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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
That's an insane amount of volume there. Looks like a recipe for disaster.

It is a lot, far more than SS but the routine has been given (for novices, not beginners) a lot of praise, which is why I thought I'd bring it by here. It is a lot, and I'd maybe make the switch after I'm about 9 months into SS.
Stocking up before the coupon expires. Going to stop by again to get a few more tomorrow. $15 a box is too good of a deal.



So after GAF gave me a good whuppin over going to the gym, I'm planning to finally hit one next week. Until then though, I want to work on toning my abs and thinning up there over this next week. I weigh 150 and I'm about 5'7" if that helps at all. I've been doing HIIT sprints and sit ups over the past few days.

Here's what my stomach looks like now:

Old pic but still representative of how I look. Any good home exercises aside from counting calories?


There is no toning. You cannot drop fat in specific areas. You are a man, fat around your gut will be the last thing to go even on a strict weight loss program.

Hit the weights hard for a year, pack muscle on, then start worrying about ab definition. You'll find your physique evens out naturally as you lift. If you are adamant about seeing your abs and don't care about getting big, then you need to focus on losing body fat.


So after GAF gave me a good whuppin over going to the gym, I'm planning to finally hit one next week. Until then though, I want to work on toning my abs and thinning up there over this next week. I weigh 150 and I'm about 5'7" if that helps at all. I've been doing HIIT sprints and sit ups over the past few days.

Here's what my stomach looks like now:

Old pic but still representative of how I look. Any good home exercises aside from counting calories?

If you keep up HIIT you'll definitely see results. Doing more core exercises will help a lot too, google some ab exercises or maybe sign up to some classes at your gym if they offer that.

Stocking up before the coupon expires. Going to stop by again to get a few more tomorrow. $15 a box is too good of a deal.


I'm guessing there's no way to get these things cheap in the UK? I think I saw a box for £25 ($40) which is just too much.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Sorry to see Mr. Gun and even BJB get banned. Hopefully they're not too upset over it.

What the dick. This new wave of consoles coming brings out the dumbassery in everyone, staff included. So goddamn desperate.


Old pic but still representative of how I look. Any good home exercises aside from counting calories?

Find a bar you can pull yourself up on (or buy one). Shitload of pushups. All day, every day.

Then once you quit doing that out of boredom or lack of progress ... join a gym. Then follow one of the beginner programs found in the OP.


Benched 95lb dumbbells for 4 reps today. Felt good lol. The hardest part was throwing them back and laying on the bench without ripping out your shoulders from their sockets.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Benched 95lb dumbbells for 4 reps today. Felt good lol. The hardest part was throwing them back and laying on the bench without ripping out your shoulders from their sockets.
lol. Eventually you get a rhythm and it gets easier even at heavier weight. It's all about the rocking motion!


It's been like 8 months since I have been in this thread. School got in the way of my exercise. Though I don't really regret it since I did manage to do great academically, it is summer now and it is time to lift again.

Just exercised today and feel so much weaker. :(

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Be brutally honest. On one hour per day, how long would it take to get from Michael Cera body to this (assuming diet is taken care of properly as well):

2-3 years if you have discipline of iron, and genetics.


Be brutally honest. On one hour per day, how long would it take to get from Michael Cera body to this (assuming diet is taken care of properly as well):

2 years if you're 100% committed and lift heavy, you'd probably end up with a bigger chest too, his looks underdeveloped.


Be brutally honest. On one hour per day, how long would it take to get from Michael Cera body to this (assuming diet is taken care of properly as well):

Most people won't ever be able to look like that no matter how hard they train.

He looks like he has a favorable torso to arms ratio.

I honestly think it's a bad idea to pick a random picture off the internet and say: "I wanna look like this guy!". There are so many factors involved. Proportions, muscle attachments, muscle belly length, muscle belly thickness, muscle fiber density, skeleton shape, etc.. All those things you are born with, are unique to each individual and cannot be changed.

Just try to be the best "you" you can be, instead of trying to be like someone else.

