This is where I'm at. Wanted to get your thoughts on were I stand bf % wise if anyone is good at telling that...Also are you in agreement that I should cut (then bulk) first based on these shots? Be easy haha, this temple is a work in progress.
Those power crunch bars are pretty tasty, the chocolate one is really good.
Just had a 16oz steak, how much protein is typically in them?
Those power crunch bars are pretty tasty, the chocolate one is really good.
Just had a 16oz steak, how much protein is typically in them?
Around 100
Most likely that is the main reason. I'm jealous! Wish I was eating a lot of steak. I've been eating a lot of frozen tilapia. Blah...Thanks, I've had 190g-200g of protein today, and still have my 2 scoops of whey and a Quest bar to go, will take me over 260 and that's just with 2 actual meals.
I've been eating a lot of steaks lately, could explain the small bump in strength.
Most likely that is the main reason. I'm jealous! Wish I was eating a lot of steak. I've been eating a lot of frozen tilapia. Blah...
Thanks, I've had 190g-200g of protein today, and still have my 2 scoops of whey and a Quest bar to go, will take me over 260 and that's just with 2 actual meals.
I've been eating a lot of steaks lately, could explain the small bump in strength.
What's the best way to do fish? Pan, oven or grill?
Whenever I do grill, it's too dry. Whenever I do oven it's too oily. Never tried pan.
Usually I cook white fish. Cod, orange roughy, tilapia.
What's the best way to do fish? Pan, oven or grill?
Whenever I do grill, it's too dry. Whenever I do oven it's too oily. Never tried pan.
Usually I cook white fish. Cod, orange roughy, tilapia.
I always grill, but I use a fish basket.
Usually some old bay and olive oil. Never comes out dry for me.
That's why I only like the white fishes. They kind of assume the flavor of whatever you add to them.
I'll have to look into getting a basket.
I will after my cut, not shy but there's a little more work to be done.
For now, left is from October 2008 or 09, and right is from March 2012.
Most likely that is the main reason. I'm jealous! Wish I was eating a lot of steak. I've been eating a lot of frozen tilapia. Blah...
I been learning how to pan sear steaks and then popping them in the oven. It is amazing how much better they are this way.
I really don't like fish that much, the only type I will eat is tuna, outside of that I don't know why I've grown to dislike it. Especially since it has such high protein.
I'll have to try that, I just threw it on a foreman grill.
Is sunflower okay? Has he posted? I know he was affected by the tornado.
I'm alive, feeling really messed up about the death toll, and trying to figure out if I'm useful to volunteer. I just can't wrap my head around it. Went to the gym at like 9pm, it was packed full of people who were just zoned out watching the news and doing cardio. And one dude lifting freeweights going "oh...fuck yes...fuck yes" the whole time so I smashed my set and left early. I can't even wrap my head around all these dead children. I just can't. I'm going to go lie down.
Thanks for the concern though fellas, I appreciate it. Tomorrow's another day of high risk stuff but I can't see it topping today. was the food though?
There is something about successfully completing your squat sets that actually boosts your energy and confidence for the rest of your entire workout. At least that's the case for me. It's like once I nail my squats that day, everything else is cake.
Me too. Squats are generally the hardest thing to do for most people so getting that out of the way makes me feel like the rest of my lifts ain't gonna be shit.
I feel like a failure if I can't finish my sets, but feel like a damn champ if I do.
315x4 failedOnly got it up 3 times. F!
And that's why I do them on Monday.
I mean I do Squats on Wednesday too but that's assistance work / volume. More reps but never heavier than 85% of my 1RM. Monday is when I do the scary ones.
I will after my cut, not shy but there's a little more work to be done.
For now, left is from October 2008 or 09, and right is from March 2012.
Add some Japanese furikake, if you can find some?You guys know anyway to make rice more interesting? Ive looked at store sauces and the sugar and sodium content are insane!
I tried making my own with some olive oil, paprika and garlic. Wont be doing that again.
I've tried chopping up bits of pineapple into it which helps with moisture but its still a little dry.
You guys know anyway to make rice more interesting? Ive looked at store sauces and the sugar and sodium content are insane!
I tried making my own with some olive oil, paprika and garlic. Wont be doing that again.
I've tried chopping up bits of pineapple into it which helps with moisture but its still a little dry.
Agreeing to go on a 2 hour walk after legs day. Smh.
Agreeing to go on a 2 hour walk after legs day. Smh.
Add some Japanese furikake, if you can find some?
I used to take a small bowl of cooked rice to work every day, empty a small can of tuna into it, crack an egg into it, mix it a bit and cook it in the microwave until the egg cooked. I changed the flavour of the tuna to mix it up.
I will after my cut, not shy but there's a little more work to be done.
For now, left is from October 2008 or 09, and right is from March 2012.
This is where I'm at. Wanted to get your thoughts on were I stand bf % wise if anyone is good at telling that...Also are you in agreement that I should cut (then bulk) first based on these shots? Be easy haha, this temple is a work in progress.
Are there any negative effects for consuming regular WHEY for months or is it safe?
I've been having one or two scoops a day for the last couple of months and I think I will all summer.
Should I stop using it at some point?
This is what I have been using.