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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Could anyone recommend some awesome fitness documentaries on Netflix? In the mood to watch something inspiring/interesting.

Could be running, hiking, cycling, whatever.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I won't be losing any mass for a while after the amount of calories I consumed today! I literally had around 10,000-12,000 calories today! Love Fathers Day! My favorite day of the year. Saw Man of Steel today also. Loved it. My wife has been calling me Kal-El all day because she thinks me and Cavill have a similar body. lol!
I won't be losing any mass for a while after the amount of calories I consumed today! I literally had around 10,000-12,000 calories today! Love Fathers Day! My favorite day of the year. Saw Man of Steel today also. Loved it. My wife has been calling me Kal-El all day because she thinks me and Cavill have a similar body. lol!
Haha, you know. It's a weird feeling when you look at yourself, see a movie like Man of Steel, and look back in the mirror and realize you look as good at the guy on screen.


I won't be losing any mass for a while after the amount of calories I consumed today! I literally had around 10,000-12,000 calories today! Love Fathers Day! My favorite day of the year. Saw Man of Steel today also. Loved it. My wife has been calling me Kal-El all day because she thinks me and Cavill have a similar body. lol!

Man listen, I cannot wait to do another bulk, those days where I used to eat 4000-8000 were so common. Dirty bulking is a passion of mine, and right now I miss it like crazy.

Cavill looks smaller than you, plus he probably can't do weighted muscle ups.


I decided to take some short videos of some of the stuff I do at my gym. Some of the footage is part of my actual workout and some of it is just me goofing off.

If anything, the footage does display my flexibility and core strength.

Fitness Fun


Wow, your body seems to be my ideal goal - a good mix of strength and flexibility. Are there specific stretches you do?


the piano man
thanks for sharing Szu, that was great, I was smiling all the time :)

I love free weights and the barbell but all the stuff you show in the video is exactly what I consider the fun part of exercising: stretching, handstands, hanging from bars, etc,

I am very near achieving a complete full split, I've been working on it on and off for almost a year already. I think it's a matter of months, will show a split progress pic sometime.
So after listening to you guys and eating more, despite barely able to squat 165 Friday, I was able to complete 175 this morning, as well as move my bench up to 140lbs...thanks guys!


Wow, your body seems to be my ideal goal - a good mix of strength and flexibility. Are there specific stretches you do?

I do plenty of leg and back stretches.

For my legs, I do the regular quad, hams, and calves stretches. However, I also throw in a some stretches for the outer and inner thigh area.

For my back, I prefer yoga cobra pose and back bridges.


I decided to take some short videos of some of the stuff I do at my gym. Some of the footage is part of my actual workout and some of it is just me goofing off.

If anything, the footage does display my flexibility and core strength.

Fitness Fun

OMG - <3 watching that. Inspiring :)
Your abs must be made of steel and I wish I could do splits!

Oh also: what is your routine like? It seems you are doing some Yoga in between as well? Cannot all be lifting? :)


OMG - <3 watching that. Inspiring :)
Your abs must be made of steel and I wish I could do splits!

Oh also: what is your routine like? It seems you are doing some Yoga in between as well? Cannot all be lifting? :)

Yeah, I threw in a Yoga headstand at the end of the video. I've done yoga in the past and I was pretty decent with it. The headstand is considered an advanced move, but it's really not was hard as it seems. So I tried to do it, but once I figured out how to balance yourself, then it became a piece of cake.

As for my routine right now, it's mostly lifting 4 out of 6 days a week. I do some light cardio (5-10 mins) during the lifting days, but I also alternate my abs workouts between some of the lifting days. For two of the days, I do a Zumba class with my wife or an entire cardio session including some BW workouts.


I won't be losing any mass for a while after the amount of calories I consumed today! I literally had around 10,000-12,000 calories today! Love Fathers Day! My favorite day of the year. Saw Man of Steel today also. Loved it. My wife has been calling me Kal-El all day because she thinks me and Cavill have a similar body. lol!

Not only that but she saw what Cooter did.


I decided to take some short videos of some of the stuff I do at my gym. Some of the footage is part of my actual workout and some of it is just me goofing off.

