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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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(Chest/Bicep day)
* Biceps Straight Bar Curl 5 sets x 15 reps
* Single Arm Dumbbell Curl 3 sets x 12 reps
* Single Arm Preacher Curl 3 sets x 10 reps
* Hammer Curl 2 sets x 12-15 reps
* Forearms Reverse Curls 6 sets x 15 reps

Triceps (Shoulder & Trap day)
* Triceps Cable Extension 4 sets x 15 reps
* Single Arm Extensions 3 sets x 15 reps
* Close-Grip Bench Press 3 sets x 8 reps
* Superset: French Press 3 sets x 8 reps
* Dumbbell Kickbacks 3 sets x 12 reps
* Dips 3 sets of 15 reps

I was doing biceps 2 to 3 times a week a year ago, this routine allows me to hit them again if I need to, which so far I've only done once. The second time I hit them doesn't have as much volume, but I go a bit heavier. My arms are long, so I have to hit them extremely hard.

Damn. Well, I won't be able to do them on the specified days. I would rather just have one day dedicated for arms.

Am I the only one who prefers "insanity" or P90X type stuff for cardio instead of running/treadmill (especially Hiit)?

Right now my cardio routine looks like this:
1 minute power step-ups on 12" plyo Box
1 minute step-ups on 18" plyo Box
1 minute box jumps on 24" plyo box
1 minute hang cleans done at a relatively fast pace (but always with proper form)
1 minute of man makers

All of these are done circuit style with no rest between, then I take a 2 minute rest, repeat 3 times.
All cardio that isn't walking/biking or Dance Dance Revolution can suck it.

I hate cardio, and I only do cardio when I'm cutting, I stay far the fuck away when I'm bulking. But when I'm doing it I want something that's not boring as hell (treadmill) and challenging.


Brother wants me to go to Austin, Texas this weekend. It's only 2-1/2 drive. The 2 problems are being unhealthy and spending money :(

Costs money to go on a "mini vacation" or out of town for the weekend.

Going out to eat, or ordering late-night delivery is bad for you. Not to mention all the alcohol drinking that two brothers would do. It would be so much healthier (body wise) if I stayed at home.

Socially, it's bad for me not to go visit my brother. Bad for me to be a hermit. Especially since he's moving out of state in 2 months.

Being so healthy is one negative side about my fitness/health. I am too strict, I like sticking to a routine. Sigh :p


For me this was definitely the way to go, and it makes a huge difference in the amount you can hold. How's the grip on the bar itself? Is it pretty smooth and worn down? I find that this also makes a big difference as to whether or not I can keep the bar in my hands.

Well, there's a stamped cross-hatch pattern on the barbell so I don't think it's smooth/worn down. I'll definitely use over/under grip next week as this plateau sucks.


Well, my body has adjusted to IF to the point that I can't even eat before I go to the gym. I had breakfast and lunch today and put off going to the gym until later tonight and I almost threw up 3 different times while doing back. Every time I drank water I had to burp, deadlifts I had to take extremely slow and rows were almost a food show as well.

I ate 5 hours before the gym.


Damn. Well, I won't be able to do them on the specified days. I would rather just have one day dedicated for arms.


It's not as hard as it looks, the weight I use isn't all that heavy and I focus on contraction & negatives a lot more now.

No prob broski!
Brother wants me to go to Austin, Texas this weekend. It's only 2-1/2 drive. The 2 problems are being unhealthy and spending money :(

Costs money to go on a "mini vacation" or out of town for the weekend.

Going out to eat, or ordering late-night delivery is bad for you. Not to mention all the alcohol drinking that two brothers would do. It would be so much healthier (body wise) if I stayed at home.

Socially, it's bad for me not to go visit my brother. Bad for me to be a hermit. Especially since he's moving out of state in 2 months.

Being so healthy is one negative side about my fitness/health. I am too strict, I like sticking to a routine. Sigh :p

You gotta enjoy yourself. One bad weekend isn't going to ruin your progress for long.
It's not as hard as it looks, the weight I use isn't all that heavy and I focus on contraction & negatives a lot more now.

No prob broski!

The bigger issue for me would be the time aspect. I go during my lunch break. But when I do hit it up, I will be sure to try it in full. I will try it this Sunday. As I said before, I will really start to switch things up post summer. Just want to stick with what I have been doing since it is working.


