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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Get bigger
Lose body fat

Are these things possible to do at the same time? I'm around 8-10% body fat currently, trying to go back to my natural :)P) state of 7%. But I usually do that by hitting the gym early in the morning and relieving myself of 300 calories for a few weeks. I tend to shrink from 175-165 doing that though. Tips?


All dried up :(



Gonna try this contest prep diet. Like 3lbs of chicken breast and a couple lbs of broccoli a day plus 40g good fats...am I dumb? Lol


You guys ever see this when you shopping? Shit is good as fuck and it's got 88 fucking grams of protein per dish? That just seems wrong, but holy shit if it actually does.

Why the fuck do they group saturated and trans fat together into one daily limit total? 20g of trans fat per day is absolutely disastrous and an early ticket to the grave whereas 20g of saturated fat is perfectly fine.


Get bigger
Lose body fat

Are these things possible to do at the same time? I'm around 8-10% body fat currently, trying to go back to my natural :)P) state of 7%. But I usually do that by hitting the gym early in the morning and relieving myself of 300 calories for a few weeks. I tend to shrink from 175-165 doing that though. Tips?

Only other way is AAS. You gonna lose muscle cutting at that low of body fat otherwise.


Will be ready for basketball this summer, getting my bounce & explosion back, moved away from heavy squats and do box squats with an emphasis on moving the weight quickly. Some fools are gonna get dunked on like it was 2004 all over again.

see, that was my plan too, and then I broke my leg blocking a shot.
everything just got delayed by 3 months for total recovery + 1 month to get my strength back. so lets say I'll be dunkin' on fools in my winter league. haha.


To basketball fitness GAF, what do you recommend for leg explosiveness? I've just started training, and I'm at a 30" vert. I was thinking plyometric exercises, but would i have to do normal strength training first? And for how long? I'd like to push my way up to a 40", if possible.

Also, what's the general consensus on crossfit here?


To basketball fitness GAF, what do you recommend for leg explosiveness? I've just started training, and I'm at a 30" vert. I was thinking plyometric exercises, but would i have to do normal strength training first? And for how long? I'd like to push my way up to a 40", if possible.

Also, what's the general consensus on crossfit here?

squats, power cleans, deadlifts all for strength. move the weight as fast as you can while staying in control.

box jumps. 1 legged box jumps. 2 legged box jumps. ab/adductor machines. jump rope. sprints.

crossfit - no.


Junior Member
To basketball fitness GAF, what do you recommend for leg explosiveness? I've just started training, and I'm at a 30" vert. I was thinking plyometric exercises, but would i have to do normal strength training first? And for how long? I'd like to push my way up to a 40", if possible.

Also, what's the general consensus on crossfit here?

Box squats and plyometrics. And CF is fine if done right. Just like anything else.


Box squats and plyometrics. And CF is fine if done right. Just like anything else.

no because if crossfit is done right, you're doing olympic lifts for time - form be damned. not to mention the slap tears from all the kipping shit they do. it's very dangerous if done "right".

oh and on the box jumps, make sure you step off the box, don't jump off. saves your ankles a lot of wear and tear.


I noticed that after upping my squat weight my DOMS is mostly nonexistent. I guess I was simply doing too much volume before, which I have forgone for more weight.


see, that was my plan too, and then I broke my leg blocking a shot.
everything just got delayed by 3 months for total recovery + 1 month to get my strength back. so lets say I'll be dunkin' on fools in my winter league. haha.

Damn, sorry to hear about your leg, at least the bone will be stronger when you recover.

So far, I haven't told anyone about my new routine, so I plan to half ass it in games and then surprise someone on a break or put back.


Does anyone else find that their appetite diminishes greatly after lifting? And only lifting? If I go the gym and lift hard, whether it be squats or bench, I find it difficult to eat the rest of the day. I have to force myself to get in enough calories and protein after lifting, sometimes feeling like I want to vomit if I eat. If I lift in the morning, I can easily go all day without thinking about food. This only occurs after anaerobic workouts with heavy weights. This is weird because normally I have a very strong appetite and could put away a large pizza without a problem (for example). My easiest time cutting has always been when I lifted heavy, and that is largely because it controls my appetite so well.
That's because horse meat contains more protein than beef.

I don't really get the huge uproar with the UK horse meat scandal recently personally. Sure paying for what's advertised as beef but really isn't is worth getting upset about but I'd happily eat horse. Probably not the majority view though hey.


