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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Pudz (at certain points of his life) is up there as well:


Saw some interview where Pudz described his Strongman diet. Was a pretty awesome interview.

"My energy comes from my diet. Breakfast is 10 eggs and two to three pounds of bacon. Between meals, I eat lots of candy. In the morning, it will be several 3 Musketeers and/or Snickers bars; I need them for energy. Lunch, at 1 or 2 PM, is a double meal of a Polish pork chop, sauerkraut and potatoes. An hour later, I work out, then take lots of supplements: magnesium, creatine, amino acids, all that stuff, and more chocolate. Dinner is whatever meat I can grab—steaks, pork chops, bacon—plus more sauerkraut and potatoes. At 9 or 10 PM, I work out again. Afterward, I have a protein shake and more chocolate. At 3 or 4 AM, I wake up and have more chocolate, then go back to sleep until morning."

wtf he really eats that much sweets??


wtf he really eats that much sweets??

The secret is sugar is the quickest way to refuel your glycogen and perfect for stress that your body undergoes from any type of activity. Starch is harder to digest and can interfere because of that, eat your fruit and candy. This is my experience.

Also, a big question and some sort of dilemma I'm having, should I switch my squat to a wider stance when going ATG? I've been doing shoulder width squats and just read this: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/secret-of-the-perfect-squat-widen-your-stance.html. Any advice, thanks.


The secret is sugar is the quickest way to refuel your glycogen and perfect for stress that your body undergoes from any type of activity. Starch is harder to digest and can interfere because of that, eat your fruit and candy. This is my experience.

Also, a big question and some sort of dilemma I'm having, should I switch my squat to a wider stance when going ATG? I've been doing shoulder width squats and just read this: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/secret-of-the-perfect-squat-widen-your-stance.html. Any advice, thanks.

It's true and for lifting, glucose is better since fructose primarily refills liver glycogen. So I wouldn't even bother much with fruit :)

Keep in mind the dude probably isn't cutting though.


Never heard of those but I just looked them up. Definitely let us know how they are especially after a pulling day.

I've used them before and loved them, my grip sucks and I'm not trying to be a powerlifter so anything that can just focus me on hitting the muscle is where it's at.


There's a SS audiobook?

Depends what programme you're doing.
What are you doing?

For Starting Strength, the most often recommended programme for noobs, the reps and sets of the major lifts are as follows.

Bench Press, Low-bar squat and Overhead Press - 3 sets of 5 repetitions.
Deadlifts are a different story and you only need do 1 set of 5 repetitions at your work weight.

The full body routine listed in the OP is a modified version of Starting Strength and lists that info as well as sets and reps for other exercises such as Power Cleans and Bent Over Rows. (The routine is at the top of the second post)

I highly recommend (re)reading the OP if you haven't already.


Junior Member
The secret is sugar is the quickest way to refuel your glycogen and perfect for stress that your body undergoes from any type of activity. Starch is harder to digest and can interfere because of that, eat your fruit and candy. This is my experience.
What if i have maltodextrin with my protein powder?

My previous PWO shake consisted of oats and protein, but I suspect that's probably not a great idea for the reasons you have mentioned.
I was re-reading the upper/lower split and I was wondering:
Workout A
Bench Press - 3 sets of 5
Bent Rows - 3 sets of 5
Overhead Press - 3-4 sets of 8
Barbell Curls - 3-4 sets of 8

Workout B
Squats - 3 sets of 5
Power Cleans - 5 sets of 3
Deadlifts - 1-2 sets of 5
Dumbbell or Barbell Step Ups - 3 sets of 8 (might just replace with leg press)

Where should I add weighted pull-ups and dips, and what workouts should they replace (if any)?


the piano man
the day I absolutely want to beat my PR after being 2 weeks away is the day that some guy ( a nice guy but still) absolutely need to beat his deadlift PRs and takes 10 minutes pauses between his 5, 3 and 1 sets... I said to myself " I won't let this bring me down, I am using that fucking squat rack today even If I have to stay in this fucking gym til midnight"...

and I did it :) now I am exactly halfway between novice and Intermediate according to the strength standards site.

that's the happy thing, now the reality, I managed to make a video with good quality squatting so I have no excuses to not show so here it is:

Squat Form Check

I am doing (or hope I am doing) high bar, not attemping to go as low as I can because I feel like I can take a rest down there, all tension is gone, not sure if that's right and I should actually go as deep as possible.... I had trouble with buttwink before and this video looks better but I am not convinced I completely got rid of it. I try not to tilt to the front much but the first rep looked a bit unstable. This is the 2nd set out of three me beating my PR, if form is too bad then I'll deload and work on that before attempting more.

