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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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I loathe them as well. Mostly because I can't assume the proper position with my arms and so I have to resort to the 'genie pose' which on higher weights is uncomfortable as hell.

They just kick my ass more than any other workout. Even doing something like 3x10 @ 155 just wrecks me.

Be just like Arnold this summer. CAN'T WAIT.


Speaking of calves, I think I have bad genetics for them. They are short and high and I have small ankles. They aren't that small from the front but they look tiny from the side. My current routine for calves is 5x5 twice a week. I'm thinking of also adding some sprints and jump rope HIIT. Do you guys think that might help my calves grow or will that be overtraining?


So, I have two job interviews next week. One, on Tuesday, is for an entry level position in a call center. Close to 13 an hour, plus benefits. Not too bad.

However, on Thursday, I'm sitting down with a Navy recruiter. I'm both young enough and fit enough to pass all qualifications for Special Warfare (SEAL, SWCC, etc.). We'll see how it goes, but passing the ASVAB with flying colors won't be too bad.

Also, on the plate, is a private/public outside electrician position, complete with a four year paid apprenticeship. So, some office work, military work, and outside work. We'll see how it all goes. Anything is better than fucking lying for a living.


So, I have two job interviews next week. One, on Tuesday, is for an entry level position in a call center. Close to 13 an hour, plus benefits. Not too bad.

However, on Thursday, I'm sitting down with a Navy recruiter. I'm both young enough and fit enough to pass all qualifications for Special Warfare (SEAL, SWCC, etc.). We'll see how it goes, but passing the ASVAB with flying colors won't be too bad.

Also, on the plate, is a private/public outside electrician position, complete with a four year paid apprenticeship. So, some office work, military work, and outside work. We'll see how it all goes. Anything is better than fucking lying for a living.

Really? Don't like, a very, very small percentage of people actually make it through BUDS training? Not trying to take away your thunder or anything, but straight up saying "I'm fit enough to pass SEAL training" is kind of funny. Far as I know, people drop out because of mental exhaustion way before physical exhaustion.

Regardless, good luck on all fronts.
I know in an older thread there was a book being linked about food. Something along the lines of "not all calories are created equal". Anyone remember this book or one like it?
Rotator cuff work yesterday + OHP / dips & pull-up supersets today = noodly arm

Really? Don't like, a very, very small percentage of people actually make it through BUDS training? Not trying to take away your thunder or anything, but straight up saying "I'm fit enough to pass SEAL training" is kind of funny. Far as I know, people drop out because of mental exhaustion way before physical exhaustion.

If he's sitting with a recruiter I think he must mean the basic requirements to get INTO the program and start training to BECOME a SEAL or whatever he's aiming for. Like with the marines, you need a minimum of 3 pull-ups + 50 crunches + ??? minute 3-mile run.


Really? Don't like, a very, very small percentage of people actually make it through BUDS training? Not trying to take away your thunder or anything, but straight up saying "I'm fit enough to pass SEAL training" is kind of funny. Far as I know, people drop out because of mental exhaustion way before physical exhaustion.

Regardless, good luck on all fronts.

a lot of people are fit enough to get into the seals or w/e special program, but it's the toughness factor a lot of people lack.

I'm guessing.


So pumped right now.

3rd week of this cycle of 5/3/1, bench day. Going for 230 on my final set. Determined to get my 1 rep. Decide I'm not going to ask for a spot and give myself an out. First rep is easier than I think, so I go for a 2nd. Tough, but I feel like I've got one more in me. Took about 10 seconds to push througH, but damnit I got that 230x3, and at least another cycle or 2 of progress.

Fuck yea GAF,


So pumped right now.

3rd week of this cycle of 5/3/1, bench day. Going for 230 on my final set. Determined to get my 1 rep. Decide I'm not going to ask for a spot and give myself an out. First rep is easier than I think, so I go for a 2nd. Tough, but I feel like I've got one more in me. Took about 10 seconds to push througH, but damnit I got that 230x3, and at least another cycle or 2 of progress.

Fuck yea GAF,

You didn't just break the PR you smashed it
Way to go, buddy!


You didn't just break the PR you smashed it
Way to go, buddy!

Thanks man.

Everything else I'm doing today feels easy now. 15 dips when 12 has been a problem, etc, etc. Amazing what pushing through one lift can do man.

Now I need to improve my squats before you pass by me!


So pumped right now.

