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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Like all Hollywood actors who put on mass at the drop of a hat and get quite vascular, Wolverine uses steroids. I wouldn't take his results to mean much of anything real-world unless you're on gear.

Oh I don't doubt that at all. I just find it funny that IF is starting to become more and more mainstream.

And you know it has been a great leg day when my ass is still sore 2 days later. Decline bench today. USAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!


This woman made it over to the muscles appreciation thread and I just wanted to say I'm smitten. What incredible arms.


Yeah that's a bit much. Bella Falconi is about where I draw the line on the amount of definition that is attractive. And even then, when she cuts, the vascularity becomes a bit much.


How does that guy deliver every time. So fucking funny.

"Invisible Lat Syndrome" lawl

This guy always comes up with one gem every video.

He delivers because he's just spitting truth, but in a real damn funny way. Every group of lifting bros has made jokes about getting lats so big you coud fly, or dudes walking around with invisible lat syndrome (i.e. invisible suitcases).

His videos are an exercise is incredible self-awareness and self-mockery, but the frightening thing is, he's only turning the dial up like one notch. There's not much exaggeration going on.

EDIT: watching now... MARTELL'S TIKI BAR LOL. This guy couldn't have come from anywhere else in the world besides Jersey.


Just done a session with a PT on coaching full cleans. Started me off with kettlebell swings and got me exhausted as fuck. (Obviously my cardio is lacking, it's unbelievable)

And then we went on to hang cleans and practicing the catch. It was actually rather good because I learnt to not lean back so much and actually pull myself to the bar.

Maxed out at 60kg today for 1 which is a PR for me. 3 more sessions left with the guy.

Also he dropped the whole "30 minutes protein intake window after workout" thing. Is this legit?

You do not need to have protein 30 minutes after exercise, it's a myth. Here's where it comes from:

When muscles are worked, they are both catabolic (ie shriveling) and are pumped (ie high bloodflow), and they are demanding nutrients. If you wait, then the muscles will relax and stop sucking up protein as quickly, and will have been in catabolism for longer than ideal.

In reality, if you are eating normally, then your body most likely is already trickling nutrients and protein into your bloodstream as it absorbs the food over time. If you consume more food in a reasonable timeframe afterwards, then you also keep your muscles fed. Some of the products sold (like whey hydrolysate, which is pre-digested) absorb so quickly that a lot of it is just oxidized and not used by your tissue to build up.

I don't think it's a BAD idea to intake protein soon after a workout, but I wouldn't sweat it. Just don't starve yourself IMO. It's the 80/20 rule; a small number of things are part of the 80% of results, which is a proper program, proper intensity, adequate nutritious calories, consistency and rest. The 20% is everything else; diet micromanagement, supplements, minor tweaks, etc.


You do not need to have protein 30 minutes after exercise, it's a myth. Here's where it comes from:

When muscles are worked, they are both catabolic (ie shriveling) and are pumped (ie high bloodflow), and they are demanding nutrients. If you wait, then the muscles will relax and stop sucking up protein as quickly, and will have been in catabolism for longer than ideal.

In reality, if you are eating normally, then your body most likely is already trickling nutrients and protein into your bloodstream as it absorbs the food over time. If you consume more food in a reasonable timeframe afterwards, then you also keep your muscles fed. Some of the products sold (like whey hydrolysate, which is pre-digested) absorb so quickly that a lot of it is just oxidized and not used by your tissue to build up.

I don't think it's a BAD idea to intake protein soon after a workout, but I wouldn't sweat it. Just don't starve yourself IMO. It's the 80/20 rule; a small number of things are part of the 80% of results, which is a proper program, proper intensity, adequate nutritious calories, consistency and rest. The 20% is everything else; diet micromanagement, supplements, minor tweaks, etc.

Thanks for the reply! That was informative and helpful.


Thanks for the reply! That was informative and helpful.

No problem! Keep us all posted on your progress.

