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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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I can go fast and maintain proper form. Proper form is efficient and moving efficiently makes me able to go faster for longer. They aren't mutually exclusive.

Why not? If the weight is suitable that is perfectly possible.

You guys seem to be taking "for time" to simply mean "fast". For time means with the intention of going as fast as possible, doing as much as possible in that time. Form is going to degrade in doing so, but if you aren't doing so, you're doing circuit training, something CF is inspired by, but not actually CF.

That's the problem with CF: everyone who does it with success seems to have all these "only if" and "we change this" in order to make it viable, but in making those changes, you're no longer doing CF.


Junior Member
You guys seem to be taking "for time" to simply mean "fast". For time means with the intention of going as fast as possible, doing as much as possible in that time. Form is going to degrade in doing so, but if you aren't doing so, you're doing circuit training, something CF is inspired by, but not actually CF.

That's the problem with CF: everyone who does it with success seems to have all these "only if" and "we change this" in order to make it viable, but in making those changes, you're no longer doing CF.

You've obviously made up your mind on the matter already but for the uneducated CF lets their gyms run themselves however they see fit. They aren't franchises. If you can find a good one I think it's a great and you'll meet some great people who genuinely care about fitness. If you find a bad one you'll probably run into a bunch of bros screaming at you to go faster or heavier than you should. I found a good one and have been doing CF for two and a half years and I've never been injured.


You've obviously made up your mind on the matter already but for the uneducated CF lets their gyms run themselves however they see fit. They aren't franchises. If you can find a good one I think it's a great and you'll meet some great people who genuinely care about fitness. If you find a bad one you'll probably run into a bunch of bros screaming at you to go faster or heavier than you should. I found a good one and have been doing CF for two and a half years and I've never been injured.

If CF suddenly changed their overall philosophy that'd be great, but as it stands you'll have WoDs on the main site with lifts "for time" that should never, ever be done that way, and that's the type of thing that leads to all these injuries.

It's great that you found a good gym that uses the CF gym, but it isn't a CF gym. That's the part you guys seem to want to overlook. They aren't actually practicing CF, instead opting to modify the style into something more sane.

There is nothing wrong with circuit training. There is something wrong with:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
115 pound Shoulder to overhead, 5 reps
115 pound Deadlift, 10 reps
15 Box jumps, 24" box

Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 17 minutes of:
40 Burpees
75 pound Snatch, 30 reps
30 Burpees
135 pound Snatch, 30 reps
20 Burpees
165 pound Snatch, 30 reps
10 burpees
210 pound Snatch, as many reps as possible

Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
185 pound Deadlift, 5 reps
Sprint 100 yards

Being done for time. Deadlifts in particular should never be done for time.


Junior Member
Outside of the high rep box jumps (which I'm not a huge fan of), I don't see anything wrong with any of those workouts scaled to an individuals capabilities. I think we have a different definition of "for time." I think of it as "go hard" and there's no reason I can't keep my form pretty damn good and still go hard.


Outside of the high rep box jumps (which I'm not a huge fan of), I don't see anything wrong with any of those workouts scaled to an individuals capabilities. I think we have a different definition of "for time." I think of it as "go hard" and there's no reason I can't keep my form pretty damn good and still go hard.

"For time" doesn't mean what you think it does. I "go hard" every time I'm at the gym. Doesn't mean I'm doing things "for time".

So again: we have to change the foundations of CF to make it work. At that point, we are CF is name only. Throwing the name on the door to lure in more members, but not actually practicing CF.


I have a bit of love/hate with Crossfit. Overall though I always end up giving it the benefit of the doubt for two reasons. It's relatively new and still evolving, and I think going in the right direction. Mostly though, because it's the sport that introduced me to olympic lifts and like minded people who love lifting and getting stronger.

I've done Starting Strength and now 5/3/1 at my crossfit gym, go figure that one. We believe doing programs like those will make you better at everything in sports, including "the sport of fitness".

That said, it's true about seeing idiots do ridiculous things with horrible form. But that's the same with anything including globo gyms or power lifter gyms. Crossfit just tends to do it with more flair heh.

Anyway I'm going back to Crossfit soon as I'm done with my 5/3/1. I really enjoy it for the warm weather months and my gym has a good strength bias to it in addition to the metcon stuff.
I have a bit of love/hate with Crossfit. Overall though I always end up giving it the benefit of the doubt for two reasons. It's relatively new and still evolving, and I think going in the right direction. Mostly though, because it's the sport that introduced me to olympic lifts and like minded people who love lifting and getting stronger.

I've done Starting Strength and now 5/3/1 at my crossfit gym, go figure that one. We believe doing programs like those will make you better at everything in sports, including "the sport of fitness".

That said, it's true about seeing idiots do ridiculous things with horrible form. But that's the same with anything including globo gyms or power lifter gyms. Crossfit just tends to do it with more flair heh.

