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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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I don't know if Layne is on drugs or not; I certainly don't know enough about bodybuilding and dieting and striation and stuff like that to make a call. It's an interesting video nonetheless.

I do think it's kind of unfair to accuse him of steroid use as a powerlifter just because he gets fired up before squats. I mean, squats are scary and if you need to yell at yourself and stomp before a 650lb PR to boost your adrenaline or whatever, I don't see how that necessarily leads to the conclusion that "oh, he's on drugs". And he also claims Layne's numbers are unbelievable for a guy who does bodybuilding half year and powerlifting half year, but AFAIK Layne hasn't competed in Bodybuilding in years and is currently focused 100% on Powerlifting.


The hyping yourself up part for a big lift being indicative of anything is stupid. If I could let out a grunt before every 500+ dead lift, I would. Layne does go overboard though, marching from one end of the gym to the other in a pretty obnoxious fashion yelling in a very dudebro fashion. I just pace back n dorth and stare down the weight, a sort of neurotic holding pattern. It does suck to be accused if per use though.


And are Layne's lifts so unbelievable for a natural at 220lb? They are not much higher than Ben Rice's, and Ben competes at like 190lb.


And are Layne's lifts so unbelievable for a natural at 220lb? They are not much higher than Ben Rice's, and Ben competes at like 190lb.
They aren't unbelievable At his weight imo. I think Ben was 194 at his last meet, 4 lbs under his target. I think the argument is that layne is a bodybuilder first and foremost and takes up powerlifting as a side thing/on a whim and destroys his competition at an untested power lifting competition. You'd have to make what you will of that, I'm sure stranger things have happened.
Thank you based chalk. Deadlifts. 6 reps @ 375 lbs. Not that impressive but I was just happy that it was the weight that caused me to stop as opposed to my grip.


Gold Member
Thank you based chalk. Deadlifts. 6 reps @ 375 lbs. Not that impressive but I was just happy that it was the weight that caused me to stop as opposed to my grip.

Crazy numbers! Speaking of grip, I hit a brick wall at 125kg with my left hand grip strength. I use mixed grip, left hand is knuckles down. I use liquid chalk. What happens is my grip in the left hand gradually slips so that after rep 4 I usually have to drop the bar. Same thing with 130kg, always rep 4.


And are Layne's lifts so unbelievable for a natural at 220lb? They are not much higher than Ben Rice's, and Ben competes at like 190lb.

whether they are unbelievable or not isn't really the point. the fitness industry has been selling wolf tickets to consumers for 2 decades. everyone claims to be natural so they can sell workouts, supplements, and all kinds of other shit. the fitness industry is a cesspool imo.


What website you guys using for good recipes, especially for someone who is horrible at cooking,

I basically know how to make Eggs, Grilled cheese sandwiches, and brownies =[
Feels good man. Good shit.

Gotta say thanks to you. Finally manned up and got some chalk. I have another problem though. When heading out in public to go shopping or eating, I'm rocking a tank top. I wear them too much. I need help.

Crazy numbers! Speaking of grip, I hit a brick wall at 125kg with my left hand grip strength. I use mixed grip, left hand is knuckles down. I use liquid chalk. What happens is my grip in the left hand gradually slips so that after rep 4 I usually have to drop the bar. Same thing with 130kg, always rep 4.

Yeah, I do mixed grip as well and same setup with the hands. I need to switch things up for a bit.


I have another problem though. When heading out in public to go shopping or eating, I'm rocking a tank top. I wear them too much. I need help.

Add short shorts to the mix.

Problem solved.




Jason Blaha calls out 'Lame Nordstrom' as a fake natural.

I've enjoyed his fake natural series. It really helped with my training and expectations. Like him I have no issues with drug use, but I do agree with the false expectation fake naturals give young trainees is damaging, so he's doing a good service.

Damn, Layne my ninja I hate it had to be him.

Always liked his info, but never really thought for a second he was natural.


Wow, that looks ace. I am in fact just reading Total Recall, my respect for the guy has increased immensely. Never knew he even wrote a 800 page book on bodybuilding

Nutrition wise there are better books out now, possibly even for exercises etc. But it's one of the most complete books on fitness/bodybuilding. I was lucky, I found a new hardcover version for like $40 some ten+ years back.


Killed my 3s week bench (160lbs, got 10 reps), got the most dips I ever have (10,10,10,10,7) moved up weight in my BBB pendlays and even did sme bike HIIT. I have 18 wings in the oven now, can't wait to chow down.


Damn, Layne my ninja I hate it had to be him.

Always liked his info, but never really thought for a second he was natural.

My sentiments well. I mean I understand you want the physique to go along with the knowledge/degree. I mean look at Ian mccarthy, dude barely looks like he lifts but he's an encyclopedia on exercise science and sports nutrition. Why wouldnt he want the physique to bolster his credibility, when layne started people used to say how he wasn't very genetically inclined for bodybuilding. Only layne knows. The game is rigged yo. I still like listening to fitness nerds like him and Eric Helms even though I'm cynical of the former. And it doesn't feel good to have your hard work undermined by drugs if you are truly natural.
Gotta say thanks to you. Finally manned up and got some chalk. I have another problem though. When heading out in public to go shopping or eating, I'm rocking a tank top. I wear them too much. I need help.