So I read a neat article today about barbell training as rehab. This guy fell off a roof and shattered his legs, and was told by the doctors that he'd be crippled for life. He could barely even crawl on his hands and knees, which took so much effort it made him weep. He used his willpower and pushed himself bit by bit, and now not only is he not crippled at all, he's totaled over 1000 in a powerlifting meet.


If only people weren't so lazy and accepting of their situation, I bet a lot more people with disabilities and other physical problems could overcome them.


Hi everyone, I'm new here. Been going to the gym for 7 months with very little (I believe anyway, others think I'm looking good) muscle gain. Decided to eat more since I felt I wasn't eating enough. Another factor behind my muscle gain could be the stress related to OCD releasing cortisol in my body.

The past couple of times at the gym I have being feeling sick, what would cause that? Could I be pushing myself too much?
Is it weird to have a picture of Frank Zane as your desktop wallpaper? For inspirational purposes.

Do what I did, take the worst shirtless pic of yourself that you can find and put that as your desktop background. If staring at your fat gut every time you turn on the computer doesn't inspire I don't know what will.


Hi everyone, I'm new here. Been going to the gym for 7 months with very little (I believe anyway, others think I'm looking good) muscle gain. Decided to eat more since I felt I wasn't eating enough. Another factor behind my muscle gain could be the stress related to OCD releasing cortisol in my body.

The past couple of times at the gym I have being feeling sick, what would cause that? Could I be pushing myself too much?

What is your routine, and when is the last time you took a rest period?


I know this isn't much compared to some of you, but I've started a new workout string and feel amazing. I've never been in bad shape, although I've got a little bit of flab as of this past winter.

2 weeks ago, I started eating much better and drinking tons more water. Every other day, I play basketball for 30-45 minutes, then take a 45 minute bike ride.

I've been making myself get up at 7 am as opposed to 9 am, and I feel loads better because of that too!
Is there any disadvantage to wrapping your knees? Mine have been hurting pretty severely (form was a bit off), but ever since I started wrapping my squats feel incredible.


What is your routine, and when is the last time you took a rest period?
Right now, I'm doing supersets on 3 different days, each with tough warm ups. I have rest days at times, don't like to though. Sometimes I have to take days off to help with jobs. The last long one I had was during the exam period in April lasting a week and a half.


So what's the deal with incline bench? It's often said that it's an awesome chest builder and I've heard that many bodybuilders use it exclusively.

But when I look it up for example in exrx.net, it seems like it only targets a small portion of the pectoral muscles - the upper/clavicular portion.

So is it a good chest builder and why?

I believe the Hodgetwins said it best, you need incline in your routine if you don't want to have a Gorilla's chest (Big pecs, no top). It's good for focusing on the upper part of your chest and giving your chest a much more full appearance. It's good, but use it in conjunction with flat or decline.

Dumbbell incline is the way to go IMO.


Steroid Distributor
You do not need to have protein 30 minutes after exercise, it's a myth. Here's where it comes from:

When muscles are worked, they are both catabolic (ie shriveling) and are pumped (ie high bloodflow), and they are demanding nutrients. If you wait, then the muscles will relax and stop sucking up protein as quickly, and will have been in catabolism for longer than ideal.

In reality, if you are eating normally, then your body most likely is already trickling nutrients and protein into your bloodstream as it absorbs the food over time. If you consume more food in a reasonable timeframe afterwards, then you also keep your muscles fed. Some of the products sold (like whey hydrolysate, which is pre-digested) absorb so quickly that a lot of it is just oxidized and not used by your tissue to build up.

I don't think it's a BAD idea to intake protein soon after a workout, but I wouldn't sweat it. Just don't starve yourself IMO. It's the 80/20 rule; a small number of things are part of the 80% of results, which is a proper program, proper intensity, adequate nutritious calories, consistency and rest. The 20% is everything else; diet micromanagement, supplements, minor tweaks, etc.

But what about how this applies to cortisol production and nitrogen retention?

And catabolism does not mean shriveling. It is the breakdown of nutrients into smaller units of energy. The breakdown of muscle protein being a main part of the process as amino acids are used to maintain healthy glucose levels.