If anything, the footage does display my flexibility and core strength.

Fitness Fun

stop being so fit please. i am quite jealous.


So I'm beginning my cut this week. I started a new job where I could bring my own lunch/breakfast. What would you guys recommend?

Really never attempted to cut before. I work from 6-3:30. Currently I don't eat any breakfast and just eat a turkey sandwich on a roll with lettuce.

I'm thinking to bring some fruit for breakfast (like strawberries and blueberries) and then switch to whole wheat bread for the turkey sandwich.


Yeah, I threw in a Yoga headstand at the end of the video. I've done yoga in the past and I was pretty decent with it. The headstand is considered an advanced move, but it's really not was hard as it seems. So I tried to do it, but once I figured out how to balance yourself, then it became a piece of cake.

As for my routine right now, it's mostly lifting 4 out of 6 days a week. I do some light cardio (5-10 mins) during the lifting days, but I also alternate my abs workouts between some of the lifting days. For two of the days, I do a Zumba class with my wife or an entire cardio session including some BW workouts.

Been doing Yoga once per week (the P90X version). Have you tried Crane? Should be cake for you :)

Sounds like a good mix. Really floored by your ab work. But fun to see that my own routine has some of the things you do (RKC Plank (but I do it without roller and cannot go that far yet) and the leg ups)


Been doing Yoga once per week (the P90X version). Have you tried Crane? Should be cake for you :)

Sounds like a good mix. Really floored by your ab work. But fun to see that my own routine has some of the things you do (RKC Plank (but I do it without roller and cannot go that far yet) and the leg ups)

I've tried Crane. It's a bit more of a struggle, but I can pull it off.


Feel bloated in my stomach after this weekend :/
Again, it's only when I sit down and my body compresses. Just dat feeling of skin hanging over my jeans :lol

Guess I have a full week of exercising a head of me. I'll feel better once I exercise


the piano man
Alright FitGAF, finally hit bodyweight in bench press! 185!

Goal is now 200 by the end of summer.

I am very near of that. :)

probably nobody remembers, put several months ago I came here and said I had benched my bodyweight... at that time KI was visiting my parents in Mexico and went to a nearby gym that had american equipment in pounds, turns out that the equipment I was using there doesn't match the weight of the equipment I use here in Germany 1:1, so I got it all mixed up and it was several kilograms less. I am sorry for that...

but know I am 6 kgs away from it.... feels so near.


So I kept good on my plans to revise my routine -- been doing the original for about five weeks -- and now will be going to the gym three days a week and doing specific muscle groups each time. The one part that will be the same every workout is some hockey-centric core circuits. My plan is to break it down into back & biceps, chest & triceps, and legs & shoulders. Today was my first back & bi day. This is my workout:

Lunges (warm-up)
3 sets of 10

Stability Planks
3 sets of 15 reps each (5 seconds each leg)

Reverse Grip Biceps Curls
3 sets of 8-10 (20)

Lat Pulldowns
3 sets of 8-10 front and back reps (70, 85, 100)

Regular Biceps Curls
3 sets of 8 (15, 17.5, 20)

Seated Rows
3 sets of 8-10 (40, 50, 60)

3 sets of 8-10 (20, 30, 40)

Back Extensions
3 sets of 10

90 degree twists & knee chops super-set w/ a 10-25 lb plate (15 secs between exercises, 30 secs between sets)
3 sets of 15 on each side

Leg Raises and Sit-ups super-set (no rest between exercies, 30 secs between sets)
3 sets of 10

Feelin' pretty good so far! Now I have two days to decide on my chest & tri routine.

A question for those in the know though, I'm alternating between the two muscle groups. Is this good? Bad? Does it matter?
You deserve GAFGold's rep system, I give you +1 Flexin' Point.

I am very near of that. :)

probably nobody remembers, put several months ago I came here and said I had benched my bodyweight... at that time KI was visiting my parents in Mexico and went to a nearby gym that had american equipment in pounds, turns out that the equipment I was using there doesn't match the weight of the equipment I use here in Germany 1:1, so I got it all mixed up and it was several kilograms less. I am sorry for that...

but know I am 6 kgs away from it.... feels so near.

