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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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I've noticed the past couple of times at the gym I have been feeling sick in the middle of working out. Could this be because I'm pushing myself too hard?

It's ok, I've thrown up after squats in the middle of heavy leg presses before. It can happen.

I would say you aren't working too hard if you can do it.
kind of, I am having some image distortion issues now, I don't see myself muscled because I am not and I am not "slim" anymore either, which makes me just a fat guy... that's not saying I dislike me, I wouldn't have posted the pic if I didn´t like me, I just don't know how to label me, that's all.

but thanks!

I know what you mean. You are in that weird middle ground. Just have to keep going.

@blackflag: nice. Hope you can keep that up. My weight loss has stalled a bit. Hopefully cardio 3 times a week helps me out a bit.


the piano man
It's ok, I've thrown up after squats in the middle of heavy leg presses before. It can happen.

I would say you aren't working too hard if you can do it.

I thought I was the only one, the only exercise from all of them where I can eventually get dizzy and sometimes feel like fainting is the leg press, if I stand up immediately after a set, I may even throw up. I was like WTF...I wonder what's the problem with it.


I thought I was the only one, the only exercise from all of them where I can eventually get dizzy and sometimes feel like fainting is the leg press, if I stand up immediately after a set, I may even throw up. I was like WTF...I wonder what's the problem with it.

Probably the angle leading to vertigo.
here is my ghetto chicken salad for lunch


one of my friends linked me to this:


recipe: http://thebaldgourmet.com/recipe-gr...otatoes-bleu-cheese-and-rosemary-vinaigrette/

Man, I want to eat that :(
Thanks guys.

I use chucks and doing just fine. SS is excellent and really rewarding.

Thanks everyone, love this community.

Yah, ive only done 2 carb nites so far, and i also feel like i didnt eat enough carbs both times. Problem is, on carb nite (basically keto diet till the carb nite), i actually never feel the need to go crazy since keto keeps you feeling not hungry most of the day anyway. I also eat lots of good stuff on the diet like chicken wings with greek yogurt dip sauce, cauliflower pizzas and meatzzas, protein cheesecakes, meatballs, etc etc. So im never actually craving anything in particular, which makes carb nite itself not super big deal for me. There is also a painful transition so far for me going from carb nite back to keto, takes a day or 2 to adjust. Maybe its still early for me however. Good luck.

Where are you getting these recipes from?

a bunch of them sound good and I am trying out carb backloading so I need some good low carb meals.


For several years I've made a resolution at New Years to "get in-shape", and every year I never stick to it. This was the first year in many that I didn't bother. But a month or so ago, I realized something. I'm starting to get chubby. And if my family genes are any indication, I'm clearly doing something wrong. Both my father and mother have always been super skinny.

I mean it's no mystery *what* I'm doing, it was just a matter of realizing it and taking steps to turn things around. Since I was little, I've been a soda drinker. The past few years it's reached all-time highs, averaging anywhere from 40-64 ounces of Pepsi or Coca-Cola a day. Meanwhile I work a 9-5 desk job (as a software engineer) and don't exercise outside of playing ice hockey for an hour or two once a week.

When I was 17, I was 6'1" and around 135 lbs soaking wet. Had a bit of baby fat around my waist, pretty much the only "fat" on my body. After a few years of working a desk job (around 21), I was up to 165 lbs. The baby fat had grown, indiscriminately hiding my abs. For a year or so, I started going to the gym religiously and lifting weights. By the time I stopped going, I had beefed up to around 185 lbs. Still had the love handles though.

Now I find myself turning 33 in a month and up to 190 lbs; even cracked 205 late last year. I haven't been lifting weights for 9 or 10 years, so most if not all of my muscle mass and definition has diminished. Unshapely would be the best way to describe my state. Something needs to change.

A month ago, I set out on a quest... Sign up for a gym membership. Get with a trainer to have a routine laid out for me. Try to get to the gym at least 3 times a week. Start watching what I eat more in terms of saturated fats and cholesterol, but also calories to an extent.