The bigger issue for me would be the time aspect. I go during my lunch break. But when I do hit it up, I will be sure to try it in full. I will try it this Sunday. As I said before, I will really start to switch things up post summer. Just want to stick with what I have been doing since it is working.

Ah, well maybe when you get a chance to try it you can cut down on some of the volume and just bring the tricep/bicep workout together.

What routine are you doing now?


Thinking about purchasing a barbell weight set and canceling my gym membership. I can pretty much do everything I need with a barbell, and the price of a decent set and bench would probably be paid off in 1-2 years of not going to the gym. Plus being able to simply walk to the garage and have a gym on hand is pretty fucking enticing.


Thinking about purchasing a barbell weight set and canceling my gym membership. I can pretty much do everything I need with a barbell, and the price of a decent set and bench would probably be paid off in 1-2 years of not going to the gym. Plus being able to simply walk to the garage and have a gym on hand is pretty fucking enticing.

If you live in CA I'd be disappointed if you didn't but the weight bench in your front yard.
Ah, well maybe when you get a chance to try it you can cut down on some of the volume and just bring the tricep/bicep workout together.

What routine are you doing now?

5/3/1 The Periodization Bible

The Periodization Bible

This option is based on an article written by Dave Tate called "The Periodization Bible, Part 1". If you havent read it yet, go do so now.

Basically, it takes the Westside approach to lifting, throws out everything about max effort and conjugate method and all that, and just leaves the method for doing accessory work. It says that you should determine your accessory work based on the most frequently-taxed muscles that are used during that exercise. It looks something like this:

Military Press (5/3/1)
• Shoulders or Chest – 5 sets of 10-20 reps (DB bench, DB Incline, DB Military, Incline press, Dips, Pushups)
• Lats or Upper Back – 5 sets of 10-20 reps (DB rows, Bent Over Rows, Chins, T-bar Rows, Lat Pulldowns, Face Pulls, Shrugs)
• Triceps – 5 sets of 10-20 reps (Triceps Pushdowns or Triceps Extensions)

Deadlift (5/3/1)
• Hamstrings – 5 sets of 10-20 reps (Leg Curls, Glute-Ham Raise)
• Quads – 5 sets of 10-20 reps (Leg Press, Lunges, Hack Squats)
• Abs – 5 sets of 10-20 reps (Sit-ups, Hanging Leg Raises, Ab Wheel, DB Side Bend)

Bench Press (5/3/1)
• Shoulders or Chest – 5 sets of 10-20 reps (DB bench, DB Incline, DB Military, Incline press, Dips, Pushups)
• Lats or Upper Back – 5 sets of 10-20 reps (DB rows, Bent Over Rows, Chins, T-bar Rows, Lat Pulldowns, Face Pulls, Shrugs)
• Triceps – 5 sets of 10-20 reps (Triceps Pushdowns or Triceps Extensions)

Squat (5/3/1)
• Low Back – 5 sets of 10-20 reps (Reverse Hyper, Back Raise, Good Morning)
• Quads – 5 sets of 10-20 reps (Leg Press, Lunges, Hack Squats)
• Abs – 5 sets of 10-20 reps (Sit-ups, Hanging Leg Raises, Ab Wheel, DB Side Bend)

You can change exercises however you see fit, but note that this won’t make or break your program. One thing that you need to remember is that the accessory work it meant to supplement and strengthen the main movement, not detract from it. If you're continually increasing your weight on shoulder presses, but your military press or bench press arent going up, it might be prudent to consider tapering back on the accessory work, or consider changing your accessory routine entirely.

I could do it on chest day. Just do a my 5/3/1 decline, 5x10 reps decline, and then the arm work.


So guys, I'm going on a three week road trip around Australia with no access to a gym.
I'm going to do a few routines most days so I don't deteriorate completely.

Chest and shoulders: Push-ups. Aim for 200 total (several sets).
Abs: Lying straight-leg raises. ~four sets of max.

I need something to replace squats. Anyone? Anything else I should add? I have been doing the Starting Strength routine(s) for many months.


So guys, I'm going on a three week road trip around Australia with no access to a gym.
I'm going to do a few routines most days so I don't deteriorate completely.

Chest and shoulders: Push-ups. Aim for 200 total (several sets).
Abs: Lying straight-leg raises. ~four sets of max.

