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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Thanks man! I feel I'm still way too weak, but at least Starting Strength has helped me preserve and slightly grow muscle while losing weight. My current work sets are Squat 72.5kg, Bench 72.5kg, Press 42.5kg and Deadlift 122.5 kg. Can't do a single pull-up either yet, my assist is currently at 12kg minimum.

Okay. That puts my concerns more at rest knowing these stats. I haven't tried with assist. I'll have to look into that next time I'm at the gym.

I feel the basic SS exercises are not hitting my upper back enough, needed for a strong looking back and that V shape. I wonder if I should add barbell rows or something to my program.

I have a similiar concern. Especially on my chest. I think I have to apply the intermediate 5/3/1 routine to my bench press (currently 35 kg), even thought I just accomplished my first week.


Junior Member
Managed to get my gym session this morning. Fuck Yeah! Woke up 9:00 am was at the gym app. 10:15. Finished somewhere about 11:30. Did the squats, bench, deadlift, dips, pull-ups and dumbell bicep routine
What routine is that?

BTW Chittagong, fantastic work there. You look great.


the piano man
yeah I have started to add them in, I'm not strong enough yet to do them unassisted though. 12kg assist, down from 25kg a few months back, so it's not too far away I think.

it's great you have added them in.

but don't think you aren't doing the real thing because you do them assited, the move is exactly the same with or without assitance. It's not like when using a smith machine for squatting or benching, where form is compromised.

I'd say do your sets and have the goal to not use the pad under the knees some day but don't sweat it, everything comes with time, stronger arms, stronger back, etc.

congrats on the 25 kg to 12 kg jump :D, not far away at all!


Gold Member
Okay. That puts my concerns more at rest knowing these stats. I haven't tried with assist. I'll have to look into that next time I'm at the gym.

Look for one of these next time you are training


I have a similiar concern. Especially on my chest. I think I have to apply the intermediate 5/3/1 routine to my bench press (currently 35 kg), even thought I just accomplished my first week.

I would stick to the program as strictly as possible to be honest and only if necessary add accessory work on top, the basic program, reps and sets structure is incredibly well structured for achieving progress. I started at 50kg work sets for bench and squat just a month ago, so I have added nearly 50% to them, noob gains.

BTW Chittagong, fantastic work there. You look great.

Thanks man!


Gold Member
it's great you have added them in.

but don't think you aren't doing the real thing because you do them assited, the move is exactly the same with or without assitance. It's not like when using a smith machine for squatting or benching, where form is compromised.

I'd say do your sets and have the goal to not use the pad under the knees some day but don't sweat it, everything comes with time, stronger arms, stronger back, etc.

congrats on the 25 kg to 12 kg jump :D, not far away at all!

Yeah that's good advice, I will try and just see every once in a while without the pad. It's really my dream to pull myself unassisted. I know it will be a magical moment, just like doing my first proper pushup, realising I am strong enough - last year I couldn't do a single proper pushup, now I can do 40 pushups / minute.
I would stick to the program as strictly as possible to be honest and only if necessary add accessory work on top, the basic program, reps and sets structure is incredibly well structured for achieving progress. I started at 50kg work sets for bench and squat just a month ago, so I have added nearly 50% to them, noob gains.

Alright. I'll continue on with the set routine I got now for at least a full 3 months. I'm in no rush anyway, since I'm planning on plowing through for one year till next summer.


I did it for GAF:


Finished at 350g. At half way I was confident I will bang down the whole fucker but then I hit wall after the next bite.

Also a new progress pic I posted in the Weight Loss thread recently. Eating 500g steaks, this is what happens:


Left - December 2012 - 115kg / 253 lbs
Mid - March 2013 - 106kg / 233 lbs
Right - June 2013 - 98kg / 216 lbs

Still a lot work to do, my goal is 85 - 87 kg / 187 - 196 lbs @ 14% BF. I'm 6 feet 2 tall.

Nice work man! That is crazy good progress.

2nd session of clean coaching went well. 60kg went up easily compared to last week. Need more wrist flexibility. The personal trainer could do 4 fingers under the bar on the catch position and I can only have two fingers under the bar.

We did some split jerk technique as well. Left foot forward was A LOT better than my right foot forward. I'm left handed, so that's ok. Still pushing mini weights on that though.

The only qualm I have with the training sessions are that the trainer got me to warm up with 1 minute on 1 minute off kettlebell swings for 3 minutes on. Then he had me do 20 push presses in one set and 20 front squats in one set with the bar.

I was not prepared for that kind of intensity so I'm pretty much out of breath when it comes to doing the technical lifts. Yeah, my stamina is pretty shit right now but I'm working on it.


I added dips after benchpress and dumbbell curls after pull-ups as a finish. Just going by the advice I've been given.
Squat - 3 sets of 5
Bench Press - 3 sets of 5
Dips 3 x as many as possible
Deadlifts - 1 set of 5
Pull-Ups - 3 sets of 8-15
Dumbbell curls 3 x 10
That's way too much for a workout. Doing 3 sets of dips (6-10 b/w, less weighted) murders me. I would not ever do dips and pull ups on the same day. As for the curls, they've a throw away last exercise thing.