The routine the trainer gave me consists of:

  • Lunges, 3 sets (warm-up)
  • Planks, 4 sets, holding for 30 secs each
  • Thrusters, 5 sets of 5 (25/25/30/30/30)
  • Jump Lunges, 3 sets of 10
  • Push-Ups on a Bosu Ball, 4 sets of 10
  • Lat-Pulldown and Incline Bench Press super-set, 3 sets of 8-10 reps of both (70/85/100, 30)
  • Front dumbell lifts w/ a kettle ball, 4 sets of 8 (20 lb)
  • Bosu Ball step-overs, 4 sets of 15 secs intervals
  • Leg raises, 3 sets of 10

Yesterday was a month to the day that I started this quest. The first time I weighed myself since doing so. While I don't really notice any dramatic difference looking in the mirror, the scale told a different story....

5/12/2013 - 190 lbs
6/12/2013 - 182 lbs

And it should be worth noting, it's been almost a week and a half since I stopped drinking sugary soda! It's my hope that this will help make the results more dramatic when I weigh in next month.

Here's hoping that my progress continues and that someday, hopefully in a few months, I'll see my abs for the first time in my life! :D

I'm not much of a self picture guy, but maybe later I'll snap one of where I'm at now and start taking one every month. It certainly might help motivate me to see the results that I'm not going to notice seeing myself daily.

Good luck on your journey. :)
Taking before pictures is a great way to keep motivated. I always am afraid that I will be disappointed when I take some to see progression but I always end up being happy I did because without them you wouldn't notice those subtle changes that will keep you motivated :)

I always say: If I can fucking do it, everyone can.


Does anyone get really tired while working out? I randomly start yawing during lifts and shit...

Are you holding your breath during lifting? Might be lack of oxygen in one way or another. Very important to concentrate on deep breathing.
On the other hand, if you get enough sleep but are still tired it might be lack of enough carbs that makes you tired.


Can't wait to go to the gym in a few hours. It feels great getting back into it again! Got that first day soreness already.

I took a picture of day 1. Will take another every 30 days to track my progress. I'm currently at 147lbs at 5'11.



With the proper diet I expect to gain 5lbs of lean muscle in the first month bringing me to 152lbs.
Can't wait to go to the gym in a few hours. It feels great getting back into it again! Got that first day soreness already.

I took a picture of day 1. Will take another every 30 days to track my progress. I'm currently at 147lbs at 5'11.

With the proper diet I expect to gain 5lbs of lean muscle in the first month bringing me to 152lbs.

You really couldn't wait until your half a chub was gone before posting pictures?


Can't wait to go to the gym in a few hours. It feels great getting back into it again! Got that first day soreness already.

I took a picture of day 1. Will take another every 30 days to track my progress. I'm currently at 147lbs at 5'11.



With the proper diet I expect to gain 5lbs of lean muscle in the first month bringing me to 152lbs.

I would lower my expectations a bit. Of the weight you gain, some will be fat. You will also probably not gain 5 lbs of muscle, as first you'll have a short period of neural adaptation. You'll notice a difference though!


I would lower my expectations a bit. Of the weight you gain, some will be fat. You will also probably not gain 5 lbs of muscle, as first you'll have a short period of neural adaptation. You'll notice a difference though!

What is neural adaptation?

Also, I plan on eating lean. I've never really gained fat because I still have that 22 year old metabolism but I'm trying to change my habits before I wake up one day realizing I'm 180lbs.

Edit: How do you achieve that insane vascular look? I've never been able to get there. Is that a genetic thing?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Zach I just need to say you might want to put a censor bar on that


I thought I was the only one, the only exercise from all of them where I can eventually get dizzy and sometimes feel like fainting is the leg press, if I stand up immediately after a set, I may even throw up. I was like WTF...I wonder what's the problem with it.

Yeah leg presses tax me more than squats probably because i can put so much more weight on and don't have to worry about my back rounding. I feel like i'm going to throw up or pass out every time.


What is neural adaptation?

Also, I plan on eating lean. I've never really gained fat because I still have that 22 year old metabolism but I'm trying to change my habits before I wake up one day realizing I'm 180lbs.

Edit: How do you achieve that insane vascular look? I've never been able to get there. Is that a genetic thing?