(what looks like a mass of something weird around my belly on my red shirt is actually my mp3 player and stuff in a small compartment inside the shirt...hehe, I thought I'd say, cause I look like shit, but it's very practical...)

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Awesome awesome awesome to hear Sphinx. I cannot critique form but I can say, man, you look GREAT. Bad ass for crushing your goals.
the day I absolutely want to beat my PR after being 2 weeks away is the day that some guy ( a nice guy but still) absolutely need to beat his deadlift PRs and takes 10 minutes pauses between his 5, 3 and 1 sets... I said to myself " I won't let this bring me down, I am using that fucking squat rack today even If I have to stay in this fucking gym til midnight"...

and I did it :) now I am exactly halfway between novice and Intermediate according to the strength standards site.

that's the happy thing, now the reality, I managed to make a video with good quality squatting so I have no excuses to not show so here it is:

Squat Form Check

I am doing (or hope I am doing) high bar, not attemping to go as low as I can because I feel like I can take a rest down there, all tension is gone, not sure if that's right and I should actually go as deep as possible.... I had trouble with buttwink before and this video looks better but I am not convinced I completely got rid of it. I try not to tilt to the front much but the first rep looked a bit unstable. This is the 2nd set out of three me beating my PR, if form is too bad then I'll deload and work on that before attempting more.

(what looks like a mass of something weird around my belly on my red shirt is actually my mp3 player and stuff in a small compartment inside the shirt...hehe, I thought I'd say, cause I look like shit, but it's very practical...)

you can put the bar a notch lower so you dont have to tippy toe


the piano man
Awesome awesome awesome to hear Sphinx. I cannot critique form but I can say, man, you look GREAT. Bad ass for crushing your goals.

Thanks! :D weren't you going to crush your PRs too? If you'll do it the next hours, best of luck! believe and engulf yourself in fire (I like to think like that :p)

you can put the bar a notch lower so you dont have to tippy toe

yeah, :p that too, hehe.

I remember trying both levels long ago and it felt a bit better at that level but will try again next time.


What if i have maltodextrin with my protein powder?

My previous PWO shake consisted of oats and protein, but I suspect that's probably not a great idea for the reasons you have mentioned.

Nah man oats are fine and better for you overall. It's not that useful to focus on simple carbs anyways unless you are fully depleted of glycogen and looking to super compensate. That would take several days of normal lifting without eating any carbs.

But if you want a poptart or something, post workout is definitely the best time for it.


the day I absolutely want to beat my PR after being 2 weeks away is the day that some guy ( a nice guy but still) absolutely need to beat his deadlift PRs and takes 10 minutes pauses between his 5, 3 and 1 sets... I said to myself " I won't let this bring me down, I am using that fucking squat rack today even If I have to stay in this fucking gym til midnight"...

and I did it :) now I am exactly halfway between novice and Intermediate according to the strength standards site.

that's the happy thing, now the reality, I managed to make a video with good quality squatting so I have no excuses to not show so here it is:

Squat Form Check

I am doing (or hope I am doing) high bar, not attemping to go as low as I can because I feel like I can take a rest down there, all tension is gone, not sure if that's right and I should actually go as deep as possible.... I had trouble with buttwink before and this video looks better but I am not convinced I completely got rid of it. I try not to tilt to the front much but the first rep looked a bit unstable. This is the 2nd set out of three me beating my PR, if form is too bad then I'll deload and work on that before attempting more.

(what looks like a mass of something weird around my belly on my red shirt is actually my mp3 player and stuff in a small compartment inside the shirt...hehe, I thought I'd say, cause I look like shit, but it's very practical...)

Doesn't look too bad from this angle.


the day I absolutely want to beat my PR after being 2 weeks away is the day that some guy ( a nice guy but still) absolutely need to beat his deadlift PRs and takes 10 minutes pauses between his 5, 3 and 1 sets... I said to myself " I won't let this bring me down, I am using that fucking squat rack today even If I have to stay in this fucking gym til midnight"...

and I did it :) now I am exactly halfway between novice and Intermediate according to the strength standards site.

that's the happy thing, now the reality, I managed to make a video with good quality squatting so I have no excuses to not show so here it is:

Squat Form Check

I am doing (or hope I am doing) high bar, not attemping to go as low as I can because I feel like I can take a rest down there, all tension is gone, not sure if that's right and I should actually go as deep as possible.... I had trouble with buttwink before and this video looks better but I am not convinced I completely got rid of it. I try not to tilt to the front much but the first rep looked a bit unstable. This is the 2nd set out of three me beating my PR, if form is too bad then I'll deload and work on that before attempting more.

