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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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What type of body can you achieve with just your own body weight exercises(pushups, crunches, squats, pull ups etc..) mixed with cardio? I'm going after that lean soccer body look. Is this all I need to do to get to that goal? I have no desire or want to get huge, just lean.

Soccer players also hit the weight room, so your preconception that weights don't get you " lean" is incorrect. You can build a solid base by using only body weight stuff, but it will be more complicated than just hitting the weight room.

I'm assuming you aren't trolling*


What type of body can you achieve with just your own body weight exercises(pushups, crunches, squats, pull ups etc..) mixed with cardio? I'm going after that lean soccer body look. Is this all I need to do to get to that goal? I have no desire or want to get huge, just lean.

BW workouts will get you quite lean, but regular BW workouts such as basic push-ups and crunches will only get you so far.

There are advanced BW workouts that can help you reach your goals at a faster rate.
You guys know anyway to make rice more interesting? Ive looked at store sauces and the sugar and sodium content are insane!

I tried making my own with some olive oil, paprika and garlic. Wont be doing that again.

I've tried chopping up bits of pineapple into it which helps with moisture but its still a little dry.

maybe try those Ms. Dash type spice blends? I believe most of those have no sodium/sugar.


What type of body can you achieve with just your own body weight exercises(pushups, crunches, squats, pull ups etc..) mixed with cardio? I'm going after that lean soccer body look. Is this all I need to do to get to that goal? I have no desire or want to get huge, just lean.

Someone like you might benefit greatly from a kettlebell workout. Look around your local area and see if anyone has classes you can sign up for.


Soccer players also hit the weight room, so your preconception that weights don't get you " lean" is incorrect. You can build a solid base by using only body weight stuff, but it will be more complicated than just hitting the weight room.

I'm assuming you aren't trolling*

I'm not trolling and I don't believe I ever mentioned that weights don't get you lean. I know they do, but I absolutely hate the gym and lifting weights bores me. Going for a 5 mile run is very refreshing and motivational for me. I've played soccer my entire life so cardio is in my blood.

Thanks for the tips. I've heard of kettle bells but have never seen them in action. I'll look into that.
Hey guys,
So i've been using the gym at work, which consists of one power rack and one smith machine and dumbbells. I've been doing your typical novice upper body workout. I joined a gold's gym yesterday, and am going to try to follow one of the programs in the OP.

Age: 24
Height: 6'3
Weight: 185lbs
Goal: lower body fat, incrase muscle mass
Current Training Schedule: MWF 6-7am
Current Training Equipment Available: Full gym

This is the program i was going to follow since i havn't been able to learn power cleans yet:

Squat - 3 sets of 5
Bench Press/Press - 3 sets of 5
Chin-ups - 3 sets to failure

Squat - 3 sets of 5
Bench Press/Press - 3 sets of 5
Deadlift - 1 set of 5

Squat - 3 sets of 5
Bench Press/Press - 3 sets of 5
Pull-ups - 3 sets to failure

My question is, should i be adding isolation exercises into this routine? aka flys on my bench day, curls on monday/friday?

Currently I'm at about 16%bf. I'm trying to lean out a little bit and start getting stronger. I've been doing an upper body routine for about a year, and while it has been working a little, its extremely slow and not effective. I'm ready to do it right. Currently working out 6-7am fasted, following IF. I'm not sure if i should eat less than maintenance until i get about 12%bf then bulk, or do a clean bulk now.

Edit: Went to the new gym for the first time this morning and here is where i'm starting off...does this sound like way too little weight to start with?
Squat: 115lbs 4x5
Deadlift: 115lbs 4x5
Bench Press: 135lbs 4x5


I'm not trolling and I don't believe I ever mentioned that weights don't get you lean. I know they do, but I absolutely hate the gym and lifting weights bores me. Going for a 5 mile run is very refreshing and motivational for me. I've played soccer my entire life so cardio is in my blood.

Alright, I apologize for reading it that way. I've seen some big guys who claim bodyweight stuff only, so I don't see any issues as long as you get creative enough to get those hard to reach areas.


Hey guys,
So i've been using the gym at work, which consists of one power rack and one smith machine and dumbbells. I've been doing your typical novice upper body workout. I joined a gold's gym yesterday, and am going to try to follow one of the programs in the OP.