Vascularity is low body fat + genetics. Also aas makes you more vascular.
What is neural adaptation?

The first time you lift a heavy weight your body isn't used to it and your brain can't quite get all your muscles to fire at their maximum efficiency. After a while your body learns how to handle the extra stimulus + motion (think muscle memory) so your brain know how to get everything to fire harder, faster, better, stronger and you have an easier time getting the weight up. Is how newbies can get stronger without any physical growth of the muscle or change in body composition, it's simply your nervous system learning how to handle weightlifting.


The first time you lift a heavy weight your body isn't used to it and your brain can't quite get all your muscles to fire at their maximum efficiency. After a while your body learns how to handle the extra stimulus + motion (think muscle memory) so your brain know how to get everything to fire harder, faster, better, stronger and you have an easier time getting the weight up. Is how newbies can get stronger without any physical growth of the muscle or change in body composition, it's simply your nervous system learning how to handle weightlifting.

Oh wow. That's an interesting psychological phenomenon.

Does that apply to people who weight lifted in the past? I've been doing it for years. I only stopped due to financial struggles. I'm no stranger to diet and exercise.
You really couldn't wait until your half a chub was gone before posting pictures?

Zach I just need to say you might want to put a censor bar on that

I'm dying.

You mean like a low carb pizza?

Not sure if this is what you want but it was crucial when I was on keto back in the day.


It's for Keto though so tons of fat.

just like that, thanks!


Thanks guys.

Got a good workout in today.

A1: Box Squats - 255 lbs 5 reps x 3 sets
A2: Jump squats x 10
Rest 3 mins

B1: Full squats 135lbs 10 reps x 5 sets
Rest 1 min

C1: Leg press w/ 5 second negatives, 10 reps
C2: Single leg RDLs with 35lb dumbells, 10 reps
3 sets, 2 min rest

D1: Bench press 135lb x 10 reps
D2: Chest press machine 120lb x 10 reps
D3: Chest fly machine 120lb x 10 reps
Rest 2-3 min

E1: Abs

Also tried some new stuff in my protein shake. 2 scoops CSN chocolate ice cream whey, 2 scoops greek yogurt, 8oz milk, 8oz water. About 360kcal, 85g of protein, 2g of fat


Hi Guys, I need some help with this workout.

My UC is flaring right now which means that I'm going to be in some discomfort to say the least over the next few weeks until i get it cleared up. However, it is very important that I continue to exercise as the stress relief and health benefits are important to my recovery.

I've been doing a 4 day split for the past 60 days. I need to shorten that go back to whole body workouts until I am feeling better. What do you think of this:
Squats 3x10
OHP 3x10
Deadlift 3x5
Weighted Dip 3x10
Wehighted Chin 3x10
EZ Curl 1x10

I will do this either every other day or every 2 days depending on how I feel and my recovery. Thoughts?

Got through the workout today only having eaten a cup of rice yesterday and a half cup of rice today. Ate half of dry turkey and cheese sandwich today. Will be following that up with dry pasta and a well done hamburger patty without spice.

Not fun at all but it's all I can do until I can get this under control. Have to say so long to 1 hour chest routines for awhile.


Can't wait to go to the gym in a few hours. It feels great getting back into it again! Got that first day soreness already.

I took a picture of day 1. Will take another every 30 days to track my progress. I'm currently at 147lbs at 5'11.



With the proper diet I expect to gain 5lbs of lean muscle in the first month bringing me to 152lbs.

If you're wanting to put on 5 pounds of muscle in a month, you're going to put on some fat. That's normal. If you're wanting to do a much slower bulk you could reduce the amount of fat you put on, but you will not do 5 pounds of muscle in a month.


Guys give me a target. Let's say three months.

Second week in the gym. Doing starting strength, ( and some curls lol) Current stats:

Bench: 200 lbs 4 reps, 220 1 rep

Squats: 165 lbs; 4 reps

Deadlifts, not comfortable with form yet, so don't know my max yet
Guys, I have a question. I've been getting back into doing push ups, but something feels weird. I've been working out consistently for 3 or 4 weeks now, but whenever I start, I feel pain in my shoulder joints. This never happened to me before. I know you experience pain when you first start up, but not after 4 weeks. It wasn't an on and off kind of thing either. I consistently kept it up for 4 weeks and I still feel some minor pain in the beginning. Once I get in the groove, it goes away and feels more sore and tire which is normal. Should I see a doctor for this? It's not a major pain, just surprised that I still feel pain after consistent workouts.


