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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Yeah I'm not ordering protein from True Nutrition. It would only be worthwhile if you ordered a large amount. I was wanting to order a few pounds of whey to see if I liked it. They were going to charge me over $20 for shipping 3 pounds of whey protein. So I would have spent $20 to ship $21 worth of whey. And that was the cheap option. Express mail was $55.

that feel when that's what it would cost to get that much whey off the shelf in canada..


All that food for a week must have paid off! Crushed my first workout of 5/3/1 OHP.

Got 10 reps at 105 (a new rep PR).


What's the deal with heating up whey protein? It denatures them, right? Is this worse than non-denatured protein?

I don't know enough to draw a conclusion. I know we denature the proteins in meats when we cook them and that still turns out fine, so what's up?

EDIT: I think I felt the first high rep "burn" while doing face pulls today. Slow as fuck contractions with scapulas pulled together. Feelsgoodman.gif
So after reading and speaking to some friends about time under tension, I'm going to incorporate them in my assistance sets. Going to have to lower the weight but am pretty excited to get them in.

Tomorrow can't come soon enough.

@Sean: nice!
Is that other thread trying to troll FitnessGAF? I didn't lose much bodyweight but this thread here helped me see FAR better shape than I ever was.


Gold Member
Is that other thread trying to troll FitnessGAF? I didn't lose much bodyweight but this thread here helped me see FAR better shape than I ever was.

I don't really get it, I mean Weight Loss Before/After thread is really very good, I come to it almost as often as here.

It seems that after both were moved to Community these dumb threads have started to pop up. There was just one last week started by a member who figured he would diet by stopping all eating, save for a glass of juice to keep his vitals going.

Doesn't bother me much, after everything went OT Community I rarely go OT proper these days.


Anything involving fitness in OT is usually very misinformed and maddening to people who stay active. Best to avoid.
Count EVERYTHING. Seriously.

This man speaks the truth, don't buy into the "you don't have to count" stuff with any diet.

Speaking of counting! Today marked 4 weeks on a PSMF (protein sparing modified fast), specifically Lyle McDonald's Rapid Fat Loss Handbook. The results so far:

5/6 - 192.5
6/3 - 178.5 (danielbryan.gif)
Strength - Mostly maintained, a few reps dropped over the month (some of which I blame on getting colds twice) but the weight is still on the bar.

Now obviously like 5 pounds of that is water/stored carbs as evidenced by my dropping about 5 lbs in the first 3 days.

I plan to continue for another couple of weeks, take a 2 week maintenance break (which is part of the diet) then either do another month stint or switch to a more moderate deficit and reincorporate carbs and cardio. Or possibly just go straight to the moderate diet. Definitely happy with the results thus far though and if you're considering a PSMF I highly recommend getting Lyle's book.
And don't pirate it because only the first edition is out there and he changed some things up in the second. Pony up.
This man speaks the truth, don't buy into the "you don't have to count" stuff with any diet.

Speaking of counting! Today marked 4 weeks on a PSMF (protein sparing modified fast), specifically Lyle McDonald's Rapid Fat Loss Handbook. The results so far:

5/6 - 192.5
6/3 - 178.5 (danielbryan.gif)
Strength - Mostly maintained, a few reps dropped over the month (some of which I blame on getting colds twice) but the weight is still on the bar.

Now obviously like 5 pounds of that is water/stored carbs as evidenced by my dropping about 5 lbs in the first 3 days.

I plan to continue for another couple of weeks, take a 2 week maintenance break (which is part of the diet) then either do another month stint or switch to a more moderate deficit and reincorporate carbs and cardio. Or possibly just go straight to the moderate diet. Definitely happy with the results thus far though and if you're considering a PSMF I highly recommend getting Lyle's book.
And don't pirate it because only the first edition is out there and he changed some things up in the second. Pony up.

4 weeks! god damn. I was thinking of doing it for like 12 days. Have it end on 4th of July.

Pics of progress?

gj btw.


that feel when that's what it would cost to get that much whey off the shelf in canada..

That's the normal price in the US too, but the issue was that the shipping was as much as the protein. The appeal of this protein was the price, but it's all negated by charging 4 times as much as they should to ship it.

That diet thread is something else.


