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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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How do you guys know just from that ? 185 is too light for 6 feet? I'm just nervous when it comes to eating since last time I tried to bulk I put on a lot of fat and I've been pretty fat in the past...218 was my fattest. Not great at sticking to a strict diet but I am getting better (adding veges and fruits/no fast food/processed snacks).

185 at 6 ft is def light for someone on SS. You should be gaining weight on the program. That's part of the design.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
How do you guys know just from that ? 185 is too light for 6 feet? I'm just nervous when it comes to eating since last time I tried to bulk I put on a lot of fat and I've been pretty fat in the past...218 was my fattest. Not great at sticking to a strict diet but I am getting better (adding veges and fruits/no fast food/processed snacks).

Were you lifting during this?


185 at 6 ft is def light for someone on SS. You should be gaining weight on the program. That's part of the design.

Doing SS, how strict do I have to be with food intake. Can I just eat a bunch of calories? Focus on getting tons of protein ? Or do I have to do some crazy (to me atleast) no pasta, no this no that, all veges and meat type deal.


Depends on where you body cuts fat first. Me particularly, arms are where I lose fat almost last. I've never felt that I lost any significant amount of arm muscle, but having them cut definitely makes them look better (I much more prefer to see the brachial artery than have it hidden in puffiness).

That's good to hear, my arms have good size and it took a ton of work to get there so losing any of that would be sad. I don't think I'll have the artery running down the middle of my arm, I've been as low as 12-14% before and didn't see it there even though I had visible abs.
Depends on where you body cuts fat first. Me particularly, arms are where I lose fat almost last. I've never felt that I lost any significant amount of arm muscle, but having them cut definitely makes them look better (I much more prefer to see the brachial artery than have it hidden in puffiness).

Yeah I'm the same way. Most of my fat though is in the stomach.

somewhere in the last few months a vein appeared on my bicep, so i guess you could say things are getting pretty serious


also, I wanted to post up this pic I took at H&M. Made me look jacked.

That is the good pain though, if you know what I mean. Keep it going man.

I chuckled and thanks! :)

Started off with similar weights as you, remember we are lucky with novice gains so don't be afraid to up the weights significantly more than you would expect. I started with 40 on the squats and just did 75 in only one week. Keep at it!

Okie-dokie. Duly noted. I'm planning to up all weights by 2,5 kg at the next workout.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
don't buy that shirt FE. The shirt looks good - ON YOU - but don't buy that.



185 at 6 ft is def light for someone on SS. You should be gaining weight on the program. That's part of the design.

I know that Rip and his followers say 200+ = real man, etc but when you're a novice running SS like that, once you cross 185 and clear 200 you're putting on a fair bit of fat. I know, I've been there. If your goals are aesthetic, it may be wise to slow down the progression a touch and keep that fat off your frame.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Shoulders are scrap...tried db press, stopped after warm ups, and then tried ohp garbage there too. Shoulders used to be a strong point now it's like I'm an old car breaking down piece by piece.

Try Db rows, some light lateral raises and pullups :/


Shoulders are scrap...tried db press, stopped after warm ups, and then tried ohp garbage there too. Shoulders used to be a strong point now it's like I'm an old car breaking down piece by piece.

Try Db rows, some light lateral raises and pullups :/

My right shoulder is exactly the same, my brain remembers it putting up 105-110# DBs, yet it's just not having that anymore. The highest I've been in 6 months is 75lbers, and that's what I used to warm up with. Such a shitty feeling, they look the part but the performance just isn't there anymore. They went from Ferrari to Fiero with a Ferrari body kit.


Brian Burke punched my mom
My right shoulder is exactly the same, my brain remembers it putting up 105-110# DBs, yet it's just not having that anymore. The highest I've been in 6 months is 75lbers, and that's what I used to warm up with. Such a shitty feeling, they look the part but the performance just isn't there anymore. They went from Ferrari to Fiero with a Ferrari body kit.

LOL that sounds about right.


Dammit, I love pullups and I wish I could do them but the doorways in my tiny pice of crap shack are too flimsy to hold my weight.