Exercise causes catabolism to take place. Molecules are broken down (oxidized) and used for energy production. Through this process cellular waste is produced and a hormone response is signaled. Cortisol release peaks and is of primary concern.

Nitrogen retention has many implications with muscle building and slowing muscle wasting. Anything that helps the body eliminate waste products such as lactic acid, urea and ammonia has positive benefits for muscle recovery.

Feeding the body easily digested nutrients within the 30-45 minute window post training helps to change the hormone response reducing catabolic hormone production and assists in eliminating cellular waste.

Those two reasons alone make the post workout nutrition window an extremely important element of training.


Steroid Distributor
Is there any disadvantage to wrapping your knees? Mine have been hurting pretty severely (form was a bit off), but ever since I started wrapping my squats feel incredible.

The answer should be a resounding no. By wrapping your knees you are helping your knee cap track properly as well as hold the entire joint stable eliminating pressure points within the joint that occurs during flexion.

A knee brace sleeve with a hole cut out for the knee cap would give similar benefit.


Hi Fitness-GAF, been lurking this thread for a while, but I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm about to embark on a new fitness-chapter in my life and this thread has been such a good source of info and motivation that I'd like to take part.

Back in November I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma and I'm happy to say that I recently completed my chemotherapy last Friday! Up until my diagnosis, I went to the gym four times a week and ate well (as in, minimal junk food, refined carbs, etc.), so I'm not a total fitness noob, but I've had time to reflect on where things were at and have ultimately decided that I wasn't seeing the results I wanted.

I was really fortunate in that my treatments did not impact me nearly as much as anticipated, so I was still able to go to the gym about 4-5 times every two weeks to do some light workouts, mainly so I could minimize any sort of atrophy.

My original goal was going for toned, lean muscle mass but that's all changed after doing some proper research (with much thanks to this thread!). Now that I'm able to return to life full-time, I've decided that I'm going to do a full "reset" of sorts with my training and do Starting Strength, with the intention of adding about 25-30 pounds of muscle to my 6'7 frame.

Obviously it wouldn't be wise to jump straight into the program this soon after treatment, but like I mentioned above I've been able to maintain somewhat regular activity during the whole experience, so my plan for the next month or so was to do the Practical Programming Novice Program routine, with a focus on perfecting form rather than going for gains. Just wondering if there's any reason why I shouldn't take this approach prior to starting the program full-time?


Steroid Distributor
Congrats Zozobra. Hope everything keeps moving in a positive direction for you.

My opinion is that you have a great idea of how to get back into training. Working on form and building up core strength for the moves in SS in principle should help you avoid injury (primarily joint stability) and support your immune strength.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
We can be 6'7" buddies! Finally someone as tall as me! You know the pain! My friend, we have arrived!



Right now, I'm doing supersets on 3 different days, each with tough warm ups. I have rest days at times, don't like to though. Sometimes I have to take days off to help with jobs. The last long one I had was during the exam period in April lasting a week and a half.

What are you supersetting? List your exercises, the order in which you do them, and the amount of sets and reps. If you're hitting the weights hard and lifting consistently, then your lack of muscle growth is from one of these reasons:

1) You're not eating enough
2) You're not sleeping or resting enough
3) You're not focusing on compound lifts
4) You're not following a program that demands progression
5) (Unlikely) You have low testosterone/some sort of hormonal imbalance

Do you have pictures of yourself when you started and what you look like now? It could also be in your head. I think we all deal with body dysmorphia to some degree.


Erin Stern is currently my inspiration. That's a good balance imo :)
The only fucking problem with being that cut is that you HAVE to have a boob job to have boobs like both examples above..fuck that :/

I agree.

...and is that a tribal boob tattoo?

I'm kinda tired so Imma have a bro-day at the gym today. My upper body is freakin' tiny compared to my legs. Thanks Rippetoe.


I believe the Hodgetwins said it best, you need incline in your routine if you don't want to have a Gorilla's chest (Big pecs, no top). It's good for focusing on the upper part of your chest and giving your chest a much more full appearance. It's good, but use it in conjunction with flat or decline.