It's definitely weirdly underdeveloped.

I think the guy's a gymnast. I have no idea how he trains, but he might not even train with weights. So that would explain his chest if he doesn't bench.

Still, if he developed such a physique with just bodyweight exercises and his gymnastics training, damn. That's what I call being blessed by the Genetics Fairy. He'd probably look good even if he spent all day sitting playing WoW and eating Doritos.

Angry Fork

Thanks for the replies. Going to read the OP fully, put together a plan and see what you guys have to say about it. Then maybe check in every month on progress.

I'm really worried about diet though, as I've been wanting to switch to vegetarian/maybe vegan, but I don't know if it's possible to get that kind of body on that (or if it's way more expensive). Any of you have experience with this? Is it significantly easier or cheaper to go with meat?


Thanks for the replies. Going to read the OP fully, put together a plan and see what you guys have to say about it. Then maybe check in every month on progress.

I'm really worried about diet though, as I've been wanting to switch to vegetarian/maybe vegan, but I don't know if it's possible to get that kind of body on that (or if it's way more expensive). Any of you have experience with this? Is it significantly easier or cheaper to go with meat?

If you are planning to bulk up as a vegan, you are in for a real challenge. Not impossible, but you would definitely be making things much harder for yourself.

As a vegetarian it would be much easier, specially if you include eggs / dairy in your diet.

Angry Fork

If you are planning to bulk up as a vegan, you are in for a real challenge. Not impossible, but you would definitely be making things much harder for yourself.

As a vegetarian it would be much easier, specially if you include eggs / dairy in your diet.

With meat vs. vegetarian: What are the cons as vegetarian in comparison? Meaning how limited does my protein intake become (or whatever else I need). Are there not enough alternatives to replace meat? Will 8 scrambled eggs per day for years shorten my lifespan in the long run? lol


Thanks for the replies. Going to read the OP fully, put together a plan and see what you guys have to say about it. Then maybe check in every month on progress.

I'm really worried about diet though, as I've been wanting to switch to vegetarian/maybe vegan, but I don't know if it's possible to get that kind of body on that (or if it's way more expensive). Any of you have experience with this? Is it significantly easier or cheaper to go with meat?

Like Noema said, it's easier with meat, I've yet to eat anything that makes me feel as beastly the next day as a 16-32oz steak.


With meat vs. vegetarian: What are the cons as vegetarian in comparison? Meaning how limited does my protein intake become (or whatever else I need). Are there not enough alternatives to replace meat? Will 8 scrambled eggs per day for years shorten my lifespan in the long run? lol

If you consume dairy, there are really no cons, since you can supplement your protein intake with Whey Protein Shakes. You have less options for high quality protein, but you have options. You'll just fart a lot.

8 scrambled eggs will not shorten your lifespan whatsoever. Just don't use margarine. (Yuck)

Angry Fork

What did/do you say to yourselves to help you psychologically in the gym when comparing yourself to other people? I'm 24 now, haven't lifted weights in front of other people since high school I've only worked out at home with body weight. It's going to feel embarrassing if I can't squat or bench press more than small weights at my age. I know people don't give a shit about what I'm doing but I still feel conscious anyway.

As for food I've been wanting to avoid meat for moral reasons. I've eaten it all my life but have recently come to feel it's unethical, at least how it's currently done. It would be nice if I can at least bulk as a vegetarian, then maybe I can find special eggs/dairy that were produced more humanely than others. Maybe I can go for meat here or there depending on what's missing in my diet, I haven't put it all together, but I would prefer not to.


Thanks for the replies. Going to read the OP fully, put together a plan and see what you guys have to say about it. Then maybe check in every month on progress.

Save yourself some time and just use the program in the OP. It's better than anything you can make up on your own. If by plan you mean an exercise program that is :)

Btw, can anyone recommend me the best assistance lift for the press? Doing two sets after basic GSLP sets. I've been doing dumbbell press lately but I was wondering if I should focus my attention on something else?