I don't even have a 6x6' section of free floor space. No room in my shack for barbells, no room in my car for tons of dumbbells, and an hour and a half's drive to the nearest gym. This blows. Guess I have to go with a body weight routine.


My right shoulder is exactly the same, my brain remembers it putting up 105-110# DBs, yet it's just not having that anymore. The highest I've been in 6 months is 75lbers, and that's what I used to warm up with. Such a shitty feeling, they look the part but the performance just isn't there anymore. They went from Ferrari to Fiero with a Ferrari body kit.
Your shoulder fucked from boxing?


Your shoulder fucked from boxing?

Upright rows, thanks to P90x of all things. I did a couple weeks of P90x back in late November and the day after I did upright rows (second time doing them in P90x) my shoulder popped while I was in bed. That's something that it had never done before, and it kept popping for a few days after.

It's 90-95% back but I still get some pains every once in awhile if I try to lift too heavy on OHP/DB press.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
I feel like I am starting to plateau a bit with the program in OP. It was a bound to happen, should I just keep lifting at same weight until I can progress? Slowing progress around these lifts...

BP @ 185
Squat @ 200 (getting harder and harder to add lbs)
Overhead @ 100 (weak)

6' 185lbs.

Eat more.

Seriously, you're underweight. Eat man.

In what world is 6ft 185 underweight? Without knowing the build of the person in question it's not something you can state outright. Of course, that's assuming a reasonable bf%.

jdavid, if you're deliberately holding back your intake due to worries from being overweight in the past, that could have a big impact, as SS requires a lot of fuel. You might not necessarily need to pack on a lot of extra weight (for reference, I got my squat to about 120kg and my dead to 150 doing a program that was basically SS, and the most I weighed was around 75kg at 6'2") but as the weights get heavier your body demands a lot of calories.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
My right shoulder is exactly the same, my brain remembers it putting up 105-110# DBs, yet it's just not having that anymore. The highest I've been in 6 months is 75lbers, and that's what I used to warm up with. Such a shitty feeling, they look the part but the performance just isn't there anymore. They went from Ferrari to Fiero with a Ferrari body kit.
Jesus! You were pressing 110s? What was your OHP? Two plus plates?
hope you bought that shirt brah, and in 3 different colours.

I actually think that shirt looks really nice, FE.

I did actually get that shirt. Only 5 bux! Why not haha.

Looking good FE! You definitely look jacked in that, makes your arms look huge!

Thanks. The lighting in that store is fantastic haha.

don't buy that shirt FE. The shirt looks good - ON YOU - but don't buy that.


too late brah! <3


On that note, time to get my Szu and Cooter on and post my 2 month progress pics.

Approx 228 lbs @ ~12% bf. I think I look leaner IRL as opposed to these pictures but hey, it is what it is. Really have like no vascularity at all. No veins ;_;

Have 5 1/2 weeks to lose around 5 lbs which by my estimation would put be at 10%. These are just guesses though. Cardio starts tomorrow. HIIT. Let's goooooooooooooooooo.


Good shit edge, I actually wish I had more pics from my bulk to juxtapose to my end result in cut.

Ate pretty good at my boys BBQ. I'm vascular as fuck right now. Dat sodium/water manipulation.

Upright rows, thanks to P90x of all things. I did a couple weeks of P90x back in late November and the day after I did upright rows (second time doing them in P90x) my shoulder popped while I was in bed. That's something that it had never done before, and it kept popping for a few days after.

It's 90-95% back but I still get some pains every once in awhile if I try to lift too heavy on OHP/DB press.
Damn that sucks. I was watching the Elliot hulse video on a subscriber having shoulder issues due to boxing and thought it might be the same case with you. I'm hesitant to do much more insanity at the moment since that shit is terrible for your knees especially for bigger guys.
Going to look extremely small compared to Edge and Szu but here goes: (100% cold, no pump, just ate a bunch of food and drank a bunch of iced tea)





But considering 10 months ago I weighed 205lbs of pure fat, I'm extremely happy with where I'm at (currently sitting at 5'10 175 10-11ish % body fat).