Guys, I have a question. I've been getting back into doing push ups, but something feels weird. I've been working out consistently for 3 or 4 weeks now, but whenever I start, I feel pain in my shoulder joints. This never happened to me before. I know you experience pain when you first start up, but not after 4 weeks. It wasn't an on and off kind of thing either. I consistently kept it up for 4 weeks and I still feel some minor pain in the beginning. Once I get in the groove, it goes away and feels more sore and tire which is normal. Should I see a doctor for this? It's not a major pain, just surprised that I still feel pain after consistent workouts.

You have bad form; possibly a lot of internal rotation of the humerus. How much do you flare your elbows out?

How to fix:

Oh wow. That's an interesting psychological phenomenon.

Does that apply to people who weight lifted in the past? I've been doing it for years. I only stopped due to financial struggles. I'm no stranger to diet and exercise.

It's not psychological, it's physiological.

I'm no expert by any means but I think if you take a long enough layoff (like 6 months or more) you definitely lose some or all of those adaptations. Hence when people say noob gains they always throw in the caveat of someone coming back from a layoff.
Guys, I have a question. I've been getting back into doing push ups, but something feels weird. I've been working out consistently for 3 or 4 weeks now, but whenever I start, I feel pain in my shoulder joints. This never happened to me before. I know you experience pain when you first start up, but not after 4 weeks. It wasn't an on and off kind of thing either. I consistently kept it up for 4 weeks and I still feel some minor pain in the beginning. Once I get in the groove, it goes away and feels more sore and tire which is normal. Should I see a doctor for this? It's not a major pain, just surprised that I still feel pain after consistent workouts.

None of us are even qualified to give you advice over the internet. Yes you might have bad form, but pain should never be ignored. Go to the doc.


Gold Member
First carb nite behind me. I boosted it quite a bit based on feedback here. Hopefully I didn't overdo it.

Here's the damage

I must say that it was bit of an anti-climax to be honest. I didn't enjoy the carbs as much as I imagined, I must have adapted to the taste of healthy food over the last months.

There was also some cognitive dissonance on knowing this stuff is not the nutrition I want to feed my system, while I understand the hormonal benefits. Interesting to see whether this kick my fatburning up now over the next week.

I am looking forwards to the hotel omelette and bacon with black coffee tomorrow morning.


First carb nite behind me. I boosted it quite a bit based on feedback here. Hopefully I didn't overdo it.

Here's the damage

I must say that it was bit of an anti-climax to be honest. I didn't enjoy the carbs as much as I imagined, I must have adapted to the taste of healthy food over the last months.

There was also some cognitive dissonance on knowing this stuff is not the nutrition I want to feed my system, while I understand the hormonal benefits. Interesting to see whether this kick my fatburning up now over the next week.

I am looking forwards to the hotel omelette and bacon with black coffee tomorrow morning.
you did it wrong. it should have been all beer


First carb nite behind me. I boosted it quite a bit based on feedback here. Hopefully I didn't overdo it.

Here's the damage

I must say that it was bit of an anti-climax to be honest. I didn't enjoy the carbs as much as I imagined, I must have adapted to the taste of healthy food over the last months.

There was also some cognitive dissonance on knowing this stuff is not the nutrition I want to feed my system, while I understand the hormonal benefits. Interesting to see whether this kick my fatburning up now over the next week.

I am looking forwards to the hotel omelette and bacon with black coffee tomorrow morning.

Haha yeah it's not to satisfy you, it's to replenish glycogen and leptin hormone.

Doesn't look like you did it, I used to eat about 1k g of carbs in 36 hours weekly on my ckd keto diet.


Skipping the gym today, woke up this morning and it was obvious I just wouldn't have it, so will just do some pullups and pushups tonight.


