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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Dat feel when you go for 8 reps but you only get 6. Stupid grip. ;_;

That (lack of) feel when your hands sweat profusely and it's affecting your grip.

Was Trying to do 5 of my old 2 week deadlift 1RM, right hand started slipping at 3. Still did 4 at least; with 8 fingers on the bar.


Age: 20
Height: 5'10
Weight: 195-200
Goal: Cutting over the summer and bulking up big when back in school in late August.
Current Training Schedule: For the past semester, and especially the past two months, I've been hitting the gym with a passion. What I've been lifting is I guess a body split type deal. I basically had 3 days I rotated getting in the gym between 4 and 6 times a week.

Power Clean to Press 3x8
Either 1 arm bent over row or Lat Pull Downs 3x10
Seated Row 3x10
Seated Preacher Curls/Standing Curls Super set 3x10
Hammer Curls 3x10
Concentration Curls 3x8

Incline Bench 3x8
Decline Bench 3x8
Fly 3x8
Skull Crushers 3x12
French Press 3x10
Tricep Kick Backs 3x12
Tricep Pull downs 3x10

Leg Press
Leg Extension 3x12
Leg Curls 3x12
Shoulder Press 3x8
Deltoid Raise (Front and Side) 3x12

In addition I would do either an ab circuit (basically P90x's abs) or do 10K on the bike after the work out. And then finish up with between 10 and 20 minutes in the Sauna.

Current Training Equipment Available: Not certain what my situation will be for this summer, but I'm going to find the nearest gym to my internship, which should be close as its in down town Houston. So I imagine it should all the standard gym fare. When I get back to school in August I'll be back in the Strom Thrumond Center at Uni of South Carolina which is super nice.

Comments: So most of what I'm looking for is advice on what type of program I should get on. I've lifted pretty consistently since about my Junior year in high school, so going on around 5 years now. But I would say I've definitely gotten more serious about it this past semester. It's hard to say the weight I can do on the major lifts, because I don't think my form is up to snuff for them. But I would say that I can do 245 ish on Bench, get decent depth on a 315 high bar squat (with some bull shit half squat for 405 and maybe more but that doesn't really count much), and probably also around 315 for DL.

Although thats more of a 1RM for bench and around a 5RM for squat and DL. So I don't think that I'm a novice in the gym, but I don't know if I will still benefit from doing SS this summer, or if a more advanced routine will be beneficial, especially since I want to focus more on cutting weight and fat over the summer. I can post pictures later to give a better idea of the shape I'm in and body type and what not if that would be helpful.

I've been lurking in this thread lately and it seems like there are a bunch of really knowledgeable people in here so I'm hoping yall can give me some good guidance. I was around 240 lbs this time last year and focused on losing weight primarily through a Keto diet in the fall semester and had a lot of success dropping down to under 190. This spring semester I went off that diet and focused more on really killing it in the gym following a break up and I've only put on around 5 or 10 lbs but have gotten considerably stronger and bigger. Senior year is looking to be much lighter on class load so I decided its time for me to get really serious about my gym work and from what I've seen lurking it seems like you are the guys to talk to about all of that.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
If anyone was feeling in need of a little motivation/inspiration: Andrzej Stanaszek squat.

This guy owns the highest total to bodyweight ratio in the history of powerlifting, totalling 1322lbs at 114lb bw. 639lb squat, 374lb bench and a 308lb deadlift. The deadlift was so low because his hands were too small to grip the bar properly; who knows what he might have got with something easier to grip. To me, the fact that he was able to achieve that record with a deadlift less than half the weight of his squat makes up for whatever ROM/mechanics advantage he possessed.


I prefer looking at pictures of Frank McGrath and Pudz







I have veins where my shoulder meets my chest, I honestly hate the way it looks, the veins in my arms don't bother me as much as those.
I have veins where my shoulder meets my chest, I honestly hate the way it looks, the veins in my arms don't bother me as much as those.