Gold Member
Took these bad boys into use today. I got them because my legs are really long (I'm 6 feet 2), or more specifically, the part of my leg above my knee is really long, and these are said to help in squatting. Definitely got a better range and stability in my squats today, and managed to activate my glutes.



More recipe sites, if people want them.

http://www.proteinpow.com/ - I made a batch of the protein powder brownies yesterday (http://www.proteinpow.com/2012/08/the-best-low-carb-protein-brownies-in.html); really, really good.

http://www.epicureanbb.com/ - I'm making the slow cooked beef rendang tomorrow (http://www.epicureanbb.com/post/31722727273/slow-cooked-rest-day-beef-rendang); can't wait to give it a go.

http://michaelkoryfitness.blogspot.com/ - I haven't tried any of this guys recipes, but people on Reddit seem to like his stuff.
4 weeks! god damn. I was thinking of doing it for like 12 days. Have it end on 4th of July.

After pics will be snapped at the end :). Actually I'm gonna be visiting the rents the week of the 4th so being in maintenance mode a little before will make the influx of hearty italian dishes have less of an impact hopefully. Some of the really fat people are nuts, they do it for 2-3 months on end before switching to maintenance for 2 weeks as prescribed in the book. Then they do another round! All it takes is a will of iron.

According to the book you can get away with up to 6 weeks if you're between 16-25% BF (I fell right in the middle) and no more than 11 days if you're 15% or under with it generally being recommended that you be patient and go with a more moderate diet if you're that lean already. Goal for workouts are to keep the intensity (weight) steady, drop volume, and pare it back to mostly the basics.

TBH you can piece most of it together from Lyle's articles and the forums but I went ahead and got the book anyway. It was mostly validation that I'm doing everything right.

Also I've been doing an EC stack the whole time and to my great disappointment I have not once felt like an ox snorting crystal meth.


Junior Member
Took these bad boys into use today. I got them because my legs are really long (I'm 6 feet 2), or more specifically, the part of my leg above my knee is really long, and these are said to help in squatting. Definitely got a better range and stability in my squats today, and managed to activate my glutes.


I love the way the Adistars look.


Are you able to do farmers' walks? They provide a decent grip strength boost.

Hmm, doubt that. I had to look it up and I've never seen any of those handles in the gym. Nor seen them for sale.

Don't use straps just yet. First try to work on your grip and see if you can make it better. But ditch the gloves.

Use chalk because it helps with your grip and prevents callouses somewhat.

Use pants when deadlifting to avoid shin damage.

Why is everyone saying ditch the gloves? Is it bad to wear them? Not enough grip because of them?
Since I am a girl and haven't really lifted for that long, my hands are very weak. Also my wrist start to hurt since I can lift more than my wrists are used to.
And yeah, learned my lesson. Shins always protected after my first day ended up me being a bloody mess without even noticing.

Deadlifts with each hand on different grip is not a good idea, right?

On another note, some dude complimented me on my good form today. Yay me!


Why is everyone saying ditch the gloves? Is it bad to wear them? Not enough grip because of them?
Since I am a girl and haven't really lifted for that long, my hands are very weak. Also my wrist start to hurt since I can lift more than my wrists are used to.
And yeah, learned my lesson. Shins always protected after my first day ended up me being a bloody mess without even noticing.

Deadlifts with each hand on different grip is not a good idea, right?

On another note, some dude complimented me on my good form today. Yay me!

mixed grip for heavy deads is totally fine, though you aren't there yet.

gloves are going to stop your grip from developing properly. long-term they do you no favors.


Hmm, doubt that. I had to look it up and I've never seen any of those handles in the gym. Nor seen them for sale.

Why is everyone saying ditch the gloves? Is it bad to wear them? Not enough grip because of them?
Since I am a girl and haven't really lifted for that long, my hands are very weak. Also my wrist start to hurt since I can lift more than my wrists are used to.
And yeah, learned my lesson. Shins always protected after my first day ended up me being a bloody mess without even noticing.

Deadlifts with each hand on different grip is not a good idea, right?

On another note, some dude complimented me on my good form today. Yay me!

For farmers walks just pick up some dumbbes and walk!



What's the deal with heating up whey protein? It denatures them, right? Is this worse than non-denatured protein?

I don't know enough to draw a conclusion. I know we denature the proteins in meats when we cook them and that still turns out fine, so what's up?