Age: 24
Height: 6'3
Weight: 185lbs
Goal: lower body fat, incrase muscle mass
Current Training Schedule: MWF 6-7am
Current Training Equipment Available: Full gym

This is the program i was going to follow since i havn't been able to learn power cleans yet:

Squat - 3 sets of 5
Bench Press/Press - 3 sets of 5
Chin-ups - 3 sets to failure

Squat - 3 sets of 5
Bench Press/Press - 3 sets of 5
Deadlift - 1 set of 5

Squat - 3 sets of 5
Bench Press/Press - 3 sets of 5
Pull-ups - 3 sets to failure

My question is, should i be adding isolation exercises into this routine? aka flys on my bench day, curls on monday/friday?

Currently I'm at about 16%bf. I'm trying to lean out a little bit and start getting stronger. I've been doing an upper body routine for about a year, and while it has been working a little, its extremely slow and not effective. I'm ready to do it right. Currently working out 6-7am fasted, following IF. I'm not sure if i should eat less than maintenance until i get about 12%bf then bulk, or do a clean bulk now.

Remember that the important part of this program is that you need to add weight to the bar every workout. Every.workout on every lift. 10lb per workout to the squat and the deadlift, 5lb per workout to the press and the bench. Once you stall (i.e, you'll reach a point in which the weights will be heavy enough that you won't be able to complete your reps) switch to 5lb increases on lower body and 2.5lb increases on uppoer body.

Also, you need to rotate the workouts weekly. You don't do press and bench press the same day; you alternate them, like this:

Workout A

Squat 3x5
Bench 3x5

Workout B

Squat 3x5
Press 3x5
Deadlift 1x5

So the first week you'd do ABA on Mo-Wed-Fr, but the following week you'll do BAB, then ABA the next and so forth.

Again: the most important part about this program is that you add weight to the bar every workout on every lift. Check this FAQ for further information http://startingstrength.wikia.com/wiki/FAQ:The_Program

I suggest you avoid isolation work for now, though you could add some curls after chinups if you'd like. Other than that avoid messing with the program. It might not look like much right now, but if you do it right it'll get heavy very soon, and also it'll get hard.

Try to do the program as is for at least 3 or 4 months.


I'm not trolling and I don't believe I ever mentioned that weights don't get you lean. I know they do, but I absolutely hate the gym and lifting weights bores me. Going for a 5 mile run is very refreshing and motivational for me. I've played soccer my entire life so cardio is in my blood.

Thanks for the tips. I've heard of kettle bells but have never seen them in action. I'll look into that.

Do you want to look like a sprinter or a person that runs marathons?
Fit-GAF halp please...

So today was my weight in day after trying out IF for 2 weeks.

1400 calories a day/3 gym a week/cardio (3 mile jog) on off days. I'm at 5'9 and weighed 185. I stopped eating at 7:00pm last night.

I weighed in myself at 188.7 this morning and.. what the fuck? I feel so much lighter and can see myself shaping up. What happened? I'm trying to cut off fat .. not gain weight. So unmotivated now.

Can someone enlighten me what I'm doing wrong?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Fit-GAF halp please...

So today was my weight in day after trying out IF for 2 weeks.

1400 calories a day/3 gym a week/cardio (3 mile jog) on off days. I'm at 5'9 and weighed 185. I stopped eating at 7:00pm last night.

I weighed in myself at 188.7 this morning and.. what the fuck? I feel so much lighter and can see myself shaping up. What happened? I'm trying to cut off fat .. not gain weight. So unmotivated now.

Can someone enlighten me what I'm doing wrong?

Using a scale, throw that shit out. Water retention and more are fuckin with you.

It's all about mirror feelings and how you feel. Trust in you. Fuck numbers unless you're tracking what you lift, then numbers <3
Without any barbells or machines, and instead only dumbbells, you're going to have a hard time working your muscle groups properly and evenly. You can do dumbbell iterations of most of the exercises in the OP but there'll be some issues. How heavy do your free weights get?
Even if I can't work them evenly, it's still better than not doing any weight training whatsoever right? They go up to 50 lbs.