Damn, sorry to hear about your leg, at least the bone will be stronger when you recover.

So far, I haven't told anyone about my new routine, so I plan to half ass it in games and then surprise someone on a break or put back.

Thanks. You ain't jokin, my leg will most likely be indestructible until I get the titanium bar taken out haha.

That should be fun, see if you can get some video so we an make posters :p


To basketball fitness GAF, what do you recommend for leg explosiveness? I've just started training, and I'm at a 30" vert. I was thinking plyometric exercises, but would i have to do normal strength training first? And for how long? I'd like to push my way up to a 40", if possible.

Do a linear progression like SS or GSLP to increase your strength with Squats and Deadlifts, and learn to do Power Cleans to improve your capacity to output that force explosively. Power Cleans will train the capacity to very quickly recruit the strength acquired from Squats and Deadlifts.

Explosiveness is directly proportional to your ability to generate force against the ground; explosiveness is an expression of said force, since power would be the capacity to generate force very rapidly.

Problem with Plyometric jump and box squats is that they are usually not recommended for novices; they can be pretty tough on the joints, whereas squats, deadlifts and power cleans can be progressively loaded so the trainee can slowly adapt the muscle-skeletal system to the lifts with time. In the case of Box Squats, there's a risk of spinal compression between the box and the bar and novices don't have the joint integrity to do them safely in many cases. It's just not worth it.

Also, what's the general consensus on crossfit here?



good credit (by proxy)
Does anyone else find that their appetite diminishes greatly after lifting? And only lifting? If I go the gym and lift hard, whether it be squats or bench, I find it difficult to eat the rest of the day. I have to force myself to get in enough calories and protein after lifting, sometimes feeling like I want to vomit if I eat. If I lift in the morning, I can easily go all day without thinking about food. This only occurs after anaerobic workouts with heavy weights. This is weird because normally I have a very strong appetite and could put away a large pizza without a problem (for example). My easiest time cutting has always been when I lifted heavy, and that is largely because it controls my appetite so well.

That's how I feel sometimes too. My protein shake tonight made me the tiniest bit queasy, don't know if I can eat a dinner now. I don't even know if queasy is the right word, but like the feeling of eating when you don't have appetite.


I don't really get the huge uproar with the UK horse meat scandal recently personally. Sure paying for what's advertised as beef but really isn't is worth getting upset about but I'd happily eat horse. Probably not the majority view though hey.

People like to know what they eat. The fact that there's horse meat shows that there's poor quality control. Plus I believe some horses are pumped with hormones and other substances that are dangerous for humans. So there's a health risk involved unless these horses were fit for human consumption. There were also other instances where they found fecal dna in these packages, and others where there wasn't even meat. It's a big clusterfuck.



Does anyone else find that their appetite diminishes greatly after lifting? And only lifting? If I go the gym and lift hard, whether it be squats or bench, I find it difficult to eat the rest of the day. I have to force myself to get in enough calories and protein after lifting, sometimes feeling like I want to vomit if I eat. If I lift in the morning, I can easily go all day without thinking about food. This only occurs after anaerobic workouts with heavy weights. This is weird because normally I have a very strong appetite and could put away a large pizza without a problem (for example). My easiest time cutting has always been when I lifted heavy, and that is largely because it controls my appetite so well.

Nope, in fact I'm always hungry. ALWAYS hungry. This makes cutting especially difficult.

Strong first youtube comment.


Nope, in fact I'm always hungry. ALWAYS hungry. This makes cutting especially difficult.

Is your BF% low (like under 15%) or is it higher?

I wonder if my lack of hunger has to do with going from a state of poor insulin sensitivity (I have a history of high triglycerides and diabetes runs in my family) to higher insulin sensitivity. I imagine if you're insulin sensitivity is already high, you might experience increased hunger after a workout instead.


Is your BF% low (like under 15%) or is it higher?

I wonder if my lack of hunger has to do with going from a state of poor insulin sensitivity (I have a history of high triglycerides and diabetes runs in my family) to higher insulin sensitivity. I imagine if your insulin sensitivity is already high, you might experience increased hunger after a workout instead.

I'm approximately 12%, and that's on the high side, visible abs. I believe I am pretty insulin sensitive.


