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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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I am aware you're muscles don't grow if you don't get at least 7 hours of sleep. However, what would happen if you have a couple of bad sleeps the following few days?

You what? I don't think I've ever gotten more than 6 in the last couple years. Usually like 5 1/2.


Seriously?! Are your muscles growing with that amount of sleep? I was told 7 hours was the minimum.

Yeah get as much sleep as you can but don't sweat it.you should shoot for 7 or 8 I just never get that much. It's about 1am right now and I gotta get up at 6;30.




Decided to add incline bench to my routine as laid out in GSLP "Mass Gain Base with Rotating Lifts" template.

Basically means that instead of alternating between the press and flat bench press I alternate everyday between the press and flat bench/incline bench so progress is a bit slower on those two. Also planning on doin T-Bar Rows and curls on the Bench days and weighed chins and curls on press days. Also shrugs on deadlift days.

So basically goes like this:

Incline Bench / Flat Bench 5x, 5x, 5+
Squats 5x, 5x, 5+
T-bar row 2x6-8
Curls 2x12

Press 5x, 5x, 5+
Deadlift 5+
Chin ups w/ weight 2x6-8
Shrugs 4x12

Incline Bench / Flat Bench 5x, 5x, 5+
Squats 5x, 5x, 5+
T-Bar Row 2x6-8
Curls 2x12

Press 5x, 5x, 5+
Squats 5x, 5x, 5+
Chin ups w/ weight 2x6-8
Curls 2x12

Incline Bench / Flat Bench 5x, 5x, 5+
Deadlift 5+
T-Bar Row 2x6-8
Shrugs 4x12

Press 5x, 5x, 5+
Squats 5x, 5x, 5+
Chin ups w/ weight 2x6-8
Curls 2x12


Does it look good? Mainly worried if I'm rowing/doing chin ups too often?

So.. Anyone? :)


Looks good.

How's the progression on curls & shrugs?

That's very close to what I do but without shrugs and curls.

I've been adding 1lbs for curls per workout lately and with shrugs I jump as little as the dumbbells allow me to. Mostly 2-5lbs jumps when I feel like it's time to move on.


Can someone explain how Starting Strength works? im a bit confused by it because of my ocd. How long would one do it for (in terms of weeks)? What kind of warm up would you do for it?


Can someone explain how Starting Strength works? im a bit confused by it because of my ocd. How long would one do it for (in terms of weeks)? What kind of warm up would you do for it?
You keep doing it until your gains plateau, then you reset. It's great for beginners because you get "noob gains" whilst eating a lot.

For warmup, some light stretching and a few reps of just the bar is recommended to make sure your form is good. I suppose you could do a brisk walk or light jog on the treadmill if you really wanted to as well.

My Europe trip killed me.. 2 months without lifting and i'm in my 2nd week back, 5th workout since i've been back just then.. the doms.. oh my god. So difficult to take a dump right now.


You keep doing it until your gains plateau, then you reset. It's great for beginners because you get "noob gains" whilst eating a lot.
? Are you meaning to keep doing the routine for weeks until I can no longer make any more gains. When you talk about resetting, do you mean to start a new routine?

This is the first time I'm doing a programme through the Internet instead of a trainer.


Can someone explain how Starting Strength works? im a bit confused by it because of my ocd. How long would one do it for (in terms of weeks)? What kind of warm up would you do for it?

You'd do it until you've deloaded three times. You deload if you miss the prescribed reps in the same lift in 3 different sessions with the same weight. Basically, if you got 5, 4, 5, that's fine, shrug it off and increase weight next time. If you got 5, 4, 4 or 5, 5, 3 or any lesser variation, try again with the same weight next time.

For warm up, I'd swing my arms through the shoulder joints for upper body lifts and do shoulder dislocations. Swing legs for lower body. You can warm up for about 5 minutes on some kind of cardio machine too.

Then, I'd warm up with the bar, keep adding 25lbs(lowerbody), 10lbs(upperbody) each side until you get to your working weight. (Only different thing is, if you get to really heavy weights like 3-4 plates each side, work with percentages, 50%, 60%, 70% until 90%)

Warm up sets/reps would be something like this for Bench:

10xempty bar

Then working sets: 5x80kg for 3 sets

Basically lower volume as you get closer to your working weight for warming up.

EDIT: Just saw your post. You do the programme for as long as it works for you. That means as long as you're adding more weight to the bar in the squat and deadlift.

I've been adding 1lbs for curls per workout lately and with shrugs I jump as little as the dumbbells allow me to. Mostly 2-5lbs jumps when I feel like it's time to move on.

Yup, that's fine then. Why not shrugs in the rack with a barbell though?


Mark I recommend you get the book it's cheap on Amazon it'll satisfy your ocd and then some with all the information provided.


