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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Oh wow. That's an interesting psychological phenomenon.

Does that apply to people who weight lifted in the past? I've been doing it for years. I only stopped due to financial struggles. I'm no stranger to diet and exercise.
It applies to everyone. It's a capacity, not something you either have or you don't. It's how lifters who compete in a certain weight class, people who are already in the upper echelon of strength, can keep getting stronger. But yes, the initial gains are strongest for an untrained person executing a movement for the first time. There's a somewhat joke-y saying that for a completely detrained person, running on a treadmill will improve their bench press.

If you start squatting (for example) with a weight well below one you've been able to lift previously, you'll find that you'll be able to progress it fairly quickly up to your previous limit as muscle memory awakens.


Your job comes first. Lose the fat. If that means slower SS, that's fine. Also a common trick for the tape test is to do nods with a neck harness and to shrug your chin into your clavicles when tested, gets you another inch on the tape. Of course I guess you'd already know this.

Indeed, I do know the neck tricks. Neck was 18.25, belly was 42 if I remember correctly. Thank you for the advice, though. I'm sure by the end of the summer all will be well. I just stress, PT and weight have been a monkey on my back for the last 12 1/2 years!
So who here does HST workout? I've started it about 3 months ago, first bulking up to get a bit of muscle and now cutting down. At the end of the bulk I was 213, then last I checked I was at 207 in about 2 weeks. The good thing is that I feel like I'm actually getting stronger but my belly fat is going down considerably. Maybe it's the newbie gains but I'll continue to try it out so long as it works.

What's HST?

For several years I've made a resolution at New Years to "get in-shape", and every year I never stick to it. This was the first year in many that I didn't bother. But a month or so ago, I realized something. I'm starting to get chubby. And if my family genes are any indication, I'm clearly doing something wrong. Both my father and mother have always been super skinny.

I mean it's no mystery *what* I'm doing, it was just a matter of realizing it and taking steps to turn things around. Since I was little, I've been a soda drinker. The past few years it's reached all-time highs, averaging anywhere from 40-64 ounces of Pepsi or Coca-Cola a day. Meanwhile I work a 9-5 desk job (as a software engineer) and don't exercise outside of playing ice hockey for an hour or two once a week.

When I was 17, I was 6'1" and around 135 lbs soaking wet. Had a bit of baby fat around my waist, pretty much the only "fat" on my body. After a few years of working a desk job (around 21), I was up to 165 lbs. The baby fat had grown, indiscriminately hiding my abs. For a year or so, I started going to the gym religiously and lifting weights. By the time I stopped going, I had beefed up to around 185 lbs. Still had the love handles though.

Now I find myself turning 33 in a month and up to 190 lbs; even cracked 205 late last year. I haven't been lifting weights for 9 or 10 years, so most if not all of my muscle mass and definition has diminished. Unshapely would be the best way to describe my state. Something needs to change.

A month ago, I set out on a quest... Sign up for a gym membership. Get with a trainer to have a routine laid out for me. Try to get to the gym at least 3 times a week. Start watching what I eat more in terms of saturated fats and cholesterol, but also calories to an extent.

The routine the trainer gave me consists of:

  • Lunges, 3 sets (warm-up)
  • Planks, 4 sets, holding for 30 secs each
  • Thrusters, 5 sets of 5 (25/25/30/30/30)
  • Jump Lunges, 3 sets of 10
  • Push-Ups on a Bosu Ball, 4 sets of 10
  • Lat-Pulldown and Incline Bench Press super-set, 3 sets of 8-10 reps of both (70/85/100, 30)
  • Front dumbell lifts w/ a kettle ball, 4 sets of 8 (20 lb)
  • Bosu Ball step-overs, 4 sets of 15 secs intervals
  • Leg raises, 3 sets of 10

Yesterday was a month to the day that I started this quest. The first time I weighed myself since doing so. While I don't really notice any dramatic difference looking in the mirror, the scale told a different story....

5/12/2013 - 190 lbs
6/12/2013 - 182 lbs

And it should be worth noting, it's been almost a week and a half since I stopped drinking sugary soda! It's my hope that this will help make the results more dramatic when I weigh in next month.

