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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Yeah keep cutting, looking great.

Hopefully hasn't been posted yet, interesting story of an experienced lifter going to prison for a few months and doing convict conditioning type routine combo with a cobbled together version of leangains. Resulted in him leaning out significantly and barely losing anything on his lifts after he got out.


Steroid Distributor
I suggest you guys find a girl that is a competitive athlete. Met my wife in college. We were both playing ball for the school. Once her college ball career was over she transitioned into the gym very easily. She fell in love with weight training right away.

I almost teared up a bit when I heard her telling our 11 yr old daughter about how important is it gain strength for the sports she plays. How she wishes she had known about strength training earlier in her playing days because it made the game so much easier.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
My chick is def. more fit than me. Don't think I could be in a relationship with someone who didn't take fitness at least as serious as I do.
Shit! As OCD as I am about weight training there wouldn't be many women to choose from if I applied your criteria.


There's a bunch of Brazilian women at my gym, one in particular that I find really attractive, the only thing that gives me pause is that they all speak Portuguese to each other. I'm not sure she speaks English and my Portuguese is improving but not good enough for that just yet.


^You just need to know 5 words bro.

Lookin' good, Szu!

Failed a rep on Squats and had to drop the bar for the first time in a long time. At least I didn't keel over and bang my head on the floor like before.


Shit! As OCD as I am about weight training there wouldn't be many women to choose from if I applied your criteria.

We are both probably on the same page when it comes to training in the gym. Her diet, however, is definitely more in check than mine. I still get sloppy with the bros. She doesn't drink, like ever.


^You just need to know 5 words bro.

Lookin' good, Szu!

Failed a rep on Squats and had to drop the bar for the first time in a long time. At least I didn't keel over and bang my head on the floor like before.
I fucked my knees up when I had to lower weight onto safety bars a couple weeks ago. Feels bad man.


Hey guys whats going on ...... Just thought I'd post in here, and maybe ask some questions about the starter routine.

Mainly the whole "Squats 3 days a week" thing.... not because I don't believe it works, but how the hell do you keep doing squats 3 days a week? 1 Day of heavy squatting destroys my legs and keeps me from walking for like 4 - 5 days (Not keeps me from walking, but stairs become a bad enemy); just wondering do you start 1 day a week and go up to 3 on squats?

I also wouldn't call myself a beginner in any way, I've been going to the gym since I was 19, and would call myself "knowledgable" in the gym as far as exercises; the problems I run into are my Triceps are super weak, along with a knee problem that might prevent the rest of my body from developing.

For example when I do a chest press it's never my chest that gives out, but rather its my triceps. I'm worried about this happening to my Legs, where I will eventually hit a point where the knee injury prevents the legs from improving.

I guess I'll post this here see what you guys say.

If you are going to request a routine or advice on a routine, please READ THE ENTIRE OP and then use this template:

Age: 28
Height: 5'9 1/2"
Weight: 231
Goal: My goal is to just get more toned out, and thinner, right now I have a gut and when I work out consistently my Arm's/Shoulders/Back get bigger but weight just does not come off me, the lowest I've got to after a month or 2 is like 222.

Current Training Schedule: None I stopped going during finals week of school (mid may) and am trying to get back the right way.
Current Training Equipment Available: Everything
I run into a psychological problem where I don't want to gain weight, but still want to build muscle, but don't want to become fatter.... I Just want to look fit and be able to take my shirt off without having man boobs, I've had them for years no matter what I do, and I hate it; I've never felt comfortable without a shirt on; ever.

btw I don't drink alcohol ever......


I will be going to the gym for the first time in my life on Monday. It's right next to my work, and I have always wanted to get into lifting.

Background ; Never done any sort of lifting. I used to weight 200lbs. I am 5'6"...so I was pretty much obese. Took 1.5 year and after doing a mix of P90X/Insanity, cycling to work and eating properly I am now around 136lbs.

Now I would like to get definition/tone and build lean muscle.

What beginner program do you guys recommend?
I loved Westside for Skinny bastards, but I had been going to the gym for a year in the past before taking a multi-year break.

I think a 2-day body split might be the best for a complete beginner, and then moving onto something like starting strength (also in the OP).

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
You start off with squats 3 days a week, but if you're already capable of squatting a decent amount (well above your bodyweight, pretty much) then the beginner routine might not be best for you. If you've got decent numbers on all your lifts, look into something like 5/3/1 or Texas Method - intermediate routines.