(what looks like a mass of something weird around my belly on my red shirt is actually my mp3 player and stuff in a small compartment inside the shirt...hehe, I thought I'd say, cause I look like shit, but it's very practical...)

These look pretty good. Like mentioned, don't tippy-toe the bar out of the rack; you need to squat the bar out of the rack.

And why did the other guy need the rack for Deadlifts? '_'

It was pretty assholish (arschlochisch auf Deutsch I guess :p) of him to keep you waiting when you legitimately needed to use the rack and he was doing a lift that can literally be done anywhere. Unless the rack is on top of the platform it's completely unjustified. It's like doing crunches on a bench press bench while people who want to bench have to wait.


Just got a Myotape today, and wondering what are considered small wrists? Mine are 7 1/2, and I've always thought of them as being little girly man wrists.

If my arms were shorter I'd look like a monster!
currently on SS, im having trouble with my bench press at 115lb, i've stalled, deloaded and work my way back up but i still cant get past it. any advice on what i should do?


Tomorrow I'm tackling chest, lats, traps, and squats in the same day, then finishing off with HIIT, but at least I get Chipotle afterwards.


That's considered big. Mine are 8in.

I had no idea, always felt they were a weak point for me. I need to start taking more pics of myself, starting to get the feeling I have a warped idea of how I look. To me I'm still fat & not muscular.

currently on SS, im having trouble with my bench press at 115lb, i've stalled, deloaded and work my way back up but i still cant get past it. any advice on what i should do?

Do you have a spotter? If not I personally feel DBs are far superior to flat BB bench, especially when you hit stall points and don't have a spotter with you.


currently on SS, im having trouble with my bench press at 115lb, i've stalled, deloaded and work my way back up but i still cant get past it. any advice on what i should do?

What sort of jumps are you doing? 5lb? 2.5lb?

If you've been doing 5lb jumps it's time to switch to 2.5lb jumps. If you don't have access to 1.25lb plates you'll have to buy your own. They will become an invaluable training tool for both your bench and your OHP.

If you haven't added Chin-ups or pull-ups to SS this is the time to do it, BTW. They are the first and (along with Dips) the only assistance exercises you should do while on SS.

I appreciate the value of DB bench and it's superior to barbell bench in some ways, but if he's doing SS he should definitely stick with barbell bench. Specially because 115lb is really a very low weight to be stalling at, so it might be a form issue / not enough food or rest. Or possibly both.
What sort of jumps are you doing? 5lb? 2.5lb?

If you've been doing 5lb jumps it's time to switch to 2.5lb jumps. If you don't have access to 1.25lb plates you'll have to buy your own. They will become an invaluable training tool for both your bench and your OHP.

If you haven't added Chin-ups or pull-ups to SS this is the time to do it, BTW. They are the first and (along with Dips) the only assistance exercises you should do while on SS.

I appreciate the value of DB bench and it's superior to barbell bench in some ways, but if he's doing SS he should definitely stick with barbell bench. Specially because 115lb is really a very low weight to be stalling at, so it might be a form issue / not enough food or rest. Or possibly both.

noted. it was a jump from 110 -> 115
yes, i am doing chins/pullups, its a bit terrible at the moment, so im using the assisted machine, figured once i get to 3x10+ i use less weight until i can do it without the machine.

im not sure if it has any impact, but when i was young kid i went through surgery to fix my pectus excavatum (i think it was the ravitch technique) and now have a huge-ass scar across my chest. i dont know if it had any role in my progress.


Just got a Myotape today, and wondering what are considered small wrists? Mine are 7 1/2, and I've always thought of them as being little girly man wrists.

If my arms were shorter I'd look like a monster!

6,3 inches here. Hooray for me!


the piano man
Doesn't look too bad from this angle.

These look pretty good. Like mentioned, don't tippy-toe the bar out of the rack; you need to squat the bar out of the rack.

