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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Lacks the power of instantaneous movement

Also, as far as working out goes, is it generally agreed that it's best to alternate the parts of the body you workout every day? (i.e. arms one day, legs on the next day, back to arms the day after, etc.)
Have you read the OP? It sounds to me like you're relatively new to weight training. The quickest way to results lies in a program designed for a beginner. Study it!


Hammer curls are supposed to help you get a peak.

Those are preacher curls, since they keep the shoulder fixed in position and thus isolate the distal end of the biceps, thus having more emphasis on the "peak" head of the muscle.

Hammer curls use a semi-pronate grip, thus forcing the brachioradialis to increase its involvement in the movement and thus its value as a forearm builder.


Form check

yeah i need to drop my hips and noticed after this vid, so i did


idk what im doing wrong here


i didnt even realize i was squatting below parallel before this and now that i know and clearly have a butt wink going on idk how to fix it


Genetics play the biggest role in peaks. All you can do is hope to add mass.

I personally don't care about biceps at all as a muscle group. I just work them out to stay overall even body wise. honestly forearms are way cooler. My friend has some massive bicep peaks but it's probably because it's one of the only thing he works out every other day.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Form check

yeah i need to drop my hips and noticed after this vid, so i did


idk what im doing wrong here


i didnt even realize i was squatting below parallel before this and now that i know and clearly have a butt wink going on idk how to fix it

Setup seems to be a problem on all your lifts. Reread Starting Strength if you have the book, buy it and read it if you don't (or consult a similarly good resource if you can find one). When you're unracking a weight like with squats and ohp you need to be tight and locked before you remove the bar from the stands. Core tightened, lumbar extended, thoracic rotated (chest up), shoulder blades retracted. Hips lower and chest up when you deadlift. Don't move away from the bar like you are currently when overhead pressing.


I've always assumed that the biceps peak is only attractive as it's an obvious indicator of being somewhat fit and not necessarily a result of increased strength therefore it's not something I desire. I began to consider this after doing chinups with 60 lbs attached to me starting with my arm fully extended to maximize range of motion as I always have yet I still have "long" biceps. I'm convinced now the only way I could have a peak is to shorten my range of motion like most people who do half chins starting with the elbow at a right angle as I don't see why such a bicep demanding exercise couldn't produce the same.
If anyone wants to educate me I'm all ears.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Had a great OHP day today. Here's how it went down (again, this doesn't include a bunch of other shit I do as "prehab.")

15 reps (+162 pts)
15 reps (+162 pts)
15 reps (+162 pts)
15 reps (+162 pts)

Standing Military Press:
160 lb x 5 reps (+117 pts)
180 lb x 3 reps (+107 pts)
200 lb x 4 reps (+140 pts)
210 lb x 3 reps (+131 pts)
210 lb x 3 reps (+131 pts)
5/3/1 week 210 extra work with training max

Kroc Rows:
135 lb x 20 reps (+73 pts)
Warmed up with 110 and 120.

Close-Grip Barbell Bench Press:
280 lb x 5 reps (+175 pts)
280 lb x 5 reps (+175 pts)
280 lb x 4 reps (+160 pts)
280 lb x 4 reps (+160 pts)
280 lb x 4 reps (+160 pts)

Lying Close-Grip Barbell Triceps Extension Behind The Head:
130 lb x 5 reps (+15 pts)
130 lb x 4 reps (+14 pts)
130 lb x 4 reps (+14 pts)
130 lb x 4 reps (+14 pts)
130 lb x 3 reps (+12 pts)

Somewhere in this mess I'm nailing the shit out of abs. Every week my abs are toast after this now.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
In SS 3 they said to move away from te bar from the hips. I'm just trying to replicate rippetoes video.
The form advocated in SS3 isn't without its detractors, most of whom seem to feel that it's both not necessary and too complex for beginners. At the moment, trying to implement the hip swing seems to be doing your form more harm than good. I'd recommend that you focus on getting everything else better first.