Thanks! It's really my max PR today, but I decided after a weekend of just relaxing and watching movies that I would really push today.

Just felt so good, but now I'm nearly half asleep!


Hit 150 this morning. I think lowering the calories I consume at lunch has finally helped me get over the two week stagnation at 152-153.


I decided to take some short videos of some of the stuff I do at my gym. Some of the footage is part of my actual workout and some of it is just me goofing off.

If anything, the footage does display my flexibility and core strength.

Fitness Fun

Love the pull up work. I am finally strong enough to really control my pull ups and just hold there and keep doing them. I started doing the leg raise ones but can't get my legs as straight as yours though.

Been trying around the world pull ups too. 5 then 5.


So how often were you supposed to take like a full week of gym (for recovery purposes)? Was it every 6-8 weeks or so? Wasn't there even some studies on the matter?

Just realized that I can't remember when I last took some time off gym. Must've been a year or longer. I think I'll take the next two weeks of holiday (in the US) as a chance to recover and not train while there.
Does anyone else ever get " i aint even big enough tho" syndrome?

Started on my cut, watched Man of Steel and now I'm thinking about bulking again.

damn son


Does anyone else ever get " i aint even big enough tho" syndrome?

Started on my cut, watched Man of Steel and now I'm thinking about bulking again.

damn son

Yeah, I go through that phase every once in a while. I would see someone who seems to achieve a physique that I consider to be more ideal. However, I'm always brought back down to earth by my wife who tells me that I'm at a great size right now.
Add short shorts to the mix.

Problem solved.


Soon my friend. Soon.

No problem, I figured it'd help. It did wonders for me when I started using em, I can do working sets with the right weight now.

Fit ppl problems. I've been rocking tanks as well and, and very recently graduated to stringer tanks....I need to find more stringer tanks.

Also I take too many shirtless progress selfie pics. I'm not a narcissist but if someone were to look in my phone they'd probably think I was full of myself. I've even added filters to a few of them. I'm sorry.

I'm not lean/big enough for stringers. I'll just say fuck it and wear it one day. Tanks are just so damn comfortable too. Hot, sunny day? Time to wear a tanktop. And yes, I feel you on the self pics. I take way too many and if you look at my phone, it will prolly look the same as yours. Shirtless, shirtless, shirtless, shirtless....

oh nooooo

Long time no see guys! Still chugging along about the same as I've been for a while. Slightly higher bf% but my strength is increasing in certain lifts. Weighed myself for the first time in months and was 182 this morning.


God damn. You look like you weigh a hell of a lot more than 182. Looking fantastic. The vein too. Yeah man, I think this is the best you looked. Keep it up.

Pretty much this. Arm work takes work. I also found what helped me gain bicep mas were isolation lifts that forced me to keep the load on the muscle. Heavy preacher's and reverse grip curls are almost always in my bicep routine.

Same with you dood. So much mass. Power. Strength.

Getting bigger, been eating 2-3 16oz steaks a week for the last month and a half.

Eat up brah.

I decided to take some short videos of some of the stuff I do at my gym. Some of the footage is part of my actual workout and some of it is just me goofing off.

If anything, the footage does display my flexibility and core strength.

Fitness Fun

Nice man! Real impressive.

Does anyone else ever get " i aint even big enough tho" syndrome?

Started on my cut, watched Man of Steel and now I'm thinking about bulking again.

damn son

Happens to me all the time. I like my current weight but I miss the mass I was at few months ago. When I start bulking up again, I will do it a bit more sensibly. Won't go as crazy on the random foods.

Van Owen

Does anyone else ever get " i aint even big enough tho" syndrome?

Started on my cut, watched Man of Steel and now I'm thinking about bulking again.

damn son

Sort of. And as for definition you also gotta remember Cavil had to like starve himself and dehydrate for the shirtless scenes and get a quick pump before the camera started rolling. He didn't look like that with his shirt off the rest of the time.



Very impressive szu!

He doesn't look all that swole in this vid, what sort of camera shenanigans did they pull lulz

Alright alright, I'll keep cutting.
Lighting pump and flattering angles mostly, the scenes on the tanker he was doing pull ups right before waving the chopper in. Also carbs are really important. Sodium and water may have played a role. If I eat no carbs for a while I look flat and depleted, if I eat a 16 oz steak then I look noticeably different at the gym the next day.
Stats as of last week.