Stick to whatever original program you can for a set time and adjust if necessary after you have a better understanding.
That's way too much for a workout. Doing 3 sets of dips (6-10 b/w, less weighted) murders me. I would not ever do dips and pull ups on the same day. As for the curls, they've a throw away last exercise thing.

Stick to whatever original program you can for a set time and adjust if necessary after you have a better understanding.

I don't know why but currently my accomplished feeling after my workout feels inadequate.

Alright, I'll let the curls stay then.


Weight (Nov): 112 kg (Diet and little cardio to get stamina)
Weight (Jan): 106 kg 27% bf (started to do real exercises, super set in particular)
Weight (June) 87 16% bf.
Height: 6.2 ft (Average in my country is 5.6)

I really like my progress so far even though I'm not gaining a lot of muscles because I'm doing a lot cardio (Toning it down currently since i reached normal bf).

My biggest main problems right now is Lordosis, i want the fastest way to get rid of it and have a normal back.

Currently doing most of the exercises in this guide (Didn't buy Foam roller yet).

Feel free to give me any additional Advice.


Weight (Nov): 112 kg (Diet and little cardio to get stamina)
Weight (Jan): 106 kg 27% bf (started to do real exercises, super set in particular)
Weight (June) 87 16% bf.
Height: 6.2 ft (Average in my country is 5.6)

I really like my progress so far even though I'm not gaining a lot of muscles because I'm doing a lot cardio (Toning it down currently since i reached normal bf).

My biggest main problems right now is Lordosis, i want the fastest way to get rid of it and have a normal back.

Currently doing most of the exercises in this guide (Didn't buy Foam roller yet).

Feel free to give me any additional Advice.

I used to have it really bad. 2 things fixed it for me, and they weren't foam rolling (though it helps).

use the big lifts to develop a stronger core.

and sleep on your back with your legs elevated slightly, like on a pillow, as much as possible.


I used to have it really bad. 2 things fixed it for me, and they weren't foam rolling (though it helps).

use the big lifts to develop a stronger core.

and sleep on your back with your legs elevated slightly, like on a pillow, as much as possible.

I usually sleep sideways but i will try sleeping on my back, thanks for the advice.


I have a big problem with the assisted pull-up machine at my gym. I can't do closed grip pull ups since they only have wide group and grips that face me..which is just weird..or is that normal?

With my door frame pull-up thingie I love to do that normal pull-ups with wrists facing me.
I have a big problem with the assisted pull-up machine at my gym. I can't do closed grip pull ups since they only have wide group and grips that face me..which is just weird..or is that normal?

With my door frame pull-up thingie I love to do that normal pull-ups with wrists facing me.

I think the "normal pull-ups with wrists facing me" you are describing are normally just called chin ups. I don't think I started doing chinups until I could do unassisted pullups. By that time I could do several unassisted chins since they are generally easier than pull ups.

Saw this on reddit:

Sometimes I swear I'm the only person who reracks weights in a sensible manner.


I think the "normal pull-ups with wrists facing me" you are describing are normally just called chin ups. I don't think I started doing chinups until I could do unassisted pullups. By that time I could do several unassisted chins since they are generally easier than pull ups.

Saw this on reddit:

Sometimes I swear I'm the only person who reracks weights in a sensible manner.

Oh I see..I still mix them up. So yeah, can't do any chin-ups then. I guess it's ok to do the non easy ones then :p I always us the handles facing me now.

Also, feeling very self concious about posting those and I am sorry about the make-up. I am not one of those chicks putting it on for the gym but the gym is in the same building as our offices and I had an important meeting just before going down...

I only lifted for about 3 weeks now (one week away for a conference) but boy I can already see definition in my back and a bit in my arms. I am also super amazed how my tummy is getting flatter just from deadlifts. Not doing any of those fucking stupid crunches and seeing much more progress in much less time.

I can't wait to see where this is going. Rest day tomorrow then a new week with some new compound exercises. Still really struggling with my squat form but my legs are getting stronger and I can keep the knees from falling in much better now as well.



still battling this ear infection. almost passed out last night but got the OK that it's non contagious so I decided to peel myself into the gym for chest day this morning

set a bench PR.

love it.


It is a great feeling, isn't it?

Looking fantastic btw.

Very much so and thanks. Trying to get away from the "too skinny" look and so far it seems to work :)

Also, the greatest feeling is to stick it to all the cardio freaks and the "oh noes, don't want to bulk and get huge" people.

wow, Tash, you look great :)

besides main compounds, try leg raises to work those abs.

Thanks so much!
And oh cool - that looks like fun. Will add those to my routine :)


I am actually kind of grumpy I got a rest day tomorrow. Getting really addicted to squats of any sorts. Not least because my derriere is really liking it too :p


Oh I see..I still mix them up. So yeah, can't do any chin-ups then. I guess it's ok to do the non easy ones then :p I always us the handles facing me now.

Also, feeling very self concious about posting those and I am sorry about the make-up. I am not one of those chicks putting it on for the gym but the gym is in the same building as our offices and I had an important meeting just before going down...