There are gyms with just dumbbells?
Yeah. There are two gyms in my town... one is $75 a month and has everything you could possible want... a track, olympic sized pool. all the cardio equipment in the world, and every weight training machine under the sun. The problems are twofold; it's always incredibly packed with beautiful people (something that I could get over, sure, but still messes with my confidence while I'm in the middle of my workout), and more importantly, I'm unemployed. $75 a month is a ton of money for me at the moment. The other gym is only $20 a month and rarely has anybody there. There are just a couple of bikes, treadmills, and ellipticals (along with the dumbbells and single adjustable bench for dumbbell exercises, should you need it).

I apologize. I missed the part where you said you didn't have access to barbells.

But you can replace just about every BB lift with a DB equivalent. From bench press, to overhead press to squats.

Here's a nice primer on the variety of things you can do:

Awesome, thanks man! This should be a great help.

I also had an excellent surprise yesterday. The last time I had officially weighed myself was in November of last year. I studied abroad all this semester in Italy and just got back a couple days ago. I weighed myself yesterday, and had lost 33.5 lbs! I had no idea... I guessed I would have been doen 12-15 lbs. max. It was a terrific boost in motivation to finish cutting these last 30 lbs or so over the summer. My goal doesn't seem nearly so insurmountable now that I'm already halfway done with my weight loss without having had to intentionally work at it.
Fit-GAF halp please...

So today was my weight in day after trying out IF for 2 weeks.

1400 calories a day/3 gym a week/cardio (3 mile jog) on off days. I'm at 5'9 and weighed 185. I stopped eating at 7:00pm last night.

I weighed in myself at 188.7 this morning and.. what the fuck? I feel so much lighter and can see myself shaping up. What happened? I'm trying to cut off fat .. not gain weight. So unmotivated now.

Can someone enlighten me what I'm doing wrong?

Could be anything. Water weight, sodium, bowel movement, etc. Looking at the scale is just one metric. Keep your eye on it but don't have to go crazy with it. Use tape measurement, Body Fat Calipers, etc.
Using a scale, throw that shit out. Water retention and more are fuckin with you.

It's all about mirror feelings and how you feel. Trust in you. Fuck numbers unless you're tracking what you lift, then numbers <3

I feel great and knocked off some considerable fat. But how could this be? If I was in a calorie deficit.. shouldn't I have seen some weight loss?

This is weird and confusing. Fuck this scale


Hey dudes, I need help cutting my body fat down further. I'm slowing down a lot and starting to get frustrated.

Age: 28
Height: 6'2
Weight: 177 pounds 11% body fat
Goal: 8% body fat

Current Training Schedule: m/w/f body weight training, sprints immediately following two of my workouts, and endurance running on Tuesday with no other workout on that day.

Equipment Available: None. I cannot afford a gym membership or any home equipment at all. Must make do entirely with body weight exercise and eating right.

Comments: Started working out in January. I've lost 20+ pounds and shed almost 10% body fat but now my progress has really started to slow as I'm nearing my goal. In fact it has stopped entirely for the last month. I need to change this up somehow but I'm not sure what to do in order to cut the last few % of my body fat down. The main issue I'm having is that I'm still losing a bit of weight (few pounds every two weeks) but my body fat is remaining the same while my weight is going down. This is concerning me and making me think I am losing my muscle. How is it possible to be losing weight but not body fat?


Amazing transformation. Very encouraging to see you manage to lose weight while improving your lifts, that's exactly what I am trying to do

Thanks man, just keep at it and you'll see results, I was about 260lbs in both pictures but body composition changed dramatically. My arms & chest are a little bit bigger & more vascular today, just trying to cut. All you need to do is lift heavy & eat and the rest will take care of itself.

Nice work, man! Keep it up!!

Thanks broski!


What is your diet and routine like? There are many variables that could be affecting it.

I don't have my log near me but I try to eat 1800-2000 cals a day with macro priorities of: Healthy Fats, then Protein, and then carbs being really, really low. Like below 50g a day.

My routine is something like the following:

1 set 15 reps diamond pushups / 1 set 20 reps normal pushups / 1 set 40 half pushups

2 sets 5 pullups / 2 sets 5 chinups / 2 sets 15 jackknife pullups

2 sets of 10 flat straight leg raises / 3 sets of 30 sit ups

3 sets of 30 full body squats (ass to ground)

Follow this with 15 minutes of sprints outside.

I do this full routine on each workout day. I know it's pretty weak, but any advice on my routine in general is appreciated as well.