Edge, I think I look much leaner IRL too, like my oblique's and the V of my lower abs stick out like crazy, but it's hard to find good lighting for a picture.


Jesus! You were pressing 110s? What was your OHP? Two plus plates?

I got up 235 once, but I was around 240lbs at the time. I found DB press a lot easier than OHP to be honest, I could rep 105s x 8, but couldn't rep the bar as many times with the same weight.

Damn that sucks. I was watching the Elliot hulse video on a subscriber having shoulder issues due to boxing and thought it might be the same case with you. I'm hesitant to do much more insanity at the moment since that shit is terrible for your knees especially for bigger guys.

I've been able to work around it and luckily my shoulders have good development, boxing has actually helped my shoulder lately. Are you doing the entire insanity program or just pieces of it?


Mirin that back dark stark

I got up 235 once, but I was around 240lbs at the time. I found DB press a lot easier than OHP to be honest, I could rep 105s x 8, but couldn't rep the bar as many times with the same weight.

I've been able to work around it and luckily my shoulders have good development, boxing has actually helped my shoulder lately. Are you doing the entire insanity program or just pieces of it?
I did the entire program last year, and noticed clicking in my knee when walking upstairs so I do it less and less. I typically might just do the cardio vid or something whenever I feel like it.


I know that Rip and his followers say 200+ = real man, etc but when you're a novice running SS like that, once you cross 185 and clear 200 you're putting on a fair bit of fat. I know, I've been there. If your goals are aesthetic, it may be wise to slow down the progression a touch and keep that fat off your frame.

Any tips on how to avoid the fat but to keep progressing?


Mirin that back dark stark

I did the entire program last year, and noticed clicking in my knee when walking upstairs so I do it less and less. I typically might just do the cardio vid or something whenever I feel like it.

Damn that sucks about your knee, I've honestly never done anything other than Cardio and Insane abs, always felt like the strength portion of P90x is much better while the cardio stuff in Insanity is better.


Szu, you look spectacular - I would be lucky to ever get to where you are at. My honest opinion is that you don't need to cut but bulk your pecs/chest - your hands and back are absolutely monstrous, and you are very lean so the best use of your time would be to balance your muscle mass, build up a killer chest to go with those Hulk arms.

Thanks, I'll try to switch my some of my routines to hit the chest. Maybe even add an additional chest day.

Nice progress, Falling!!!


I know that Rip and his followers say 200+ = real man, etc but when you're a novice running SS like that, once you cross 185 and clear 200 you're putting on a fair bit of fat. I know, I've been there. If your goals are aesthetic, it may be wise to slow down the progression a touch and keep that fat off your frame.

This isn't a "rip and his followers" thing, this is the fact that a 6' tall male is stalling on SS well before he should be, and the most likely issue is not eating enough.

Any tips on how to avoid the fat but to keep progressing?

None that you're going to want to hear, because they involve the type of diet micromanaging you aren't interested in.


Any tips on how to avoid the fat but to keep progressing?

What I did was to eat no more than required to recover. If I stalled, I'd increase calories slightly, maybe even just one extra meal the day before my workout. Having high protein and sleep on point was key. In the end, a huge amount of willpower was required for me to continue progressing but ss is not an easy program. You will probably stall and reset a bit more bulking up slowly than you will cramming in food; your call on whether you want to deal with that or not!
This is anecdotal but I did not need to stuff my face with food to make steady gains in SS, I even kept adding weight to the bar on slight deficits sometimes. Though my protein intake was high and sleep was sufficient.

Absolutely amazing program that 1 year later I still get back to to squeeze the linear progression gains. I love the gym as much as the next person, but now I look forward to those rest days and especially the weekend rest as much if not more than the workouts lol.
God my appetite has risen exponentially recently and during the previous month when I was swimming 3 times a week. Its like I'm eating for 3 people these days lol.

And I'm passing gas constantly :p

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Man I love Sunday mornings for the gym. So serene, so few people.

My OHP numbers are depressing me too. I understand I'm not supposed to be putting up the numbers I do on my bench, but man, OHP makes me feel like a weenie.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Yeah, it can get real bad. Real heavy chins gave me wrist, elbow, and shoulder pain. Once I backed off a bit (and started taking remicade) my joint pain went away.