Anyway I'm going back to Crossfit soon as I'm done with my 5/3/1. I really enjoy it for the warm weather months and my gym has a good strength bias to it in addition to the metcon stuff.
Good post . Criticisms of CF work both ways. I workout at a gym thats sees both practitioners and you see some ridiculous stuff on both sides.


I saw this post on Crossfit at 70 Bigs. Justin, who runs the site has also been critical of Crossfit, so it was interesting seeing this there.


Fact 1: CrossFit is creating more interest in weightlifting than there has ever been in the U.S.

5000+ CrossFit gyms worldwide (I don’t know how many exactly are in the U.S., but it is the VAST majority) educating people about the lifts. Some of them may not do a great job of teaching the lifts themselves, but consider this: the odds of an average individual knowing that the snatch and clean & jerk exist, that they are a sport, and understanding how challenging that sport is, are MUCH higher now than they have ever been before.

More at the link.

I'm not a fan of crossfit, but the fact that they're getting people interesting in the big lifts and olympic lifts is admirable. Obviously they're bad coaches, but Kelly Starrett, the mobility genius, has a Crossfit box. I serious doubt his gym is causing injuries due to bad programming or coaching.

Much better that mickey mouse shit going on in globo gyms--end cardio BS, fluff and puff classes, etc.


Looks like Planet Fitness wants me gone ASAP. They took all the 45LB plates away. Reason being: "People take them out of their spots and leave them around the gym." I have never seen a full plate anywhere else in there other than by the smith machines and the leg press.

Ugh, forget finding a job first. I'll just eat out less and take the $30/month hit for LA Fitness; I don't need their pool, basketball court, sauna, or cardio classes but at least they have a fucking squat rack. (two in fact!)


I have a bit of love/hate with Crossfit. Overall though I always end up giving it the benefit of the doubt for two reasons. It's relatively new and still evolving, and I think going in the right direction. Mostly though, because it's the sport that introduced me to olympic lifts and like minded people who love lifting and getting stronger.

I've done Starting Strength and now 5/3/1 at my crossfit gym, go figure that one. We believe doing programs like those will make you better at everything in sports, including "the sport of fitness".

That said, it's true about seeing idiots do ridiculous things with horrible form. But that's the same with anything including globo gyms or power lifter gyms. Crossfit just tends to do it with more flair heh.

Anyway I'm going back to Crossfit soon as I'm done with my 5/3/1. I really enjoy it for the warm weather months and my gym has a good strength bias to it in addition to the metcon stuff.

Why not do the smart thing and do a program with 5/3/1 with XF circuits integrated into it. For example....

Upper Body
Strength training
Main movement (bench press or press)
Assistance strength movement
Conditioning work (Custom WOD based around that day's work)
Full body movement
Assistance movement for upper body
Conditioning movement
Assistance movement for upper body
Core Movement

Lower body
Strength Training
Main movement (squat or deadlift)
Assistance strength movement
Conditioning work (Customer WOD based on that day's work)
Full body movement
Assistance movement for upper body
Conditioning movement
Assistance movement for upper body
Core Movement

Four/Three days a week. Consistent training in the lifts. Consistent, smart, endurance training. Personally, if I ran a XF gym, this would be exactly how I'd do my programming.

BOOM, like a sucker punch at SXSW.


Looks like Planet Fitness wants me gone ASAP. They took all the 45LB plates away. Reason being: "People take them out of their spots and leave them around the gym." I have never seen a full plate anywhere else in there other than by the smith machines and the leg press.

Ugh, forget finding a job first. I'll just eat out less and take the $30/month hit for LA Fitness; I don't need their pool, basketball court, sauna, or cardio classes but at least they have a fucking squat rack. (two in fact!)

LA Fitness is great, never really had any complaints with them. And I go to a location without all of the extra amenities like Pools or Ball courts.


LA Fitness is great, never really had any complaints with them. And I go to a location without all of the extra amenities like Pools or Ball courts.

Buffalo just got one, but I like my $5/mo gym...it's close. =)

Most days I can get the rack all to myself in the morning.


Buffalo just got one, but I like my $5/mo gym...it's close. =)

Most days I can get the rack all to myself in the morning.

5$/mo? Where do you go? LA Fitness' 30$/mo is about the cheapest you can get a membership for around here. Not including small no-chain gyms, but I'd rather have the pass that lets me go to any LA Fitness in the area.


Why not do the smart thing and do a program with 5/3/1 with XF circuits integrated into it. For example....

That would be fun but it would take me 2 hours I think. Typically a day at my XFit gym when I get back will be:

1 main lift: Bench/Press/Dead/Squat for a 3x5 - SS style linear progression, add 5-10 lbs a week til you cant anymore, then microload. ~30 minutes work

plus 1 Crossfit WoD for anywhere from 5-20 minutes of intense conditioning at the low time end or sustained effort at the 20 minute end.

