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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Whatever the inspiration was for SL, it's plain that it is modeled after SS, down to the order of the lifts, except done 5x5 and with barbell rows instead of Power Cleans, probably because Mehdi doesn't understand the mechanics of PCs very well himself.

but it's a linear progression that purposefully has the trainee stall his own gains for as long as possible!

[Mehdi sucks noodles snip!]

Neither SL 5x5 or GSLP use power cleans - for the former it's certainly knowing their limitations as a coach and for both it's knowing their audience. Many novices have no desire to power clean and removing them has certainly been a small part of SL 5x5's success. At least they aren't having novices power clean for a single set of 30 reps for time!

The criticism that a novice stalls more on a 5x5 LP program is important and easy to agree with. I haven't done the math or have much experience with how long this would stretch out the program in comparison to SS, but with Greyskull's 2.5 and 5lbs jumps that isn't a criticism that couldn't be made in that direction either.

The rest of your post is bashing Medhi, most specifically his marketing. Can't disagree. If there's two reasons I didn't link to SL in the OP it's his marketing and the availability of better alternatives.

If you remove our shared distaste for Mehdi's marketing practices in your post we are left with two criticisms: SL doesn't use power cleans and a novice stalls more frequently on SL. Putting that in perspective it's not the end of the world if a novice passes up better options for that, even though neither of us would recommend the program.



Listening now. Thanks

Set PR's last night for bench and squat. Heck, every time I do squats I'm setting PR's because I'd never done them before SS. Feels really good to know that after each workout I'm literally stronger than I've ever been in my life. Hard to explain, but it's a really good feeling. Working sets for squats were 160 and working sets for bench was 155. The latter is a very hard exercise for me. Coupling long arms with my body type and it's just a very difficult one for me, so it felt good to hit that. No clue what my 1RM is, but I assume it's around 185-190 on bench. When I can bench my bodyweight of 220 (or if my weight comes down like I want it to), I'll feel extra good.

I've really been cleaning up my diet in the last couple weeks and have had zero sweets since the first. Wife and I gave them up for the month, and we're both feeling so good I think we're going to stick with that. Maybe limit those to our cheat day once a week.


Tbh, a novice could be doing worse things than SL at the gym.

Got 135kg PR DL for 3 reps today. I had 2 more reps in the tank but I pussied out. Should hit that sweet 3 plates in 2 weeks if I rest and eat more.


Listening now. Thanks

Set PR's last night for bench and squat. Heck, every time I do squats I'm setting PR's because I'd never done them before SS. Feels really good to know that after each workout I'm literally stronger than I've ever been in my life. Hard to explain, but it's a really good feeling. Working sets for squats were 160 and working sets for bench was 155. The latter is a very hard exercise for me. Coupling long arms with my body type and it's just a very difficult one for me, so it felt good to hit that. No clue what my 1RM is, but I assume it's around 185-190 on bench. When I can bench my bodyweight of 220 (or if my weight comes down like I want it to), I'll feel extra good.

I've really been cleaning up my diet in the last couple weeks and have had zero sweets since the first. Wife and I gave them up for the month, and we're both feeling so good I think we're going to stick with that. Maybe limit those to our cheat day once a week.

Congratulations on the progress! I know that feeling, I'm a big fan of linear progression. Don't be frustrated when stall happen, one step back and two steps forward.

I'd convince the girlfriend to go on a healthier eating style with me, but she loves her junk food.


Congrats, man!

Your gym is so colorful. It's like Chinese New Year in there!!

And your sneakers match too!

This legit made me lol. I always think McDonald's at my gym.

Tbh, a novice could be doing worse things than SL at the gym.

Got 135kg PR DL for 3 reps today. I had 2 more reps in the tank but I pussied out. Should hit that sweet 3 plates in 2 weeks if I rest and eat more.

Awesome! You won't believe how good 3 plates feels. Especially since you rarely see guys doing it (at least at my gym).
Are you guys saying you don't like the deload part of SL? I think deloading was very important for me. You don't need to get to a 315 squat in a few months. That and doing 5 sets to start really helped my form, I just don't recommend SS because of the power cleans.


Are you guys saying you don't like the deload part of SL? I think deloading was very important for me. You don't need to get to a 315 squat in a few months. That and doing 5 sets to start really helped my form, I just don't recommend SS because of the power cleans.

