is it? I lost about 4 kgs in a month...
Water weight or fat?
is it? I lost about 4 kgs in a month...
Did 265 squats 3x5 and they felt really heavy, I grinded all the 5th reps.
I'm glad I'm up to this point, but will this weight ever feel light to me? lol I hope so.
To be honest, them moving the thread to community pissed me off too. I really doubt I'll come back. Petrie, if you would let the guys know I'd appreciate it. If Ya'll wanna hook up on FB that works.
1) I buy 1% milk, and use it with my shakes, oatmeal, and coffee
2) I must get up to or around 8 glasses/day
3) A bit of milk and no more than two packets of sugar
4) No cheese or meats besides grilled chicken, and only a very small drop of balsamic vinaigrette
I'm not a huge fan of sit-ups and crunches (I find them to be some of the most boring exercises on the planet). Instead, I do lots of L-sits, hanging leg raises, squats, deadlifts, weighted ab pull-downs, etc. As for running: I try to run at least twice a week. Doing anymore than that is tough on my joints considering I walk around all day long for work in the first place.
Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it very much.
You don't gotta do a ton of cardio to lose belly fat. You can get abs without a single crunch or sit-up especially if you are squatting, dead lifting and stuff, it's just diet. Eat less that your TDEE and you'll get there eventually.
Yeah, they're way too expensive to buy here. I did make a batch of homemade protein bars this weekend, though (http://dhftns.com/the-best-homemade-protein-bars-recipe-18-5g-protein4g-fiber/). They came out rather well.
If anyone is struggling for lunch ideas, I can't recommend mason jar salads enough. I started experimenting with them over the last week and they're surprisingly awesome.
Easy to make, they keep for about a week, very healthy, and very easy to transport. They're perfect for lunch.
There's some good advice about making them here - http://www.skinnymomskitchen.com/2013/02/12/my-thoughts-on-mason-jar-salads/
Good deal.
If you're that concerned about belly fat then maybe switch to fat-free milk? You might not notice any difference within a month but I'm sure long term it'll be better. I was raised up (late teens/20s) on fat-free milk so it's not a big deal for me. Some people might find it disgusting compared to other types of milk.
8 glasses of water a day seems good. You should measure it out, see the real number you are drinking. I just buy a gallon water jug and pour glass after glass through-out the day. I've heard drinking water out of plastic is bad for you, but I pour it into a glass so I don't know.
Sugar packets in your coffee could be bad at a miniscule level. Especially depending how often you drink coffee. If you only drink coffee once a day it's not that bad but if you're a big coffee drinker perhaps.
Good job on the salads. Salads are a good "go to" meal for trying to lose weight or stay at a low-weight number.
Maybe you should try doing situps for a month, see what you notice. If you don't notice anything, and you despise them, then don't do anymore
Running is important, IMO. Sucks that you have joint issues. I think running played a big part of the reason how I lost my beer belly. Being strained/tired from work isn't fun either
I once read an article about organic foods and how they're good for aiding a nice rectus abdominis. If you have the money, maybe you should try to experiment for a month. Try to retrofit your pantry with organic items. Every time you run out of something, replace it with an organic option. It may be all nonsense and only a money waster, but if you want to give it "all you got" then you might as well. I followed the organic article and now I am very pleased with my stomach (not belly!)
My recommendations would be
A) Switch to fat-free milk
B) Cut the sugar in the coffee
C) Do more situps and such
D) Run more
The above may only help at a small level though. If you don't do it, then I wouldn't stress it.
Sounds like you're on the right track though. It just takes time. Keep it up and hopefully soon you'll be more happy.
When doing squats, I don't feel anything in my hamstrings/glutes. I think I'm quad dominant. Any tips on how to strengthen and activate my glutes? Do Good Mornings?
That's some ole bullshit, I don't see anything that should get him banned there.If we take him at his word, he isn't coming back. Next step for him is perma, and he doesn't want to tiptoe around the forum.