I am glad you guys like it, gonna keep adding weight then. It's strange cause I analyze ever rep and I find little stuff I'd like to do better, for example, the fourth rep, weight went a bit forward and I was a bit on my toes as I was going up :p , this happens with heavy weight and while I think it's a minor thing, it's a bit of cheating. 1st and 2nd reps look a little bit like I hesitated, decided to bail out and I went up a bit to early. My ideal ROM for the squat would be the 3rd 4th and 5th reps.,

And why did the other guy need the rack for Deadlifts? '_'

It was pretty assholish (arschlochisch auf Deutsch I guess :p) of him to keep you waiting when you legitimately needed to use the rack and he was doing a lift that can literally be done anywhere. Unless the rack is on top of the platform it's completely unjustified. It's like doing crunches on a bench press bench while people who want to bench have to wait.

well, when the guy started to lift some serious weight, he decide to put the barbell on the platform, he started from there, not from the floor and I assumed he needed the squat rack for that.

two other guys nearby were deadlifting less weight but had much, much better form... this guy, while big and strong, didn't look like he really cared much about anything other than completing the reps.

it was funny because a girl came by, approached him and said "dude! that's awesome! how old are you?" he said " guess!" , she said " 32??" ...he replied " I am 23...>_>"... she looked at me with a clear expression of "damn! shit!" on her face while I was there unloading the weight and couldn't help it and laughed, hehe.

and you can also call it a "mamada", hahaha I am in germany but I am mexican! I have read before you are in Mexico but your english writing skills are so good, I have always thought you are an american staying there for a while. and yeah, arschlochisch would be the right word in german :)


Gold Member
Your colon is going to regret it.

Eat 2/3 of it and save the last bit for breakfast.

If it is, you won't finish it. Try it. It's a Friday. Steak Fridays.

I did it for GAF:


Finished at 350g. At half way I was confident I will bang down the whole fucker but then I hit wall after the next bite.

Also a new progress pic I posted in the Weight Loss thread recently. Eating 500g steaks, this is what happens:


Left - December 2012 - 115kg / 253 lbs
Mid - March 2013 - 106kg / 233 lbs
Right - June 2013 - 98kg / 216 lbs

Still a lot work to do, my goal is 85 - 87 kg / 187 - 196 lbs @ 14% BF. I'm 6 feet 2 tall.


Way to go Chittagong. Keep it up man. Losing at the perfect rate it seems like.

If those pics are all really you. I'm not sure I believe the same guy could be holding 2 different colored phones.


I did it for GAF:


Finished at 350g. At half way I was confident I will bang down the whole fucker but then I hit wall after the next bite.

Also a new progress pic I posted in the Weight Loss thread recently. Eating 500g steaks, this is what happens:


Left - December 2012 - 115kg / 253 lbs
Mid - March 2013 - 106kg / 233 lbs
Right - June 2013 - 98kg / 216 lbs

Still a lot work to do, my goal is 85 - 87 kg / 187 - 196 lbs @ 14% BF. I'm 6 feet 2 tall.

Wow that progress - amazing job :)
God dammit! I just missed my workout (3rd day), because I thought the gym would be open for 2 more hours. It's making me sad, but I don't want to lose focus.

Will this effect my progress highly? Will I lose mass/gains? Am I thinking too much?

Managed to get my gym session this morning. Fuck Yeah! Woke up 9:00 am was at the gym app. 10:15. Finished somewhere about 11:30. Did the squats, bench, deadlift, dips, pull-ups and dumbell bicep routine.

Ate 7 slices of baco w/ brocolli, onion and red pepper, 3 banana pancakes (2 eggs + 1 large banana) and Coffee with coconut oil right after for breakfeast. Plus an orange for desert.

And I feel gooood!

Even though I'm only lifting 65 kg on deadlift, I'm really enjoying it - looking forward to the day I'll be doing 100 kg in 1~2 months or so. Its probably my favourite exercise so far apart from properly performed squats.

Still can't do dips or pull-ups for shit though.


Left - December 2012 - 115kg / 253 lbs
Mid - March 2013 - 106kg / 233 lbs
Right - June 2013 - 98kg / 216 lbs

Still a lot work to do, my goal is 85 - 87 kg / 187 - 196 lbs @ 14% BF. I'm 6 feet 2 tall.

Thats awesome! Really good progress!

You're gonne be really strong at that rate. I'm partially envious at your current weight. I need more to reach my personal goal of 80 kg.


Gold Member
Thats awesome! Really good progress!

You're gonne be really strong at that rate. I'm partially envious at your current weight. I need more to reach my personal goal of 80 kg.

Thanks man! I feel I'm still way too weak, but at least Starting Strength has helped me preserve and slightly grow muscle while losing weight. My current work sets are Squat 72.5kg, Bench 72.5kg, Press 42.5kg and Deadlift 122.5 kg. Can't do a single pull-up either yet, my assist is currently at 12kg minimum.

I feel the basic SS exercises are not hitting my upper back enough, needed for a strong looking back and that V shape. I wonder if I should add barbell rows or something to my program.
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