Yeah I don't get the hate for SL. It did well by me. The deloads were good for nailing form.

Oh well, it's all better than a men's fitness routine!

Do you guys think I could turn this Ed Coan injury picture into a bro science meme?




Congratulations on the progress! I know that feeling, I'm a big fan of linear progression. Don't be frustrated when stall happen, one step back and two steps forward.

I'd convince the girlfriend to go on a healthier eating style with me, but she loves her junk food.

The stall has already happened a time or so on some exercises.. So I went down 5 pounds and finished my set and tried again the next time I did that exercise. Got it the next time in both cases.

My wife does too, but we're going to the Caribbean in June, so she's really wanting to get in as good of shape as possible. Same here. I should probably talk to drealmccoy about getting some abs before then.


Are you guys saying you don't like the deload part of SL? I think deloading was very important for me. You don't need to get to a 315 squat in a few months. That and doing 5 sets to start really helped my form, I just don't recommend SS because of the power cleans.

Deloading is a completely necessary evil of an LP program. That's not the issue with a 5x5 program for a novice.

The issue is the amount of volume, the extra two sets on every lift, will require the individual to switch to a different program sooner than they would with a program that has less volume, like SS.

So, you have a program with less longevity than SS but with all the frustration of SS (deloading only to do work that you easily did weeks before and squatting three times a week) and "designed" by a dick head with the ethics of Greg Glassman. Why not just do SS?

Again, it's not a shit program, it's just not as friendly for a novice as SS or as fun for any sort of goal chasing for a novice as GSLP is. Simply put, if SL turns you on, SS will probably suit you better.


... What's deloading?

Let's say you're on some sort of program where you have set goals regarding increasing your strength at regular intervals. At some point, you will plateau. At this point, an person should investigate the following:

A. I could be eating more, sleeping more, I fucked up the lift, I'm having a bad day, etc.,
B. I've reached my potential for this lift at this weight at this time

If you are an A, fix your shit.

If you are a B, you now have two DIFFERENT options:

A. What I'm doing is no longer working for me and will not work anymore
B. If I start lighter with what I'm doing I can push past this point and continue progress.

If you're an A, here, change your program.

If you're a B, deload X% of that weight and start over.

Deloading is just dropping off some weight and doing whatever you did over again in hopes of pushing through your sticking point.


For any of you who listened to that layne norton cardio podcast episode... FUUUUUUCK. Tried to imitate that wind-gate HIIT w/o on a regular shitty bike and daaamn its brutal. (Pedal to full speed at the lowest resistance, then pump the resistance up to the max)

Just went 4 sets of 20 seconds, w/ 2 minute breaks.

Bout to puke.


Listening now. Thanks

Set PR's last night for bench and squat. Heck, every time I do squats I'm setting PR's because I'd never done them before SS. Feels really good to know that after each workout I'm literally stronger than I've ever been in my life. Hard to explain, but it's a really good feeling. Working sets for squats were 160 and working sets for bench was 155. The latter is a very hard exercise for me. Coupling long arms with my body type and it's just a very difficult one for me, so it felt good to hit that. No clue what my 1RM is, but I assume it's around 185-190 on bench. When I can bench my bodyweight of 220 (or if my weight comes down like I want it to), I'll feel extra good.

I've really been cleaning up my diet in the last couple weeks and have had zero sweets since the first. Wife and I gave them up for the month, and we're both feeling so good I think we're going to stick with that. Maybe limit those to our cheat day once a week.

Good to hear you are making progress and maybe I am being a dick here but whatever, I am going to say it anyway. IIRC, you are in the beginning stages of SS (you are a rank novice), and when you are beginning such a program you are not "setting PRs". This is the kind of bullshit my local crossfit affiliate would talk about all the time, even for rank novice lifters that literally just started doing Crossfit and just learned the major Olympic lifts. At this point in the program, you should not be remotely concerned with setting a PR. On the contrary, you should be concerned with making steady, linear, upward progress. Your goal is to get stronger and get stronger with nearly perfect form. The weight is NOT heavy right now and you should NOT be stalling at 160lbs. If you are stalling at 160lbs, then you are not doing the program. You can worry about "setting PRs" when you get out of the Novice phase, and that won't be for a very long time.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Can't wait to get back into that big empty gym tonight.

Looking badass, Alien. The weight loss is obvious.

Thanks man!

