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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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That's cool.

Even more reason for me to become a father. If I can get twins, then could work out both arms at the same time.

Her diaper changing station is in her room upstairs, so that's a trip up the stairs carrying 15lbs multiple times a day. We haven't smartened up and made a station downstairs.


That's half a years worth. You take 5g a day, every day (don't do a loading phase).

And yes, that's a good brand. Don't expect miracles but it can help you get that extra rep in. Be sure to drink lots of water, which you should be doing anyway.


I drink around 2L of water per day...too little?


Not bad but you could probably do a little more. I tend to do 100 ounces a day.

For sure. I'll definitely try to increase and see how that works. I've noticed that as I've picked up cardio, I feel like I'm really loopy in the mornings, so maybe more water will curb that.


not really exercise related, but went to the doctor this morning.

two years ago i was 360 lbs and my blood pressure was 205/155. Said i was minutes from a stroke. Fast forward to today.

320 lbs and 126/80. Still a ways to go for weight, but i am pleased at getting my blood pressure back to normal.
So I've been getting a pain in my coccyx after going to the gym. I don't know what exactly is causing it but I'm starting to get worried, I first felt it two weeks ago. I think my squatting form may need some work, I'll try uploading a video for you guys to judge tomorrow.


That Muscle College podcast was pretty cool. I think I may try to start doing intervals instead of my 45 minutes of cardio I do a couple times a week. Probably use my single speed bike and find some hills so I can get going for a few seconds like they said and then keep that intensity going up the hill for 10-15 more seconds. That'll be insane. Hills already kill me when I wasn't trying to go max intensity.


I've been doing intervals on the treadmill this week and I'm loving it. Doing 60 second high intensity followed by 75 seconds of low intensity. My running is pretty weak ATM, so I do 8mph on high intensity rounds, and 3.5-4mph on low intensity rounds. I do 10 to 12 cycles if this, really really enjoy it.


Back day, and I'm going to do arms again, gonna make them tapout today since it's the 2nd time this week will go till failure.
So I've been getting a pain in my coccyx after going to the gym. I don't know what exactly is causing it but I'm starting to get worried, I first felt it two weeks ago. I think my squatting form may need some work, I'll try uploading a video for you guys to judge tomorrow.

It's not literally ass to grass dude, don't bang your tailbone ;P

So I think my strength losses from dieting have levelled off. I got two solid squats and deadlifts at 315 this week. I attribute this entirely to having watched the Rip bar position video 3 or 4 times and taking bigger, deeper breaths before pulling, respectively.

Bench is back up to 205, all my accessory work is getting easier, weight is vascillating between 186-191 and I've lost an inch off my gut. I think there might be something to this Carb Nite solution thing
tonight I am going to destroy a box of Reese's Puffs


Well that was interesting.

So I changed my Facebook profile picture to that deadlift picture of myself I showed you guys.

First comment was from a guy in school to be a personal trainer who just said "Keep those toes straight ahead."

Well my lifting buddy texts me and asks can he be a dick, and I said sure why not.

What results is a 25 comment argument of the first guy saying your toes have to be straight ahead and my lifting buddy posting multiple videos and sources showing you can have your toes pointed out.

It all ends with someone else calling them both tools, and my close friends all "like" that comment.



Well that was interesting.

So I changed my Facebook profile picture to that deadlift picture of myself I showed you guys.

First comment was from a guy in school to be a personal trainer who just said "Keep those toes straight ahead."

Well my lifting buddy texts me and asks can he be a dick, and I said sure why not.

What results is a 25 comment argument of the first guy saying your toes have to be straight ahead and my lifting buddy posting multiple videos and sources showing you can have your toes pointed out.

It all ends with someone else calling them both tools, and my close friends all "like" that comment.


More like form police.

I saw someone critiquing Jay Cutler's form on youtube before.
That's half a years worth. You take 5g a day, every day (don't do a loading phase).

And yes, that's a good brand. Don't expect miracles but it can help you get that extra rep in. Be sure to drink lots of water, which you should be doing anyway.