Here's hoping that my progress continues and that someday, hopefully in a few months, I'll see my abs for the first time in my life! :D

I'm not much of a self picture guy, but maybe later I'll snap one of where I'm at now and start taking one every month. It certainly might help motivate me to see the results that I'm not going to notice seeing myself daily.

Good work on the weight loss so far and sticking to working out!
But the thing is, if you keep the weight loss going you'll end up a skinny fucker. The PT's routine is kinda trash.

I know it's a daunting amount of info to get through but I highly recommend reading the OP of this thread and adopting a programme that encourages progressively loading weight leading to linear strength gains.

My recommendation would be a version of Starting Strength or GreySkull LP.


Today was a humbling day, went to the gym after my periodical break expecting to put up 405 on the deadlift after I managed 365 a few months back. I ended up getting stuck at my shin tops, had to drop down to 315 and I could barely do that without breaks.
Unsure of what's wrong with me, I've fixed my thyroid and have been losing weight despite over 3000-4000 cals per day at 5'7'' 170 but with the amount of protein I eat I figured it almost impossible to lose weight. I never have a bloated stomach from cortisol, etc. but for some reason my lifts have gone down. Hopefully I'm just getting back to lifting heavy as I went kind of light the last few months.
If anyone had any similar experiences with lifts dropping please tell me how you fixed yourself. Thanks.

Deleted member 12837

Unconfirmed Member

This is really helpful. Ever since I went on a 3-4 month hiatus due to my surgery scar tissue flaring up, I haven't been able to find my DL groove. My lower back always felt very secure and strong, and I was consistently moving up in weight. I successfully migrated to a mixed grip.

Post-break, however, I haven't been able to figure it out again. My muscle memory has failed me :( . Hopefully some of those cues will help me remember.
I like this one a lot -


Easy to make, tastes great.

What about this one?

Might be too low in fat depending on what you are looking for.

You mean like a low carb pizza?

Not sure if this is what you want but it was crucial when I was on keto back in the day.


It's for Keto though so tons of fat.

Thanks! I will take a look at them and go from there.

Also just finished up some HIIT on the bike. Increased intensity and my legs are sore and on fire. Just did it for 12 minutes. I will see if I can increase it but man, dead dead dead.

Let's hope this helps me break through my plateau.


This here is the best zero carb pizza I've done/eaten:

http://monkeyfood.net/category/pitsaa/ (it's in finnish sorry)

For one baking tray (or whatever it's called) you need:
- 5 eggs
- salt

First set the oven to 200 degrees celsius. Separate the egg whites from the yolk. Whip the egg whites like you were doing meringue. It needs to be pretty stiff. Then break up the yolk and gently mix them with the whipped egg whites. Add a little bit of salt. Spread the mixture evenly on the tray and bake in the over for about 10-15 minutes. Take it out. Add the toppings of your choice. Put it back in the oven for about 15-20 minutes.

Super easy to make and the best thing is that the eggs don't even taste like eggs here. Try it out. Also the crust being pure protein and fat makes it kind of awesome.


Just bought JEFIT pro, never logged any of my workouts so may as well start now.

My wrist is feeling a lot better, it's crazy how many nagging/annoying injuries I've gotten in the last 6 months. I'm proud of myself that I keep powering through them without taking any extended time off, even when my shoulder was at it's worst I still did weighted pushups, pullups, deadlifts and squats.

How many GAFers in here have tattoos? I'm thinking of getting one on my upper back.


What diet / training program would you be doing that would lead to you create a zero carb pizza? Shit sounds depressing. IF all the way.


Skipping the gym today, woke up this morning and it was obvious I just wouldn't have it, so will just do some pullups and pushups tonight.



Something I'd like to understand with regards to protein, with the exception of no muscle gain, what happens when you don't eat enough of it after doing a workout? When I started last October, I noticed my muscles had grown after a month or so, but stopped and I've not seen any improvements since then. I know it is also necessary to eat 500 more calories than normal to let them grow.

Another question: is it necessary to eat some protein and carbs within 30 minutes after working out? What about before it?


Skipping the gym today, woke up this morning and it was obvious I just wouldn't have it, so will just do some pullups and pushups tonight.

LOL I just came back from doing the same thing. Got there, stumbled around, tried to do my bench set where I normally get 10, got 5...