OHP: 4 x 175 lbs
Squats: 6 x 365 lbs
Decline Bench: 7 x 260 lbs
Deadlifts: 6&#8201;×&#8201;375 lbs

Prolly not the best idea but I'm going to skip over the deload week (this week) and just grind it out for the next 3 weeks before taking a week off (vacation). Might just take another one as well. 2 sessions of HIIT last week felt about right so I will keep that. They really do kick my ass. So with that said, time to get started on the next cycle.


Tried these chile lime chicken burgers from Trader Joe's today. They're easy to cook, really tasty, and not terribly expensive (3.99 for four 1/4lb patties). 6g of fat, 19g of protein, and 150 calories per. Might be a new low calorie item to add to the lunch rotation.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
My OHP numbers are crawling slowly but surely up. Probably my favorite, but also punishingly low. It'll get up there, but damn. I make some stupid fucking workout faces.


My bench has caught up to my squat. Hip flexor is just getting worse and worse. Am I gonna be stuck with chicken legs? ;(

You need to fix the hip flexor.

1. Stop squatting for a week entirely. Nothing that irritates it, so no situps, leg raises, etc.
2. Do a course of ibuprofen. Take a few extra strength a day with food for five days.
3. When you return to squatting, start light, do NOT let your knees slide forward at the bottom and you may find that squatting a little narrow will help the healing. This is a chance for you to practice your form!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
As an ex-fat on SS I'm scared of eating too much but I don't think I -can- eat too much. I stay away from eating shit, track things properly, but take in more than 500+ maintenance (but not much more, I'm a monster of a guy ay 6'7 so my needs might be more than most) - but I can't help but feel I'm on the fast track back to fatdom. Someone slap some sense into me. I'm SURE I'm just fine, but...


Stats as of last week.

OHP: 4 x 175 lbs
Squats: 6 x 365 lbs
Decline Bench: 7 x 260 lbs
Deadlifts: 6&#8201;×&#8201;375 lbs

Prolly not the best idea but I'm going to skip over the deload week (this week) and just grind it out for the next 3 weeks before taking a week off (vacation). Might just take another one as well. 2 sessions of HIIT last week felt about right so I will keep that. They really do kick my ass. So with that said, time to get started on the next cycle.

Nice numbers bro bro!


Stats as of last week.

OHP: 4 x 175 lbs
Squats: 6 x 365 lbs
Decline Bench: 7 x 260 lbs
Deadlifts: 6&#8201;×&#8201;375 lbs

Prolly not the best idea but I'm going to skip over the deload week (this week) and just grind it out for the next 3 weeks before taking a week off (vacation). Might just take another one as well. 2 sessions of HIIT last week felt about right so I will keep that. They really do kick my ass. So with that said, time to get started on the next cycle.

Sick squats. When will it be my turn to be good at squat?


You need to fix the hip flexor.

1. Stop squatting for a week entirely. Nothing that irritates it, so no situps, leg raises, etc.
2. Do a course of ibuprofen. Take a few extra strength a day with food for five days.
3. When you return to squatting, start light, do NOT let your knees slide forward at the bottom and you may find that squatting a little narrow will help the healing. This is a chance for you to practice your form!

I can vouch for this. I used to suffer from terrible pains in my hip flexor and had to stop squatting which eventually led me to develop ITBS. The problems were almost entirely based around squatting heavy while using terrible form and not stretching enough. I cannot recommend enough to stretch during warm-up sets of squatting because it will loosen up your hip flexors so you don't strain them terribly during the exercise. Before ITBS I had my squat max at about 215 (I was a sophomore in high school at the time and weighed 135lbs). After I injured my hip flexors it fell down to 115 and I could barely run faster than 6 miles per hour because the strain on my IT bands was so bad. I eventually found that stretching allowed me to start squatting again and I started light and eventually got my squat max back up into the 200 range and I could finally run again and my ITBS was effectively healed. I'm now a freshman in college, weigh 150lbs as of this morning and squat 335.
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