Huh, why not a loading phase?
I'm already through mine so feel free to critique it, as I'm not affected :p


Oh yeah that happened too! My buddy was giving youtube video examples of guys who dont keep their feet straight and the guy was like "They could lift more if they had their feet straight."

Huh, why not a loading phase?
I'm already through mine so feel free to critique it, as I'm not affected :p

It's just a waste to me, your body is going to be saturated eventually, albeit slower taking 5g a day. Why waste all that creatine!


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Don't think I've ever actually posted a progress pic:


Weighing about 155 right now, but my legs are a lot bigger than before thanks to all the squats/deadlifts I've been doing the past several months.

Crappy-ass mirror. :p


Well that was interesting.

So I changed my Facebook profile picture to that deadlift picture of myself I showed you guys.

First comment was from a guy in school to be a personal trainer who just said "Keep those toes straight ahead."

Well my lifting buddy texts me and asks can he be a dick, and I said sure why not.

What results is a 25 comment argument of the first guy saying your toes have to be straight ahead and my lifting buddy posting multiple videos and sources showing you can have your toes pointed out.

It all ends with someone else calling them both tools, and my close friends all "like" that comment.


So what you're saying is that Facebook is basically Neogaf.


What should I be doing for my back if I can't deadlift? I have a herniated disk or something that rears its ugly head every couple months. I don't think I ever let it heal enough cuz my back is quite big and I don't want it to lose size.

I know what to do for lats but what about spinal erectors and stuff?


Oh yeah that happened too! My buddy was giving youtube video examples of guys who dont keep their feet straight and the guy was like "They could lift more if they had their feet straight"

I hate these people because they just regurgitate cues without any thought. It's like the people who insist on using mixed grip on every single pull because "that's why you deadlift".

Arguably toes slightly out on the deadlift could improve leg drive since it increases involvement of the adductors thus adding more muscle mass.

What should I be doing for my back if I can't deadlift? I have a herniated disk or something that rears its ugly head every couple months. I don't think I ever let it heal enough cuz my back is quite big and I don't want it to lose size.

I know what to do for last but what about spinal erectors and stuff?

How do Back extensions feel? Have you tried banded good mornings?


I hate these people because they just regurgitate cues without any thought. It's like the people who insist on using mixed grip on every single pull because "that's why you deadlift".

Arguably toes slightly out on the deadlift could improve leg drive since it increases involvement of the adductors thus adding more muscle mass.

How do Back extensions feel? Have you tried banded good mornings?

Back extensions are fine I think. I'll add those in. I did them one other time my back was jacked and they didn't hurt. I'll look up banded good mornings. I know I can't do regular good mornings when it's like this.

Thing is I'm so stupid, I max out like every week on deads after my regular 5/3/1 lifts. I'll deadlift my max. Then do like 2 sets of 10 at 350 or something. I know I gotta be smarter.

My back was killing me on Monday and I still dead lifted...I know smh


So, while attempting to gleam a bit of satisfaction from this job I spoke with my employees to try and figure out exactly what problems they may have, what coaching they may have received on goals/customer interaction/PT knowledge, and overall what they needed from me to do their job better.

Ya know. Managing.

The response:

"We haven't had a group meeting in over six months. The entire system is messed up and we can't keep a consistent team. Also, our write ups and paperwork aren't set up correctly."


"Yeah, basically nothing here is run like a business from an HR standpoint. We kinda just do shit."

So, what do you need from me.

"Besides more clients, haha, it would be nice if you could just, ya know, be a boss and help take care of our shit. It'd be nice to know how we're doing, but nobody ever tells us. "

From speaking with my boss "Yeah, that's a problem, but it's not at the top of your list. Goal is."

I'm in a position where my job definition and primary responsibility does not entail the very definition of what my job title and company structure would have my employees believe it is.

Joke. God damned joke. Thank god my manager pulled me in an 18 year old with no job to try and sell a 400 dollar a month package to. 'Cause, that makes sense.


So I've been getting a pain in my coccyx after going to the gym. I don't know what exactly is causing it but I'm starting to get worried, I first felt it two weeks ago. I think my squatting form may need some work, I'll try uploading a video for you guys to judge tomorrow.