? Are you meaning to keep doing the routine for weeks until I can no longer make any more gains. When you talk about resetting, do you mean to start a new routine?

This is the first time I'm doing a programme through the Internet instead of a trainer.

Get the Audiobook - that is what I did :)


I haven't following the conversation fully but this is about finding the starting weight for each exercise, yeah?

Just put on weight until your speed of the lift slows down by a good amount but you can still easily finish the rep.

That is now your starting weight for the lift and at the next session, add 10lb to lower body lifts and 5lbs to upper body lifts.
One more thing. What should my goal be in terms of reps and sets?

Three sets of 8?


Forgot to ask:

I hear and read so many contradicting things. When do you prefer to take it? The recommendations for the pills I am taking says 5/day. So right now I am taking one in the morning, one before and one after workout and two before bed.

Sound about right, or?
Get the Audiobook - that is what I did :)

There's a SS audiobook?

One more thing. What should my goal be in terms of reps and sets?

Three sets of 8?

Depends what programme you're doing.
What are you doing?

For Starting Strength, the most often recommended programme for noobs, the reps and sets of the major lifts are as follows.

Bench Press, Low-bar squat and Overhead Press - 3 sets of 5 repetitions.
Deadlifts are a different story and you only need do 1 set of 5 repetitions at your work weight.

The full body routine listed in the OP is a modified version of Starting Strength and lists that info as well as sets and reps for other exercises such as Power Cleans and Bent Over Rows. (The routine is at the top of the second post)

I highly recommend (re)reading the OP if you haven't already.


Forgot to ask:

I hear and read so many contradicting things. When do you prefer to take it? The recommendations for the pills I am taking says 5/day. So right now I am taking one in the morning, one before and one after workout and two before bed.

Sound about right, or?

No, that would make it totally useless really. You take them all at once usually right before you workout.

But if you are getting enough protein, they really are a waste of money.


I was doing squats the other day. Nothing really out of the ordinary except a personal trainer was right next to me with his client. He had his client run the gambit of compound lifts from deads to OHP.

Once I started to squat, the trainer actually took a few seconds to have his client look at my form. I couldn't really hear much of what he said, but he did mention my low bar position and how deep I was going. He told his client that's the type of control that he has to try to develop.

In a small way, I was glad to be of service.


Had to go to the hospital last night for a terrible ear infection I'm currently fighting. Only cool part was when the nurse took my blood pressure, he tried the standard size arm wrap, but it wouldn't fit around my arm, so they had to size up and put the fat person wrap on to fit. Felt good man.
I was doing squats the other day. Nothing really out of the ordinary except a personal trainer was right next to me with his client. He had his client run the gambit of compound lifts from deads to OHP.

Once I started to squat, the trainer actually took a few seconds to have his client look at my form. I couldn't really hear much of what he said, but he did mention my low bar position and how deep I was going. He told his client that's the type of control that he has to try to develop.

In a small way, I was glad to be of service.

Dude you're awesome.

So I hit a new PR today in deadlifts...250x2. I had some dude come up and compliment me on how I would take the time to work on legs when he sees a bunch of chicken legs that do nothing but curls.



My training area. Two years ago there was a vintage single-pane window, wall-mounted workbench and a small room in the corner of the garage. I replaced the window and removed everything else but I've yet to finish it and make it look nice. Everything's functional though, so it's good enough for now.

It's not as well equipped as most gyms and I'm always hoping to add on or upgrade, but it's a nice little sanctuary where I can train in private.


nice setup man. i'd like to eventually put together a home gym in my garage or basement. have a 3 car garage so i could use the extra space for a gym. pump that death metal in and lift w/out all the bullshit of a commercial gym.


Had to go to the hospital last night for a terrible ear infection I'm currently fighting. Only cool part was when the nurse took my blood pressure, he tried the standard size arm wrap, but it wouldn't fit around my arm, so they had to size up and put the fat person wrap on to fit. Felt good man.

Haha that's pretty good.


My training area. Two years ago there was a vintage single-pane window, wall-mounted workbench and a small room in the corner of the garage. I replaced the window and removed everything else but I've yet to finish it and make it look nice. Everything's functional though, so it's good enough for now.

It's not as well equipped as most gyms and I'm always hoping to add on or upgrade, but it's a nice little sanctuary where I can train in private.

I wish I could do a cage. Are those bumper plates? Must have cost a ton


nice setup man. i'd like to eventually put together a home gym in my garage or basement. have a 3 car garage so i could use the extra space for a gym. pump that death metal in and lift w/out all the bullshit of a commercial gym.
Thanks! If you can make the space for it I would probably fit a gym in a garage for the overhead clearance. While there's a lot I miss from the commercial gym, being able to choose my own soundtrack is well worth the trade-off.