What did/do you say to yourselves to help you psychologically in the gym when comparing yourself to other people? I'm 24 now, haven't lifted weights in front of other people since high school I've only worked out at home with body weight. It's going to feel embarrassing if I can't squat or bench press more than small weights at my age. I know people don't give a shit about what I'm doing but I still feel conscious anyway.

I just used it as motivation, everyone has to start somewhere, outside of the .0000001 genetically gifted nobody is just showing up to the gym and being a monster from day 1. Keep this in mind, I was 270lbs when I started lifting, there were people 100lbs less than me repping more than me in pretty much everything. The only thing I excelled at from the start were dumbbell shoulder presses, didn't stop me one bit and I just used it as a reason to go harder. Those very same people that were lifting more than me, less than a year later I was repping their maxes. Use it as fuel.

As for food I've been wanting to avoid meat for moral reasons. I've eaten it all my life but have recently come to feel it's unethical, at least how it's currently done. It would be nice if I can at least bulk as a vegetarian, then maybe I can find special eggs/dairy that were produced more humanely than others. Maybe I can go for meat here or there depending on what's missing in my diet, I haven't put it all together, but I would prefer not to.

Meh, somebody has to be at the top of the food chain.


Hey guys, I'm thinking about working out a bit this summer. Not to look cut or anything, I just want to feel better. Not trying to go to the gym and shit, just gonna do some workouts at home. I did the P90X thing a couple years ago and that was fine, but was wondering if there's a better option out there.

My only equipment is a pullup bar and a really shitty adjustable weight set where you have to manually add weight every time you want to do a different kind of lift. Puts like 2 minutes rest between exercises when I shouldn't be resting yet, but I can't afford better so fuck it.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Losing belly-fat is such a painstaking process. I'm not a big guy by any means (155 lbs), but if I have fat anywhere on my body it's my belly. Despite having a really strong core from gymnastics, I still haven't been able to rid myself of the layer of fat around my midsection (again, it isn't much, but enough so that my abs only show under good lighting).

In the past month, however (it'll be a whole month in two days), I've tried to change that. I've incorporated a lot more cardio into my workout program (mostly running--a combo of HIIT and longer distance jogs with hills and stairs), and I've also eliminated all breads, beer, red meat and sweets from my diet. This is actually the first real diet I've ever been on. My daily foods consist of:

Grilled chicken
Protein shakes

All this and I've definitely noticed an improvement. Even though I haven't necessarily lost weight (which is weird), I've noticed I've leaned out more around my midsection. And I guess I haven't lost any weight only because I've gained muscle due to a strict workout program on top of all that.

But still, I feel it'll take forever to get that "shrinkwrap effect." Again, it's only been a month, but how can I expedite the process? Or am I doing everything I can and it's just a matter of months and not just a few weeks?


the piano man
So still in spain and I've found a decent Wifi spot and decided to bring my laptop with me this time.

I noticed there are double bars and single bars in the parks around here and decided I will do outdoor stuff the next days, I'll possibly go to the gym that is 10 minutes by foot but don't know, it's so damn expensive to pay per session... it's just one more week anyway, then I am back to my regular life in Germany. Can hardly wait to continue with what I had in mind some weeks back.

.- Gamingside, it's a disaster these days, I don't remember it being this bad back in 2004/5 when WiiPS360 were revealed. Staying far away from it for now.

.- Being moved to OTC, my belief is that people will come and stay here if they are actually interested, so maybe it's for the better.

.- I hope Shogun comes back and Sean, congrats on the wedding!

.- My Samsung smartphone demanded a huge ass update and everything, including the camera app, is new, so I went for a black & white shot: so much better lighting. (I know I have miserable arms, lol I'll get there some time)



What did/do you say to yourselves to help you psychologically in the gym when comparing yourself to other people? I'm 24 now, haven't lifted weights in front of other people since high school I've only worked out at home with body weight. It's going to feel embarrassing if I can't squat or bench press more than small weights at my age. I know people don't give a shit about what I'm doing but I still feel conscious anyway.