Veins in general don't bother me its inevitable especially when your cutting but that guys forearm is so unpleasant to look at.

First time I popped a blood vessel in my arm and realized that's what I did I thought I was going to puke. Not a big deal anymore but I still don't like thinking about it


I have veins where my shoulder meets my chest, I honestly hate the way it looks, the veins in my arms don't bother me as much as those.

I also have very vascular delts, my chest as well. The big vein down the middle of the bicep(brachial I think) isn't very visibile on my arm, but a bunch of small feint ones are.

I'm most vascular in my calves and forearms, and I've got a bit coming out in my quads now. If they become visible in my lower abdomen, then that means shit got real imo


My assumption is that you want to lose fat, not just weight. To accomplish that goal, you'll really want to strength train. The reason for that is that if you only do cardio, you'll burn both muscle and fat off, so I agree with the need for a weight routine.

So if you want to lose 50 pounds of fat, it's totally doable. Just takes a while. Budget 6-12 months for it.

If you go twice a week (non consecutive days, like mon-thurs), here's something that I did for a while:

Warm up 5 minutes on rowing machine, do warm up sets for movements.

Day 1:

Bench 4x5
Squats 4x5
Chinups 3xfailure
Dips 3xfailure

Day 2:

Overhead Press 4x5
Deadlifts 2x5
Pullups 3xfailure
Bicep Curls 3x8

Every time you do an exercise, add a bit of weight. Read up on form as well.
So I tried the day 1 workout today. I had my friends help me and explain to me how to do each things properly. I totally fail at the chinups and dips though. I can do maybe 1-2 and I'm assuming it'll be the same for pullups. Is this really ok? My friend suggested that if I can't do at least five that it's not worth it and that I should replace it with other exercises.


I'll take em

I think dat vascularity looks good on most the body


I'd gladly trade if it were possible.

Veins in general don't bother me its inevitable especially when your cutting but that guys forearm is so unpleasant to look at.

First time I popped a blood vessel in my arm and realized that's what I did I thought I was going to puke. Not a big deal anymore but I still don't like thinking about it

Well yeah that guys forearm looks like he has some kind of alien living in him, same with CT Fletchers bicep vein that looks like a radiator was stuffed in there.

I also have very vascular delts, my chest as well. The big vein down the middle of the bicep(brachial I think) isn't very visibile on my arm, but a bunch of small feint ones are.

I'm most vascular in my calves and forearms, and I've got a bit coming out in my quads now. If they become visible in my lower abdomen, then that means shit got real imo

I'm the same, a lot of veins in my shoulders & chest while my biceps just have smaller criss crossing veins. I don't have that giant vein running down the middle of my bicep either and my forearms are just now getting vascular, it's taken so much work to get them to not look like twigs, the plight of the long armed man is a silent struggle.


I'd gladly trade if it were possible.

Well yeah that guys forearm looks like he has some kind of alien living in him, same with CT Fletchers bicep vein that looks like a radiator was stuffed in there.

I'm the same, a lot of veins in my shoulders & chest while my biceps just have smaller criss crossing veins. I don't have that giant vein running down the middle of my bicep either and my forearms are just now getting vascular, it's taken so much work to get them to not look like twigs, the plight of the long armed man is a silent struggle.


lol that is super excessive for sure. Those big ropey veins just reek of high blood pressure/excess aas use.
So I tried the day 1 workout today. I had my friends help me and explain to me how to do each things properly. I totally fail at the chinups and dips though. I can do maybe 1-2 and I'm assuming it'll be the same for pullups. Is this really ok? My friend suggested that if I can't do at least five that it's not worth it and that I should replace it with other exercises.

I don't know about whether to do them or something else but you'll improve quickly enough since you can only do so few atm. The dips and chinups aren't the most important parts of the workout anyway, the compound lifts are the focus.


Thanks man! She's worked incredibly hard, and a lot of us at the gym (where I work) would love to see her rewarded. It would do wonders for her drive and self esteem. Thanks again!