No problem, I figured it'd help. It did wonders for me when I started using em, I can do working sets with the right weight now.

Fit ppl problems. I've been rocking tanks as well and, and very recently graduated to stringer tanks....I need to find more stringer tanks.

Also I take too many shirtless progress selfie pics. I'm not a narcissist but if someone were to look in my phone they'd probably think I was full of myself. I've even added filters to a few of them. I'm sorry.


the piano man
all of a sudden the shattered pieces of my dreams have been restored.... hehehe, I asked another trainer how much emtpy bars weight, he was absolutely positive they are 20 kgs.. two other guys confirmed as well... back to my previous numbers!! :)

Today another squat PR broken, currently sitting at 176 lbs., 3x5, according to strstd.com looks to be a decent achievement, not very far from intermediate.

@Fonzo: nice front deltoids! not exactly what you are trying to show but that's what I liked most :) and cool beard too!


Why I love my school: I just discovered they have low calories, lactose-free soft serve ice cream. I think I'm in heaven, guys.

Stop. That's the second post you've made in a row about drinking. Drinking a shit ton isn't a "carb nite". It's fucking yourself over. Get serious.

It's not a problem. It's something I rarely do and am actually stopping for quite awhile because I've learned that I really don't enjoy it in the first place.
Also I take too many shirtless progress selfie pics. I'm not a narcissist but if someone were to look in my phone they'd probably think I was full of myself. I've even added filters to a few of them. I'm sorry.

I was nodding along saying "I also take progress pics on my phone (once a month)", then stared in horror at the bolded part.


I honestly don't take them often enough. The trainers at my gym say that I should be checking up on my visual progress every two-to-three weeks, and the most recent progress pics I have before the ones that I posted a few pages ago were from the end of March.


the piano man
I sometimes have hundres of pics on my phone but my camera has serial shooting...

I always erase them after a day or two, and they are not always for progress, sometimes I think I'd get a good angle, light, whatever and go for it... most of the time doesn't come what I expect and leave it.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Long time no see guys! Still chugging along about the same as I've been for a while. Slightly higher bf% but my strength is increasing in certain lifts. Weighed myself for the first time in months and was 182 this morning.



the piano man
Cooter, you've always looked great but this is by far (in my personal opinion, of course) the best pic you have shown here, you look phantastic in it.

Nelo Ice

So getting the form right for the beginner exercises from SS in the OP is hard. I always fail with getting my form though but gah. Watched some form vids and I'm still confused.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Wow! Thanks guys. And I was feeling not so good about my increased body fat. At this point I'm pretty much in maintaining mode which many know can lull you into boredom at the gym.

Hope everyone is doing well. I'll be back to my usual posting habits from here on out. Been a busy few weeks.
I can't imagine looking like that and being disappointed with how I looked. I'm sure I will though if I ever get there. Dysmorphia is a bitch.


When I go to the gym I kinda keep to myself since I'm not there to socialize. So I was caught off guard when this pretty young thing started flirting with me in the sauna.

Mfw I recount how many pornos start off this way.

Mfw elderly guy in speedo enters and sits right in between us.


Damn, Layne my ninja I hate it had to be him.

Always liked his info, but never really thought for a second he was natural.

Layne's advice is awesome but I never will believe he's natural. Obviously he's not on a ton of shit or all year long probably but he took something during prep to maintain muscle mass while dieting to 5%.

I'll have to watch Jason's video later.


So another dude came over and tried to correct my form again. This one was a trainer from the gym, but I've never seen him there before. Same stuff as always. Don't lean forward. Point your toes forward (although he had me pointing them inwards). Look up at the ceiling. I kinda let him try to train me a bit, and he said I shouldn't even be doing it with a bar yet. I should try to get the hang of it without the bar first. So yeah. That's like the fourth time that's happened in the past few months.

Monday is my last day at that gym. I'm sure stuff like this will get worse once I go to a regular gym with more people. This was just a school gym.


So another dude came over and tried to correct my form again. This one was a trainer from the gym, but I've never seen him there before. Same stuff as always. Don't lean forward. Point your toes forward (although he had me pointing them inwards). Look up at the ceiling. I kinda let him try to train me a bit, and he said I shouldn't even be doing it with a bar yet. I should try to get the hang of it without the bar first. So yeah. That's like the fourth time that's happened in the past few months.

Monday is my last day at that gym. I'm sure stuff like this will get worse once I go to a regular gym with more people. This was just a school gym.

I doubt it will get worse, you probably will get bothered less.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
roll on or spray deodorant? i've recently converted to roll on.. feels like it lasts longer.

Neither. Get a mineral stone. No residue, no scent, neutrals out your BO just about entirely, lasts all day, stone will last for a year or more.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Long time no see guys! Still chugging along about the same as I've been for a while. Slightly higher bf% but my strength is increasing in certain lifts. Weighed myself for the first time in months and was 182 this morning.


Was always curious to see a photo of you.


You're a fucking beast, dude. Teach me your ways. (Are you cutting?)
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