Welcome! Start sharing and welcome to the bad mofos of GAF!Hello, I'm a bit of a lurker. A bit of a lifter.
I don't know how to introduce myself here, but just wanted to say hi.
Welcome! Start sharing and welcome to the bad mofos of GAF!Hello, I'm a bit of a lurker. A bit of a lifter.
I don't know how to introduce myself here, but just wanted to say hi.
Aaaah WTf I didnt even notice him!
Yeah thats Captain, hes much fatter than he looks.
GMing? Thanks for the advice, I'll try to get a video of myself if the problems persist. In the meantime, I'll drop down to 275 today (as frustrating as that is).
Hey GAF, long time lurker here. Can you guys critique my squat form? Here's the video
I'm 5'6", 145lb. I was doing 175lb in the video. At the last rep, my knees cave in a little bit. Does that mean I have weak adductors or something?
Got 155kg DL 1RM. 15kg PR I guess but it doesn't really mean anything considering it's based off my working sets and having never really tested a 1RM.
My calculated 1RM according to www.strstd.com is 164kg but I don't think I can reach that with acceptable form because I'm lifting my hips a bit early and making the initial lift off harder for myself. Need to work on that.
Today's session didn't go well.
I was doing my last "3s" set on Deadlfts before my AMRAP set. On the 3rd rep with 380lb I felt a twitch in my right spinal erector.
I didn't like how that felt. After taking my belt off I felt like my erectors essentially shut down. Like someone had punched me in the stomach. Nothing too bad, but I decided to call it a day. The AMRAP set was 425lb for 3+ but I didn't go for it. Racked the weights and headed for the showers.
Hopefully it's nothing. Hurting my back would be the fucking worst.
So, I can only get to the gym today, and it will be my only day there for the week due to travelling; what would you try to do within say, an hour?
im trying to go for:
5 minutes rowing
front squat 4x5
dl 2x5
bench 3x6-8
weighted pullups/dips 3x failure
Yikes. Take it easy, let's hope alls well and it was just a momentary thing
add another deadlift set!
It's normal for knees to cave in if you are a relative novice. With time they'll get stronger just like everything else. In the meantime you'll have to grit your teeth and consciously shove out your knees so that they don't cave in.
Otherwise your form looks good, with one caveat: stop.staring.at.the.mirror!!
ill just leave these here.
Is it wise to do two days of SS in a row?
I may be taking my car to the shop tomorrow so I'm wondering if I should just lift today.
Edit: Fuck it, lower back feeling tight. If anything I'll just take the bus tomorrow.
Is it wise to do two days of SS in a row?
I may be taking my car to the shop tomorrow so I'm wondering if I should just lift today.
Edit: Fuck it, lower back feeling tight. If anything I'll just take the bus tomorrow.
So I am now hitting Novice in strstd.com in Bench and Deadlift but my squat isn't even halfway to Novice yet. I'm doing SS. I wonder what's the best course of action? Add an extra Squat only day to Saturday? Do some other leg stuff on Saturday? Add assisting work to SS days? Not worry about it?
I'm 6'3 tall and my leg length is not advantageous.
So I am now hitting Novice in strstd.com in Bench and Deadlift but my squat isn't even halfway to Novice yet. I'm doing SS. I wonder what's the best course of action? Add an extra Squat only day to Saturday? Do some other leg stuff on Saturday? Add assisting work to SS days? Not worry about it?
I'm 6'3 tall and my leg length is not advantageous.
So I am now hitting Novice in strstd.com in Bench and Deadlift but my squat isn't even halfway to Novice yet. I'm doing SS. I wonder what's the best course of action? Add an extra Squat only day to Saturday? Do some other leg stuff on Saturday? Add assisting work to SS days? Not worry about it?
I'm 6'3 tall and my leg length is not advantageous.
Son is in a room with my wife. I came home to get some sleep and recover since my back is pretty messed up from yesterday's session. He's eating and stuff so everything is on track to get him home tomorrow.
So glad this shit is done, now for the recovery.
Thanks for all the support gents.
Son is in a room with my wife. I came home to get some sleep and recover since my back is pretty messed up from yesterday's session. He's eating and stuff so everything is on track to get him home tomorrow.
So glad this shit is done, now for the recovery.
Thanks for all the support gents.
I can't do low-bar yet because it feels like my shoulders are going to rip out of the sockets if I try and hold the bar where it belongs.
holy shit that was a hard fall. the way his legs seize up after going face first is freaking me out. hopefully his neck is alright.
glad things are well shogun
Since doing the second part of SS and eating a shit ton as opposed to trying to progress on keto, I feel like I'm on steroids. I have just been destroying the gym.
Squats are my enemy. My hips are not flexible and my femurs are long as hell. Getting to parallel hurts like a bitch. I can't do low-bar yet because it feels like my shoulders are going to rip out of the sockets if I try and hold the bar where it belongs. Still going up in weight but my form is atrocious even with just the bar. I do body weight squats during the day to try and help as well as the squat "push on inside of knees" stretch. I have to keep 5lb plates under my heels to keep from gm'ing the weight. It sucks.
Good news Shogun.
After analyzing my eating habits, I gotta incorporate a bit more protein into it. Too lazy to cook up meat (and not just put it on my buddy, George) but it's either that or go broke.
Natural peanut butter & canned tuna are good substitutes.
Yep. Already eating the peanut butter straight from the jar. Need to learn how to make tuna cakes from my mom because I really can't stand the taste of plain tuna (or most fish in general).
Is it wrong that there's this cute woman that works at GNC that I go to, but I'm only thinking of talking to her because I want a discount. She flirts with me whenever I'm there, but I'm not interested in having any relationships, except for those that include me paying less for protein and quest bars.
I like hand sandwiches. 1/3 lb of deli meat (usually turkey), wrapped in a slice of cheese, with a squirt of a condiment in the middle. Quick and easy. 30-35 grams of protein.
Yes, it is wrong.
Since doing the second part of SS and eating a shit ton as opposed to trying to progress on keto, I feel like I'm on steroids. I have just been destroying the gym.
For the grip, as well as what roosters said about shoulder dislocations, try using a thumbless grip if you're not already.
Fucking lol at one of the men's t-shirts they are selling:
Welp, I can't fit into any of my skinny jeans anymore as a result of squatting 3 days a week since late December. Out with the skinny hipster, in the with da gainz