Said yolo and went home.
Hiya fitbros,

Today marks the end of my PSMF (protein sparing modified fast/protein STRICTLY mother FUCKER) experiment. 5 weeks and 4 days. The specific program I used was Lyle McDonald's Rapid Fat Loss Handbook. If you're impatient/have an upcoming wedding or beach day and want to drop a lot of weight quickly without much risk to muscle and strength loss I would highly recommend buying it! Just do exactly what's in the book and you'll be fine. Reading tons of articles on Lyle's site (it's in the OP) didn't hurt either, I'm all edjumacated now.

The most important thing I learned is what it really takes to get enough protein. You gotta eat meat at most every meal. Also, fiber is important. And EGG (white) MUFFINS! So convenient. Spray the muffin tray, pour/crack your egg, bake for 15 minutes @ 350. Saved me so much time.

5/6/13: 192.4
5/9/13: 187.2 (My "carb depleted" starting point)
6/4/13: 175.0

EDIT: obligatory

If you figure somewhere between 80-90% of weight lost was fat, that's somewhere between 10-11 pounds of pure fat gone in less than a month an a half.

Big Lifts:
Lyle is adamant that the way to maintain muscle on a cut is to keep the intensity (weight on the bar) and drop volume (he claims you can drop it by up to 2/3 and still keep what you have for a decent amount of time). I picked weights I could do for 3 sets of 8 and did alternating lower/upper days 3 times a week.

Squats & Deads - 275
Bench - 185
Press - 115 (this is low because I had to do it the same day as bench, and only 2 sets)
Chins - 25# plate

In all cases I lost a couple reps on the 2nd and 3rd sets but never had to drop the weight.

I feel like the difference is pretty hard to see, I think maybe a little more definition in my arms and legs, and most definitley a lot less to grab on the gut (38.5" to 36" and TWO belt loops gained), but I still look more or less the same in my mind. Still, you can't complain about 17 pounds gone with essentially no strength lost.

I plan to go back up to maintenance for three weeks, and upon returning from a family visit, continue to cut. This will be the real challenge, severely restricted diets and retarded see-food bulks are easy, but moderation is gonna take disciprine.

Food log if you're curious (I ate pretty much this every day except for a weekly carb refeed, fish oil and mineral supplements, and an extra scoop of whey after workouts):


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
So the carbnite for a 3 weeks did nothing. This was with working out. Odd ass shit

However, this week I did not monitor carbs or workout and ate closer to 2,500 calories as opposed to 2,000-1,500 and my weight went down. I'm assuming I am burning a lot more calories than i expected to be.

I have me endocrin appointment in 2 weeks so I will know more then.

Seems as if my metabolism may be burning a lot more than I expected. I need to see the numbers though. I'm just ready to find out what the fuck is going on.

This is the first time in a long time I stopped working out and ate this much. My net was a lot higher than it has probably been in like a year. Blam weight loss. eff me. My body confuses the hell out of me.


So the carbnite for a 3 weeks did nothing. This was with working out. Odd ass shit

However, this week I did not monitor carbs or workout and ate closer to 2,500 calories as opposed to 2,000-1,500 and my weight went down. I'm assuming I am burning a lot more calories than i expected to be.

I have me endocrin appointment in 2 weeks so I will know more then.

Seems as if my metabolism may be burning a lot more than I expected. I need to see the numbers though. I'm just ready to find out what the fuck is going on.

This is the first time in a long time I stopped working out and ate this much. My net was a lot higher than it has probably been in like a year. Blam weight loss. eff me. My body confuses the hell out of me.

Nothing like that metabolism waking back up!

Keep us posted on the endo stuff.


As a native New Yorker, I can't even imagine a slice without carbs, probably tastes like hatred.

I'm gonna go with sadness more than hatred!

I got tattoos (L/R upper arms, L/R wrists, right foot), what do you wanna know?

Congrats on pushing through the pain. Shit's tough to do.
Great find.

What I've noticed is I have a harder time keeping the same form when wearing a belt. Could the thickness of my belt be doing this?

I don't know much about this but it could be a possibility.
I was browsing through the eltefts belts and the 6.5mm one says this:

"This is exactly the same as our 13mm Premium P2 belt except half the thickness (6.5mm). This makes it a better belt for general use as well as deadlifting."


