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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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ACE 1991

I'm really unsure if I should keep bulking or reduce calories at this point. I'm definitely bigger and stronger then before, but I also have some unwanted fat, mostly because I've been forced to dirty bulk on my university meal plan. I will have full control over my dietary for good in the next few days, though. Going on a cut seems counter productive because I'm still pretty unmuscled but I fear bulking anymore will just bloat me up more. Here is what I currently look like: http://imgur.com/a/Vemlo

Just bumping my post to get some more input from some of the regulars who frequent this thread. EvilLore and another member suggested that I'll look better after a cut, which sounds sensible, do you guys agree? I'm a little concerned about losing the little muscle that I have.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Was always curious to see a photo of you.


You're a fucking beast, dude. Teach me your ways. (Are you cutting?)

Thanks. My diet at the moment is sparadic. I typically go the week with a cutting like approach and use Sunday as a refuel day. If it's Wednesday or Thursday and I'm feeling weak or looking small I will eat big. At this point I'm happy where I'm at so I don't really have many goals aside from that damn 45lb muscle up! It's pissing me off! I am planning on really focusing in on DLs soon. I currently don't perform them due to repetitive injuries. Actually just recently got some tips from a trainer I respect and am going to be giving it another shot!

From what I read you don't need any teaching! Cranking out 21 pull ups and 10+ muscle ups puts you in select company.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Just bumping my post to get some more input from some of the regulars who frequent this thread. EvilLore and another member suggested that I'll look better after a cut, which sounds sensible, do you guys agree? I'm a little concerned about losing the little muscle that I have.

Will you look better with more muscle mass: yes

Will you look better with less body fat: yes

Pick what matters more to you right now and focus on it. You have enough of a basis of muscle that you're not going to look unhealthy by dropping more fat, unlike that dude earlier worried about a gram of adipose tissue being left in his belly when his ribs are showing. If you have some muscle already, cutting fat is just about always going to be a fast and effective way toward better aesthetics. As someone else mentioned, too, you'll be able to confirm for yourself whether you really have gyno or if it's just pseudogyno by dropping your body fat down to flat stomach levels. You might be surprised at the result, and you only need to go down 15 pounds or so, it looks like.

If someone is obsessed with getting bigger they're probably going to encourage you to get bigger, and if they're obsessed with getting more ripped they're probably going to encourage you in that direction. You have sufficient data to make a decision and take your own path.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Just bumping my post to get some more input from some of the regulars who frequent this thread. EvilLore and another member suggested that I'll look better after a cut, which sounds sensible, do you guys agree? I'm a little concerned about losing the little muscle that I have.
What is your long-term goal? Your question would be easier to answer if you tell us where you want to be in 4 years.
I can't imagine looking like that and being disappointed with how I looked. I'm sure I will though if I ever get there. Dysmorphia is a bitch.
It will probably happen. I've been stumbling over old pictures of myself on my last big cut and wondering why I ever got depressed when I was even slightly bloated. I looked really freaking great.

It's kinda woken me up to this whole bodybuilding thing. I was digging my own grave. Always wanting to be better/perfect and anything short of that was a setback.

Not to mention I was doing it all not for myself, but to impress other people. What happened to just being happy with being fit and healthy? That's why I started lifting in the first place. Not to be the hot guy everyone wants to talk to at the bar. </realtalk>

I just realized it's 4 AM which means I better cut this post short now before it gets messier.

ACE 1991

Will you look better with more muscle mass: yes

Will you look better with less body fat: yes

Pick what matters more to you right now and focus on it. You have enough of a basis of muscle that you're not going to look unhealthy by dropping more fat, unlike that dude earlier worried about a gram of adipose tissue being left in his belly when his ribs are showing. If you have some muscle already, cutting fat is just about always going to be a fast and effective way toward better aesthetics. As someone else mentioned, too, you'll be able to confirm for yourself whether you really have gyno or if it's just pseudogyno by dropping your body fat down to flat stomach levels. You might be surprised at the result, and you only need to go down 15 pounds or so, it looks like.

If someone is obsessed with getting bigger they're probably going to encourage you to get bigger, and if they're obsessed with getting more ripped they're probably going to encourage you in that direction. You have sufficient data to make a decision and take your own path.

