'. Finding this process of gaining weight somewhat discouraging. Been training consistently for the past 3 months but my physique looks exactly the same. :\

What is your diet like?
Protein/car/fat from natural food such as veggies, chicken, eggs etc is important..also the ratio between the three is important too..

Putting on some fat is inevitable even on a cleaner bulk.

You could try lean gains (a form of intermittent fasting)

Really? Even with proper cardio and diet?


I know ;)
Been going through this with BB programs so I am doing it as well now with the strength. It's going to be interesting to see the difference in progress and body composition..

Asking my question again though:
I am supposed to do Barbell Bench presses again. Is the lower back supposed to be arched and only the shoulders and glutes should touch the bench or is it better to keep the whole back down?

Have enough arch that a fist can fit under your lower back (someone post the Rippetoe crotch stare!)

Your butt and lower back should be touching. Feet always flat on the floor.

The Chef

About to reach my 2 week break from working out.
I've been doing this for a long time. I kill it at the gym for 2-3 months and then take a 2 week break. I love it. Muscles get a huge rest and, honestly, I seem to look better after the break. The only real downside is keeping yourself from going mad from not hitting the gym and not eating crappy food during the break.
Just like to say thanks to the OP - i read through the whole thing and it has been really helpful.

As a guy who has struggled to gain weight his entire life, i am now the heaviest i have ever been (using the GOMAD diet) and am even starting to look a bit muscular thanks to the routine i've been using for 2 months or so now.

Baby steps, but all in the right direction :)


So after my amazing discovery yesterday, I had to take pictures and show you.

This is my gym at work. I had no idea it was like this. I assumed it was typical shit work gym.

This is how busy it is at 5:30 pm

This is me in my gym lol

That is a ridiculous gym. Where do you work? I've been suggesting for a year or so now to my employer (a huge corporation with a ton of money) that they should put gyms in every corporate office. Healthier employees = less sick time used and more productive hours, plus decreased health costs, etc. Nothing on that yet.


Yeah it's basically impossible to put on muscle without fat naturally. You can do it with a 100 calorie surplus but unless you are basically already where you want to be, that would be way to slow of progress.


That is a ridiculous gym. Where do you work? I've been suggesting for a year or so now to my employer (a huge corporation with a ton of money) that they should put gyms in every corporate office. Healthier employees = less sick time used and more productive hours, plus decreased health costs, etc. Nothing on that yet.

I'd rather not say publically exactly where because of detectives but it is a big corporation with about 20,000 employees and they are somewhat near the low end of the Fortune 500 list.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Real talk, McGriddles are one of the most efficient ways to eat a varied and full shitty breakfast. So godlike. Bulking now so maybe I could...no! No!


I'd rather not say publically exactly where because of detectives but it is a big corporation with about 20,000 employees and they are somewhat near the low end of the Fortune 500 list.


I'm more of a sausage, egg, and cheese guy when I stoop to eat at McD's. *adjusts monacle*


Asking my question again though:
I am supposed to do Barbell Bench presses again. Is the lower back supposed to be arched and only the shoulders and glutes should touch the bench or is it better to keep the whole back down?

When doing flat bench there are a couple of different ways to swing the form, but what you should do is to bring your shoulders back and down, so they feel 'locked in'. Then place your feet flat on the floor and tense up your whole body. You should feel very stable, and your back will have a slight resulting arch to it (you could fit your hand flat under your lower back, but not a fist). It might be worth reading starting strength at some point if you'll be doing the barbell movements more in the future, as it's a great and exhaustive resource.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
I wonder if I will ever recover from leg day. Did abs today and my legs and lower back were killing me. I fought through it though.

Walk like i'm holding in the biggest turd.

I'll post my new routine in a few minutes to get some feedback.


I wonder if I will ever recover from leg day. Did abs today and my legs and lower back were killing me. I fought through it though.

Walk like i'm holding in the biggest turd.

I'll post my new routine in a few minutes to get some feedback.

Yes please do, especially since you just mentioned doing an "abs" day.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Monday: Legs
Tuesday: Chest and Back
Wednesday: Cardio/core
Thursday: Shoulders
Friday: Biceps/Triceps

Everything is 4 sets of 8. Core workouts are 4 sets of 20.

1. Barbell Squat: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/barbell-squat
2. Dumbbell Lunges (do with bodyweight first): http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/dumbbell-lunges
3. Cable Deadlifts (these can also be done with barbell or dumbbells): http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/cable-deadlifts
4. Leg Extensions: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/leg-extensions
5. Lying or seated Leg Curl: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/lying-leg-curls
6. Calf raises

1. Incline Bench Press (barbell or dumbbell): http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/barbell-incline-bench-press-medium-grip
2. Flat Bench Press (barbell or dumbbell): http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/barbell-bench-press-medium-grip
3. Cable Crossover: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/cable-crossover
1. Wide Grip Lat Pulldown: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/cable-crossover
2. V-Bar Lat Pull down: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/v-bar-pulldown
3. Cable Rows: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/elevated-cable-rows

3/4 Sit up: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/34-sit-up
Alternate Heel Touches: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/alternate-heel-touchers
Bicycle Crunches: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/air-bike
Cocoons: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/cocoons

Arnold Press: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/arnold-dumbbell-press
Barbell or Dumbbell Shoulder press: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/barbell-shoulder-press
Car Drivers: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/car-drivers
Front Raises: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/front-dumbbell-raise
Lateral Raises: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/power-partials
Reverse Flyes: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/reverse-machine-flyes

1. Barbell Curl: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/barbell-curl
2. Hammer Curls: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/alternate-hammer-curl
3. Dumbbell Bicep Curl: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/dumbbell-alternate-bicep-curl
4. Preacher Curl: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/preacher-curl
1. Reverse Dips: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/bench-dips
2. Reverse Grip Press downs: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/reverse-grip-triceps-pushdown
3. Pressdowns: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/triceps-pushdown
4. Pressdowns with rope: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/triceps-pushdown-rope-attachment
5. Body ups (these are more triceps, chest, and abs): http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/detail/view/name/body-up

I amended this with 20 minutes of HIIT on every day beside abs/core. That day I will do longer steady state.

Go on. Eviscerate it.


MT, I saw a couple years ago you went thru some piriformis pain...how much did the PT help? Or would I be better off doing the stretches at home?

If the 'roids and stretches don't help I'm thinking of going to a chiro.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
MT, I saw a couple years ago you went thru some piriformis pain...how much did the PT help? Or would I be better off doing the stretches at home?

If the 'roids and stretches don't help I'm thinking of going to a chiro.
PT got me back to normal. I can probably find the stretches somewhere online though. They work. You need to stretch both sides or the other side will start tightening up too.


PT got me back to normal. I can probably find the stretches somewhere online though.

I've been doing the one where you sit in the chair and lean forward, also legs on the wall, legs crossed.

Fucking sucks. lol...want nothing more than to get back into the gym etc.

It seems I eliminated it in one side but then somehow aggravated the other side. How the fuck does that happen? Overcompensation?


I've been doing the one where you sit in the chair and lean forward, also legs on the wall, legs crossed.

Fucking sucks. lol...want nothing more than to get back into the gym etc.

It seems I eliminated it in one side but then somehow aggravated the other side. How the fuck does that happen? Overcompensation?

Yeah, overcompensation from the side that was supporting you till now. I also call it pain relocation.
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