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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Oh well. No harm done, at least you tried!

Cooter doesn't fail at much. He is what we all strive to be.

Basically how I feel :p

You'll likely feel this way always. Every step of the way you'll always be looking for that next level, and knowledge. It's awesome.

Oh man....seriously? Did I calculate my BMR wrong then? That means I'm burning 1545 calories a day, right? OP says to eat about 120% of your BMR if I'm trying to gain muscle, which puts me a little over 1800 calories. I thought only professional athlete level people should be eating 2x their BMR, as mentioned in the OP? I don't even think I could eat that much in a day...

BMR is the number of calories you burn if all you did was lay in bed, literally. You need to adjust it for activity levels. Even sitting in an office increases calorie needs. Cardio or being on your feet more-so. Without knowing more detail all I can say is you don't need to worry about eating too much: eat more. If you're lifting you need more from that, cardio even more to gain muscle. You're likely looking at 3000 a day depending on your activity levels.


Ah, okay that makes way more sense. I probably burn about 1800-1900 a day. I work at an office. So then I will at LEAST aim for 2600 calories a day when I start this routine.

Thanks for all the beginner help! I'll report back when I actually start :)


Ah, okay that makes way more sense. I probably burn about 1800-1900 a day. I work at an office. So then I will at LEAST aim for 2600 calories a day when I start this routine.

Thanks for all the beginner help! I'll report back when I actually start :)

If you are doing as much cardio as you have listed there, you are going to need more than 2600.


I eat close to 2000 a day at the same height, and that's because I'm currently trying to lose over 1lb a week.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Cooter doesn't fail at much. He is what we all strive to be.

I fail at plenty brother but thanks for the kind words. This 45lb muscle up is probably the hardest thing I've attempted. Can't wait to master it and share the video with y'all!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'm on this program after 4 months on Starting Strength.

It really depends on what your goals are. Shogun had a great post about being honest with yourself about your goals and following a program that will help you reach them.

Starting Strength really does nothing for your upper body compared to the Ice Cream Fitness novice program. For me Starting Strength was a good way to learn the compound lifts but that's about it.

The work load is much higher with this routine compared with SS but it doesn't effect my recovery at all and in fact I've been making gains faster on this routine than I did on Starting Strength (both aestheticly and strength wise) AND I'm eating 700 calories less now because I don't need all the extra food to make gains.

Jason Blaha is knowledgable and certainly doesn't have anything in the routine that isn't needed. You're going to be hitting every muscle 3 times a week, as an example lower back and traps will be hit on one day with deadlifts and the next day with hyperextentions and shrugs. This means that you'll always be growing each muscle. With SS though, there is no such work being done which is probably why I tended to stall faster.

If you do decide to do this routine, definitely make sure you check out Jason's videos on form, particularly for skullcrushers.

PM me if you want any extra advice and good luck man

Thanks for going so in depth, really good to hear especially knowing how long you've been working SS. I figure I have a few more months on SS and I may try this to see how I hold up. They are some very big amounts, but if the extra workload is worth it (and from what you're saying, it is!) I may make the transition there once I have a super solid base.
I don't think there is a "one size fits all" answer to this. Can you give specifics about your situation?

Sundays bench press I did 3x5 fine. On my 4th set, I felt I might fail my last rep so I stopped after 4 reps. My next bench is on Friday, should I stay at 135lbs or move up to 140?


Sundays bench press I did 3x5 fine. On my 4th set, I felt I might fail my last rep so I stopped after 4 reps. My next bench is on Friday, should I stay at 135lbs or move up to 140?

If you are doing Starting Strength, no. You only get to add more weight if you got your 3x5. Repeat 135lb. If you get it this time add 5lb like normal the session after that.

If you fail to do 3x5 on a lift 3 sessions in a row, you have to reset that lift by deloading 10%.
Pic of where I run every day. This trail was nearly barren a month ago. Maybe some green sprouts here and there, but mostly just winter branches. Gotta love springtime in the NW:


Nice track. What breed are you?