Shit, if you're getting a massage right it won't even move with the hottest chick/dude doing it (depending on your sexual proclivity).

All I know is that when I get my first Ashiatsu Massage, I hope it's a chick.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I feel great and knocked off some considerable fat. But how could this be? If I was in a calorie deficit.. shouldn't I have seen some weight loss?

This is weird and confusing. Fuck this scale
There you go. You feel great! Throw that scale away and join the No Scale Club!

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Went HAM today gents. My back is mother fuckin' fried. Now to catch up on this xbox stuff.

Barbell Deadlift:
350 lb x 5 reps (+281 pts)
395 lb x 3 reps (+305 pts)
440 lb x 7 reps (+569 pts)
465 lb x 1 reps (+334 pts)
465 lb x 1 reps (+334 pts)
465 lb x 1 reps (+334 pts)
5/3/1 week 465 was extra singles with training max.

Romanian Deadlift:
270 lb x 10 reps (+152 pts)
270 lb x 10 reps (+152 pts)
270 lb x 10 reps (+152 pts)
270 lb x 10 reps (+152 pts)
270 lb x 10 reps (+152 pts)

Front Barbell Squat:
195 lb x 5 reps (+99 pts)
195 lb x 5 reps (+99 pts)
195 lb x 5 reps (+99 pts)
195 lb x 5 reps (+99 pts)
195 lb x 5 reps (+99 pts)


I don't know if this means anything to you guys, but my gym started doing competitions. This week was a 1000m Row on the Concept2 Rower at the highest resistance setting. I got a time of 3:31.9 which, according to the concept 2 rower, is a top 100 time.

I haven't given 100% in a long time. I couldn't move for 20 minutes and the DOMS is setting in hard, but it was worth it to have the best time in the gym.
Are we back? We back.

~2 month progress pic. Apologies for the blurriness. Will try to get a better one later.

Went HAM today gents. My back is mother fuckin' fried. Now to catch up on this xbox stuff.

Barbell Deadlift:
350 lb x 5 reps (+281 pts)
395 lb x 3 reps (+305 pts)
440 lb x 7 reps (+569 pts)
465 lb x 1 reps (+334 pts)
465 lb x 1 reps (+334 pts)
465 lb x 1 reps (+334 pts)
5/3/1 week 465 was extra singles with training max.

Romanian Deadlift:
270 lb x 10 reps (+152 pts)
270 lb x 10 reps (+152 pts)
270 lb x 10 reps (+152 pts)
270 lb x 10 reps (+152 pts)
270 lb x 10 reps (+152 pts)

Front Barbell Squat:
195 lb x 5 reps (+99 pts)
195 lb x 5 reps (+99 pts)
195 lb x 5 reps (+99 pts)
195 lb x 5 reps (+99 pts)
195 lb x 5 reps (+99 pts)

damn. DAMN

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Jesus CHRIST Sho! Fuuuuucking hell. Inspirational!~

FallingEdge! Do you see it? THE STATUE. It's being carved! Awesome progress brah!!

New page:

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Jesus CHRIST Sho! Fuuuuucking hell. Inspirational!~

FallingEdge! Do you see it? THE STATUE. It's being carved! Awesome progress brah!!

New page:

That gottee makes me want to kill kittens, use their skeleton's to make an epic spear, and ram it through that dude's anus. #nohomo

ok, maybe a little homo

Edit: Also, thanks man, my fucking back is FRIED.


Way to go, Shogun.

If I add up all that weight, then it will equal to DAMNTHATSALOT.

I should know cause I'm Chinese and we're good with numbers and shit.

Edit: Nice work, Falling!! Even the blurry pic is great.
Way to go, Shogun.

If I add up all that weight, then it will equal to DAMNTHATSALOT.

I should know cause I'm Chinese and we're good with numbers and shit.

Edit: Nice work, Falling!! Even the blurry pic is great.

Damn Falling. Lookin goooood. Definitely progress.

Shogun. You're gonna break fitocracy.

Thanks guys! One step in the right direction. Can't wait to see what the next 7 weeks bring for me.

1-2 cheat meals a week including 2-3k calories at Taco Bell lol.

FitGAF let's talk about Creatine. Who's it for and why?

I take it. More strength.
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