Voted too, she looks amazing :)
I know how health issues can be a major downer..struggling with MS myself.
I hope she wins!


So I tried the day 1 workout today. I had my friends help me and explain to me how to do each things properly. I totally fail at the chinups and dips though. I can do maybe 1-2 and I'm assuming it'll be the same for pullups. Is this really ok? My friend suggested that if I can't do at least five that it's not worth it and that I should replace it with other exercises.

I absolutely fucking hate if someone says you need at least xy to do x.

When I started pull-ups I did not manage a single unnassisted one but I am too stubborn to give up so I modified (used bands or chairs at the start) and low and behold I made it to 3 unassisted ones quite fast (and that's coming from a girl diagnosed with MS, just to put this into perspective).

Never EVER tell me what I can't or can do :p
So I say wtf go for it and modify if you have to.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
The last time I went to the gym Iwas told by some mid aged beast CO that is the only person I think who really knows his shit, that " I wish I could clone your squat form and make every body else in the gym do the same, even myself."
Felt so good considering it's been a few months working with this new ATG hi bar squat after I fixed my flexibility issue and it sometimes hurts dialing back the weight.
I'm now climbing back up past 225 and to hear that, man, even a few days later I'm great, plus I have a gym buddy now so that's the best part.

complimentary cryptic hot chick pic:

Can you post a video of your high-bar atg squat form?

Or perhaps even critique mine?



So I tried the day 1 workout today. I had my friends help me and explain to me how to do each things properly. I totally fail at the chinups and dips though. I can do maybe 1-2 and I'm assuming it'll be the same for pullups. Is this really ok? My friend suggested that if I can't do at least five that it's not worth it and that I should replace it with other exercises.

Pullups are harder than chinups - expect to do less.

Do you have an assisted pull up / dip machine at your gym? Basically a device you stand on or kneel on and takes some of the weight off of you by a counter balance.

Or as Tash suggests there are bands.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
I prefer watching guys like Ben Rice and Michael Tuscherer.

I prefer looking at pictures of Frank McGrath and Pudz.

Well, that's a bit different, as obviously I didn't post a 30 second clip of a 114lb dwarf as a get pumped/goal physique/motivational video: more as a reminder of what sort of insane numbers people are capable of accomplishing and what good can come of accepting what you can't change and focussing on improving what you can rather than letting excuses, expectations and perceptions dictate your actions.


the piano man

lol, is that the proper word to use?? I'd hesitate to see a little guy and go saying "hey, hello dwarf" but since english isn't my first language, who knows, maybe it's right.

regarding pull-ups, some stuff that helped me in the beginning:

.- close the grip a bit, remember that the wider the grip, the harder the move.
.- do half reps, reduce the range of motion as necessary (being completely aware what a full ROM should/will look like as you progress with the move)
.- hang from the bar with no assitance for 3 seconds and then pull slightly up and back to starting position several times, no intention to go up at all, just trying stimulate your body.


Junior Member
Guys should dips make my triceps bigger?

I do 4 sets, 8-12 (till failure, but this tends to be my rep range) reps each, twice a week.

Been doing them over the past few months. Went from 0kg to 18.5kg.

No difference in arm size, lol.


Junior Member
lol, is that the proper word to use?? I'd hesitate to see a little guy and go saying "hey, hello dwarf" but since english isn't my first language, who knows, maybe it's right.

regarding pull-ups, some stuff that helped me in the beginning:

.- close the grip a bit, remember that the wider the grip, the harder the move.
.- do half reps, reduce the range of motion as necessary (being completely aware what a full ROM should/will look like as you progress with the move)
.- hang from the bar with no assitance for 3 seconds and then pull slightly up and back to starting position several times, no intention to go up at all, just trying stimulate your body.