I will be going to the gym for the first time in my life on Monday. It's right next to my work, and I have always wanted to get into lifting.

Background ; Never done any sort of lifting. I used to weight 200lbs. I am 5'6"...so I was pretty much obese. Took 1.5 year and after doing a mix of P90X/Insanity, cycling to work and eating properly I am now around 136lbs.

Now I would like to get definition/tone and build lean muscle.

What beginner program do you guys recommend?

A starting strength variant, like in the OP.

I loved Westside for Skinny bastards, but I had been going to the gym for a year in the past before taking a multi-year break.

I think a 2-day body split might be the best for a complete beginner, and then moving onto something like starting strength (also in the OP).

Why? The less trained someone is, the more advantage they can take of high frequency compounds, especially squatting 3 days a week. Unless they're so de/untrained as to be physically incapable of performing the movements, delaying on starting a linear progression program is just wasting time.


Hey guys whats going on ...... Just thought I'd post in here, and maybe ask some questions about the starter routine.

Mainly the whole "Squats 3 days a week" thing.... not because I don't believe it works, but how the hell do you keep doing squats 3 days a week? 1 Day of heavy squatting destroys my legs and keeps me from walking for like 4 - 5 days (Not keeps me from walking, but stairs become a bad enemy); just wondering do you start 1 day a week and go up to 3 on squats?

The reason you are so sore after a day of heavy squats is because you probably sit on your ass/don't train them after that. The more you rest, the more sore you will be after training. Seriously, try squatting again when you're sore and I guarantee your legs will warm up and feel better after your first set.


Pre cut on top, post 8 weeks of low-carb cut and then 4 weeks of adjusting back to normal food (plus some 5/3/1 goodness) on the bottom. I should have taken pictures at the very end of the cut, but then that's not realistic anyway.

I'm not above cutting down to a six pack once in my life, getting a professional photoshoot done, framing that shit, and then #permabulking.

All in all, down 10 pounds, I can see the difference in the pics now that I look, but mainly my pants fit better. Good times.



For fun, January 2012 (4 months back in the gym, before my first bulk).



Pre cut on top, post 8 weeks of low-carb cut and then 4 weeks of adjusting back to normal food (plus some 5/3/1 goodness) on the bottom. I should have taken pictures at the very end of the cut, but then that's not realistic anyway.

I'm not above cutting down to a six pack once in my life, getting a professional photoshoot done, framing that shit, and then #permabulking.

All in all, down 10 pounds, I can see the difference in the pics now that I look, but mainly my pants fit better. Good times.

For fun, January 2012 (4 months back in the gym, before my first bulk).

Nice job man. Starting my cut late next week.


Pre cut on top, post 8 weeks of low-carb cut and then 4 weeks of adjusting back to normal food (plus some 5/3/1 goodness) on the bottom. I should have taken pictures at the very end of the cut, but then that's not realistic anyway.

I'm not above cutting down to a six pack once in my life, getting a professional photoshoot done, framing that shit, and then #permabulking.

All in all, down 10 pounds, I can see the difference in the pics now that I look, but mainly my pants fit better. Good times.

Good work, dude. I can really see some nice pop in those delts.


Looking Brolic dood. Dem arms are something else.

I say keep going. That being said, how much of a hit in strength have you taken?

Well, I decided to reduce the weight an increase the volume during my cut. My back, legs, and arms routines haven't suffered, but my chest and shoulders have taken a hit. I know there's probably more factors than just the cut.

I might be over-working them. It could be the sudden change in the weather. I'm not as young as I used to be. I just realized that this is my last summer cut while I'm in my 30's.

Just had my first workout day (Workout A) man my ass is sore.

Squat: 50kg
Benchpress: 30kg
Deadlift: 60kg.
Could barely make 5 pull ups :( but I'm working on it!

Have to work on my form in the other 3 too.


I have a question about training and painkillers.

I've been informed by a physical therapist that many painkillers have substances that inhibit muscle growth/repair. Taking ibuprofen for example ruins the days effort as it stops inflammation and other biological processes that are necessary for building up muscles.