All in all takes an hour. 5/3/1 takes me a good hour and a half including the assistance and conditioning work. It's a lot to keep up. XFit definitely works for me in the summer months. I can at the very least maintain muscle while leaning out and get my endurance way up. And its fun and keeps me engaged.


That would be fun but it would take me 2 hours I think. Typically a day at my XFit gym when I get back will be:

1 main lift: Bench/Press/Dead/Squat for a 3x5 - SS style linear progression, add 5-10 lbs a week til you cant anymore, then microload. ~30 minutes work

plus 1 Crossfit WoD for anywhere from 5-20 minutes of intense conditioning at the low time end or sustained effort at the 20 minute end.

All in all takes an hour. 5/3/1 takes me a good hour and a half including the assistance and conditioning work. It's a lot to keep up. XFit definitely works for me in the summer months. I can at the very least maintain muscle while leaning out and get my endurance way up. And its fun and keeps me engaged.

Sounds like a good maintenance program with a focus on endurance. You won't get stronger though without more volume on the weights.


That would be fun but it would take me 2 hours I think. Typically a day at my XFit gym when I get back will be:

1 main lift: Bench/Press/Dead/Squat for a 3x5 - SS style linear progression, add 5-10 lbs a week til you cant anymore, then microload. ~30 minutes work

plus 1 Crossfit WoD for anywhere from 5-20 minutes of intense conditioning at the low time end or sustained effort at the 20 minute end.

All in all takes an hour. 5/3/1 takes me a good hour and a half including the assistance and conditioning work. It's a lot to keep up. XFit definitely works for me in the summer months. I can at the very least maintain muscle while leaning out and get my endurance way up. And its fun and keeps me engaged.

What about cutting out any other conditioning? If you're doing 5/3/1 four days a week with an XF WOD after the lift, you'll be pretty fucking beat up Met Con and strength wise. If you're sticking with the 5/3/1 set up, you'll only be increasing monthly, right? Then, you wouldn't have to worry about losing any of your other gains, you could just transition directly into your heavy metcons then and not have to deal with daily increases.


I always had huge problems with my calf/Achilles heel flexibility which makes me life miserable for squatting. Any tips on stretches other than the conventional ones to improve my squats?
What conventional ones are you currently doing?


What conventional ones are you currently doing?

Just normal squatting, normal stance. I fall backwards because I can't keep my weight in front due to flexibility. Non weighted that is. I can squat while leaning my upper body forward so my knees stay behind my toes but getting a somewhat straight back - impossible.


Just normal squatting, normal stance. I fall backwards because I can't keep my weight in front due to flexibility. Non weighted that is. I can squat while leaning my upper body forward so my knees stay behind my toes but getting a somewhat straight back - impossible.

Try a nice warmup first, including stretching. Don't squat until you're completely warmed up. Do the squat stretch, 2x30 seconds. Then start with the barbell, which will help with getting you in position. Also widen your stance slightly. And get lifting shoes if possible!



Started at 208.9, woke up at 202.8.

Massive pancakes + sausage + bacon + ham breakfast. Breakfast had 2x my daily carb intake from the past two weeks. Surprisingly, no itis: I'm awake and alert as all hell.

Cheezits and Ni No Kuni time.

EDIT: and I am assuredly going to demolish a 20 piece nugget later.
Mmmm breakfast was amazing. 8 oz steak. Bell peppers and onions with two eggs. Two pieces of bacon and half a cup of cheese. Around 1000 calories, 70 grams of protein. Not bad.

tonight is my carn nite and I'm gonna try del taco and hit up a French bakery


Junior Member
Whenever people would approach my friend asking how he got so big we'd joke and say he ate baconators every day. Soon it turned into shakenators.

If you guys wanna throw me 9.00 I'll buy the meal and try it blended (and probably puke afterwards).

If you can get this on video, my PayPal/body is ready.



Started at 208.9, woke up at 202.8.

Massive pancakes + sausage + bacon + ham breakfast. Breakfast had 2x my daily carb intake from the past two weeks. Surprisingly, no itis: I'm awake and alert as all hell.

Cheezits and Ni No Kuni time.

EDIT: and I am assuredly going to demolish a 20 piece nugget later.

Nice. Almost 20 days into my cut and I haven't really had a "cheat day" proper. I've went way over my calories on a couple occasions, but it was still on good food.

Wondering when I should have that day and go all out...


Tried shoeless squatting today. It definitely feels nice and I felt like I had a much easier time keeping my back arched as a result.

Something is definitely up with my rotator cuffs though. There's a sharp pain when I raise my arm above my shoulders from the front. It's greatly impacting my pull ups. Very sad and upset.