From Shogun via Fitocracy:

Sucks, but I definitely see his point.

Sucks though.

I don't really see his point.

So I finished my first week of SS, feel I'm getting the forms down.
Here are my starting numbers:
Squat 145 4x5
Deadlift 135 4x5
Bench 135 4x5
Press 75 4x5.
Are these normal starting numbers? I feel they are pretty low. Also, I only got 4 reps on my last bench set, do I keep the weight the same, or move up to 140?

Where'd you get your info for SS?

Squats, bench and press are all 3x5. 3 sets of 5 repetitions at your work weight. This does not include warming up at lower weights.

Deadlifts are only 1x5! You only need to complete 5 reps at that workout's work weight before you up the weight next time.

I don't know what Starting Strength's warm-up routine is specifically but.


Where'd you get your info for SS?

Squats, bench and press are all 3x5. 3 sets of 5 repetitions at your work weight. This does not include warming up at lower weights.

Deadlifts are only 1x5! You only need to complete 5 reps at that workout's work weight before you up the weight next time.

I don't know what Starting Strength's warm-up routine is specifically but.

I was wondering this same thing. Why the 4th set?


Anyone else not really feel it in their legs when thy squat? I dunno I definitely get winded and struggle like when I did 5x330 today but I didn't exactly feel it in my legs. Then I do leg press with 20 plates and I'm like aghhhhhhhh I'm dying.


Maybe it's just similar to chest. Flat bench I benched 335 last week and although I felt it, incline db press shreds my chest. I guess it's probably because of the higher rep range....I think I'm just being dumb and paranoid.
Anyone else not really feel it in their legs when thy squat? I dunno I definitely get winded and struggle like when I did 5x330 today but I didn't exactly feel it in my legs. Then I do leg press with 20 plates and I'm like aghhhhhhhh I'm dying.


Maybe it's just similar to chest. Flat bench I benched 335 last week and although I felt it, incline db press shreds my chest. I guess it's probably because of the higher rep range....I think I'm just being dumb and paranoid.

higher reps = more fatigue = bigger "pump"


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Maybe it's just similar to chest. Flat bench I benched 335 last week and although I felt it, incline db press shreds my chest. I guess it's probably because of the higher rep range....I think I'm just being dumb and paranoid.
Hmm... Never experienced this. What's strange about me is I can push 150s about the same amount of times I can manage 300 on BB. My chest feels about the same either way. My chest volume is low but it's enough for me luckily.

A & B alternate weekly.

A: BB flat & DB incline.

B: DB flat & BB incline.

A: 10x225, 8x255, 6x285, 3or4x315
10x85, 8x100, 6x110 4x140

B: 10x90, 8x105, 6x120, 4x150
10x185, 8x205, 6x225, 4or5x265

That's it. Once a week. That's all I do for chest. Do you guys think I'm under working myself? I dropped flys because I didn't need the strain on my shoulders and I don't believe they are necessary unless you want to be a bodybuilder. I'm curious to get some opinions on it. Takes me about one hour. I super set chest with an eact copy of 10,8,6,4 for bis and finish at what ever my 4 rep max is. Occasionally I will max for a few straight weeks.


Maybe it's just similar to chest. Flat bench I benched 335 last week and although I felt it, incline db press shreds my chest. I guess it's probably because of the higher rep range....I think I'm just being dumb and paranoid.

Outside of warming up I don't use the flat BB bench, it just doesn't do anything for my chest, whereas flat DB bench gives me a great pump. You should give decline a try, Cooter join #teamdecline as well.

I mix in decline + incline and when I feel like it I go for heavy flat DB bench.
Hmm... Never experienced this. What's strange about me is I can push 150s about the same amount of times I can manage 300 on BB. My chest feels about the same either way. My chest volume is low but it's enough for me luckily.