Finished second wek of modified SS (4 workouts with workload so far). Man making my gains every workout is nice. I still can't squat as much as I can bench =( which is a great indicator that years of long distance running have turned my legs to mush.

Ended up with
215x5x3 Squat
230x5x3 Bench
235x5x3 Deadlift
120x5x3 Press

Anyone looking for a great low carb super protein meal should give this a shot. Tastes Goddamned amazing.
This here is the best zero carb pizza I've done/eaten:

http://monkeyfood.net/category/pitsaa/ (it's in finnish sorry)

For one baking tray (or whatever it's called) you need:
- 5 eggs
- salt

First set the oven to 200 degrees celsius. Separate the egg whites from the yolk. Whip the egg whites like you were doing meringue. It needs to be pretty stiff. Then break up the yolk and gently mix them with the whipped egg whites. Add a little bit of salt. Spread the mixture evenly on the tray and bake in the over for about 10-15 minutes. Take it out. Add the toppings of your choice. Put it back in the oven for about 15-20 minutes.

Super easy to make and the best thing is that the eggs don't even taste like eggs here. Try it out. Also the crust being pure protein and fat makes it kind of awesome.


Interesting stuff. I'm still debating if I want to do a 10-14 day PSMF. Could definitely look to lose another 5 lbs in that time period. Also curious to see how much of the weight you will gain back from carbs/water. Glad to see that you haven't lost any strength as that would be my biggest concern. I did PSMF for 2 weeks last year but got sloppy with it. If I do it again, stay strict for sure.


Legs are still sore. Quads are really feeling it. HIIT is the way to go.

Thank you based Norton.


This here is the best zero carb pizza I've done/eaten:

http://monkeyfood.net/category/pitsaa/ (it's in finnish sorry)

For one baking tray (or whatever it's called) you need:
- 5 eggs
- salt

First set the oven to 200 degrees celsius. Separate the egg whites from the yolk. Whip the egg whites like you were doing meringue. It needs to be pretty stiff. Then break up the yolk and gently mix them with the whipped egg whites. Add a little bit of salt. Spread the mixture evenly on the tray and bake in the over for about 10-15 minutes. Take it out. Add the toppings of your choice. Put it back in the oven for about 15-20 minutes.

Super easy to make and the best thing is that the eggs don't even taste like eggs here. Try it out. Also the crust being pure protein and fat makes it kind of awesome.


ty for the recipe


Hoping to get a check on my form for dead lift and squat.

On squats I feel good about my depth but the movement up isn't as smooth as I would like and my knees start to try to come in as far as I can tell.


For deadlift I am always concentrating on keeping lower back engaged and driving with the legs first but I can't tell if I'm rounding it at all. I also really need to work on form in lowering the bar from what I can tell.


Thanks for any help.
Interesting stuff. I'm still debating if I want to do a 10-14 day PSMF. Could definitely look to lose another 5 lbs in that time period. Also curious to see how much of the weight you will gain back from carbs/water. Glad to see that you haven't lost any strength as that would be my biggest concern. I did PSMF for 2 weeks last year but got sloppy with it. If I do it again, stay strict for sure.

Cliff's from the book: If you're at around 15% BF or under do it for 10-11 days with a 2 day carb refeed at the end. If you're between 16-25% you wanna go at 2-6 weeks, but you can have one "free" dinner (don't go nuts, just keep it healthy without obsessing over the macros) and one 5-hour carb refeed per week. And you always go back to at least 2 weeks at maintenance when you're done. But there's no room for error, you either do it right or you're just on a shitty, miserbale diet.

Unless you wanna look super lean for a specific date I don't see much of an advantage of doing it for less than 3 weeks, because at that point it's basically 2 weeks severely restricted then 2 weeks at maint, when you could've just done 4 weeks at a more moderate defecit. Of course the less fat you have to lose the more protein you need to eat and the bigger your risk of muscle loss on a hard diet like that. It's not appropriate for everyone but I started, I'd guess, around 22% and probably ended up around 18%.