I've always assumed that the biceps peak is only attractive as it's an obvious indicator of being somewhat fit and not necessarily a result of increased strength therefore it's not something I desire. I began to consider this after doing chinups with 60 lbs attached to me starting with my arm fully extended to maximize range of motion as I always have yet I still have "long" biceps. I'm convinced now the only way I could have a peak is to shorten my range of motion like most people who do half chins starting with the elbow at a right angle as I don't see why such a bicep demanding exercise couldn't produce the same.
If anyone wants to educate me I'm all ears.

Most people find that they only develop a biceps peak when they do isolation exercises. Chins are fantastic exercises, but I've never found them to give me showy biceps. Strong yes, showy no


Most people find that they only develop a biceps peak when they do isolation exercises. Chins are fantastic exercises, but I've never found them to give me showy biceps. Strong yes, showy no

Yeah, that's why I wonder to myself if it's worth it, but I'm coming from an entirely performance and functionality based perspective.
Same, I have a long bicep tie in, so I don't get that ridiculous baseball looking peak like some guys do. I try to hit the outer head more, by doing reverse grip curls and what not but it feels like an exercise in futility(to my credit I am cutting). Something I'll look into trying is kaatsu/occluded training which some swear by(including Layne Norton). My back double bicep will probably always look like ass.

I got calves doe

Good looking out on that Layne video, I'll give that a try, so far I've done nearly everything so the reality of it is just now starting to set in. My arms are a really good size, but that peak is missing but oh well, guess you can't have it all.

Natural calves here as well, measured them and they're 19" and I didn't even start focusing on them until maybe 2 months ago.

One of my buddies swears by this. I always thought it was crazy but might give it a shot.

Also fuck both of you and your calves.

Additional side note: I swear, eating Taco Bell always leaves me leaner the next morning. Makes no sense.


One of my buddies swears by this. I always thought it was crazy but might give it a shot.

Also fuck both of you and your calves.

Additional side note: I swear, eating Taco Bell always leaves me leaner the next morning. Makes no sense.

DUDE the beefy crunch burrito is back! I'm getting like 6 of those bitches today :cool:

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
So this way I'm eating which is basically carb backloading seems to really be working. My back is starting to look "cut." And in "perfect light" I can see my abs, my wife has said I'm not delusional, she sees them too. The only problem I still have is I carry fat in my chest easily, so while I have big pecs too, I have that boob fat. I hope this shit keeps going the way it's going because I feel like I'm getting strong as hell (and eating whatever the fuck I want after lifting) and losing fat at a slow but steady pace.
FFFFF can't have one til my next carb nite. Those things are amazing. I was so pissed when they ditched them for that stupid Doritos abomination.


One of my buddies swears by this. I always thought it was crazy but might give it a shot.

Also fuck both of you and your calves.

Additional side note: I swear, eating Taco Bell always leaves me leaner the next morning. Makes no sense.

LOL, never knew Calves were such a big deal until I started reading fitness forums.

And your body is rejecting the Taco bell.


Brian Burke punched my mom

Ive had bbq all week, probably all summer and fall too!




Cross posting from muscle thread. I'm spinning my wheels on this cut with friends coming to Vegas to party, and my best friend graduating college. So I've made no real progress and got back down to 193lbs after already having reached 191 a month ago. I'm content though, just never complacent.


Awesome pics, man. Swole as shit

Recently someone who works at my gym tried to "help me out."

Started telling me that I need to increase "my core strength" to get stronger and recommended me the ball. I told him I'm not doing circus tricks and am on Starting Strength which eventually led him to tell me not to "believe anything on the internet" and ask the people in the free weight area if they did it. Since to him, they all got results.

"You don't see anyone here doing squats and presses." -_-


Form check

yeah i need to drop my hips and noticed after this vid, so i did


idk what im doing wrong here


i didnt even realize i was squatting below parallel before this and now that i know and clearly have a butt wink going on idk how to fix it

Deadlift: your back is rounded throughout the lift because you didn't set up properly.¡ You need to raise your chest AND your hips; you need to be able to feel how your spinal erectors feel when you enter lumbar extension.

OHP: you have to consciously think of getting "under the bar" when you lock out your elbows. Also, don't flare your elbows outwards so much; you might want to try a narrower grip.