I really don't think wide grip pullups are a great exercise. They are worse for your elbows than regular pullups. Granted I don't feel any issues if I bang out a set or two, but I can feel them in my elbows after several minutes of pulling up :p No issues with the regular shoulder width pullups however.


the piano man
No difference in arm size, lol.

if you had a pic from back then and compared it to a recent one I am sure you'd see difference.

that being said, what's with people expecting crazy gains after a "few months"? it doesn't work like that. Those "newb gains" you see people keep talking about aren't what many of you guys are thinking. You won't look like Arnie any time soon.

people have to realize that those "Men Health's" bodies are done in many, many years and lots of work. EDIT: an a ridiculously, incredibly strict discipline in regards to nutrition.

Focus on strength, good form, widen your repertoire of exercises, try a new proven program, there's plenty of stuff to focus on besides aesthetics.

I really don't think wide grip pullups are a great exercise. They are worse for your elbows than regular pullups.

in what sense you mean it isn't a great exercise? cause if you can widen your grip, I'd say go for it. I haven't had any elbow problems with the pullups regardless of grip but that's me, maybe there are known elbow problems.


Chin-ups vs Pull-ups only the grip is different? I am confused..
Also, something else that worked well at the beginning - get into the "up" position however you need to (stand on a chair whatever..) and then lower yourself down as slowly as you can. Rinse and Repeat.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
lol, is that the proper word to use?? I'd hesitate to see a little guy and go saying "hey, hello dwarf" but since english isn't my first language, who knows, maybe it's right.

Well I certainly wouldn't do it with the one in question as he's probably capable of throwing me across a room. Jk, the term is acceptable in English, along with little person. A person with a growth disorder causing short stature of that nature is generally said to have a form of Dwarfism.
Chin-ups vs Pull-ups only the grip is different? I am confused..
Also, something else that worked well at the beginning - get into the "up" position however you need to (stand on a chair whatever..) and then lower yourself down as slowly as you can. Rinse and Repeat.

Yeah they are called negatives, they're definitely a great idea for people who can't do (many) pull-ups yet.


Chin-ups = The palms of your hands facing you, usually with a narrow(er) grip

Pull-ups = hand palms to the outside, usually with a wider grip

Heh funny, I always did a lot of different versions (narrow, wide, normal, with a towel on one side and with both grips). Never knew they were called differently..


So this is what I looked like last year when I had cut down to 145

Ideally, I want to have similar proportions in the long run but just everything bigger.

I'll probably upload a new before picture right when I start lifting again within the next month or so.

You looked ace..but sunscreen?


So leg pain has subsided a little a seems to manifest in a tight front shin muscle. Is this progress? Lol

Tight hamstring causing this?


Thanks for the feedback guys. Yeah I used the machine that basically has weight below you to 'save' you. I'll keep trying it every week and see how much I improve at it. I figure eventually I'll be able to do a set.

As for the weight, should I add-on more weight every set to push my limits or is it better if I find something I'm comfortable with and progress from there on a per session basis? Note that this is more for losing fat than hardcore body building. My friend insisted I do the former and by the time I was at the 4th set it was way too much for me.


if you had a pic from back then and compared it to a recent one I am sure you'd see difference.

that being said, what's with people expecting crazy gains after a "few months"? it doesn't work like that. Those "newb gains" you see people keep talking about aren't what many of you guys are thinking. You won't look like Arnie any time soon.

people have to realize that those "Men Health's" bodies are done in many, many years and lots of work. EDIT: an a ridiculously, incredibly strict discipline in regards to nutrition.

Focus on strength, good form, widen your repertoire of exercises, try a new proven program, there's plenty of stuff to focus on besides aesthetics.

in what sense you mean it isn't a great exercise? cause if you can widen your grip, I'd say go for it. I haven't had any elbow problems with the pullups regardless of grip but that's me, maybe there are known elbow problems.

I'm proud of you for this post.


Thanks for the feedback guys. Yeah I used the machine that basically has weight below you to 'save' you. I'll keep trying it every week and see how much I improve at it. I figure eventually I'll be able to do a set.

As for the weight, should I add-on more weight every set to push my limits or is it better if I find something I'm comfortable with and progress from there on a per session basis? Note that this is more for losing fat than hardcore body building. My friend insisted I do the former and by the time I was at the 4th set it was way too much for me.