Anyway, I have a migraine condition and the medicine I take for my headaches contains codein, acetylsalicylic acid and caffeine. I'm curios if the acetylsalicylic acid would have a similiar(bad) effect on recovery/muscle growth. Since I get the migraines a lot during some seasons it would feel kinda shitty if I've been crippling the efforts of my exercising by taking these medicines.
Well I wanted to do progress post at the start of every month. However, it's almost the beginning of June, but I'm probably going to be busy this weekend. I decided to take a bunch of progress pics today.

I'm at a bit of a crossroads at this point. I don't feel like I want to cut any further. It could be in my mind, but the lose of my overall strength seems to be getting to me.

I'm just trying to decide if I should continue cutting or just level off a bit.

What say you, guys?

What do you bench? Have you tried working on that chest?

The reason I ask is because our bodies seem really similar. I've got your build almost exactly like mine...my chest just being a little more defined and I'm guessing if you work your chest out as much as mine you've gotta be annoyed that its not pumping up as easily as our arms.

I got crossfit for a month for cheap just to see whats up. Went yesterday.

Real talk the chicks in there go hard as fuck. Straight up Wonder Woman bodies in there. Sexy as all hell.

As for the workouts I didn't see any of the crazy negative shit yet, but then again I'm not training for any type of crossfit games or anything. I'm sure if I hit that point they'll start making "suggestions" on my form just to get the weight up quicker. But I can't say I've seen that yet and the workout kicked my ass. Looking forward to another session on Monday.


What do you bench? Have you tried working on that chest?

The reason I ask is because our bodies seem really similar. I've got your build almost exactly like mine...my chest just being a little more defined and I'm guessing if you work your chest out as much as mine you've gotta be annoyed that its not pumping up as easily as our arms.

I got crossfit for a month for cheap just to see whats up. Went yesterday.

Real talk the chicks in there go hard as fuck. Straight up Wonder Woman bodies in there. Sexy as all hell.

As for the workouts I didn't see any of the crazy negative shit yet, but then again I'm not training for any type of crossfit games or anything. I'm sure if I hit that point they'll start making "suggestions" on my form just to get the weight up quicker. But I can't say I've seen that yet and the workout kicked my ass. Looking forward to another session on Monday.

I prefer to use DB for my chest workouts. My best was 110x5. For the cut, I dropped the weight to sets of 70x15. Compared to the rest of my body, my chest is my weakest area. I've never been able to get it to pump as much as I like, so I know the feeling.

Stupid arms taking all the glory.
Just had my first workout day (Workout A) man my ass is sore.

Squat: 50kg
Benchpress: 30kg
Deadlift: 60kg.
Could barely make 5 pull ups :( but I'm working on it!

Have to work on my form in the other 3 too.

That is the good pain though, if you know what I mean. Keep it going man.


Just had my first workout day (Workout A) man my ass is sore.

Squat: 50kg
Benchpress: 30kg
Deadlift: 60kg.
Could barely make 5 pull ups :( but I'm working on it!

Have to work on my form in the other 3 too.
Started off with similar weights as you, remember we are lucky with novice gains so don't be afraid to up the weights significantly more than you would expect. I started with 40 on the squats and just did 75 in only one week. Keep at it!


I feel like I am starting to plateau a bit with the program in OP. It was a bound to happen, should I just keep lifting at same weight until I can progress? Slowing progress around these lifts...

BP @ 185
Squat @ 200 (getting harder and harder to add lbs)
Overhead @ 100 (weak)

6' 185lbs.


Today is my last full day and I leave tomorrow morning :(

It will actually be kind of nice to get back on track with my diet. I'm a bit of a bloated mess between all the French toast and alcohol (seriously I've had French toast every morning)

Back to the grind Monday with my first day of 5/3/1 :)


Just did some HIIT on the bike using the 12 minutes format posted last page.

It was actually not that difficult but I assume that's because I haven't really ramped up the speed/intensity. Just taking it a bit easy and gonna build the intensity up as I do more sessions.

I'm thinking rowing or running is gonna be a lot harder than cycling.


I feel like I am starting to plateau a bit with the program in OP. It was a bound to happen, should I just keep lifting at same weight until I can progress? Slowing progress around these lifts...

BP @ 185
Squat @ 200 (getting harder and harder to add lbs)
Overhead @ 100 (weak)

6' 185lbs.

Eat more.

Seriously, you're underweight. Eat man.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I feel like I am starting to plateau a bit with the program in OP. It was a bound to happen, should I just keep lifting at same weight until I can progress? Slowing progress around these lifts...