Thanks for the lengthy response. My chest looks more or less the same (maybe a little bigger due to muscular growth) than when I was about 15 pounds lighter. A doctor who specializes in gyne surgery confirmed that I have a fairly mild case. I'll get it removed some day. It seems like doing a cut until I've dropped 10-15 pounds will be the best route, followed by a bulk when it starts to get colder. I imagine just fixing my diet and remaining strict to eating well will do wonders.

What is your long-term goal? Your question would be easier to answer if you tell us where you want to be in 4 years.

In four years I'd like to more or less be big and strong, but I guess if I had to pick, aesthetics would be the goal. I'm still very new to lifting and as such have only been at it for about 6 months, but it's something that I've grown to love in this short period of time. If I even looked halfway as good as you look in four years I'd be pretty happy ;)


Thanks for the lengthy response. My chest looks more or less the same (maybe a little bigger due to muscular growth) than when I was about 15 pounds lighter. A doctor who specializes in gyne surgery confirmed that I have a fairly mild case. I'll get it removed some day. It seems like doing a cut until I've dropped 10-15 pounds will be the best route, followed by a bulk when it starts to get colder. I imagine just fixing my diet and remaining strict to eating well will do wonders.


You don't need to get this removed. I would discourage it actually as I hear its not the best thing. I remember when I looked into it I heard some horror stories (as with every surgery) and lifting was never the same for those people. You have pretty much the exact same body frame I have/had. I might even have it a bit worse to be honest. You just really need to get your diet under control and you won't even notice it. Mine have come and gone over the years.

My history:

In 2003 I was at my heaviest, about 250lbs though I think this picture I was already losing weight. Only digital picture I have from back then, will need to get another one when I go home.

Then I lost a lot of weight by pretty much starving myself and I got down to about 155. I was probably as skinny as that last rib picture. Moobs were gone though.... Then I started lifting and got up to about 200lbs in 2006ish.

Then I started working behind a desk and by 2008/09 I stopped lifting and got fat again and they came back:
Ignore the elephant but notice the side boob....

Then I got annoyed with myself and took up boxing and well..they went away with diet and a boxers routine:

Then I moved to the UK and the moobs came back (from 2010):
Ignore the elephant again...notice the moob.

And then I got back into lifting and dieting and this is me a 6 week ago:

Then 2 weeks ago once I cut out a lot of fruit from my diet (I was eating like 8 servings a day)


Basically, get your diet under control but continue to increase your strength. As cooter said its more about what your goals want to be. You don't need that surgery as you don't have it bad at all. If you get everything under control you wont even notice them.

My goals are to loose a bit more BF% but I have lost a lot of the strength I had back in 2006/7. I am doing kettlebells as its a good HIIT workout and have seen progress already. I do need to increase my calories a bit, my arms have gotten much smaller then what they used to be. Flashback after looking at these pictures :p


Was nicely going up with my wimpy gains each week and now I got some conference days and 10 days of vacation in Switzerland coming up.

Contemplating if I should stuck to some body weight exercises to not loose too much strength during the time off :/


Hi all, checking in again

Since the last time I've posted I have been gaining weight at a pretty steady rate (started late Feb this year). To recap I am:

Age: 21
Height: 6 foot 1
Weight: 74 kilos (started at 70)
Goal: 80 kilos
Current Training Schedule:

Walk/bike 5 mins
Calves 3 x 20
Thigh curls 3 x 12
Dumbell squats 3 x 15
Machine bench press 4 x 10
Scrunches 3 x 12
Pec 3 x 12
Machine cheat press 3 x 12
Tricep curls 3 x 15
Dumbell curls 3 x 10

Current Training Equipment Available: Everything


Not doing a 'normal' squat atm as I had a spinal fusion op and we're wary of putting weight on my spine. For example the thigh curls do pull on my back a bit, something my personal trainer also experiences as he had a spinal fusion (albeit less sever).

I'm been on half GOMAD since March/April which has been allowing me to gain 1-2 pounds a month. I understand that's fine, but the problem is the majority of this weight gain seems to be going to my waist. I'm deeply uncomfortable with this. I look fine in clothes but won't do soon.

I'm therefore at a crossroads. I need to keep gaining weight atm as I'm still really thin (my arms ...) but don't know how much more weight I'll gain on my waist. I'm the classic skinny-fat. I don't know if this is a routine issue or not, or if I am just going to have to deal with it for now.