I need something to replace squats. Anyone? Anything else I should add? I have been doing the Starting Strength routine(s) for many months.

Weightless Lunges and Squats? If you do them fast enough with good form they can burn like a bitch.


Ok, maybe that will do. I don't have any weights but I'm sure it will burn still.

That or buy some resistance bands. Easy to bring around and can give you a really nice work out still.

Might look like a twat if you are seen using them in the middle of no where.
I had the weirdest situation happen to me while lifting yesterday. I was on a leg press machine and about to start my next set, when some random dude walks and stands right above me then proceeds to do the most awkward stretching I've seen. I swear he had to be like an inch behind me, so his torso right above my head. He then started running in place, lifted up his shirt to look at his abs in the mirror, which mind you is about 20 feet away, then started to act like he was getting ready for a fight by throwing punches. While he was doing all this, I just sat in the leg press machine, not moving an inch so I didn't anger him by messing up his stretching, if that's what you could call it. He walked off to his next workout spot, which ended up not even being close to me!

Later on, I was on the sitting calf raise machine, looking down at the ground trying to catch my breath, and of course he walks right in front of me, making me catch a glimpse of his shoes which I don't think he liked very much. I'd say like instantly after me seeing his feet, I noticed that he turned around and sort of stared me down, then turned away and walked off to the bathroom.

I've never quite experienced something this awkward or confusing, especially in the gym. I'm not really sure if I was supposed to say something or just let it slide like I did. What would you guys do if someone did that to you?


Welp, month off...right leg/glute/lower back is still a little stiff and mildly annoying strain/pain when I sit a certain way.

Going to say fuck it and go back to the gym and start off light with some elliptical, stretching, and core work.

Good or bad idea?


So I tried a few pistol squats this morning and failed.

Tougher than it looks...
If you haven't looked at it already, I'm quite fond of this tutorial: http://www.beastskills.com/one-legged-squat-the-pistol/

Like many bodyweight movements, succeeding requires a combination of strength and balance. For most people that can squat 225lbs ass to grass balance requires more cultivation. If you aren't that strong, both will require attention.
If you haven't looked at it already, I'm quite fond of this tutorial: http://www.beastskills.com/one-legged-squat-the-pistol/

Like many bodyweight movements, succeeding requires a combination of strength and balance. For most people that can squat 225lbs ass to grass balance requires more cultivation. If you aren't that strong, both will require attention.

Yup, thank you. Because of a herniated disc a while back, I tend not to go heavy on squats due to possible injury so I'm progressing slow.

My balance is way off so I throw in yoga on days to help strengthen the core.


He's moving soon. Enjoy togetherness while you can.

You gotta enjoy yourself. One bad weekend isn't going to ruin your progress for long.

Both of these are true.

Making excuses here, but I'm also allergic to his cats and he has two in a "small" apartment. On the 2nd day (Saturday afternoon) I'll start to feel like crap.

He's going to have a going away party which I'll definitely be attending. I'll go to that and also go see him prior/after for a last time.

It is cool though. My weight loss and healthiness rubbed onto him! Now he's shopping at Whole Foods and exercising.

Thanks for the postings you two :thumbup:


I've never quite experienced something this awkward or confusing, especially in the gym. I'm not really sure if I was supposed to say something or just let it slide like I did. What would you guys do if someone did that to you?

Every gym I have ever joined there has been one guy that is absolutely crazy. Erratic work outs, sweaty, odd behavior in-between their exercises.

Usually they respect the space of others and/or people try to workout away from them at all times possible. Although one time the crazy guy at my current gym was going through the pockets of my hoodie. I walked up to him and said that was mine and he dropped it.
Man looking at all those split routines....must be nice. I get to squat everyday I'm in the gym. Every rep is a grind just about. I'm here to tell any newbies/lurkers though, the program in the OP is amazing for linear progression and strength gains, I am a workout away from finishing the first 4 weeks and I'll post my starting and current lift weights on Friday.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Came across an interesting HIIT routine and figured I'd share it with you guys:

50 sec jog / 10 sec sprint
48 sec jog / 12 sec sprint
46 sec jog / 14 sec sprint
44 sec jog / 16 sec sprint
42 sec jog / 18 sec sprint
40 / 20
40 / 20
42 / 18
44 / 16
46 / 14
48 / 12
50 / 10

Done on a track or anywhere but a treadmill with stopwatch in hand. Totals out to 12 minutes. Seems decent enough. Anxious to try it in a couple days.
Came across an interesting HIIT routine and figured I'd share it with you guys:

Done on a track or anywhere but a treadmill with stopwatch in hand. Totals out to 12 minutes. Seems decent enough. Anxious to try it in a couple days.

cool. Yeah, it is time I start to add cardio and this seems like a nice place to start. How hard are you suppose to go during the sprinting portions? 90% of max? I will prolly do it on a bike since I like those better.