At McDonald's today, I was looking at the nutritional information of several items trying to figure out which one has the best bang-for-the-buck value in terms of amount of protein.

The winner (at least in Mexico):

Highest amount of protein total goes to the Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese, with 48g per buger.

Does anyone else find that their appetite diminishes greatly after lifting? And only lifting? If I go the gym and lift hard, whether it be squats or bench, I find it difficult to eat the rest of the day. I have to force myself to get in enough calories and protein after lifting, sometimes feeling like I want to vomit if I eat. If I lift in the morning, I can easily go all day without thinking about food. This only occurs after anaerobic workouts with heavy weights. This is weird because normally I have a very strong appetite and could put away a large pizza without a problem (for example). My easiest time cutting has always been when I lifted heavy, and that is largely because it controls my appetite so well.

I'm never not hungry. At 7PM I went to McDonald's and ate a Chicken McMenu with Medium fries. I was still hungry afterwards so I had another Chicken McMenu with Medium Fries. Then I drank a liter of milk an hour later (my third for the day). I'm currently having dinner: fish with mushroom sauce and fussilly and a glass of water.


At McDonald's today, I was looking at the nutritional information of several items trying to figure out which one has the best bang-for-the-buck value in terms of amount of protein.

The winner (at least in Mexico):


Highest amount of protein total goes to the Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese, with 48g per buger.

lol, I did the same thing a few weeks ago (looking for something decent decent fast-food wise. When I'm in a crunch in the morning, the mcmuffin is now my go to meal. Tastes good, high in protein, nothing too bad ingredients wise, and I feel satisfied after eating one.


One of these days I'm gonna try the Dave Tate thing where you go to McDonald's, order 4 McMuffins and 4 hashbrown potatoes, drench the hashbrowns in mayonnaise and then stick the hashbrowns in the McMuffins.


One of these days I'm gonna try the Dave Tate thing where you go to McDonald's, order 4 McMuffins and 4 hashbrown potatoes, drench the hashbrowns in mayonnaise and then stick the hashbrowns in the McMuffins.

I already know off the bat that that is over 2,000 kcals. I'm not sure what to think about the fact that I know that.


good credit (by proxy)
I really gotta get the 120lb add on for my dumbbells. 75 lbs per db just isn't cutting it for a lot of shit :(

edit: Or maybe I'm just too stuck in powerlifting mode, and should focus on separation/hypertrophy for awhile with lighter weights and more concentration.


I always had huge problems with my calf/Achilles heel flexibility which makes me life miserable for squatting. Any tips on stretches other than the conventional ones to improve my squats?
People like to know what they eat. The fact that there's horse meat shows that there's poor quality control. Plus I believe some horses are pumped with hormones and other substances that are dangerous for humans. So there's a health risk involved unless these horses were fit for human consumption. There were also other instances where they found fecal dna in these packages, and others where there wasn't even meat. It's a big clusterfuck.

Oh yeah I forgot all that shit. Meat with no meat is bonkers.

What would his imagined purpose for that even be...wtf
I guess he could do a mean Irish jig?


I seriously don't get the whole cross-fit hype. It's a sure invitation to get hurt..


Is that the sweet siren song of Crossfit Confusion?!?!?!?!?!

Short answer, cause I'm not fired up enough to rant, people associate volume and how tired you are with how much of a workout you had. Combine that with simply brilliant marketing and your brand's top athletes calling themselves the "fittest athletes in the world," and you have a recipe for success.

Now, the fact that it's a pyramid scheme that sets most gyms up for failure is beside the point. You find yourself a really good CF gym, you should join. They're much better than the globo side of things, probably worth the money, and need all the customers they can get. Just don't sign an agreement, 'cause they'll shut down eventually unless their killing. Knoxville, TN is an example of the bad side of things.

To be fair, Crossfit style training, also known as circuit training or barbell complexes, aren't really a bad thing and are fantastic for building conditioning and assisting with hypertrophy. Too much of that shit or doing it the wrong way is how you get injuries. For examples, see their very own injury page.



Is that the sweet siren song of Crossfit Confusion?!?!?!?!?!

Short answer, cause I'm not fired up enough to rant, people associate volume and how tired you are with how much of a workout you had. Combine that with simply brilliant marketing and your brand's top athletes calling themselves the "fittest athletes in the world," and you have a recipe for success.