Plug in your headphones, listen to some of your favorite beats, rack the weight and think of everything that's ever pissed you off and then push (or pull). Don't care what other people think and just get it. Least that's what I do :).

Oh and there is no shame in asking for a spot. I ask all the time if I think I will fail mid set. Looks better the dropping the barbell on your chest!


What did/do you say to yourselves to help you psychologically in the gym when comparing yourself to other people? I'm 24 now, haven't lifted weights in front of other people since high school I've only worked out at home with body weight. It's going to feel embarrassing if I can't squat or bench press more than small weights at my age. I know people don't give a shit about what I'm doing but I still feel conscious anyway.

As for food I've been wanting to avoid meat for moral reasons. I've eaten it all my life but have recently come to feel it's unethical, at least how it's currently done. It would be nice if I can at least bulk as a vegetarian, then maybe I can find special eggs/dairy that were produced more humanely than others. Maybe I can go for meat here or there depending on what's missing in my diet, I haven't put it all together, but I would prefer not to.

You have to find motivation yourself, but as far as the embarrassment or nerves about the gym or whatever (and this applies to pretty much all aspects of life)= no one gives a fuck.


You have to find motivation yourself, but as far as the embarrassment or nerves about the gym or whatever (and this applies to pretty much all aspects of life)= no one gives a fuck.

This is true. No one gives a fuck can be applied to almost everything else. Easier to go out and do things when you have that knowledge.


OK, I didn't touch GAF all Memorial day weekend, so let's get a few things out of the way.

Damn, Shogun and BJB got banned.

Sean, looks like the beginning of a great time in Jamaica. Enjoy!!

Sphinx, nice shot.

Oh, the calve curl pic is on a whole different level of awesome fails.


Losing belly-fat is such a painstaking process. I'm not a big guy by any means (155 lbs), but if I have fat anywhere on my body it's my belly. Despite having a really strong core from gymnastics, I still haven't been able to rid myself of the layer of fat around my midsection (again, it isn't much, but enough so that my abs only show under good lighting).

In the past month, however (it'll be a whole month in two days), I've tried to change that. I've incorporated a lot more cardio into my workout program (mostly running--a combo of HIIT and longer distance jogs with hills and stairs), and I've also eliminated all breads, beer, red meat and sweets from my diet. This is actually the first real diet I've ever been on. My daily foods consist of:

Grilled chicken
Protein shakes

All this and I've definitely noticed an improvement. Even though I haven't necessarily lost weight (which is weird), I've noticed I've leaned out more around my midsection. And I guess I haven't lost any weight only because I've gained muscle due to a strict workout program on top of all that.

But still, I feel it'll take forever to get that "shrinkwrap effect." Again, it's only been a month, but how can I expedite the process? Or am I doing everything I can and it's just a matter of months and not just a few weeks?

Good posting. I know the feels regarding belly and midsection fat. I'm still paranoid about the left-over belly fat from when I had a beer belly. It could just be skin, and not fat. I lost 50 lbs. so the skin is still there.

Losing belly fat is a long process. It'll take more than a month, depending on your health and fitness lifestyle. Losing my beer belly took just over a year IIRC. The remaining "loose skin" is still there and I've been told it'll take a while longer.

If I may bring up your diet for a minute.
1) Milk, what type are you buying? Organic? Fat-Free?
2) Water, how much daily water are you drinking? I noticed a gallon did the trick with me.
3) Coffee, any additives in your coffee? Sugar or cream, etc.
4) Salads, are you getting "junk" added to them? Cheese, heavy dressings, bacon or ham (you said you cut out the meat.)

I know it's probably bad, but if you want to expedite the process try to cut back on protein. Cut the tuna and protein shakes and only have turkey and chicken.

Maybe work more on your abs and core? Tons of situps, crunches, bicycles, etc. etc.

Are you running? Running makes you slim down. Try running 5-days a week while incorporating ab work every other day.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Sphinx, that back! Looks godly, you're doing great things!