Dumbbell incline is the way to go IMO.

I think I will start to do dumbbell incline. Switch from BB incline. And thanks again for the arm suggestions. I threw in a couple of additional tricep workouts today.

And it is time for me to start with the cardio. I be hovering around 229 and need that "oomph" to lose the fat. I want to do a session of HIIT that was posted a few pages ago and then maybe 2 sessions of Insanity abs.
If I ever have a girlfriend she will be a fitness model/fit girl. I can only be with somebody that lives my weird food lifestyle, like when we go out to eat she wont give me a funny look when I order the fish dry with no oil and my salad with no dressing.


What are you supersetting? List your exercises, the order in which you do them, and the amount of sets and reps. If you're hitting the weights hard and lifting consistently, then your lack of muscle growth is from one of these reasons:

1) You're not eating enough
2) You're not sleeping or resting enough
3) You're not focusing on compound lifts
4) You're not following a program that demands progression
5) (Unlikely) You have low testosterone/some sort of hormonal imbalance

Do you have pictures of yourself when you started and what you look like now? It could also be in your head. I think we all deal with body dysmorphia to some degree.

What is shown below is what's on my paper which was made between me and a personal trainer

General Bodyweight Warm-up circuit

1. Squat - 12 reps
2. Push up - 12 reps
3. Lunges - 12 reps
4. Inverted row - 12 reps
5. 500m Row on Rower

Rest up to 90 seconds maximum then repeat for a total of 3 rounds of the above circuit

Workout A - Upper body

Start with the general Bodyweight warm-up circuit.
Specific warm-up
Do 6 reps of 1A & 1B using half the weight you will use for your working sets
Do 1-2 reps of pull-ups.
Rest only where stated.

1A) Dumbbell Chest Press - 12 reps
1B) Dumbbell Chest Supported Row - 12 reps

Rest 1 minute then repeat 3 more times for a total of 4 rounds.

2A) Do as many reps of Pull-ups as you can do.
2B) Do as many reps of Push-ups as you can do.

Rest 1 minute then repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 rounds.

3A) Dumbbell Incline Press - 8 reps
3B) Seated row - 12 reps

Rest 1 minute then repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 rounds

4A) 4 minutes of dips and Bicep Curls
Do as many reps of Bodyweight dips
Followed by as many reps of Bicep curls
Take as little rest as needed so as to start the next round as soon as possible
Try and get as many rounds as possible in the 4 minutes


Workout B - Legs

Start with the general Bodyweight warm-up circuit.
Specific warm-up set
Do 6 reps per side using a lighter weight than you would use in your working sets.

1 Barbell Split squat - 10 reps per leg
a. Rest 30 seconds (only if needed) before doing the other leg

Repeat for a total of 4 sets per leg.

2A) Dumbbell Box Step Up - 10 reps per side
2B) Leg Curls - 10 reps

Rest 1 minute before repeating for a total of 3 rounds

3A) Barbell Squats - 15 reps
3B) Deadlift - 12 Reps

Rest 1 minute before repeating for a total of 2 rounds


Workout C

Start with the general Bodyweight warm-up circuit.
Specific warm-up
Do 6 reps of 1A) and 1B) using a lighter weight than used in working sets.
Rest only where stated.

1A) Deadlift Heavy - 5 reps
1B) Dumbbell 1-arm standing shoulder press - 12 reps per arm

Rest 1 minute then repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 rounds

2A) Barbell Bicep Curl - 10 reps per arm
2B) Tricep Pressdown - 15-20 reps to failure
2C) Dumbbell Bicep Curl - 15-20 reps to failure
2D) Dumbbell Lateral Shoulder Raise 15 - 20 reps to failure

Rest 1 minute and repeat 3 more times for a total of 4 rounds

3A) Swiss ball Crunches 15-20 reps
3B) Plank to failure
3C) Leg Raises 15-20 reps
3D) Push up Plank to failure

Rest 1 minute before repeating 2 more times for a total of 3 rounds


Phew, that was a lot of typing.