I wish I could do a cage. Are those bumper plates? Must have cost a ton
Almost everything in the picture was bought used or as a gift. Originally I bought cheap used dumbbells and then sold those. With most of that money I bought a set of used standard weights. Sold them to pay for used steel Olympic plates. Sold those steel plates and bought a lot of those bumper plates. Even with those cost-saving measures, some of those still cost quite a bit. This set took years to put together this way. I paid for most everything by selling old fitness equipment - I've mentioned before that I bought an Olympic weight bench and weights and flipped it within a week for a $100 profit. That went right back into my gym.


My training area. Two years ago there was a vintage single-pane window, wall-mounted workbench and a small room in the corner of the garage. I replaced the window and removed everything else but I've yet to finish it and make it look nice. Everything's functional though, so it's good enough for now.

It's not as well equipped as most gyms and I'm always hoping to add on or upgrade, but it's a nice little sanctuary where I can train in private.

Those rubber plates?

edit: nevermind I should have finished reading.

Very nice man. That's the one thing I wish is that all my plates were rubber but I usually go to the gym anyway so it's probably not worth it.


the piano man
I still have some serious DOMS from 2 days ago, I don't know whether doing those 64 pull-ups was a good idea, I feel it in all of my arms, bicep and tricep, not just the back/lats, never felt like that....I know it's not injury, I am fairly certain it's pure doms but damn, I feel beaten.


A funny thing to consider with the rubber bumper plates - when used with the rubber horse stall mats "touch and go" deadlifts are easy as shit. That could be why some crossfitters think repping deadlifts for time is such a breeze.

That's also why I reset between every deadlift and take 2-4 seconds between reps.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I still have some serious DOMS from 2 days ago, I don't know whether doing those 64 pull-ups was a good idea, I feel it in all of my arms, bicep and tricep, not just the back/lats, never felt like that....I know it's not injury, I am fairly certain it's pure doms but damn, I feel beaten.

Welcome back to the fight :)


So I got my cutting plan from this contest prep dude. Started today.

I don't feel great about eating 6 times a day.....but I'm going to follow it.

The volume for his training is waaaay lower than what I'm used to but I guess that's true for probably everyone from what I seen I do a ton of volume compared to most people. I don't see how it would hurt me to do more.

He didn't add any cardio or ab work....Checking on that to make sure it's right.

My average cals are 2,500 but some days are higher and some lower since I'll be carb cycling.

Start weight 255.4

I have to take measurements, weight, pictures every Thursday morning.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
This should be Smash Your PR week, because I'm still high off of crushing my bench record. Gonna try for a new squat record tomorrow morning.


48 (assisted) pull-ups along with the rest of the lifts today.
I know, it's not much but I am proud of those.

I am seeing some nice definition already after those few weeks and god I was so hungry. Gobbled down my baked salmon and couscous within 2 minutes.

Now I am sitting here contemplating getting another cookie dough quest bar...

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
48 (assisted) pull-ups along with the rest of the lifts today.
I know, it's not much but I am proud of those.

I am seeing some nice definition already after those few weeks and god I was so hungry. Gobbled down my baked salmon and couscous within 2 minutes.

Now I am sitting here contemplating getting another cookie dough quest bar...

EAT IT. Your body desires more fuel. Fuel for the fuel god! Muscles for the iron throne!


What about something Paleo-ish? As in, all your carb sources would come from tubers and fibrous vegetables, avoiding bread, rice and pastas.

Justin from 70sBig.com has an E-book on this very subject; might be worth checking out.

Awesome, I'll definitely check this out. Thanks for the link!
cheat meal turned into cheat day

Chinese food at company lunch.

Sushi tonight.

oh nooooooooooooooooooo.

It is okay though, killed it at the gym already.


To all the people who have done deadlift BBB

I did my sets Wednesday and I'm still incredibly tight in my lower back. Its better than yesterday but Im just not used to doms like This. Gonna foam roll later and bench tomorrow and squat Sunday, so I should be ok by then, but did you guys go through something similar? I guess it's to be expected doing 80+ reps of deadlifts.
God dammit! I just missed my workout (3rd day), because I thought the gym would be open for 2 more hours. It's making me sad, but I don't want to lose focus.

Will this effect my progress highly? Will I lose mass/gains? Am I thinking too much?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I am contemplating a 500g sirloin steak tonight. Too much?

If it is, you won't finish it. Try it. It's a Friday. Steak Fridays.

God dammit! I just missed my workout (3rd day), because I thought the gym would be open for 2 more hours. It's making me sad, but I don't want to lose focus.

Will this effect my progress highly? Will I lose mass/gains? Am I thinking too much?

go tomorrow morning, first thing. don't wash your hair until you're done.
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