Feels bad man.
I don't see anything banworthy either, damn console wars crap.
That's some ole bullshit, I don't see anything that should get him banned there.
When doing squats, I don't feel anything in my hamstrings/glutes. I think I'm quad dominant. Any tips on how to strengthen and activate my glutes? Do Good Mornings?
That's because there's nothing there that someone should get banned for.
After having done Westside for skinny bastards for about 14-15 weeks, I've decided to move on to 5/3/1 (Dave Tate's Periodization Bible):
Can I do some of the work-outs without a day of rest in-between?
Like say Day 1 on Monday, Day 2 on tuesday, then a 2 day break, and day 3 on Friday, Day 4 on Saturday, and Sunday as rest.
It's either that or just having a rest day after each work-out day, and not assigning each work-out to a particular week day (e.g. Week 1: Mon-Day 1, Wed-Day 2, Fri-Day 3, Sun-Day 4; Week 2: Tues-Day 1, Thur-Day 2, Sat-Day 3, Mon-Day 4).
Congrats on the marriage Sean!
That's because there's nothing there that someone should get banned for.
This thread deserved to be in community a while ago. It went from helping people to circle jerk since somewhere in ot2/3.
When doing squats, I don't feel anything in my hamstrings/glutes. I think I'm quad dominant. Any tips on how to strengthen and activate my glutes? Do Good Mornings?
This thread deserved to be in community a while ago. It went from helping people to circle jerk since somewhere in ot2/3.
Pull-ups are superior to the lat pulldown machine in most every way. I see no reason to do pull-ups with a grip farther than shoulder-width apart other than for variety. Taking a wide-grip is more difficult so you won't be able to do as much as you may be able to do otherwise. I prefer neutral grip (hands-facing one another, should you have a bar than can accommodate this) or rings because it's easier on my wrists and elbows.I'm doing the pullup exercise specified for the Monday workout in the OP. What is better standard width pullups or wide pullups or is it better to just use a lat pulldown machine?
holy crap, I've been doing rope tricep pushdowns wrong all these months. Friend of mine was telling me that I letting the rope go too far up. My tris burn SO HORD and I had to lower the weight down immensely.
It is a bittersweet feeling.
I don't let it go past my chest, try a 4030 tempo with it too, 4 seconds down, 0 second pause, and 3 second negative.
Okay, I will keep that in mind. Yeah, I let it go up to my head and then pull it back down. I mean, I felt it working but nothing like this. I really feel like a jackass doing it wrong all this time. Good news is that my tris are gonna blow up.
Pull-ups are superior to the lat pulldown machine in most every way. I see no reason to do pull-ups with a grip farther than shoulder-width apart other than for variety. Taking a wide-grip is more difficult so you won't be able to do as much as you may be able to do otherwise. I prefer neutral grip (hands-facing one another, should you have a bar than can accommodate this) or rings because it's easier on my wrists and elbows.
Pull-ups are superior to the lat pulldown machine in most every way. I see no reason to do pull-ups with a grip farther than shoulder-width apart other than for variety. Taking a wide-grip is more difficult so you won't be able to do as much as you may be able to do otherwise. I prefer neutral grip (hands-facing one another, should you have a bar than can accommodate this) or rings because it's easier on my wrists and elbows.
YesAre they still superior if I can do more than my body weight on the lat pulldown?
I'm doing them wrong too then. I do them just like you, hope that makes you feel better big guy. We can learn together!
Okay, I will keep that in mind. Yeah, I let it go up to my head and then pull it back down. I mean, I felt it working but nothing like this. I really feel like a jackass doing it wrong all this time. Good news is that my tris are gonna blow up.
I have no idea how he trains, but he might not even train with weights. So that would explain his chest if he doesn't bench.