A & B alternate weekly.

A: BB flat & DB incline.

B: DB flat & BB incline.

A: 10x225, 8x255, 6x285, 3or4x315
10x85, 8x100, 6x110 4x140

B: 10x90, 8x105, 6x120, 4x150
10x185, 8x205, 6x225, 4or5x265

That's it. Once a week. That's all I do for chest. Do you guys think I'm under working myself? I dropped flys because I didn't need the strain on my shoulders and I don't believe they are necessary unless you want to be a bodybuilder. I'm curious to get some opinions on it. Takes me about one hour. I super set chest with an eact copy of 10,8,6,4 for bis and finish at what ever my 4 rep max is. Occasionally I will max for a few straight weeks.

Well your chest looks awesome, so I guess that means you are doing it just fine. I do something similar to yours but sometimes my right shoulder just doesn't want to cooperate with incline work. Its the only exercise I get any 'pain' on. Your probably at the stage of being able to "sculpt" your chest so I would probably throw in crossovers at a lot of angles and I also love the pec-deck machine. One of the few machines I use but I really feel it hard in my chest and you can use a lot more weight than dumbbell flyes. I have tried flyes and they feel like more of a shoulder exercise to me. I get the whole "try and imagine breaking a nut between your pecs" but it just never feels that good.

Anyway just a comment on your post, but really if what you are doing is working for you, just stay doing it.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Outside of warming up I don't use the flat BB bench, it just doesn't do anything for my chest, whereas flat DB bench gives me a great pump. You should give decline a try, Cooter join #teamdecline as well.

I mix in decline + incline and when I feel like it I go for heavy flat DB bench.

I'll think about it. It would probably be wise to have a spotter if I'm finishing around 335 or higher.


I'll think about it. It would probably be wise to have a spotter if I'm finishing around 335 or higher.

Yeah man, I'm not trying to get you killed.

I don't go beyond 315 without a spotter on decline, and most of the time I go for volume when I do it (8x10x255).


Gold Member
Yep. There is a massive amount of great advice and help in this thread for those willing to accept it. If you come in and post your beginner ab blasting routine, and then get upset and argue when told it's crap, then this thread likely isn't for you. As someone who 2 years ago discovered the 3rd incarnation of this thread and was helped on a path that's going to last a lifetime, to claim this thread is just a circle jerk is absurdity.


I discovered this thread sometime last year and it has changed my entire life. It introduced me to IF - after I came in to post a link about the importance of breakfast someone linked me to Martin Berkhan's stuff and I took on IF. I have shed more fat since than I ever have in my life before, 50lbs , without the usual diet suffering. And it 's sustainable for life.

This thread also snapped me out of fuckarounditis at the gym, doing stuff that doesn't build maximal muscle or burn maximal fat like circuit training, isolation machines, one day per muscle group per week, body pump. Things I have wasted my life on. This thread got me to learn the basic compound lifts and build basic strength. Then it introduced me to Starting Strength and the importance of programming in achieving progress. Now I am literally blowing up muscle wise and strength wise. My bench will hit 100kg next week, a dream since high school I have never been even close to - my max just some 6 months ago was 70kg. I can now do 45 pushups a minute, last year I could not do one.

So yeah, because of this thread I am leaner and bigger. Sure it can burn to be told most of your beliefs like six small meals a day are shit but if you stick to the advice in the thread amazing things can happen. I can't imagine how I look like in a year from now.

Oh, and Quest bars. Never would have heard of them before stepping here.



I discovered this thread sometime last year and it has changed my entire life. It introduced me to IF - after I came in to post a link about the importance of breakfast someone linked me to Martin Berkhan's stuff and I took on IF. I have shed more fat since than I ever have in my life before, 50lbs , without the usual diet suffering. And it 's sustainable for life.