Next week I'm finishing at 100 for weighted pull ups. I don't usually do chin ups. I can see how heavy weight chins would cause wrist and elbow pain but I'd think pull ups would be easier on your joints? No?


Man I love Sunday mornings for the gym. So serene, so few people.

My OHP numbers are depressing me too. I understand I'm not supposed to be putting up the numbers I do on my bench, but man, OHP makes me feel like a weenie.

Went at 11:40am myself. Slow and had the run of whatever equipment I wanted. After squeezing most of my workouts into 40 minutes of lunch hour these days, it's nice to "relax" and take my time.

OHP is going to be a slow go of it. Have you considered getting tiny weights to microload with?


I'd really hate to see what my workout routine would look like if I were on roids, everytime I feel like I'm almost done with my workout I think of just one more thing I can do.

Completely unrelated to that, anyone do static holds for their abs? I've been doing planks at home, and started doing 10 reps of 10 second holds in all the ab crunch machines at the gym.
I'd really hate to see what my workout routine would look like if I were on roids, everytime I feel like I'm almost done with my workout I think of just one more thing I can do.

lol. yo I thought the same thing yesterday. I was like, I will do this then this then this... oh and this!


Guys, I don't think I can do this. I was about to go out for my very first day, and then I started watching YouTube videos on how to do squats, deadlifts, and such, and I just don't think I can do it. It looks so hard to do it right without an expert nearby, and I have no one to go with to check my form and make sure I'm doing it right and....I dunno....I'm starting to think a personal trainer might be best to ask how to do these exercises properly, just for a week or two.

I also might be moving in a couple weeks to another city depending on how an interview goes this Friday....so...I don't know if this is the right time. I need to focus on nailing this interview. Just wanted to vent to you guys...


Szu, Dark and Edge all looking huuuuuuge. Nice job guys.


I'm at the airport in Jamaica waiting to board :(. I'll miss this place but I'm excited to get back on track tomorrow.


Guys, I don't think I can do this. I was about to go out for my very first day, and then I started watching YouTube videos on how to do squats, deadlifts, and such, and I just don't think I can do it. It looks so hard to do it right without an expert nearby, and I have no one to go with to check my form and make sure I'm doing it right and....I dunno....I'm starting to think a personal trainer might be best to ask how to do these exercises properly, just for a week or two.

I also might be moving in a couple weeks to another city depending on how an interview goes this Friday....so...I don't know if this is the right time. I need to focus on nailing this interview. Just wanted to vent to you guys...

No no no no. You can do this. You don't need an expert. The lifts need to be learned, don't expect to just do them without practice right away


No no no no. You can do this. You don't need an expert. The lifts need to be learned, don't expect to just do them without practice right away

The only part I agree with is not signing a long term gym contract, because they are a real pain to break.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Guys, I don't think I can do this. I was about to go out for my very first day, and then I started watching YouTube videos on how to do squats, deadlifts, and such, and I just don't think I can do it. It looks so hard to do it right without an expert nearby, and I have no one to go with to check my form and make sure I'm doing it right and....I dunno....I'm starting to think a personal trainer might be best to ask how to do these exercises properly, just for a week or two.

I also might be moving in a couple weeks to another city depending on how an interview goes this Friday....so...I don't know if this is the right time. I need to focus on nailing this interview. Just wanted to vent to you guys...

Don't make excuses for it - just get your ass in there and try it. Fix it as you go if you need fixing. I can tell you just the fact that you're watching video on how to do it right means you'll be doing it better and more properly than 90% of people in gyms. You're going in there, armed with knowledge and sense. That's a great thing.

Went at 11:40am myself. Slow and had the run of whatever equipment I wanted. After squeezing most of my workouts into 40 minutes of lunch hour these days, it's nice to "relax" and take my time.

OHP is going to be a slow go of it. Have you considered getting tiny weights to microload with?

Yeah, I've considered it but just moving up in 10 lb increments is just brutal. I'm on the cusp of failure on OHP, but I know it's a long road, so I might slow down on the progression.
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