I've done keto a few times and I usually gain anywhere from 3-5 lbs water and glycogen when I come off it, so I expent to end up at or just shy of 180. Which is still a damn sight better than 193. Gonna unwrap those abs come Christmas morning :D
posting a new pic! feeling extra lean (and skinny). 227.5 lbs. Looks better in person imo.

Cliff's from the book: If you're at around 15% BF or under do it for 10-11 days with a 2 day carb refeed at the end. If you're between 16-25% you wanna go at 2-6 weeks, but you can have one "free" dinner (don't go nuts, just keep it healthy without obsessing over the macros) and one 5-hour carb refeed per week. And you always go back to at least 2 weeks at maintenance when you're done.

Unless you wanna look super lean for a specific date I don't see much of an advantage of doing it for less than 3 weeks, because at that point it's basically 2 weeks severely restricted then 2 weeks at maint, when you could've just done 4 weeks at a more moderate defecit. Of course the less fat you have to lose the more protein you need to eat and the bigger your risk of muscle loss on a hard diet like that. It's not appropriate for everyone but I started, I'd guess, around 22% and probably ended up around 18%.

I've done keto a few times and I usually gain anywhere from 3-5 lbs water and glycogen when I come off it, so I expent to end up at or just shy of 180. Which is still a damn sight better than 193. Gonna unwrap those abs come Christmas morning :D

Gotcha. Yeah, I am under 15% so to just do it for 10-12 days... I don't know. My target date was the 11th of July (Vegas!) but now, I'm just gonna extend it out for a few more months. Don't want to push it too much. It sucks, but I would rather go at it a bit slower than rush it to hit a date.


Good work on the weight loss so far and sticking to working out!
But the thing is, if you keep the weight loss going you'll end up a skinny fucker. The PT's routine is kinda trash.

I know it's a daunting amount of info to get through but I highly recommend reading the OP of this thread and adopting a programme that encourages progressively loading weight leading to linear strength gains.

My recommendation would be a version of Starting Strength or GreySkull LP.
Thanks! Trash or not, the routine has been working for me and producing results. I get what you're saying about weight loss being a path to being a skinny fucker, but that's the thing, I'm not worried about that. I've still got muscle mass from when I put on like 20-25 lbs of muscle years and years back. The weight lifting stuff in his routine has been good for reacquainting the muscles with being worked. I plan to put together my own routine with more focused weight training on top of core exercises starting either next week or the week after.

I'm basically thinking of breaking it into three different routines; a back and biceps day, a chest and triceps day, and a legs and shoulders day. I'll do three or four specific exercises for those areas, and pair them with a consistent set of core-building exercises. Maybe I'll start doing a strictly cardio day in between each weight lifting day. So workout five days a week and give myself the weekend to fully recover.

I just want to get rid of the freakin' love handles and feel good about how I look!


posting a new pic! feeling extra lean (and skinny). 227.5 lbs. Looks better in person imo.

Gotcha. Yeah, I am under 15% so to just do it for 10-12 days... I don't know. My target date was the 11th of July (Vegas!) but now, I'm just gonna extend it out for a few more months. Don't want to push it too much. It sucks, but I would rather go at it a bit slower than rush it to hit a date.

Damn looking good dude


Looks great FE :)

I still haven't learned:
Leg day + Friday Evening/going out + skinny jeans = bad idea

Seriously considering switching days.
Damn right you are, nice work. Now shave that stupid half a happy trail.

Looking good FE but let's get this done, be the hairless beast from the mountains.

Your "After" shot is getting better and better. Great work, man!!!

Damn looking good dude

Looks great FE :)

I still haven't learned:
Leg day + Friday Evening/going out + skinny jeans = bad idea

Seriously considering switching days.

thanks all! I really do appreciate the comments. My motivation plus your input keeps me going. No joke <3

@HisshouBuraiKen - will do after my haircut next month :)

@Sunflower - slowly man. It will happen!

@Tash - rusrs? That is the best idea. Leg pump and skinny jeans. Never change.
How do I know how much exercise is overexercising? When I work my upper body, I don't feel sore AT ALL, even the very next day. Does this mean I could in theory exercise my upper body every day with no negative effects?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
How do I know how much exercise is overexercising? When I work my upper body, I don't feel sore AT ALL, even the very next day. Does this mean I could in theory exercise my upper body every day with no negative effects?

