I started decline 2 weeks ago, I think it's helping actually. Gonna keep with it.
I have to say though, it feels awkward and horrible. Do you widen your grip? I can't find a comfortable grip width.
I have stupid long arms, so I try not to go too wide, usually my ring finger is on the marking.
Shit work internet, can't watch the video.
Please explain to me how the decline bench is not an upside-down dip (I'm half serious). I've done declines a couple time when the flat benches are taken and it always feels weird; the weight feels heavier on the way down but somehow it goes back up easier than flat.
Hmmm, by that same token isn't flat bench just a push-up? I do decline because it takes my messed up shoulder out of the equation, never have any shoulder pain or fatigue when I do decline. That's the reason Dorain Yates says you should do a slow negative and explode with the weight, it feels heavier going down than it is coming back up.