Thinking about purchasing a barbell weight set and canceling my gym membership. I can pretty much do everything I need with a barbell, and the price of a decent set and bench would probably be paid off in 1-2 years of not going to the gym. Plus being able to simply walk to the garage and have a gym on hand is pretty fucking enticing.

You'll likely pay it off much quicker than that if you get it used, and if you factor in the price of gas to get to the gym and back every time you work out.

For what I spent on my set a few months ago, I'm already in the black.

Anyone have tips on isolating specific sides of my traps? For whatever reason, my left side is noticeably bigger than my right side.


So I am thinking of finally going to the gym again within the next week. For the first week or two I will be doing lightweight stuff just to see what my body can handle as well as try to build my midsection back up. I was on 531 before the surgery and I am wondering how I should approach lifting the heavier weights as I get back into the gym, or even what my starting point in the routine should be. For clarification I lost ten pounds off my bulk from 175-165 and I will have been out of the gym for about 4-5 weeks when I start the lightweight stuff. Any advice would be appreciated.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
So I am thinking of finally going to the gym again within the next week. for the first week or two I will be doing lightweight stuff just to see what my body can handle as well as try to build my midsection back up. I was on 531 before the surgery and I am wondering how I should approach lifting the heavier weights as I get back into the surgery, or even what should my starting point in the routine be. For clarification I lost ten pounds off my bulk from 175-165 and I will have been out of the gym for about 4-5 weeks when I start the lightweight stuff. Any advice would be appreciated.

Just work on mobility for the first week, and go even lighter than you had planned - there's no reason to rush it. That's all the advice I have :p

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Man looking at all those split routines....must be nice. I get to squat everyday I'm in the gym. Every rep is a grind just about. I'm here to tell any newbies/lurkers though, the program in the OP is amazing for linear progression and strength gains, I am a workout away from finishing the first 4 weeks and I'll post my starting and current lift weights on Friday.

I agree completely. I can't argue with the numbers that keep going out, but I am suffering from boredom and fatigue. But that shit's fine, I'll soldier on. I should be appreciating the simplicity of what I'm currently doing.

To be fair though to shut my mind off and focus on my body for an hour or more sounds appealing as hell.

Also I miss Sho. :(


Lately, my cardio has consisted of 5-10 minutes on an elliptical to warm-up before every workout. If there's enough time, I'll add another 10 minutes of low-intensity cardio.

Once a week, I also do a Zumba class with my wife.

I also point out that my wife and I tend to travel around half of Manhattan on the weekend, because she likes to walk to places and take a lot of pictures. Apparently, I'm also her cameraman.
knee slid the wrong way going down on the squat, made a *pop* noise, then hurts for 5 minutes, but then went away.

gonna need some ice just in case


Came across an interesting HIIT routine and figured I'd share it with you guys:

Done on a track or anywhere but a treadmill with stopwatch in hand. Totals out to 12 minutes. Seems decent enough. Anxious to try it in a couple days.

Is there some sort of app that lets you program the timing instead of using a stopwatch?


Went to the gym on lunch. Still fasted thus far today and not particularly hungry. Wish I could've just waited to workout and kept the fast going longer, but I'm gonna have to choke down a Quest bar. :(


Went to the gym on lunch. Still fasted thus far today and not particularly hungry. Wish I could've just waited to workout and kept the fast going longer, but I'm gonna have to choke down a Quest bar. :(

I'm out and broke...I ate 2 boxes for the 6 days I was in SF for work..
Placed my order for a power rack/bench + weights/barbell. I can finally get back on track, havent been in the gym since Christmas due to moving and finding myself in a place where the average gym membership was €600-800 a year. Quite ridiculous. :lol
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