Squat: your back is completely rounded at the bottom; hence the butt wink. The reason is that your upper back is very loose the moment you unrack the bar. You need to actively tighten your back by thinking of keeping your chest up even before you unrack the bar.

"You don't see anyone here doing squats and presses." -_-

He might as well have said "You don't see anyone here getting strong". Squats and deadlifts are the most important thing you could do at a Gym. I don't care what program one uses; I don't care if it's low bar or high bar or Sumo or conventional, but do squats and do deadlifts. Preferably with some sort of programming behind it, but just do it.

I don't care how big someone is; if he doesn't Squat or Deadlift (preferably both) he's a fraud

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Cross posting from muscle thread. I'm spinning my wheels on this cut with friends coming to Vegas to party, and my best friend graduating college. So I've made no real progress and got back down to 193lbs after already having reached 191 a month ago. I'm content though, just never complacent.

Crazy shit brah, you're an inspiration. A+


Cross posting from muscle thread. I'm spinning my wheels on this cut with friends coming to Vegas to party, and my best friend graduating college. So I've made no real progress and got back down to 193lbs after already having reached 191 a month ago. I'm content though, just never complacent.

Jesus christ, you look amazing :Q


Deadlift: your back is rounded throughout the lift because you didn't set up properly.¡ You need to raise your chest AND your hips; you need to be able to feel how your spinal erectors feel when you enter lumbar extension.

OHP: you have to consciously think of getting "under the bar" when you lock out your elbows. Also, don't flare your elbows outwards so much; you might want to try a narrower grip.

Squat: your back is completely rounded at the bottom; hence the butt wink. The reason is that your upper back is very loose the moment you unrack the bar. You need to actively tighten your back by thinking of keeping your chest up even before you unrack the bar.
So basically I need to raise my chest and extend my back on all lifts.

For OHP, anything about the hip bounce? I need to work on combining the two movements better (moving my hips and pressing), but should I bother, or was the advice before to NOT to a good idea (I trust the dude, he has a PRIDE avi lol).

I will try all these things and post videos again soon. With improvement.
So fitness GAF, what are some exercises that will help fix my posture? I also have this hunch that's just basically fat and I think it's disgusting. Any help?




Just checking in with my fitbros.

Wedding went off without a hitch. I'll have lots of info and pictures to share with you guys. But for now, I must get to sleep so I can leave for my honeymoon tomorrow. Jamaica here I come!


Just checking in with my fitbros.

Wedding went off without a hitch. I'll have lots of info and pictures to share with you guys. But for now, I must get to sleep so I can leave for my honeymoon tomorrow. Jamaica here I come!


congrats again! glad to hear it went well, enjoy the honeymoon


Cross posting from muscle thread. I'm spinning my wheels on this cut with friends coming to Vegas to party, and my best friend graduating college. So I've made no real progress and got back down to 193lbs after already having reached 191 a month ago. I'm content though, just never complacent.

Looking sick though man.....abs...when will it be my turn?


Same, I have a long bicep tie in, so I don't get that ridiculous baseball looking peak like some guys do. I try to hit the outer head more, by doing reverse grip curls and what not but it feels like an exercise in futility(to my credit I am cutting). Something I'll look into trying is kaatsu/occluded training which some swear by(including Layne Norton). My back double bicep will probably always look like ass.

I got calves doe

Pretty sure I got that same problem. I don't get a peak but maybe I'm doing it wrong. I don't actually focus on arms too much. They are 18 inches and low enough body fat to see veins but no real peak.
I have never had a sharp peak, and I train my arms pretty intensely as far as targeting is concerned. It's just the way I'm built and I leave it at that.


Got 335 bench today. As easy as it was I'm sure I could have gotten 350 if I didn't do 3x300 and 3x315 first. Maybe I'll try it next time.

I was out of the gym all week eating like shit and getting drunk at a convention in SF. Amazing what wonders a break will do for you.

Think I need to add deloads to 5/3/1. I've actually always skipped them.


I'd be pretty surprised if you guys had worse biceps genetics than me.

I drew a picture of my right arm, facing palm up. My inserts go all the way down on the left, and on the right it's significantly shorter. It's awful and I can't get a good peak :^(

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