This thread also snapped me out of fuckarounditis at the gym, doing stuff that doesn't build maximal muscle or burn maximal fat like circuit training, isolation machines, one day per muscle group per week, body pump. Things I have wasted my life on. This thread got me to learn the basic compound lifts and build basic strength. Then it introduced me to Starting Strength and the importance of programming in achieving progress. Now I am literally blowing up muscle wise and strength wise. My bench will hit 100kg next week, a dream since high school I have never been even close to - my max just some 6 months ago was 70kg. I can now do 45 pushups a minute, last year I could not do one.

So yeah, because of this thread I am leaner and bigger. Sure it can burn to be told most of your beliefs like six small meals a day are shit but if you stick to the advice in the thread amazing things can happen. I can't imagine how I look like in a year from now.

Oh, and Quest bars. Never would have heard of them before stepping here.

Good to hear this man! That 100kg bench is still my dream.
We're all gonna make it, brah!


Gold Member

question to fitgaf, is there any downsides in downing two scoops of whey protein in one whoop?

it would help massively my macros to get 48g protein @ 220cal in one go. But I remember some bronscience of body not being able to digest it...?



question to fitgaf, is there any downsides in downing two scoops of whey protein in one whoop?

it would help massively my macros to get 48g protein @ 220cal in one go. But I remember some bronscience of body not being able to digest it...?

No downsides whatsoever. Your body will digest it.



question to fitgaf, is there any downsides in downing two scoops of whey protein in one whoop?

it would help massively my macros to get 48g protein @ 220cal in one go. But I remember some bronscience of body not being able to digest it...?

Yeah, the only true downside is that you go through your protein powder supply
at a faster rate.

The common borscience misconception is that only about 30-40 grams of protein will be used by your body. Not entirely true, while on about 30 grams is used for the immediate anabolic process following a workout, your body will still find a way to make use of the rest of it.


If you are doing as much cardio as you have listed there, you are going to need more than 2600.


I eat close to 2000 a day at the same height, and that's because I'm currently trying to lose over 1lb a week.

What if I took the cardio off? Would 2600 still be too little? Just trying to get an idea of how things work.....(and 2600 is hard and expensive for me to consume). And if you're eating at a caloric deficit WHILE exercising (like I'm assuming you're doing), how do you know you're losing fat instead of muscle?


What if I took the cardio off? Would 2600 still be too little? Just trying to get an idea of how things work.....(and 2600 is hard and expensive for me to consume). And if you're eating at a caloric deficit WHILE exercising (like I'm assuming you're doing), how do you know you're losing fat instead of muscle?

You know by how you look and feel, as well as because you keep pushing the same weight or more. As a noob though that's not a big concern yet.

If you cut out the cardio 2600 might be ok, but the only way to know for sure is to start.

Where do you live that it's so expensive?


Everyone should stop reading right here. Bench Press, OHP, pullups and chins are plenty of work for the novice who should be focused on form and linear progress, not to mention even Deads, Squats, and Cleans incorporate those groups. I don't care what other routine you're comparing it to, you should find a different way to phrase your point.

Also if you spent 4 months on SS, you got progress out of that that may be the very reason you are now progressing more easily on another program. You have no idea where you'd be if you had skipped the SS phase.

I can't do a pull up or a chin so there goes that one mate. OHP and Bench is literally it then. It's not enough.

And where did I say that I condone skipping starting strength? The post I was responding to was from somebody that has done 9 months of starting strength. I absolutely believe a few months on it is great for learning and focusing on the main compound movements.


I can't do a pull up or a chin so there goes that one mate. OHP and Bench is literally it then. It's not enough.

And where did I say that I condone skipping starting strength? The post I was responding to was from somebody that has done 9 months of starting strength. I absolutely believe a few months on it is great for learning and focusing on the main compound movements.

Well your post seemed to give no credit to SS and simply refer to it as a waste of your time. I apologize if that was not the intent, but it came across that way.

Carry on then!