I'm guessing there's no way to get these things cheap in the UK? I think I saw a box for £25 ($40) which is just too much.

Yeah, they're way too expensive to buy here. I did make a batch of homemade protein bars this weekend, though (http://dhftns.com/the-best-homemade-protein-bars-recipe-18-5g-protein4g-fiber/). They came out rather well.

If anyone is struggling for lunch ideas, I can't recommend mason jar salads enough. I started experimenting with them over the last week and they're surprisingly awesome.

Easy to make, they keep for about a week, very healthy, and very easy to transport. They're perfect for lunch.

There's some good advice about making them here - http://www.skinnymomskitchen.com/2013/02/12/my-thoughts-on-mason-jar-salads/


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Good posting. I know the feels regarding belly and midsection fat. I'm still paranoid about the left-over belly fat from when I had a beer belly. It could just be skin, and not fat. I lost 50 lbs. so the skin is still there.

Losing belly fat is a long process. It'll take more than a month, depending on your health and fitness lifestyle. Losing my beer belly took just over a year IIRC. The remaining "loose skin" is still there and I've been told it'll take a while longer.

If I may bring up your diet for a minute.
1) Milk, what type are you buying? Organic? Fat-Free?
2) Water, how much daily water are you drinking? I noticed a gallon did the trick with me.
3) Coffee, any additives in your coffee? Sugar or cream, etc.
4) Salads, are you getting "junk" added to them? Cheese, heavy dressings, bacon or ham (you said you cut out the meat.)

I know it's probably bad, but if you want to expedite the process try to cut back on protein. Cut the tuna and protein shakes and only have turkey and chicken.

Maybe work more on your abs and core? Tons of situps, crunches, bicycles, etc. etc.

Are you running? Running makes you slim down. Try running 5-days a week while incorporating ab work every other day.

1) I buy 1% milk, and use it with my shakes, oatmeal, and coffee
2) I must get up to or around 8 glasses/day
3) A bit of milk and no more than two packets of sugar
4) No cheese or meats besides grilled chicken, and only a very small drop of balsamic vinaigrette

I'm not a huge fan of sit-ups and crunches (I find them to be some of the most boring exercises on the planet). Instead, I do lots of L-sits, hanging leg raises, squats, deadlifts, weighted ab pull-downs, etc. As for running: I try to run at least twice a week. Doing anymore than that is tough on my joints considering I walk around all day long for work in the first place.

Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it very much.


You don't gotta do a ton of cardio to lose belly fat. You can get abs without a single crunch or sit-up especially if you are squatting, dead lifting and stuff, it's just diet. Eat less that your TDEE and you'll get there eventually.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
You don't gotta do a ton of cardio to lose belly fat. You can get abs without a single crunch or sit-up especially if you are squatting, dead lifting and stuff, it's just diet. Eat less that your TDEE and you'll get there eventually.

Yeah, I'll just continue to stick with it. A month is too early to judge.


What did/do you say to yourselves to help you psychologically in the gym when comparing yourself to other people? I'm 24 now, haven't lifted weights in front of other people since high school I've only worked out at home with body weight. It's going to feel embarrassing if I can't squat or bench press more than small weights at my age. I know people don't give a shit about what I'm doing but I still feel conscious anyway.

As for food I've been wanting to avoid meat for moral reasons. I've eaten it all my life but have recently come to feel it's unethical, at least how it's currently done. It would be nice if I can at least bulk as a vegetarian, then maybe I can find special eggs/dairy that were produced more humanely than others. Maybe I can go for meat here or there depending on what's missing in my diet, I haven't put it all together, but I would prefer not to.

It's still going to be a lot harder to be a vegetarian and look the way you want to. What exactly do you feel is wrong about humans eating animals? We're animals, and we're at the top of the food chain. If you have an issue with what's being put into animals, you can go free range.
Did 265 squats 3x5 and they felt really heavy, I grinded all the 5th reps.

I'm glad I'm up to this point, but will this weight ever feel light to me? lol I hope so.
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