Still, if he developed such a physique with just bodyweight exercises and his gymnastics training, damn. That's what I call being blessed by the Genetics Fairy. He'd probably look good even if he spent all day sitting playing WoW and eating Doritos.
Thanks for this, I'll look into the neutral grip and see if I can find somewhere to do them.Pull-ups are superior to the lat pulldown machine in most every way. I see no reason to do pull-ups with a grip farther than shoulder-width apart other than for variety. Taking a wide-grip is more difficult so you won't be able to do as much as you may be able to do otherwise. I prefer neutral grip (hands-facing one another, should you have a bar than can accommodate this) or rings because it's easier on my wrists and elbows.
Man, a lot of you guys are WAY beyond the beginner stage as outlined in the OP.
I know nearly nothing in comparison to you guys.
That being said, I have a very big n00b question: Looking at the OP Full Body beginner workout, I feel like it isn't very heavy in leg exercises. Are squats intense on the legs? I have chicken legs and would like to try and gain muscle there. I was thinking about adding in some leg exercises UNLESS squats and the other exercises in the OP are intense enough on the legs and I shouldn't worry about it.
Thanks guys.
Poking around ICF's 5x5 workout and considering it. It's more time and more sets than SS' but also appears to be more aggressive. Has anyone else done the Novice 5x5? Is it more efficient than SS? I'm kind of iffy on the 8 rep shrugs and skullcrushers, as they don't SOUND efficient but I'd like to be educated.
3 days a week, alternating:
squat 5x5
bb row5x5
bb shrug3x8
kneeling cable crunch3x10-20
bb row5x5 -10%
close grip bench3x8
straight bar or incline curl3x8
kneeling cable crunch3x10-20
I'm on this program after 4 months on Starting Strength.
It really depends on what your goals are. Shogun had a great post about being honest with yourself about your goals and following a program that will help you reach them.
Starting Strength really does nothing for your upper body
This thread deserved to be in community a while ago. It went from helping people to circle jerk since somewhere in ot2/3.
No, this thread is here to help people who want to be helped. Those who just want to be told how great what they are doing is need not apply, this is a no-bullshit zone.
I guess the diet discussions, form check videos, detailed OP, explanations of programming given to beginners, discussion of mechanics and sharing of anecdotal tips are just part of the circle jerk then?
Squats are the only leg lift a beginner needs. Couple that with Deadlifts hitting your hamstrings, and your legs will blow up. Don't worry.
Okay, cool!
So using the OP basic beginner routines, I put together this little fitness plan. Tell me what you guys think! I modified slightly and threw in a bunch of optional stuff if I'm feeling crazy active.
I'm mostly concerned about the BMR. I feel like that is incredibly low. Did I do something wrong? Also, I remeasured body fat like 4 or 5 times and got everywhere from 10-14%.
How accurate do I need to be? I was going to aim for eating 1800 calories a day. Does that sound okay? Believe it or not, I have trouble meeting my caloric daily intake.
Man, a lot of you guys are WAY beyond the beginner stage as outlined in the OP.
I know nearly nothing in comparison to you guys.
That being said, I have a very big n00b question: Looking at the OP Full Body beginner workout, I feel like it isn't very heavy in leg exercises. Are squats intense on the legs? I have chicken legs and would like to try and gain muscle there. I was thinking about adding in some leg exercises UNLESS squats and the other exercises in the OP are intense enough on the legs and I shouldn't worry about it.
Thanks guys.
No 45lb muscle up but I felt like I achieved some progress. Try again next week!
You are 5'10 and 140lbs. You need to eat way more than 1800 calories, that's absurdly low. I'd be shooting for 2800-3200 a day easily if you want to make any real gains, especially with cardio being thrown in there. (I'd go higher than that with all that cardio).
At that height and weight though, eat all you can. And skip the ab ripper/P90x arms crap. Rest days are there for a reason: they are when your body grows. They are as important, if not more important that lifting days, and as the weights get heavier, you'll need them more and more.