I also have some existing pain in my left foot from accidentally shifting weight while squatting from a while back. Guess it's time for an MRI...


Nice. Almost 20 days into my cut and I haven't really had a "cheat day" proper. I've went way over my calories on a couple occasions, but it was still on good food.

Wondering when I should have that day and go all out...

It's glorious, and I feel pretty damn energized.

Given a bunch of family birthdays plus the holidays coming up, I have to be extraordinarily strict during the week.


I don't think it's really possible for me to overtrain, as long as I eat enough and get enough sleep my body adjusts. Did my arms 3 times in a 6 day period, a lot of volume and some heavy weight sets mixed in, roughly 600-700 pullups/chins and around 300 weighted dips as well, yet my arms were ready to go.

Maybe if I was doing deadlifts every day sure, but I've been able to hit body parts 2-3 times a week and still show dem gains.


the piano man
Just normal squatting, normal stance. I fall backwards because I can't keep my weight in front due to flexibility. Non weighted that is. I can squat while leaning my upper body forward so my knees stay behind my toes but getting a somewhat straight back - impossible.

have you tried putting 2 chairs to your side?

put 2 low chairs on each side, go down like doing a normal squat and as soon as you feel like losing balance, help yourself putting your forearms on the chairs. Go back up and again down, do some reps., remember to follow the usual form rules for the squat.

I hope and think this could help, if not, forgive and disregard.


have you tried putting 2 chairs to your side?

put 2 low chairs on each side, go down like doing a normal squat and as soon as you feel like losing balance, help your self putting your forearms on the chairs. Go back up and again down, do some reps., remember to follow the usual form rules for the squat.

I hope and think this could help, if not, forgive and disregard.

Hmm nope, never thought of that..I am so desperate and annoyed that I am giving this a shot :)


Anyone drop flat bench and incline? I've made the switch to decline only, only been about a week and I do volume with it, wondering if anyone else has had any success with it.


Anyone drop flat bench and incline? I've made the switch to decline only, only been about a week and I do volume with it, wondering if anyone else has had any success with it.

Nah, never. I always keep flat in my chest routine, and I cycle incline/decline out every month. One month Flat + incline, next month flat+decline.
What's the best Whey Protien to buy at Walmart? Don't wanna hurt the wallet too bad but I want something low in carbs, fat and calories. Should I avoid WM all together?


Nah, never. I always keep flat in my chest routine, and I cycle incline/decline out every month. One month Flat + incline, next month flat+decline.

Only reason I switched is because while doing GVT you're supposed to rotate between the 3 and each gets their own day where you do 10 sets. I noticed that on the days I did decline only my chest was pumped like crazy, and it just seemed like my pecs and chest overall were getting hammered.

I watched a video with Dorain Yates swearing by decline, and said may as well give it a shot.


Tried shoeless squatting today. It definitely feels nice and I felt like I had a much easier time keeping my back arched as a result.

Something is definitely up with my rotator cuffs though. There's a sharp pain when I raise my arm above my shoulders from the front. It's greatly impacting my pull ups. Very sad and upset.

Are you doing rear delt work to balance your shoulders? If your shoulders are drawn forward because your rear delts are weak, you can get impingements and other painful problems. Try some gentle shoulder rehab work (face pulls, rear delt raises, scarecrows, cuban rotations, external rotations, etc) before you get an MRI.


edit double post whoops

Just normal squatting, normal stance. I fall backwards because I can't keep my weight in front due to flexibility. Non weighted that is. I can squat while leaning my upper body forward so my knees stay behind my toes but getting a somewhat straight back - impossible.

Squatting with good form without weight on my back is impossible for me. If I do bodyweight squats I raise my arms out in front of me every time I drop into the hole - it's the only way to stay tight and balanced. The weight is what helps generate the actual squat movement.


hey guys ive been doing some research. in dragonball z some of the characters (goku) etc wear weighted clothing all the time to increase their strength and mobility. i've been wondering if any of you guys have done this and if so is it succesful?


Any good exercises for my teres major and minor? I have some free weights and kettle bells, other than that, I don't know any exercises that doesn't use any weights.
hey guys ive been doing some research. in dragonball z some of the characters (goku) etc wear weighted clothing all the time to increase their strength and mobility. i've been wondering if any of you guys have done this and if so is it succesful?

As dbz was an absurd part of my childhood I looked it up once. In real life they are death for your joints.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Outside of the high rep box jumps (which I'm not a huge fan of), I don't see anything wrong with any of those workouts scaled to an individuals capabilities. I think we have a different definition of "for time." I think of it as "go hard" and there's no reason I can't keep my form pretty damn good and still go hard.

Good luck.

800lbs deadlifters injure themselves with 225lbs deadlifts.
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