3rd week of this cycle of 5/3/1, bench day. Going for 230 on my final set. Determined to get my 1 rep. Decide I'm not going to ask for a spot and give myself an out. First rep is easier than I think, so I go for a 2nd. Tough, but I feel like I've got one more in me. Took about 10 seconds to push througH, but damnit I got that 230x3, and at least another cycle or 2 of progress.

Fuck yea GAF,

Nice great effort. Sounds like you had a really good day.


So pumped right now.

3rd week of this cycle of 5/3/1, bench day. Going for 230 on my final set. Determined to get my 1 rep. Decide I'm not going to ask for a spot and give myself an out. First rep is easier than I think, so I go for a 2nd. Tough, but I feel like I've got one more in me. Took about 10 seconds to push througH, but damnit I got that 230x3, and at least another cycle or 2 of progress.

Fuck yea GAF,

Good work man...I'll try that next week.


Nice great effort. Sounds like you had a really good day.

Chest day is best day!

Or so the hostesses at work have taken to saying when I come in, arms and chest really coming along I suppose!

Thank though, appreciate the support! Been awhile since I've had much good happen at the gym, especially during this cut. Injuries be damned!

Good work man...I'll try that next week.

Good luck man! I forgot you're at the same point essentially, I've gotta keep pace!


Now I need to improve my squats before you pass by me!

Better keep pace ;)

315 squat, 405 dead this summer or bust!

Chest day is best day!

Or so the hostesses at work have taken to saying when I come in, arms and chest really coming along I suppose

The random comments are the best. I've also noticed a lot more of the up down looks from random people. In the gym I have falling edge syndrome and feel small, but I guess we're all beasts compared to most of the people out there. A lot of guys can't even fill out the arms on their shirts ;)


Better keep pace ;)

315 squat, 405 dead this summer or bust!

The random comments are the best. I've also noticed a lot more of the up down looks from random people. In the gym I have falling edge syndrome and feel small, but I guess we're all beasts compared to most of the people out there. A lot of guys can't even fill out the arms on their shirts ;)

Such a mini confidence booster when I go to fist bump one of the girls at work and she grabs the other 2 and goes "do that again" and is like "look at his biceps".

Feels good mang!

We'll see if I can keep pushing PRs while cutting though!


Do you have trouble getting your fingers under the bar while holding your elbows up high? I'm not partial to that myself.

When are you participating in the Spartan Race? I have a Warrior Dash in July. Also took that over the Tough Mudder.

In June.

I loathe them as well. Mostly because I can't assume the proper position with my arms and so I have to resort to the 'genie pose' which on higher weights is uncomfortable as hell.

Yeah that is my exact problem.

I really want to do a Spartan Race. Tough Mudders are cake. Let me know how it goes.

Spartan Sprint to be accurate. It's gonna be cake, but I rather not overreach. I also do heavy weight training 3x a week.
They just kick my ass more than any other workout. Even doing something like 3x10 @ 155 just wrecks me.

Me too. Its definitely one of those workouts that completely saps you of strength. Its one of the few workouts that I have a hard time doing high reps. I just want it to be over with.

In June.

Spartan Sprint to be accurate. It's gonna be cake, but I rather not overreach. I also do heavy weight training 3x a week.

With your current regimen that seems smart.


Photo from 10 minutes ago. No post workout swole, but yeah this is after 3 cycles of 5/3/1. A bit more tone, and a little more in the shoulders. Restarted my cut a week after advice from this thread and put a little back on. Hoping to get down to 185-180 by May. On a 2200k/cal day diet at the moment. Currently at 202lbs.

Before 5/3/1


Anyone else just have random, out of the blue, weird, gym thoughts? Im sitting here and started thinking about dudes who are lifting weights when an earthquake hits..

You know theres has to be people puttin up PR's on squats, bench press etc.. What do they do when the earth shakes underneath them, do they die? Do they have time to rack the weight? Living in NorCal this has me paranoid now


LOL, to explain differently.

I'm fit enough to get into the training.

Now, passing the training is a whole different situation. That's where we'll see if my ass can cash the check I wrote when I sign on the dotted line.


Anyone else just have random, out of the blue, weird, gym thoughts? Im sitting here and started thinking about dudes who are lifting weights when an earthquake hits..