BP @ 185
Squat @ 200 (getting harder and harder to add lbs)
Overhead @ 100 (weak)

6' 185lbs.

Eat MUCH more, and you should see a breakthrough.


I've been sticking to what I call my "high school workout" for the past month which is a split between day 1: chest, day 2: back and bi, and day: 3 of Shoulder and triceps and only doing one or two exercises per session but doing them for massive sets and I've had great results. Bench press went from 245x5 to 275x5 and OHP is now at 160x5.

Before anybody asks about legs, I do triathlon training and the constant running/swimming/cycling was killing me and squats would just ruin my runs (I'm 37, so cut me a break).

My question/observation is the huge difference in strength from OHP to Seated Press. 160x5 is a struggle for me on the OHP but I can kill 185x5 on the seated press without an issue. I know the OHP has more core involved but you would think you would be stronger from a seated position vs a standing.

One other thing, I really have to thank Alien for suggesting 5/3/1 and the associated videos. I don't really follow their routine, but it was great reading and the info on FORM was huge for me, especially on bench press. Decresaing the space from shoulder blades to ass has made bench much easier and more enjoyable.


Did a Warrior Dash today. It was only 3 miles but it was on the side of a ski resort. The hills were brutal and footing was non-existent, the obstacles were actually welcome reprieves. Took me 50 minutes.

Had a blast, can't wait to do it again.


Did a Warrior Dash today. It was only 3 miles but it was on the side of a ski resort. The hills were brutal and footing was non-existent, the obstacles were actually welcome reprieves. Took me 50 minutes.

Had a blast, can't wait to do it again.

was this in PA?


Gold Member
Szu, you look spectacular - I would be lucky to ever get to where you are at. My honest opinion is that you don't need to cut but bulk your pecs/chest - your hands and back are absolutely monstrous, and you are very lean so the best use of your time would be to balance your muscle mass, build up a killer chest to go with those Hulk arms.


For those who have done cuts, how much arm size is typically lost, if any? I'm feeling for fat on my arms and there's not much there, even though they don't look all that cut (yet).


For those who have done cuts, how much arm size is typically lost, if any? I'm feeling for fat on my arms and there's not much there, even though they don't look all that cut (yet).

Depends on where you body cuts fat first. Me particularly, arms are where I lose fat almost last. I've never felt that I lost any significant amount of arm muscle, but having them cut definitely makes them look better (I much more prefer to see the brachial artery than have it hidden in puffiness).


Depends on where you body cuts fat first. Me particularly, arms are where I lose fat almost last. I've never felt that I lost any significant amount of arm muscle, but having them cut definitely makes them look better (I much more prefer to see the brachial artery than have it hidden in puffiness).

somewhere in the last few months a vein appeared on my bicep, so i guess you could say things are getting pretty serious


Everybody is Mikkelsexual
Well, I decided that I want to spend this summer looking after myself.
Which translate into: I want to lose weight.
Now this thread seems to be more focused on gym, and I was planning to start by going to a swimming pool, and only later to the gym, but I guess that somebody could give me some advice anyway? If not nuke this post from orbit. :lol

So I currently weight 80kgs(Google is telling me that that's 176.37lbs more or less) and my BMI is 31.2 so I guess I'm mildly obese. So to get an average BMI(23.4) I should drop to something like 60kgs(132.28lbs).
All right maybe, all these calculation are just garbage, but still, I'd like to lose these 20kg and get to 60.
I was planning to start going to the pool(actually I started last month, but I got athlete's foot and I had to stop for two weeks <_<) 3 times a week, and then, maybe after 2 month start (just to get used to it) going to the gym.

Sooooo... Any useful advice?
I already never eat junk food (chips, fast food) and drink sodas because... Just eww.
My greatest problem, I think, it's that many times, when I come back from school I'm not really hungry and I end up eating around 3/4pm, and then againg at 9 for dinner.


Eat more.

Seriously, you're underweight. Eat man.

Eat MUCH more, and you should see a breakthrough.

How do you guys know just from that ? 185 is too light for 6 feet? I'm just nervous when it comes to eating since last time I tried to bulk I put on a lot of fat and I've been pretty fat in the past...218 was my fattest. Not great at sticking to a strict diet but I am getting better (adding veges and fruits/no fast food/processed snacks).
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