Now, the fact that it's a pyramid scheme that sets most gyms up for failure is beside the point.

To be fair, Crossfit style training, also known as circuit training or barbell complexes, aren't really a bad thing and are fantastic for building conditioning and assisting with hypertrophy. Too much of that shit or doing it the wrong way is how you get injuries. For examples, see their very own injury page.

I guess it's the fact that whenever you see Cross-Fit you see crazy jumping and throwing of weights. Definitely wrong education on my part.

I am doing and love circuit training. Both Body weight and with free weights for example, don't get me wrong :)

I just know for a fact that wrong posture can really hurt and with the high impact a lot of cross-fit exercises seem to have it's just that much worse.
I am not saying it's a bad thing to do but it needs proper supervision more than anything else from what I can tell.

Happy to learn more though.


I guess it's the fact that whenever you see Cross-Fit you see crazy jumping and throwing of weights. Definitely wrong education on my part.

I am doing and love circuit training. Both Body weight and with free weights for example, don't get me wrong :)

I just know for a fact that wrong posture can really hurt and with the high impact a lot of cross-fit exercises seem to have it's just that much worse.
I am not saying it's a bad thing to do but it needs proper supervision more than anything else from what I can tell.

Happy to learn more though.

That's more of the marketing.

Greg Glassman, an overweight alcoholic divorcee who now splits the ownership of his brand between himself and an investment firm that specializes in revamping products while his ex-wife who he cheated on gets away with a cool 25mil, uses a whole bunch of words to basically describe XF as "be ready to do anything for any amount of time in any situation."

Because EVERYBODY is an expert who takes a level 1 cert test in XF, despite the fact that the testing done for the cert is on the previous two days of info not on any sort of general science based strength and conditioning, you have thousands of people who think "random ass exercise done randomly equals training." This is could not be further from the truth.

Which leads us to the gifs. They are either A. random people who wanted to do some random shit that only impresses Crossfitters who are fucking dumb B. somebody who goes to a XF gym where the trainers are fucking dumb or C. some random asshole trying to make fun of Crossfitters not realizing this shit already happens thus making himself look fucking dumb.

All in all, something like yesterdays workout on the main page scaled to your level is a pretty awesome and brutal workout. Where as the workout on 3/7/13 is a pile of shit, and few Crossfit athletes/coaches/affiliate owners understand the difference.


Junior Member
no because if crossfit is done right, you're doing olympic lifts for time - form be damned. not to mention the slap tears from all the kipping shit they do. it's very dangerous if done "right".

oh and on the box jumps, make sure you step off the box, don't jump off. saves your ankles a lot of wear and tear.

Form be damned isn't a tenet of CF. I'd be willing to the form on all my lifts up against yours even after I've done fucking 30 of them for time. And I learned how to lift at a CF gym. Sweeping generalizations are dumb regardless of what you're talking about. There's a million people doing CF now so of course you're going to have idiots but don't dismiss the whole program because of them.


Form be damned isn't a tenet of CF. I'd be willing to the form on all my lifts up against yours even after I've done fucking 30 of them for time. And I learned how to lift at a CF gym. Sweeping generalizations are dumb regardless of what you're talking about. There's a million people doing CF now so of course you're going to have idiots but don't dismiss the whole program because of them.

This just makes you sound ignorant.

You aren't going to do 30 reps of any lift FOR TIME and keep your form during those 30 reps. Might you be able to then do a lift AFTER with proper form? Sure, when you're no longer going for time.

Sweeping generalizations make sense when the very core foundation of a training method is both poorly designed and dangerous.


This just makes you sound ignorant.

You aren't going to do 30 reps of any lift FOR TIME and keep your form during those 30 reps. Might you be able to then do a lift AFTER with proper form? Sure, when you're no longer going for time.

Sweeping generalizations make sense when the very core foundation of a training method is both poorly designed and dangerous.

Why not? If the weight is suitable that is perfectly possible.


Junior Member
This just makes you sound ignorant.

You aren't going to do 30 reps of any lift FOR TIME and keep your form during those 30 reps. Might you be able to then do a lift AFTER with proper form? Sure, when you're no longer going for time.

Sweeping generalizations make sense when the very core foundation of a training method is both poorly designed and dangerous.

I can go fast and maintain proper form. Proper form is efficient and moving efficiently makes me able to go faster for longer. They aren't mutually exclusive.
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