I am adding 5 pounds each week. At least that's what I did now with my second week and it goes well. But I am a noobie..


if you had a pic from back then and compared it to a recent one I am sure you'd see difference.

that being said, what's with people expecting crazy gains after a "few months"? it doesn't work like that. Those "newb gains" you see people keep talking about aren't what many of you guys are thinking. You won't look like Arnie any time soon.

people have to realize that those "Men Health's" bodies are done in many, many years and lots of work. EDIT: an a ridiculously, incredibly strict discipline in regards to nutrition.

Focus on strength, good form, widen your repertoire of exercises, try a new proven program, there's plenty of stuff to focus on besides aesthetics.



Age: 20
Height: 5'10
Weight: 195-200
Goal: Cutting over the summer and bulking up big when back in school in late August.
Current Training Schedule: For the past semester, and especially the past two months, I've been hitting the gym with a passion. What I've been lifting is I guess a body split type deal. I basically had 3 days I rotated getting in the gym between 4 and 6 times a week.

Power Clean to Press 3x8
Either 1 arm bent over row or Lat Pull Downs 3x10
Seated Row 3x10
Seated Preacher Curls/Standing Curls Super set 3x10
Hammer Curls 3x10
Concentration Curls 3x8

Incline Bench 3x8
Decline Bench 3x8
Fly 3x8
Skull Crushers 3x12
French Press 3x10
Tricep Kick Backs 3x12
Tricep Pull downs 3x10

Leg Press
Leg Extension 3x12
Leg Curls 3x12
Shoulder Press 3x8
Deltoid Raise (Front and Side) 3x12

In addition I would do either an ab circuit (basically P90x's abs) or do 10K on the bike after the work out. And then finish up with between 10 and 20 minutes in the Sauna.

Current Training Equipment Available: Not certain what my situation will be for this summer, but I'm going to find the nearest gym to my internship, which should be close as its in down town Houston. So I imagine it should all the standard gym fare. When I get back to school in August I'll be back in the Strom Thrumond Center at Uni of South Carolina which is super nice.

Comments: So most of what I'm looking for is advice on what type of program I should get on. I've lifted pretty consistently since about my Junior year in high school, so going on around 5 years now. But I would say I've definitely gotten more serious about it this past semester. It's hard to say the weight I can do on the major lifts, because I don't think my form is up to snuff for them. But I would say that I can do 245 ish on Bench, get decent depth on a 315 high bar squat (with some bull shit half squat for 405 and maybe more but that doesn't really count much), and probably also around 315 for DL.

Although thats more of a 1RM for bench and around a 5RM for squat and DL. So I don't think that I'm a novice in the gym, but I don't know if I will still benefit from doing SS this summer, or if a more advanced routine will be beneficial, especially since I want to focus more on cutting weight and fat over the summer. I can post pictures later to give a better idea of the shape I'm in and body type and what not if that would be helpful.

I've been lurking in this thread lately and it seems like there are a bunch of really knowledgeable people in here so I'm hoping yall can give me some good guidance. I was around 240 lbs this time last year and focused on losing weight primarily through a Keto diet in the fall semester and had a lot of success dropping down to under 190. This spring semester I went off that diet and focused more on really killing it in the gym following a break up and I've only put on around 5 or 10 lbs but have gotten considerably stronger and bigger. Senior year is looking to be much lighter on class load so I decided its time for me to get really serious about my gym work and from what I've seen lurking it seems like you are the guys to talk to about all of that.

So, I'm still a novice but I'll try to give my tips. It sounds like you know your form isn't up to par, so amount of estimated weight you can do doesn't mean shit if you're not doing it right. I suggest dialing it back a great deal on everything you mentioned and focusing on form. Post videos of yourself here and have people critique them. I suggest getting on a progressive routine as you get your form right and work back up, maybe Starting Strength, GSLP, or 5/3/1.
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