I have the stupidest 'injury' that won't go away. On my right trap (where it connects to my shoulder blade), it feels like a muscle pull or a giant knot inside of it. Doesn't really limit me except that I can't turn my head to the right. I'll rest it for a month and then it will pull again when I do shrugs or even racking heavy weights.



I have the stupidest 'injury' that won't go away. On my right trap (where it connects to my shoulder blade), it feels like a muscle pull or a giant knot inside of it. Doesn't really limit me except that I can't turn my head to the right. I'll rest it for a month and then it will pull again when I do shrugs or even racking heavy weights.


That sounds pretty bad actually. (Mostly because of the spinal/neck connections) I'm not an expert but you should at least get it checked.
There is tons of great advice here, and if you want to make ACTUAL GAINS this is a hell of a great place to find info. Most of the regulars here really know their stuff.

With that said some of the people here are often times way too hell bent on powerlifting routines, and don't realize that not everyone has the same goals/abilities/equipment/money/free time etc.

I do a variation of 5/3/1 that's geared a little more toward bodybuilding, and I do a lot of Calisthenics for my core and upper body (Handstands, muscle ups, bent leg pullups, Dips, hanging windshield wipers, hanging leg raises, etc). I'm also a Personal trainer who advises 90% of his physically capable clients to do mainly compound lifts.

I understand better than anyone that people are stubborn, and the stubborn people will fail (I was once stubborn and fat too). So I get the whole attitude of simply telling people "your routine is shit" and then writing them off, but it doesn't grow the community or really help anyone to do that. If you're going to tell somebody their routine is shit, at least explain why. And don't tell them they HAVE TO do powerlifting because that's bullshit. Some people just want to be "skinny" and just have a swimmer type build, and something like P90x will do that for them as long as they're not completely rail thin. Also 99% of people aren't going to read the OP because guess what? There are a million articles out there explaining how to get in shape that have probably failed or mislead them in the past., and most people just think "why is your way any different"


I understand better than anyone that people are stubborn, and the stubborn people will fail (I was once stubborn and fat too). So I get the whole attitude of simply telling people "your routine is shit" and then writing them off, but it doesn't grow the community or really help anyone to do that. If you're going to tell somebody their routine is shit, at least explain why. And don't tell them they HAVE TO do powerlifting because that's bullshit. Some people just want to be "skinny" and just have a swimmer type build, and something like P90x will do that for them as long as they're not completely rail thin. Also 99% of people aren't going to read the OP because guess what? There are a million articles out there explaining how to get in shape that have probably failed or mislead them in the past., and most people just think "why is your way any different"

If they can't take 10 minutes to read the OP, why should I waste my time on them? You get out what you're willing to put in. I'm not going to put a bunch of time and effort into someone who can't be bothered to do something as simple as read an OP.
If they can't take 10 minutes to read the OP, why should I waste my time on them? You get out what you're willing to put in. I'm not going to put a bunch of time and effort into someone who can't be bothered to do something as simple as read an OP.

I get that, believe me I do, but why even bother responding to them then? Just tell them to read the OP and leave it at that. Adding little insults (calling somebodies routine shit is an insult) and then not explaining certainly isn't going to want to make them read it.

I know you're a really good poster and you definitely know your stuff, but that one guy has a point, it does get a bit circle-jerky here at times.


I get that, believe me I do, but why even bother responding to them then? Just tell them to read the OP and leave it at that. Adding little insults (calling somebodies routine shit is an insult) and then not explaining certainly isn't going to want to make them read it.

I know you're a really good poster and you definitely know your stuff, but that one guy has a point, it does get a bit circle-jerky here at times.

No it isn't. It is a criticism of the routine, not the individual. When someone comes in and posts about "ab blaster plus" routine and asks what we think, it seems appropriate to simply point them to the OP, tell them that won't be effective for their goals, and let them try and learn something, then return with questions.