Advice will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


the piano man
So another dude came over and tried to correct my form again. This one was a trainer from the gym, but I've never seen him there before. Same stuff as always. Don't lean forward. Point your toes forward (although he had me pointing them inwards). Look up at the ceiling. I kinda let him try to train me a bit, and he said I shouldn't even be doing it with a bar yet. I should try to get the hang of it without the bar first. So yeah. That's like the fourth time that's happened in the past few months.

Monday is my last day at that gym. I'm sure stuff like this will get worse once I go to a regular gym with more people. This was just a school gym.

Like Blackflag said, you'll be glad you changed into a proper gym, everyone is minding their own business and just help when you ask for it. If you don't feel confident about a particular exercise, ask a trainer, and then come here and confirm what they say to you, that's what I've done and I've got the best results that way.

I remember your squat video from long ago and it wasn't bad, probably not the most perfect but that you shouldn't do it with weight, that's BS. lower the weigth? yes but it seems we was trying to play the Mr. know-it-all his first day at work.

From what I read you don't need any teaching! Cranking out 21 pull ups and 10+ muscle ups puts you in select company.

Mr.OogieBoogie is indeed in a level of his own, he has some mindblowing bodyweight stuff in his youtube channel, he holds from parallel bars, puts his legs forward and holds the position for some seconds then roll them back and into a handstand. Crazy hard.

I can do 64 pull-ups in a session but divided in rather small sets. Never ever, not in my wildest dream, would I come anywhere near 21 pull-ups in a single sets. 10-12 could be achievable in a good day.

Contemplating if I should stuck to some body weight exercises to not loose too much strength during the time off :/

try to look for parks with bodyweight stuff like parallel bars, and a bar for pull-ups and complement with push ups and leg raises. That's what I did.

Guys, where can I find the Kryptonian Genetic Codex to inject into myself so I can look like Henry Cavill?

Henry Cavill looks damn good but compared to many guys in my gym, he looks pretty average, in my personal opinion.

I don't know if seeing great bodies several times a week in the locker room in my gym has influenced my perception but I don't think he looks extraordinary. Plenty of guys with his looks if you look around.


What are some good exercises for traps? It's the one muscle group I have a hell of a time developing. Do Arnies do any good?


Will you look better with more muscle mass: yes

Will you look better with less body fat: yes

Pick what matters more to you right now and focus on it. You have enough of a basis of muscle that you're not going to look unhealthy by dropping more fat, unlike that dude earlier worried about a gram of adipose tissue being left in his belly when his ribs are showing. If you have some muscle already, cutting fat is just about always going to be a fast and effective way toward better aesthetics. As someone else mentioned, too, you'll be able to confirm for yourself whether you really have gyno or if it's just pseudogyno by dropping your body fat down to flat stomach levels. You might be surprised at the result, and you only need to go down 15 pounds or so, it looks like.

If someone is obsessed with getting bigger they're probably going to encourage you to get bigger, and if they're obsessed with getting more ripped they're probably going to encourage you in that direction. You have sufficient data to make a decision and take your own path.

Yup. Do you want to be Cooter or Alienshogun.

Edit: I think most are quick to say the cut up cooter type, but don't realize that cooter is still strong as fuck, and didn't get that way by lifting light weights.


What are some good exercises for traps? It's the one muscle group I have a hell of a time developing. Do Arnies do any good?
OHP made my traps explode in size. It's my favorite muscle aesthetically, and my favorite exercise.

I Should add I was doing 5/3/1 with BBB (5x10) which saw the biggest results.


OHP made my traps explode in size. It's my favorite muscle aesthetically, and my favorite exercise.

I Should add I was doing 5/3/1 with BBB (5x10) which saw the biggest results.

Cool, I'll start working them into my routine.

It's also time to start cutting really hard. I've kinda stagnated again. I did lose a fair amount of body fat without losing too much muscle, but I still have just enough fat left on my chest that it makes it look like I have gyno when turned to the side (everyone I've asked says I don't have gyno), so hopefully these last 7ish pounds will help take that off as well as fat around my belly.


So another dude came over and tried to correct my form again. This one was a trainer from the gym, but I've never seen him there before. Same stuff as always. Don't lean forward. Point your toes forward (although he had me pointing them inwards). Look up at the ceiling. I kinda let him try to train me a bit, and he said I shouldn't even be doing it with a bar yet. I should try to get the hang of it without the bar first. So yeah. That's like the fourth time that's happened in the past few months.

Monday is my last day at that gym. I'm sure stuff like this will get worse once I go to a regular gym with more people. This was just a school gym.