I feel the best way to judge is your recovery. If you feel moderately ass-kicked the NEXT day, you're doing fine. If you're worn down to a little nub and don't feel like doing anything, you've overworked it.

However I am sure Noema or other super mega knowledgeable dudes will come in and give some TRUTH. I never get DOMS anymore no matter how hard I work.


Edge, looking smaller and smaller yet bigger and bigger.


Good news, everyone. I did BBB deads on Wednesday. Yesterday I was stiff. Today I feel great. This time last week I was still dead.


I feel the best way to judge is your recovery. If you feel moderately ass-kicked the NEXT day, you're doing fine. If you're worn down to a little nub and don't feel like doing anything, you've overworked it.

However I am sure Noema or other super mega knowledgeable dudes will come in and give some TRUTH. I never get DOMS anymore no matter how hard I work.

I'm not super mega anything, but my understanding is that there are two types of overtraining: local and systemic. In systemic overtraining, you've fried your nervous system so you'll have weird symptoms like irritability, high heart rate, tired but can't sleep, a general feeling of being trashed, reduced overall performance, etc. In local overtraining, it's when you slam your muscles with excessive frequency, intensity and volume and they don't have the time or resources to recover properly, making them actually weaken or plateau over time. Imagine doing 30 sets of curls every day; you'd fuck up your biceps but the rest of your body might be okay. Now imagine doing 30 sets of deadlifts every day; you are going to deepfry your whole system.

Soreness is no indicator of properly training a muscle group. Some of my best progress has occurred in the absence of DOMS.


I'm gonna go with sadness more than hatred!

I got tattoos (L/R upper arms, L/R wrists, right foot), what do you wanna know?

Congrats on pushing through the pain. Shit's tough to do.

I've been curious to know if the tattoos can stretch or deform as the muscles underneath them change. The spot I want to get my back tattoo could see a lot of change over the years.


Something I've always seemed to struggle with is lateral deltoid growth.

The shoulder press is one of my favorite exercises, and my numbers are actually pretty strong for my weight.

It has built up my traps and upper back and anterior deltoid a lot, HOWEVER, my lateral deltoid seems to be stimulated only slightly. Any good way to target it? Or will I need to do dumbbell stuff?


Something I've always seemed to struggle with is lateral deltoid growth.

The shoulder press is one of my favorite exercises, and my numbers are actually pretty strong for my weight.

It has built up my traps and upper back and anterior deltoid a lot, HOWEVER, my lateral deltoid seems to be stimulated only slightly. Any good way to target it? Or will I need to do dumbbell stuff?

You could do BTN presses, but I don't like those. They're dangerous.

If you want to focus on your lateral deltoid and presses aren't doing it for you, then you may want to look into some isolation work and/or getting your presses even stronger.


Something I've always seemed to struggle with is lateral deltoid growth.

The shoulder press is one of my favorite exercises, and my numbers are actually pretty strong for my weight.

It has built up my traps and upper back and anterior deltoid a lot, HOWEVER, my lateral deltoid seems to be stimulated only slightly. Any good way to target it? Or will I need to do dumbbell stuff?

Lateral raises, and lots of them, incorporate drop sets into the mix when you do them.

Make sure to do rear delt raises & face pulls, I neglected them for a while and got Impingement syndrome because my front delts were overdeveloped in comparison to the rest.


You could do BTN presses, but I don't like those. They're dangerous.

If you want to focus on your lateral deltoid and presses aren't doing it for you, then you may want to look into some isolation work and/or getting your presses even stronger.

Lateral raises, and lots of them, incorporate drop sets into the mix when you do them.

Make sure to do rear delt raises & face pulls, I neglected them for a while and got Impingement syndrome because my front delts were overdeveloped in comparison to the rest.

Damn so isolation work is really the only way huh.

Yeah I notice my posterior delt is smaller too, but I do bent over rows which should hit that area.

I would honestly prefer barbell exercises since the most dumbbells I have at home are 10 lbs.


Damn so isolation work is really the only way huh.

Yeah I notice my posterior delt is smaller too, but I do bent over rows which should hit that area.

I would honestly prefer barbell exercises since the most dumbbells I have at home are 10 lbs.

Well there are upright rows, though those can be hard on the shoulder.
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