365 deadlift woo woo! All estimated PRs hit or exceeded. Time to cut tomorrow


you look really big.

Thanks bud, not nearly big enough yet though even though I've got staff and inmates calling me a bulldog right now. Not sure if that's a compliment or not though, lol.


Layne has always been an HIIT proponent. He even does it when bulking lol.

I prefer it over slow steady cardio, which is boring as hell.


For any of you who listened to that layne norton cardio podcast episode... FUUUUUUCK. Tried to imitate that wind-gate HIIT w/o on a regular shitty bike and daaamn its brutal. (Pedal to full speed at the lowest resistance, then pump the resistance up to the max)

Just went 4 sets of 20 seconds, w/ 2 minute breaks.

Bout to puke.

During my undergrad I was always the guinea pig in our cv testing/exercise prescription class/lab. I did vo2 max, sub-max, lactate threshold, and other fitness asessment tests.. I did an actual wingate test, Fukd me up! I got off the bike and almost fainted...hardest thing that semester and it was only 30 seconds. I had some pretty good power output, but my endurance faded towards the last 10 or so seconds.
How many of u guys lift AND play sport(s)?

Ive been playing softball and the soccer team at work is coming back. Last time i was doing this it ate into my gym time, i also got married since, so my wife isnt looking forward to all the time im gone.. Lol

I lift 6 days a week and play rugby for my college. With a full set of classes and a full time job lifting gets hard to fit in...
Lets not forget eating/sleeping right :(


How many of u guys lift AND play sport(s)?

Ive been playing softball and the soccer team at work is coming back. Last time i was doing this it ate into my gym time, i also got married since, so my wife isnt looking forward to all the time im gone.. Lol

That's a lot on your plate, but you seem to be handling it well.

I play flag football on the side, but I don't play sports like I used to. No more two a day practices six times a week. It's just me and the gym.


Brian Burke punched my mom
I've reached a personal milestone, it's my 10th consecutive year of lifting next to cat litter. That feel you get when you're coming up from a squat and you get that whiff of fresh cat shit. Nothing is more motivating...


Good to hear you are making progress and maybe I am being a dick here but whatever, I am going to say it anyway. IIRC, you are in the beginning stages of SS (you are a rank novice), and when you are beginning such a program you are not "setting PRs". This is the kind of bullshit my local crossfit affiliate would talk about all the time, even for rank novice lifters that literally just started doing Crossfit and just learned the major Olympic lifts. At this point in the program, you should not be remotely concerned with setting a PR. On the contrary, you should be concerned with making steady, linear, upward progress. Your goal is to get stronger and get stronger with nearly perfect form. The weight is NOT heavy right now and you should NOT be stalling at 160lbs. If you are stalling at 160lbs, then you are not doing the program. You can worry about "setting PRs" when you get out of the Novice phase, and that won't be for a very long time.

You kind of were being a dick. You set prs in linear progression too!
I hear box squat variations are easiest on the knees, for those with trouble there.

At her age, condition, goals, she can just use body weight as well.

Touch and go box squats with light dumbbells to assess strength.
Very light leg extensions to do the same.

I can't recommend much online as I'm not with her, but I'd start with those. Also, she may want to work with a physical therapist to make sure she has full knee range of motion.

I hope fitnessGAF gives you the advise you are looking for.

but given the situation of your mom, I believe she requires advise and real time, live coaching from a specialist, a professional, not tips from guys on an internet videogame forum. Don't get this wrong, I am just worried that you could put your mom to do exercises that may hurt her or worsen her condition.


You need to find her a therapist and real deal PT. If that trainer doesn't have training on dealing with her type of population you tell them to fuck right off. Make sure you see the paperwork. NSCA has a cert for special populations and somebody with a medical degree and PT training would be your best best for qualifications in that department.

Yep. I had 8 PT sessions after my ACL surgery. I cried when I made a single rotation on a bike a month after my surgery. lol

Just goes to show how much we take our health and mobility for granted.

Hey again.

Thanks for all the replies.

She saw a Physiotherapist before who gave her some exercises to do (resistance-band based).

So would a Physical Therapist be better than a Physio for her? The surgeon said she needed to strengthen her knee muscles and that she had Osteoarthritis. She had her other knee (torn meniscus again) done in surgery too but that knee doesn't cause her discomfort anymore.