Low bar just freaks people out. They don't understand squatting mechanics and they think that the back angle must be vertical always no matter what.

Toes forward only works if you have fantastic mobility. Which most people don't. Fucking trainers. You need to stand your ground a bit more Isaac instead of humoring them and letting them train you. They are wasting your time, and your time is valuable because you are actually training instead of just 'exercising', which is what 99% of gym goers do. Explain them what you are doing and give them arguments in terms of anatomy and mechanics, which is something they can't do.

Best way for people to stop bothering is to add weight to the bar. Once you are squatting 225lb+ people will usually leave you alone.


whether they are unbelievable or not isn't really the point. the fitness industry has been selling wolf tickets to consumers for 2 decades. everyone claims to be natural so they can sell workouts, supplements, and all kinds of other shit. the fitness industry is a cesspool imo.

Yep. I love lifting for the health and fun of it. I also like to look good naked too! But I've learned to dial back my expectations.

It's funny how the fitness industry has helped more males develop body dymorphia. And the you have ''heroes'' like Zyzz who was juiced to the gills.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Hey Cooter, can you give some tips on how to add mass to arms?

Lots of heavy lifting. I weighted dip and CGBP heavy and I BB curl heavy. I would stick to exercises that allow you to load up the weight and keep the reps moderate. I personally do 10,8,6,4 progressing to as heavy as I can lift by the fourth. Dips are a little different as my reps are slightly higher. Do that and eat, eat, eat!!!

In four years I'd like to more or less be big and strong, but I guess if I had to pick, aesthetics would be the goal. I'm still very new to lifting and as such have only been at it for about 6 months, but it's something that I've grown to love in this short period of time. If I even looked halfway as good as you look in four years I'd be pretty happy ;)

Well, my advice is get as big and strong as you want and then start cutting the fat. This should be looked at in years and not months. If you can stomach (haha) the extra fat while you work toward your ultimate goal the quickest way to get where you want is building the mass first and cutting the fat last.

Damn Cooter, how tall are you?

OHP made my traps explode in size. It's my favorite muscle aesthetically, and my favorite exercise.

I Should add I was doing 5/3/1 with BBB (5x10) which saw the biggest results.

I 2nd, 3rd, and 4th this! I went years with unimpressive traps! When I started really pushing myself on OHP I didn't recognize my traps. They shot up pretty quickly.
Lots of heavy lifting. I weighted dip and CGBP heavy and I BB curl heavy. I would stick to exercises that allow you to load up the weight and keep the reps moderate. I personally do 10,8,6,4 progressing to as heavy as I can lift by the fourth. Dips are a little different as my reps are slightly higher. Do that and eat, eat, eat!!!
Pretty much this. Arm work takes work. I also found what helped me gain bicep mas were isolation lifts that forced me to keep the load on the muscle. Heavy preacher's and reverse grip curls are almost always in my bicep routine.



Was nicely going up with my wimpy gains each week and now I got some conference days and 10 days of vacation in Switzerland coming up.

Contemplating if I should stuck to some body weight exercises to not loose too much strength during the time off :/

I'd do what you can for sure. I always hit the hotel gym when on vacation or work travel.


Thanks for the lengthy response. My chest looks more or less the same (maybe a little bigger due to muscular growth) than when I was about 15 pounds lighter. A doctor who specializes in gyne surgery confirmed that I have a fairly mild case. I'll get it removed some day. It seems like doing a cut until I've dropped 10-15 pounds will be the best route, followed by a bulk when it starts to get colder. I imagine just fixing my diet and remaining strict to eating well will do wonders.

In four years I'd like to more or less be big and strong, but I guess if I had to pick, aesthetics would be the goal. I'm still very new to lifting and as such have only been at it for about 6 months, but it's something that I've grown to love in this short period of time. If I even looked halfway as good as you look in four years I'd be pretty happy ;)

Are you big fat or skinny fat. If you are just regular fat I'd say listen to Evilore. If you are skinny fat, bulk with a small surplus and it'll probably take care of itself.


it's only been a few weeks now but i really love exercising

i cant believe i hated this before. i feel stronger every day


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Cooter, what did you bulk up to before you cut, and what body fat percentage were you at that weight?
I reached 210 a few years ago but these last few years I have never been more than 195 and even that is rare. Funny thing is I'm way stronger today in the low 180s than I was at 210. At 210 I'd say I was 16 or 17 but I'm a bad judge of body fat percentage apparently because I thought I was around 10 now and everyone told me I was in the 12-13 range. Haha

Thanks blackflag. I'm a miniature version of your massive self!