I don't have any pictures, don't feel comfortable taking pictures of myself. I think it might be Body Dysmorphia as well. Have had bad experiences in the past.



I think I will start to do dumbbell incline. Switch from BB incline. And thanks again for the arm suggestions. I threw in a couple of additional tricep workouts today.

And it is time for me to start with the cardio. I be hovering around 229 and need that "oomph" to lose the fat. I want to do a session of HIIT that was posted a few pages ago and then maybe 2 sessions of Insanity abs.

No prob man! Your triceps are going to explode, just make sure the dips are weighted and watch your arms grow.

If I ever have a girlfriend she will be a fitness model/fit girl. I can only be with somebody that lives my weird food lifestyle, like when we go out to eat she wont give me a funny look when I order the fish dry with no oil and my salad with no dressing.

Any woman I date has to be into fitness, can't even think of someone that isn't into it at this point.


No prob man! Your triceps are going to explode, just make sure the dips are weighted and watch your arms grow.

Any woman I date has to be into fitness, can't even think of someone that isn't into it at this point.

That's an issue I have with my bf right now..he is not taking care of himself at all :(
No prob man! Your triceps are going to explode, just make sure the dips are weighted and watch your arms grow.

Any woman I date has to be into fitness, can't even think of someone that isn't into it at this point.

Its tough to find a real fitness chick in NYC. Most girls I know are all party chicks that go out and get sloshed every night. That was fun a few years ago but If I settle down I need a chick that shares the same diet/training lifestyle. I would be totally cool if my girlfriend blew me off for a date if she had to go to the gym first.


That's an issue I have with my bf right now..he is not taking care of himself at all :(

I need to find a woman that is into fitness. It takes up so much of my time these days that I think it would prevent me from having a serious relationship unless she was into it too.


That's an issue I have with my bf right now..he is not taking care of himself at all :(

Have you tried getting him to go with you?

Its tough to find a real fitness chick in NYC. Most girls I know are all party chicks that go out and get sloshed every night. That was fun a few years ago but If I settle down I need a chick that shares the same diet/training lifestyle. I would be totally cool if my girlfriend blew me off for a date if she had to go to the gym first.

Saturday & Sunday mornings, go to central park and you'll see hundreds if not thousands of young women jogging, that's a good place to meet some people interested in fitness even if it's just running. It'll be easier to get them to go to the gym with you if they're already into running.
Have you tried getting him to go with you?

Saturday & Sunday mornings, go to central park and you'll see hundreds if not thousands of young women jogging, that's a good place to meet some people interested in fitness even if it's just running. It'll be easier to get them to go to the gym with you if they're already into running.

I actually run the park on Saturdays and Sundays on my "off days" Yeah lots of hot chicks running but its pretty tough to just cold approach them.

Also couples that lift together, stay together.


My chick is def. more fit than me. Don't think I could be in a relationship with someone who didn't take fitness at least as serious as I do.
The answer should be a resounding no. By wrapping your knees you are helping your knee cap track properly as well as hold the entire joint stable eliminating pressure points within the joint that occurs during flexion.

A knee brace sleeve with a hole cut out for the knee cap would give similar benefit.

Good, because I feel Iike an idiot for not using them sooner.


Well I wanted to do progress post at the start of every month. However, it's almost the beginning of June, but I'm probably going to be busy this weekend. I decided to take a bunch of progress pics today.

I'm at a bit of a crossroads at this point. I don't feel like I want to cut any further. It could be in my mind, but the lose of my overall strength seems to be getting to me.

I'm just trying to decide if I should continue cutting or just level off a bit.

What say you, guys?








Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Monster Szu MONSTER! Fuck I'm envious. Incredible look on your back especially, goddamn fantastic! Envy!

I'd cut a little more. See how much you can make things POP. You're already poppin, might as well SNAP.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Hey even if you've taken a hit to your strength it doesn't look like it. Hoss Level Delta confirm.
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