I'm guessing there is no way to 'grow' or promote new cartilage? /ignorant

Was gonna show her this link on knee exercises

(In Ireland btw - we have physiotherapists and physical therapists here, 2 different professions. Physiotherapists have a lot more training/education than physical therapists.

Or to quote someone from an Irish forum
"Physical therapist is the American equivalent of physiotherapist. The international body that represents Irish/English/Australian etc physiotherapists is actually called the world federation of PHYSICAL THERAPISTS. Unfortunately in Ireland the term physical therapist is not a protected title and can therefor be used by anyone. In Ireland someone calling themselves a physical therapist will not have a qualification which is recognized outside of Ireland.


For the record I also did SL for about a month before I knew any better.

Whatever the inspiration was for SL, it's plain that it is modeled after SS, down to the order of the lifts, except done 5x5 and with barbell rows instead of Power Cleans, probably because Mehdi doesn't understand the mechanics of PCs very well himself.

But that's not my real issue with SL. That doesnt really matter. After all GSLP is also modeled after SS and it's great. My issue with SL is that it's a poorly designed program. It's a linear progression, but it's a linear progression that purposefully has the trainee stall his own gains for as long as possible. And I suspect the reason is so that Mehdi can milk novices for as long as possible, by artificially extending their novice phase for as long as he can. Remember, he charges for "consulting sessions" (posturing as a real coach, even though he's just an online guru who has really no idea of programming and who doesn't know how to teach the lifts), as well as for access to his forums.

And then there's his "ebook", which is nothing but a pamphlet rife with misinformation. It reads like an infomercial and it promises the moon and the stars to unsuspecting newbies. Stronglifts is strength training, no more and no less, but Mehdi markets it like it is a panacea the will not only make you strong, but it will give you chiseled abs, huge biceps and make you dick bigger.

So again, why do SL when superior alternatives created by actual coaches with actual experience exist?

Anyway, BRB guys. I'm gonna create my own program. I'll call it BrawnLifts 4x6. It looks like this


Squats 4x6
Bench 4x6
Deadlift 1x5


Squats 4x6
OHP 4x6
Barbell Shrug 6x4

Add 1.25lb to the upper body lifts per Week. Add 2.5lb to the lower body lifts per week. Start with a 5lb preloaded barbell so you have time to learn. If you have any questions, ask them at my forums brawnlifts.com. All you need is a $10/ month platinum Brawnlifts membership!!!!!

I'm trying to join but your site's down bro......bro?


Junior Member
I think I pulled a muscle. I was doing dumbbell swings and bam - felt a twitch in my left rear deltoid area. The back of my left shoulder hurts. What shall I do?


ok. I can finally walk around with only 1 crutch. it's a pain, but I'm getting better at it. therefore, I have motivation to do some exercising. what would you guys suggest? the major issue with my leg is a sprained ankle and my knee is very swollen and tight. all I have right now are 2x25lb dumb bells, and that's all I'll have until I can drive again and unfreeze my gym membership.

here's what I've got planned to do every other day (or every day since I'm so damn bored):
pull ups
flat db bench (lol)
incline db bench
db rows (if my leg can handle all weight on it in a bent over position)
bicep curls
tricep extensions of some sort

anything else I should be doing? obviously the 25lbs is gonna be light weight, but hopefully I can do enough to keep me looking healthy.
You kind of were being a dick. You set prs in linear progression too!

I agree. Linear progression works so well for novices precisely because novices can hit new PRs far more easily than being intermediate or advanced. Setting PRs as a novice is important but not at the expense of technique or form.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
ok. I can finally walk around with only 1 crutch. it's a pain, but I'm getting better at it. therefore, I have motivation to do some exercising. what would you guys suggest? the major issue with my leg is a sprained ankle and my knee is very swollen and tight. all I have right now are 2x25lb dumb bells, and that's all I'll have until I can drive again and unfreeze my gym membership.

here's what I've got planned to do every other day (or every day since I'm so damn bored):
pull ups
flat db bench (lol)
incline db bench
db rows (if my leg can handle all weight on it in a bent over position)
bicep curls
tricep extensions of some sort

anything else I should be doing? obviously the 25lbs is gonna be light weight, but hopefully I can do enough to keep me looking healthy.

If it can be trained, train it. (Train what can be trained)

Also, get better soon stud.