Take Pyrokai on this very page. He came in having clearly read the OP and done some work himself, but with misunderstandings and questions: so I've gone out of my way to help and point him in the right directions and better info. Users like him are the ones worth that time and effort to help. Those who just want to be spoon fed? Fuck that.
I have the stupidest 'injury' that won't go away. On my right trap (where it connects to my shoulder blade), it feels like a muscle pull or a giant knot inside of it. Doesn't really limit me except that I can't turn my head to the right. I'll rest it for a month and then it will pull again when I do shrugs or even racking heavy weights.

Had that a few months ago on my left side. Never knew what caused it, but turning my head left was impossible and painful. Took me over a week to get over it. Take it easy my friend.


I get that, believe me I do, but why even bother responding to them then? Just tell them to read the OP and leave it at that. Adding little insults (calling somebodies routine shit is an insult) and then not explaining certainly isn't going to want to make them read it.

I know you're a really good poster and you definitely know your stuff, but that one guy has a point, it does get a bit circle-jerky here at times.

This part stuck out to me. Newcomers are always told why their routine is shit. We don't just tell them if it's bad, we also provide reasons why it's bad. We tell them that it has too much isolation, not enough compounds or too much volume etc. We tell them that noobs shouldn't make their own programs since there are plenty of programs made by professional trainers which work perfectly for them.

It's not our fault if some people won't listen what people here have to say. We are also not paid to give advice here so it depends on the attitude of the person asking, how much we are willing to help. Those with honest questions and thirst for knowledge are always welcome here. Also I guess this thread can see like a circle jerk to an outsider but really it's not. There are just a lot of likeminded people here who like to cheer each other on and are interested to know what's going on in other peoples (training) lives.


Pizza Dog
Running-GAF, I have a question for you!

I'm looking for a relatively-cheap-but-good pair of headphones for running outdoors, I have some good ones that I use for everyday stuff but they're IEMs so the sound of the cables travels up into my ears if I try running in them. I only need something cheap, but it'd be good if they'd last a little while and were somewhat sweat resistant. Does anyone have any recommendations up to around the £20 mark?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Running-GAF, I have a question for you!

I'm looking for a relatively-cheap-but-good pair of headphones for running outdoors, I have some good ones that I use for everyday stuff but they're IEMs so the sound of the cables travels up into my ears if I try running in them. I only need something cheap, but it'd be good if they'd last a little while and were somewhat sweat resistant. Does anyone have any recommendations up to around the £20 mark?

There is tons of great advice here, and if you want to make ACTUAL GAINS this is a hell of a great place to find info. Most of the regulars here really know their stuff.

With that said some of the people here are often times way too hell bent on powerlifting routines, and don't realize that not everyone has the same goals/abilities/equipment/money/free time etc.

I do a variation of 5/3/1 that's geared a little more toward bodybuilding, and I do a lot of Calisthenics for my core and upper body (Handstands, muscle ups, bent leg pullups, Dips, hanging windshield wipers, hanging leg raises, etc). I'm also a Personal trainer who advises 90% of his physically capable clients to do mainly compound lifts.

I understand better than anyone that people are stubborn, and the stubborn people will fail (I was once stubborn and fat too). So I get the whole attitude of simply telling people "your routine is shit" and then writing them off, but it doesn't grow the community or really help anyone to do that. If you're going to tell somebody their routine is shit, at least explain why. And don't tell them they HAVE TO do powerlifting because that's bullshit. Some people just want to be "skinny" and just have a swimmer type build, and something like P90x will do that for them as long as they're not completely rail thin. Also 99% of people aren't going to read the OP because guess what? There are a million articles out there explaining how to get in shape that have probably failed or mislead them in the past., and most people just think "why is your way any different"

I understand your point of the thread having a general mentality of "powerlifting or bust" and while I am open for everyone to do their own thing and find out what they want, I still believe that for beginners, they should be doing some sort of 5x5 full body routine. It can be Starting Strength, StrongLifts, Greyskyull, Ice Cream Fitness 5x5, that variation that Sunflower posted, anything. The one thing that they need more than anything is an introduction to the gym and why they are doing the lifts that they are doing. Hell, if they want to do SS and throw in curls at the end cause they want more arm work, I'm fine with that.