Even though I'm still working on getting my strength back up and I'm sure I'll come to hate them at some point, there's nothing quite like executing a good squat! Really enjoying the SS program, but I had a couple questions:

First, for the squat itself and trying to make sure I'm using "hip drahve", I find that when I execute it in the way Rip is describing it in the videos, my back angle will kind of tip forward a bit. Is this ok? I think he mentioned somewhere that it was alright, but I can't remember. It doesn't hurt or anything, but I'm worried about making a habit of this if it will risk causing me injury down the line.

Second, I'm really just starting, so I've only got the main five lifts in my routine at the moment (actually 4, the power clean will be incorporated this week), but do any of these actually work my biceps? Deadlifts maybe, but it doesn't feel like it. Or perhaps that part will come in when I start with assistance chin-ups and dips? Speaking of which, when do you start adding those to the workout?

And lastly, this morning after my workout I went and did a "float", which is the sensory deprevation tanks. Maaaaan, that is up there with a massage in terms of how relaxed you feel afterwards. I am so mellowed out right now, it's awesome. Probably just going to go melt in the sun this afternoon. I highly recommend trying this out after a workout if you have a place in your area, it's a fantastic stress-reliever and just a really cool experience.

Here's the Vice doc about it if you have no idea what I'm talking about

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Pretty much this. Arm work takes work. I also found what helped me gain bicep mas were isolation lifts that forced me to keep the load on the muscle. Heavy preacher's and reverse grip curls are almost always in my bicep routine.

Why did you go reverse grip curls? More on your forearms?


Got a Nike+ GPS Watch today for father's day. Pretty cool device. Already logged 3 miles this afternoon. The website tracking is pretty slick, it overlays your run onto Google maps and saves it.


It will probably happen. I've been stumbling over old pictures of myself on my last big cut and wondering why I ever got depressed when I was even slightly bloated. I looked really freaking great.

It's kinda woken me up to this whole bodybuilding thing. I was digging my own grave. Always wanting to be better/perfect and anything short of that was a setback.

Not to mention I was doing it all not for myself, but to impress other people. What happened to just being happy with being fit and healthy? That's why I started lifting in the first place. Not to be the hot guy everyone wants to talk to at the bar. </realtalk>

I just realized it's 4 AM which means I better cut this post short now before it gets messier.

Totally agree that it's easy to lose perspective after a while and forget what the objective is. It screws a lot of people up. Good post
Why did you go reverse grip curls? More on your forearms?
A bit yeah but that isn't the reason I use them. I find it's very easy for your back and shoulders to compensate for a lot of standard bicep lifts (mainly standing curls). I tend to be able to target my the muscle a lot better with preachers and reverse grip curls than a standard curl.

It's just what works for me. Some people have no issue keeping form strict when going heavy on a BB curl.

Totally agree that it's easy to lose perspective after a while and forget what the objective is. It screws a lot of people up. Good post
It really is. I'm not saying I'm not happy with the progress I've made or the things I've done. But mentally it's taking a toll on me. Every day, every thing I do is criticized for how it helps or hurts my physical fitness. It just seems like there is no point to me constantly striving to get bigger and leaner. I get nothing out of it aside from some nice pictures to take and pats on the back.

I want to completely redo my fitness goals/plans. Focus more on being able to do things outside of strength training and bodybuilding. Marathons, cycling, sports, etc.


I want to completely redo my fitness goals/plans. Focus more on being able to do things outside of strength training and bodybuilding. Marathons, cycling, sports, etc.

I think everyone gets to that point, especially if fitness is just a lifestyle and not a job/profession. Just got to go for it though. Even if it is staying in the same shape you just need to find some kind of goal to do and work towards it. Even if its as silly as doing a human flag (that's mine..but I will do it god damn it!)


the piano man
has anyone here ordered quest bars from the site

www.questproteinbar.com ??

it seems to be legit and official but for some reason, I hesitated and didn't complete the order...

everything added, product and shipping and handling, every quest bar I eat will cost me $3.70 us dls.

is that terribly bad?? how much is everybody paying for a single bar??

I mean, they would send them to me to Europe so a bit extra seems unavoidable anyway...

ACE 1991


You don't need to get this removed. I would discourage it actually as I hear its not the best thing. I remember when I looked into it I heard some horror stories (as with every surgery) and lifting was never the same for those people. You have pretty much the exact same body frame I have/had. I might even have it a bit worse to be honest. You just really need to get your diet under control and you won't even notice it. Mine have come and gone over the years.