EDIT: I think I felt the first high rep "burn" while doing face pulls today. Slow as fuck contractions with scapulas pulled together. Feelsgoodman.gif
You need to denature the protein in order to absorb it. Cooking, chewing, stomach acids are all apart of this process.


Yea, ditch the gloves. There will come a time where it feels awkward while doing an exercise (pull-ups and clean jerks for me) and when you take them off it will suck.

I was looking for advice. So I decided, for the first time in a while, to not take any protein supplements or pre-workout supplements. I'm fine without the pre-workout supplements, and I have been trying to make up for the lack of protein by eating more chicken and salmon (and Carbs for energy). But damn, after a hard lifting day my body in the morning is sooooore. I haven't felt like this in a few months. Is that just not enough protein? Should I ramp up the protein intake?


Yea, ditch the gloves. There will come a time where it feels awkward while doing an exercise (pull-ups and clean jerks for me) and when you take them off it will suck.

I was looking for advice. So I decided, for the first time in a while, to not take any protein supplements or pre-workout supplements. I'm fine without the pre-workout supplements, and I have been trying to make up for the lack of protein by eating more chicken and salmon (and Carbs for energy). But damn, after a hard lifting day my body in the morning is sooooore. I haven't felt like this in a few months. Is that just not enough protein? Should I ramp up the protein intake?

My gut reaction is it is in your head, as I don't see how not taking a shake would have this effect at all.


Guise gonna share sumten yummy I picked up at Safeway the other day:


10 grams of protein per serving, and they are damn tasty. They were on sale too, ~$2 for a box of em.

I've had the Kashi waffles in the past. These are better.

I use em to make my healthy take on chicken and waffles. Dem waffles + rotisserie chicken = good shit


Uploaded the pictures of my honeymoon. Here are some of my favorites :)

jeez how did this ugly motherfucker pull that lady?

you of course know I am kidding as one of your biggest fans here. looks like all the work to be ready for your honeymoon paid off, as you both look fuckawesome. seriously. big props man. *bro fistbump*

don't get cocky! keep at it!


How can I reduce my rest periods? It seems that I have to rest 2-3 minutes for most instances when I train :\

2-3 minutes between what? Lifting sets?

If you are physically incapable of moving onto the next set because you feel like you need rest, I wouldn't push yourself to ignore what your body is telling you.

If you feel like you are being limited by your cardiovascular health, I'd work on that.

I started focusing on my cardio several months ago and I find that my cardiovascular stamina translates over to when I lift weighs. Just feels like my heart can handle more intense lifting sessions.

Just my 2 cents.


Nice pictures man! Looking swole.

looking swole as shit dude. nice work.

jeez how did this ugly motherfucker pull that lady?

you of course know I am kidding as one of your biggest fans here. looks like all the work to be ready for your honeymoon paid off, as you both look fuckawesome. seriously. big props man. *bro fistbump*

don't get cocky! keep at it!

Ah you guys are way to kind, thank you :)

And don't worry, Petrie. I plan on looking significantly better in 6 months for a cruise we have planned for my sisters 18th birthday.

Time to kick the shit out of 5/3/1 and add in more intense conditioning :)


Steroid Distributor
Hmm, so it's totally ok to cook with whey? It won't reduce amount of protein or effectiveness?

It's a loaded question.

Will you still have protein in the finished cooked product? Yes.
Will the amount and quality of protein stay the same as before it was heated? No.

Once it reaches 70 degrees Celsius some of the amino acids start to break down rapidly. I believe it's the lysine that breaks down first. What it really means is you destroy some of the benefits of purchasing whey protein.
Whey is filtered using very low heat to keep the high bioavailability of the amino acids. Whey protein is a complete protein as well. Meaning it has the full amino acid structure.

Heating it breaks down some of the individual aminos and changes its biological value.
Sean your wife is hot! And your chest is looking huge! Looks like you guys had a great time.

As promised my numbers from my first month on the OP routine. Not 1RM but my 5 rep working set numbers.

Day 1/Day 30
Squat = 155/225
Deadlift = 175/275
Bench = 115/140
OHP = 85/105
Power Clean = 105/130

Trainer at the gym stopped by while I was warming up my deads and said it looked like I was slimming up and said he could see cuts in my shoulders coming through my shirt. Deadlifts went up like there were two marshmellows on the ends of the bar after that.