Happens sometimes, I got it too. I ended up having some mild irritation and leftist alone for a week, and did some si joint work which really helped. Work the tissues out with a lacrosse ball or something too.


I decided to weigh in on my picture. (Oh keep in mind the guy also said if I had my toes straight I wouldn't have to settle for 365 and could get to 400)

"As the great Ron Burgundy once said "Well that escalated quickly!"

(Personal trainer guy), I think the main point here is this: You CAN keep your toes straight on a deadlift, but it's certainly not required. There are certain things in the technical lifts you HAVE to do. For example, in a squat, you knees HAVE to track over your feet. Or in a deadlift you cant round your back. It's pretty acceptable to keep your toes pointed out a little, especially if thats going to make you feel more comfortable and allow you to activate and keep your hamstrings tight.

I also have no plans of stopping, so I'm definitely not settling for 365, this was just a big milestone for me. (Lifting buddy) helped me put 50 pounds on my deadlift in 3 months time. 405 (not 400, because that would be a microloaded mess) is the next goal and I should (hopefully) hit it by mid summer.

Now lets all just get a long and lift some heavy ass weights."
I'm only 5 KG away from being able to bench my own body weight!
I was under the belief that the barbell bar at my gym weighed in at 10kg, but turns out that it was actually 20kg.

Feels good.


What should I be doing for my back if I can't deadlift? I have a herniated disk or something that rears its ugly head every couple months. I don't think I ever let it heal enough cuz my back is quite big and I don't want it to lose size.

I know what to do for lats but what about spinal erectors and stuff?

What about row variations--T-bar, pendlay, upright, DB?

They're more for you upper back, though. Extensions are decent for the lower back if you have some issues down there.


I decided to weigh in on my picture. (Oh keep in mind the guy also said if I had my toes straight I wouldn't have to settle for 365 and could get to 400)

"As the great Ron Burgundy once said "Well that escalated quickly!"

(Personal trainer guy), I think the main point here is this: You CAN keep your toes straight on a deadlift, but it's certainly not required. There are certain things in the technical lifts you HAVE to do. For example, in a squat, you knees HAVE to track over your feet. Or in a deadlift you cant round your back. It's pretty acceptable to keep your toes pointed out a little, especially if thats going to make you feel more comfortable and allow you to activate and keep your hamstrings tight.

I also have no plans of stopping, so I'm definitely not settling for 365, this was just a big milestone for me. (Lifting buddy) helped me put 50 pounds on my deadlift in 3 months time. 405 (not 400, because that would be a microloaded mess) is the next goal and I should (hopefully) hit it by mid summer.

Now lets all just get a long and lift some heavy ass weights."

How much can your friend deadlift?

Opinions...this is like my boss telling me "the only way to get shredded is go to on a 50p/30c/20f diet"
Floor press?

Floor press.


These make no sense to me, but then again my weak spot on all my lifts is the bottom/off the floor. If I get past the first 10% I will always get the rep.

I'm only 5 KG away from being able to bench my own body weight!
I was under the belief that the barbell bar at my gym weighed in at 10kg, but turns out that it was actually 20kg.


Start your set at 0:30 (0:45 if you're doing a 1RM) and you will send the bar through the roof.


the piano man
I'm only 5 KG away from being able to bench my own body weight!

Same here.

in a similar exercise like the machine chest press, there I can push 10 kgs above my weight x 8. I know, it's not the same physical context but weight on BP should be around that.

but since I am a pussy who prefers to live instead of die, I bring the weight down considerably on barbell BP... I don't even trust spotters, if they play games with me, I am dead, like " I said I was going to help but I didn't because I toooootally believe in you, that you would pull it off on your own", no thanks.


I'm only 5 KG away from being able to bench my own body weight!
I was under the belief that the barbell bar at my gym weighed in at 10kg, but turns out that it was actually 20kg.

Feels good.

Nice! I'm still about 10kg to go. Bench is my worst lift and I feel pathetic for not being able to even bench bodyweight but I'm not giving up.