I agree. Linear progression works so well for novices precisely because novices can hit new PRs far more easily than being intermediate or advanced. Setting PRs as a novice is important but not at the expense of technique or form.

Yup gotta echo this. If he's calling them PRs who cares. That's the best part about linear progression. Each day is heavier.


Hey again.

Thanks for all the replies.

She saw a Physiotherapist before who gave her some exercises to do (resistance-band based).

So would a Physical Therapist be better than a Physio for her? The surgeon said she needed to strengthen her knee muscles and that she had Osteoarthritis. She had her other knee (torn meniscus again) done in surgery too but that knee doesn't cause her discomfort anymore.

I'm guessing there is no way to 'grow' or promote new cartilage? /ignorant

Was gonna show her this link on knee exercises

(In Ireland btw - we have physiotherapists and physical therapists here, 2 different professions. Physiotherapists have a lot more training/education than physical therapists.

Or to quote someone from an Irish forum

No new cartilage, sorry. That being said, haveing strong thigh muscles will stabilize the knee joint and help it feel better. Normally I'd say squats, but whatever the knee can handle safely with only minimal discomfort.


How close are you?

I'm pretty close. ;)


I'm not entirely sure as I haven't been doing singles for max effort. I'll try that maybe 2 weeks from now and see just how high up I can go. My last deadlift day I did:

135 lb x 7 reps
315 lb x 7 reps
405 lb x 8 reps
475 lb x 3 reps

attempted 520 and failed, was pissed and dropped it to 505 and did that. I'm hoping that if I do max effort singles and ramp my way up I can make 525 my bitch.


First time doing incline bench. Pulled the bar off the rack and I just couldn't stop it before it nearly cut my dick off. It was so fast, so embarrassing. Hahhahah...eh.

I almost just want to cut out bench entirely. I could barely push 190 for 1 today after a considerable break and it's just too frustrating.
I have figured out I have a very weak incline bench and a fairly strong decline;: 95 incline 190.

I also have long arms despite being 5'7'', could that be making it harder to progress?


Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun

I'm not entirely sure as I haven't been doing singles for max effort. I'll try that maybe 2 weeks from now and see just how high up I can go. My last deadlift day I did:

135 lb x 7 reps
315 lb x 7 reps
405 lb x 8 reps
475 lb x 3 reps

attempted 520 and failed, was pissed and dropped it to 505 and did that. I'm hoping that if I do max effort singles and ramp my way up I can make 525 my bitch.

Not bad!

Singles is a good way to get there. You can't lift heavy without lifting heavy.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Thanks, and duly noted.

To be more specific, lifting heavy accustoms your CNS to lifting heavy. When you get up there your body has to "know" how to lift that weight. So doing 405X10 isn't the same as say 540lbs. There needs to be a mix of both. This is why I typically throw training max singles at the end of my main work on 3 and 5/3/1 weeks.


To be more specific, lifting heavy accustoms your CNS to lifting heavy. When you get up there your body has to "know" how to lift that weight. So doing 405X10 isn't the same as say 540lbs. There needs to be a mix of both. This is why I typically throw training max singles at the end of my main work on 3 and 5/3/1 weeks.
I think I'll tailor my deadlifts around this philosophy. Since I try to do back twice a week(only deadlifts once tho) one being geared more towards strength while the other being more towards hypertrophy. My strength day may as well be about going up rather than just reps as you said. Admittedly, I've been sheepish about doing singles max effort. I tend to get to comfortable with a number even though I know I should be able to do more, complacency.


Kicked my ass tonight at the gym. Love that feeling when you know you're tired from working your ass off.

Well, I will be the opposite, extremely unhappy with my lower body power workout tonight (Norton's PHAT) I either need to reset my squats or check my back because I struggled to get 225 up on the low end of the 3 sets of 3-5 part.

Anyone else had to "restart" an exercise?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Well, I will be the opposite, extremely unhappy with my lower body power workout tonight (Norton's PHAT) I either need to reset my squats or check my back because I struggled to get 225 up on the low end of the 3 sets of 3-5 part.

Anyone else had to "restart" an exercise?

Yep, don't let it get you down and use it as an opportunity to learn.


Incredibly Naive
Got tendonitis in my left forearm it seems, basically felt like shin splints in my forearm from preacher curls... apparently very common. Holdin me back a bit. Also losing a ton of weight through my diet, just nervous about losing muscle.
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