You know theres has to be people puttin up PR's on squats, bench press etc.. What do they do when the earth shakes underneath them, do they die? Do they have time to rack the weight? Living in NorCal this has me paranoid now

Keep training and use the earthquake to your advantage. Just think of it as a stability workout, just like Crossfit.



jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
3 weeks into SS, hit some personal bests

5'6'', 125 lbs, all are 5 reps

Squat: 160
Deadlift: 135
Bench: 140

getting there!
What's your current routine look like. What's your goal? Size? Strength? Both?

Wow at the barbell dude lol.

I switch off between dumbbell and bar week to week.

4 sets of incline decline flat bench.

15 reps
12 reps
10 reps
8 reps at highest weight

Then finish off with flys
How does everyone here feel about the Nutribullet? I'm looking into buying one.

I guess my questions are

1) Are there any alternatives to the machine that are cheaper? Not that $99 will break the bank but... you know..

2) Are there really any benefits to blending/'nutriblasting' versus eating a nice big ole salad for lunch and dinner (Which is what I already do)


I failed at OHP today again for the second time. 50kgx4, 50kgx4, 50kgx3 (~110lbs)

I got 4,4,4 last time. Gonna try it one more time and if failure, deload to 45kg. It is not a bad weight as I weigh 74kg. Gonna start microloading as well.


Is the 'saturated fat from whole milk bad for you' mantra broscience? Does it negatively affect body composition?

Pretty much broscience. It's good for testosterone levels and it's downsides are overstated. I wouldn't drink it straight or anything but in moderation I don't see the problem...


You guys ever see this when you shopping? Shit is good as fuck and it's got 88 fucking grams of protein per dish? That just seems wrong, but holy shit if it actually does.

That's 2 servings...

9g fat x 9 cals = 81 cals
44g pro x 4 cals = 176 cals
mix in some carbs

Yeah, it's 260cals..


3 weeks into SS, hit some personal bests

5'6'', 125 lbs, all are 5 reps

Squat: 160
Deadlift: 135
Bench: 140

getting there!

Good stuff man. Keep going and you'll be buff like the rest of fitgaf soon enough!

Also note to everybody else: Don't go grocery shopping if you're fasting and haven't eaten yet.


That's 2 servings...

9g fat x 9 cals = 81 cals
44g pro x 4 cals = 176 cals
mix in some carbs

Yeah, it's 260cals..

I know it's 2 servings, I said it was 88g of protein per dish. The thing is super small anyway. Still, 88g of protein for just over 500 calories is awesome.


That's what 3 months of no cardio will do to you. Could only go 15 minutes at 6mph. Walked the other 15.

Back in college I ran for an hour at 6mph every morning. I was also a skinny fat weakling :p


Will be ready for basketball this summer, getting my bounce & explosion back, moved away from heavy squats and do box squats with an emphasis on moving the weight quickly. Some fools are gonna get dunked on like it was 2004 all over again.
So, I have two job interviews next week. One, on Tuesday, is for an entry level position in a call center. Close to 13 an hour, plus benefits. Not too bad.

However, on Thursday, I'm sitting down with a Navy recruiter. I'm both young enough and fit enough to pass all qualifications for Special Warfare (SEAL, SWCC, etc.). We'll see how it goes, but passing the ASVAB with flying colors won't be too bad.

Also, on the plate, is a private/public outside electrician position, complete with a four year paid apprenticeship. So, some office work, military work, and outside work. We'll see how it all goes. Anything is better than fucking lying for a living.
I'm stationed in a command where the buds trained. Make sure to join during summers. Its freezing swimming that San Diego waters during the morning

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
LOL, to explain differently.

I'm fit enough to get into the training.

Now, passing the training is a whole different situation. That's where we'll see if my ass can cash the check I wrote when I sign on the dotted line.

You are already dead.

Let us know when you sign the papers bud.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Went up on my hi rep squats!


My legs are jello right now.


Photo from 10 minutes ago. No post workout swole, but yeah this is after 3 cycles of 5/3/1. A bit more tone, and a little more in the shoulders. Restarted my cut a week after advice from this thread and put a little back on. Hoping to get down to 185-180 by May. On a 2200k/cal day diet at the moment. Currently at 202lbs.

wow! Very good progress, I definitely see it in your shoulders and such.

Nice to know what you look like. You're so kind to me.


At 170 I managed a 365 dead today.
I actually thought I did 375 until just a few minutes ago until I thought about it more, made me kind of sad actually.

Next week I'll just add the 10.
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