It's a loaded question.

Will you still have protein in the finished cooked product? Yes.
Will the amount and quality of protein stay the same as before it was heated? No.

Once it reaches 70 degrees Celsius some of the amino acids start to break down rapidly. I believe it's the lysine that breaks down first. What it really means is you destroy some of the benefits of purchasing whey protein.
Whey is filtered using very low heat to keep the high bioavailability of the amino acids. Whey protein is a complete protein as well. Meaning it has the full amino acid structure.

Heating it breaks down some of the individual aminos and changes its biological value.

Ahh, that's what I read around the internets as well. Thanks for the info again!

Fuck it, i'll stick to non cooked whey.

EDIT: Shit, those links look tasty. ;_;

Sean your wife is hot! And your chest is looking huge! Looks like you guys had a great time.

As promised my numbers from my first month on the OP routine. Not 1RM but my 5 rep working set numbers.

Day 1/Day 30
Squat = 155/225
Deadlift = 175/275
Bench = 115/140
OHP = 85/105
Power Clean = 105/130

Trainer at the gym stopped by while I was warming up my deads and said it looked like I was slimming up and said he could see cuts in my shoulders coming through my shirt. Deadlifts went up like there were two marshmellows on the ends of the bar after that.

Dude, those numbers went up quick. Nice work.


Ahh, that's what I read around the internets as well. Thanks for the info again!

Fuck it, i'll stick to non cooked whey.

EDIT: Shit, those links look tasty. ;_;

Dude, those numbers went up quick. Nice work.

I'd trust Layne Norton. Bodybuilder/powerlifter with his PHD in Protein Metabolism

"proteins are long chains of amino acids that are linked together by peptide bonds. Each protein folds into it's own natural 'conformational' shape depending upon the sequence of the amino acids contained within it. Heat and acid will both denature proteins which means they will unfold from this conformational state. However, this does not 'destroy' the protein, it simply causes it to unfold. The amino acids remain intact and are still available. Just to make my point that it does not matter if you denature a protein, look at what happens during digestion. Proteins are exposed to concentrated acid in the stomach (6 Molar Hydrochloric Acid) which will denature almost ANY protein. In the small intestine the denatured protein is then cleaved into individual amino acids, di, and tri-peptides. So as you can see, denaturation is a natural part of digestion and in the end it really doesn't matter anyway if you denature a protein because it ends up being cleaved anyway."
FitnessGAF. I am feeling exceptionally sexy today. Maybe it's the heat that's getting to my head. Maybe it's the sweat glistening and whatnot. The stars could have aligned, but the sun is still up so I couldn't really tell you. Today is a wonderful day.

Also Sean your wife is drinking one hell of a tasty looking beer.


Been lurking the fitness thread for a lil' bit and been looking for tips on bulking up. Not really looking to be super-buff, just reasonably-sized and not as skinny as I am now.

- 19 yo.
- 140 lbs
- Around 6"1, been awhile since i checked.

I've heard about the GOMAD diet but I seem to be lactose intolerant and lactose-free milk is expensive as fuck. Over on Reddit's r/fitness, they said that protein shakes can work well with gaining healthy weight but every shake I've tried tastes like dry bland crap. Any tips?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
FitnessGAF. I am feeling exceptionally sexy today. Maybe it's the heat that's getting to my head. Maybe it's the sweat glistening and whatnot. The stars could have aligned, but the sun is still up so I couldn't really tell you. Today is a wonderful day.

Also Sean your wife is drinking one hell of a tasty looking beer.

Enjoy these days, the Fat Days need to be balanced out :p


Been lurking the fitness thread for a lil' bit and been looking for tips on bulking up. Not really looking to be super-buff, just reasonably-sized and not as skinny as I am now.

- 19 yo.
- 140 lbs
- Around 6"1, been awhile since i checked.

I've heard about the GOMAD diet but I seem to be lactose intolerant and lactose-free milk is expensive as fuck. Over on Reddit's r/fitness, they said that protein shakes can work well with gaining healthy weight but every shake I've tried tastes like dry bland crap. Any tips?

6'1, 140? Eat. Eat everything. Lift and eat and eat and eat and lift and eat. Follow the routine in the OP and eat. You will not "bulk up" and get huge, trust me.
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