Looking great! Funny you mention this, I've seen on a few occassions girls who are clearly not dressed for the gym, dolled up and seem more concerned with taking pics in the mirror for facebook/instagram.


Hey, so I went back and assessed my squat more with all your advice, here is my attempt at a low bar squat. My inflexibility made me puss out on most attempts but this video is a good example of my attempt at a tight back and good grip, but the movement of low bar squat is bad. My torso stays upright and my low back rounds still but I'm just hoping this is better and I can get more advice, I really appreciate it.



Do whatever is comfortable for you.

From what I've read, close stance is more quad dominant while wide stance lets you use more weight, what's the consensus, gaf?

Depends on what you mean by close. The narrow stance squats will use your quads and glutes but not your adductors or hamstrings. You won't be able to go as deep as if you were doing wider squats as your femurs will impinge on your hip. Once you get wider into an athletic squat you'll see more adductor and hamstring involvement, then as you get into wide stance powerlifting squats (which are partly that wide because it's a shorter range of motion to reach depth) you'll have very heavy adductor involvement and it's posterior chain dominant.



Left - December 2012 - 115kg / 253 lbs
Mid - March 2013 - 106kg / 233 lbs
Right - June 2013 - 98kg / 216 lbs

Still a lot work to do, my goal is 85 - 87 kg / 187 - 196 lbs @ 14% BF. I'm 6 feet 2 tall.

Fucking A!!! Amazing job bro! Hot damn at that timeline, too. Grats!


Man, my elbows are starting to act up again. I hurt my left elbow about 6 years ago (before shit went downhill) doing reverse curls - feels like the outside area of my elbow along the bone. Hurt so bad it was hard even picking up a gallon of milk. Starting to act up real bad whenever I grip anything tight again. My right elbow is starting to feel it, too.

Symptoms are pretty much tennis elbow. Not sure what the fuck to do but damn does it hurt gripping things palm-down. This makes right knee, right shoulder, left elbow (and now the right), left wrist (carpal tunnel) and left shoulder. FML i'm only 35 - i blame all that damn impact from years of martial arts. I did hurt several joints in practice over the years so I expect some to not be 100%

I'm just starting to break all over the place... what the fuck :(


405lbs deadlifted. something I thought was simply unachievable when I began lifting 2 years ago.

Was so stoked after I spent 2 hours in the gym.

what an awesome day. Can't wait to bench tomorrow.


Picked up 5lbs ON whey protein on sale for $43. best deal I've found in months.

what happened to the days when I used to buy 5lbs for $32? Supplement prices going up or something? Maybe the increase in food costs effect protein?


Is it ok/safe to do DLs, squats, etc. without shoes (ie. barefoot)? I thought I read in Men's Health at some point that it's actually better, but I have virtually no evidence or reason to back up this claim.

Or should I just buy some proper weight lifting shoes?


405lbs deadlifted. something I thought was simply unachievable when I began lifting 2 years ago.

Was so stoked after I spent 2 hours in the gym.

what an awesome day. Can't wait to bench tomorrow.

I know I have you kudos already but kudos again!


Tash lookin good and showing that ladies can (and should) be strong.


Had a good day myself at the gym. First day of 5/3/1 bench. Got 12 reps in. Crushed out my BBB pendlays and dips.

Now I'm making a huge thing of lobster Mac and cheese.


Is it ok/safe to do DLs, squats, etc. without shoes (ie. barefoot)? I thought I read in Men's Health at some point that it's actually better, but I have virtually no evidence or reason to back up this claim.

Or should I just buy some proper weight lifting shoes?

I do it barefoot and I prefer it that way.

I'm not really a fan of weight lifting shoes, I don't think they're necessary unless you're a pro lifter in case equipment is very important. A couple of posters here do like lifting shoes, they could probably point you i the right direction if you're interested.


I do it barefoot and I prefer it that way.

I'm not really a fan of weight lifting shoes, I don't think they're necessary unless you're a pro lifter in case equipment is very important. A couple of posters here do like lifting shoes, they could probably point you i the right direction if you're interested.

Ok cool, I had actually always done these lifts barefoot when I was training previously, but I thought it'd be best to check before I start getting up to heavier weights. Cheers!


Is it ok/safe to do DLs, squats, etc. without shoes (ie. barefoot)? I thought I read in Men's Health at some point that it's actually better, but I have virtually no evidence or reason to back up this claim.

Or should I just buy some proper weight lifting shoes?

I use shoes, but only because I workout at a public gym. IMO, barefoot is superior. Once I get a home gym, I will only be lifting barefoot.


I use shoes, but only because I workout at a public gym. IMO, barefoot is superior. Once I get a home gym, I will only be lifting barefoot.

Yeah, I should have clarified. When I say "barefoot", I meant I'm still wearing socks. No way I'm letting my skin make direct contact with that floor, haha.


Yeah, I should have clarified. When I say "barefoot", I meant I'm still wearing socks. No way I'm letting my skin make direct contact with that floor, haha.

I use Vibrams. No chance of slipping like there might be with socks.
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