The thing is, the new people aren't ready for that. Once they have a year or so under their belt and they know what their end game is, then by all means, try something new and something that focuses more and what they want to achieve. Strength, size, aesthetics, whatever. The possibilities are endless.

Whatever you do, just don't neglect your legs!

Running-GAF, I have a question for you!

I'm looking for a relatively-cheap-but-good pair of headphones for running outdoors, I have some good ones that I use for everyday stuff but they're IEMs so the sound of the cables travels up into my ears if I try running in them. I only need something cheap, but it'd be good if they'd last a little while and were somewhat sweat resistant. Does anyone have any recommendations up to around the £20 mark?


I use those but I don't run. That being said, I've never noticed anything regarding the sound of the cables traveling up my ears when lifting.


Hmm... Never experienced this. What's strange about me is I can push 150s about the same amount of times I can manage 300 on BB. My chest feels about the same either way. My chest volume is low but it's enough for me luckily.

A & B alternate weekly.

A: BB flat & DB incline.

B: DB flat & BB incline.

A: 10x225, 8x255, 6x285, 3or4x315
10x85, 8x100, 6x110 4x140

B: 10x90, 8x105, 6x120, 4x150
10x185, 8x205, 6x225, 4or5x265

That's it. Once a week. That's all I do for chest. Do you guys think I'm under working myself? I dropped flys because I didn't need the strain on my shoulders and I don't believe they are necessary unless you want to be a bodybuilder. I'm curious to get some opinions on it. Takes me about one hour. I super set chest with an eact copy of 10,8,6,4 for bis and finish at what ever my 4 rep max is. Occasionally I will max for a few straight weeks.

That's probably fine. I basically do BB Flat, DB Incline, DB or cable flys. I actually just threw in declines on several suggestions here and I've only been doing it 2 weeks but I think it might be working.

Heavy fly's will mess my shoulders up but if I stick to 45s on incline db or just use cable machine it seems fine. I drop them for a few weeks when my shoulders flare up.

I think I'm delt dominant on a lot of movements especially bench so I end up with shoulder issues that crop up every few months.


Outside of warming up I don't use the flat BB bench, it just doesn't do anything for my chest, whereas flat DB bench gives me a great pump. You should give decline a try, Cooter join #teamdecline as well.

I mix in decline + incline and when I feel like it I go for heavy flat DB bench.

I started decline 2 weeks ago, I think it's helping actually. Gonna keep with it.

I have to say though, it feels awkward and horrible. Do you widen your grip? I can't find a comfortable grip width.


I'll think about it. It would probably be wise to have a spotter if I'm finishing around 335 or higher.

Spotters overrated if you have the multiple hooks on your bench. I've never used one and I hit 335 without one the other day. Gonna try for 350 soon. 335 was surprisingly easy even after 5x300 and 3x315.

It's crazy how my bench and usually my OHP progress so easily but my squats and deads don't. I've never felt comfortable doing squats though.

brb benching more than I squat....wtf.

It is the best bench.

watch this vid, he talks about the decline and form and all that - http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/dorian-yates-blood-guts-1.htm

Shit work internet, can't watch the video.

Please explain to me how the decline bench is not an upside-down dip (I'm half serious). I've done declines a couple time when the flat benches are taken and it always feels weird; the weight feels heavier on the way down but somehow it goes back up easier than flat.


I have to say though, it feels awkward and horrible. Do you widen your grip? I can't find a comfortable grip width.

I concur. I declined this morning after flat and incline BB, shit felt really awkward. It's strange because I used to love decline like 5-6 years ago, but havent dont them in at least 3-4 years.
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