My history:

In 2003 I was at my heaviest, about 250lbs though I think this picture I was already losing weight. Only digital picture I have from back then, will need to get another one when I go home.

Then I lost a lot of weight by pretty much starving myself and I got down to about 155. I was probably as skinny as that last rib picture. Moobs were gone though.... Then I started lifting and got up to about 200lbs in 2006ish.

Then I started working behind a desk and by 2008/09 I stopped lifting and got fat again and they came back:
Ignore the elephant but notice the side boob....

Then I got annoyed with myself and took up boxing and well..they went away with diet and a boxers routine:

Then I moved to the UK and the moobs came back (from 2010):
Ignore the elephant again...notice the moob.

And then I got back into lifting and dieting and this is me a 6 week ago:

Then 2 weeks ago once I cut out a lot of fruit from my diet (I was eating like 8 servings a day)


Basically, get your diet under control but continue to increase your strength. As cooter said its more about what your goals want to be. You don't need that surgery as you don't have it bad at all. If you get everything under control you wont even notice them.

My goals are to loose a bit more BF% but I have lost a lot of the strength I had back in 2006/7. I am doing kettlebells as its a good HIIT workout and have seen progress already. I do need to increase my calories a bit, my arms have gotten much smaller then what they used to be. Flashback after looking at these pictures :p

Thanks for the lengthy response, that's a pretty big difference... I'll just keep training hard and see where that gets me. You're lookin swole by the way!

Well, my advice is get as big and strong as you want and then start cutting the fat. This should be looked at in years and not months. If you can stomach (haha) the extra fat while you work toward your ultimate goal the quickest way to get where you want is building the mass first and cutting the fat last.

Here is what I currently look like for reference: http://imgur.com/a/Vemlo
has anyone here ordered quest bars from the site

www.questproteinbar.com ??

it seems to be legit and official but for some reason, I hesitated and didn't complete the order...

everything added, product and shipping and handling, every quest bar I eat will cost me $3.70 us dls.

is that terribly bad?? how much is everybody paying for a single bar??

I mean, they would send them to me to Europe so a bit extra seems unavoidable anyway...

At GNC with the Coupon and Gold Card they come out to $1.30 per bar, I would MAYBE pay $2 per bar, but they're definitely not worth more than that.

They're extremely good, and healthy, don't get me wrong, but they're not filling. They're basically just a really healthy really great tasting snack.

But if you want a great snack this guy has some awesome recipe's that not only taste better, are cheaper, and much healthier too boot: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ri-nZG0MbFs

Of course you've got to take the time to cook, but it's well worth it IMO.
Looks like my GNC is catching on with the coupons. They're now allowing the coupon code to be used once on each Gold card. It was a good run. :(

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
A bit yeah but that isn't the reason I use them. I find it's very easy for your back and shoulders to compensate for a lot of standard bicep lifts (mainly standing curls). I tend to be able to target my the muscle a lot better with preachers and reverse grip curls than a standard curl.

It's just what works for me. Some people have no issue keeping form strict when going heavy on a BB curl.

Thanks, I will try it tomorrow and see how my body likes it. Form is a pain in the ass for standing curls, and I'm probably slightly cheating.


has anyone here ordered quest bars from the site

www.questproteinbar.com ??

it seems to be legit and official but for some reason, I hesitated and didn't complete the order...

everything added, product and shipping and handling, every quest bar I eat will cost me $3.70 us dls.

is that terribly bad?? how much is everybody paying for a single bar??

I mean, they would send them to me to Europe so a bit extra seems unavoidable anyway...

Without gnc coupon, I usually pay like 2.10 per bar.

That is their official site btw. I've ordered from there before.


Thanks, I will try it tomorrow and see how my body likes it. Form is a pain in the ass for standing curls, and I'm probably slightly cheating.

I fucking love Reverse Curls. I use an EZ-Curl bar though. I usually superset them with Machine Preacher Curls and the pump I get is un-be-lie-va-ble.
It feels like coming


Looks like my GNC is catching on with the coupons. They're now allowing the coupon code to be used once on each Gold card. It was a good run. :(

Tell them you don't have one? Will that work?

My cut doesn't allow them and. It's like the only thing I'm craving. It's weird that I think they taste that good but damn I crave them.
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