I have my usual gym buddies spot for me because random dudes will just start helping you when you're trying to grind to the lockout or recommend you to do a wide ass grip when my body is half the size of his.



but seriously, what's your guys opinions on eating close to bed time?

if you're hungry, eat...i'm not going to eat a full meal or anything, but i'm not going to starve myself because of some boogeyman time on the clock

maybe if you're training for a show or trying to get those last few stubborn pounds off...but damn, I need to post some of shit he's saying to me.

he gets really super obnoxious whenever he's on a health kick and then gets all preachy

he's losing weight because he was probably eating 3000-3500+ cals a day and is logging in 1300-1500 a day. anyone will lose weight on that restriction.

last time he did this he lost 33 pounds in like 2-3 months and then put it all back on in the same amount of time.



but seriously, what's your guys opinions on eating close to bed time?

I take a mixed shake with milk, oats, protein powder, banana and peanut butter about an hour or so before I sleep. My belly is showing but my lifts are going up.
I eat something low-labour intensive like cottage cheese or scrambled eggs couple of hours before I go to sleep.
Got enough proteins to fill me up enough to not be bothered by hunger.

Need to throw in some peanut butter into my shakes as well.



but seriously, what's your guys opinions on eating close to bed time?

I do it all the time. It only gets a bad rep because the people who do it generally are eating junk food.

edit: and I'm barely gaining weight, but that's because I'm trying to do the 2pm to 10pm IF.
I am a bit worried about not gaining any weight either.
I am eating 2.6k-3k calories, my lifts are going up, and I've only gone up like 1kg over the last month.
I got a deep tissue massage yesterday. Highly recommended for those of you who love foam rollers. It's amazing. You almost feel tipsy afterwards from being so relaxed.


So my friend is actually having an argument with me because I don't do calve isolation workouts often enough. He says that when your wearing shorts people will notice your calves first. He even said: "Out of the whole leg, calves is what you shouldn't skip" lol

He goes on to spew some other crap like "we use our calves in our everyday life so its one of the hardest things to build well"

Please help me discredit this man.
Thanks guys! It was just for 1 but it wasn't too hard.

I even got photo evidence since I was so proud.

I'm late on this but great job Sean. Thats some man weight right there.

So my friend is actually having an argument with me because I don't do calve isolation workouts often enough. He says that when your wearing shorts people will notice your calves first. He even said: "Out of the whole leg, calves is what you shouldn't skip" lol

He goes on to spew some other crap like "we use our calves in our everyday life so its one of the hardest things to build well"

Please help me discredit this man.

Puny Calves suck and I have puny calves. Your friend is right about how difficult it is to stimulate muscle growth for the exact reason he listed.

So, while attempting to gleam a bit of satisfaction from this job I spoke with my employees to try and figure out exactly what problems they may have, what coaching they may have received on goals/customer interaction/PT knowledge, and overall what they needed from me to do their job better.

Ya know. Managing.

The response:

"We haven't had a group meeting in over six months. The entire system is messed up and we can't keep a consistent team. Also, our write ups and paperwork aren't set up correctly."


"Yeah, basically nothing here is run like a business from an HR standpoint. We kinda just do shit."

So, what do you need from me.

"Besides more clients, haha, it would be nice if you could just, ya know, be a boss and help take care of our shit. It'd be nice to know how we're doing, but nobody ever tells us. "

From speaking with my boss "Yeah, that's a problem, but it's not at the top of your list. Goal is."

I'm in a position where my job definition and primary responsibility does not entail the very definition of what my job title and company structure would have my employees believe it is.

Joke. God damned joke. Thank god my manager pulled me in an 18 year old with no job to try and sell a 400 dollar a month package to. 'Cause, that makes sense.

What a infuriating job that would be.


So my friend is actually having an argument with me because I don't do calve isolation workouts often enough. He says that when your wearing shorts people will notice your calves first. He even said: "Out of the whole leg, calves is what you shouldn't skip" lol

He goes on to spew some other crap like "we use our calves in our everyday life so its one of the hardest things to build well"

Please help me discredit this man.

That part is true from what I've read.
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