Gold Member
Haha yeah it's not to satisfy you, it's to replenish glycogen and leptin hormone.

Doesn't look like you did it, I used to eat about 1k g of carbs in 36 hours weekly on my ckd keto diet.

holy crap, that's what, like double mine carbs! I can not imagine eating a single bit of more, not to speak of double... we'll see how this affects things. At least I am really damn tired now. I worked out before pigging out, to maximise the effect.

did you do ultra low carb otherwise? how fast did you manage to shed fat with this method?


SO, I'm two weeks into a modified SS program. (I'm using one from one of the military articles on SS.com) It's program A, B, then HIIT training on the third day.

I'm torn on my diet. I know that when doing SS your not supposed to worry too much about what to eat, but being in the military I have to lower my body fat. (I failed my last body fat test by 1%. I'm at 25% by the Army standards) The Army uses belly and neck circumference put into a formula with height to figure body fat.

I'm trying to do a moderate/low carb, high protein, semi-high fat diet. Almost totally cut out "white" carbs and I eat very few carbs during the daytime.

I've been eating enough that I've had no problems with my gains so far, but I'm worried I'm not going to lose enough fat, quickly enough. I need to loose at least that 1% in a month.

Does SS burn a decent amount of fat if you are still eating enough to make gains? I really feel I need a plan that includes more HIIT.

I'm curious to know what some of your immediate changes (first 4 weeks) were like on SS.

I'm not expecting a miracle, I'm just meeting all kinds of doubt with my plan (It's totally contrary to Army training) and I really don't want to show up at the end of the month and blow my tape test. It will just give the naysayers ammo.


holy crap, that's what, like double mine carbs! I can not imagine eating a single bit of more, not to speak of double... we'll see how this affects things. At least I am really damn tired now. I worked out before pigging out, to maximise the effect.

did you do ultra low carb otherwise? how fast did you manage to shed fat with this method?

I lost 90lbs in a bit less than a year and thats not including the bunches of muscle I gained.

One of these days I gotta dig a out a before picture and post it but I don't even want to cuz i was so fat :(
Been working out for about 3 months now, and just recently upped from once a week to twice a week. Today for the first time I got some crazy bad stomach cramps while on my second workout of the week and had to stop early. Anyone ever had this happen before?

As for food, for breakfast I had eggs, wheat bread, bacon, water, and fruit.
For lunch I had a pork sandwich with a wheat bun, water, and more fruit.
Worked out about 2 hours after lunch and took one scoop of C4 pre-workout.

I warmed up with ~20 walking lunges and 10 inchworm things (IDK if these have a real name, it's where you start in a pushup position and step forward while keeping knees locked and palms stationary).

I started feeling weird less than 10 minutes into my workout, alternating pushups and back raises for 3 sets each, and had to end the workout shortly after.

An hour later and I still have abdominal cramps.


SO, I'm two weeks into a modified SS program. (I'm using one from one of the military articles on SS.com) It's program A, B, then HIIT training on the third day.

I'm torn on my diet. I know that when doing SS your not supposed to worry too much about what to eat, but being in the military I have to lower my body fat. (I failed my last body fat test by 1%. I'm at 25% by the Army standards) The Army uses belly and neck circumference put into a formula with height to figure body fat.

I'm trying to do a moderate/low carb, high protein, semi-high fat diet. Almost totally cut out "white" carbs and I eat very few carbs during the daytime.

I've been eating enough that I've had no problems with my gains so far, but I'm worried I'm not going to lose enough fat, quickly enough. I need to loose at least that 1% in a month.

Does SS burn a decent amount of fat if you are still eating enough to make gains? I really feel I need a plan that includes more HIIT.

I'm curious to know what some of your immediate changes (first 4 weeks) were like on SS.

I'm not expecting a miracle, I'm just meeting all kinds of doubt with my plan (It's totally contrary to Army training) and I really don't want to show up at the end of the month and blow my tape test. It will just give the naysayers ammo.

Your job comes first. Lose the fat. If that means slower SS, that's fine. Also a common trick for the tape test is to do nods with a neck harness and to shrug your chin into your clavicles when tested, gets you another inch on the tape. Of course I guess you'd already know this.
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