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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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The Rock has way too many veins. :(

So my girl wants to turn one of our rooms in the house in to a mini gym. Can anyone recommend some good strength machines(i'm not even sure if i'm using the right word here) or what brands we should look at (it's for the both of us)

This is what I am trying to achieve. Zyzz before he got too big. I'd say I'm about half way there as I already have a lean build out and some size. This is very doable for me. Once I get my fat % as low as 7-8% I will slow clean bulk while only doing HIIT 2/3 days a week to keep the fat off. Im also going to take a mild test booster called A-HD that my buddy is sending me this week. Ill do a 4 week on cycle of it.



My nephew, 2 years and 3 months old successfully lifted a dumbbell more than half his own bodyweight, and he can do pushups which happen to be the funniest looking thing I've ever seen in my life. He's really well coordinated started walking around 8 months, and is in the 98th percentile for height, may have an elite athlete in the making!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
God damn. You look like you weigh a hell of a lot more than 182. Looking fantastic. The vein too. Yeah man, I think this is the best you looked. Keep it up.

Thanks brother! The vein! lol. I get flat out accused of lying when I tell some people my weight. Funny.


Gold Member
So last Thursday was my first Carb Nite after the 9 day induction. Now it's Monday, and I notice I am clearly craving things all of a sudden.

Is this a sign that I did something wrong (or right)?
So last Thursday was my first Carb Nite after the 9 day induction. Now it's Monday, and I notice I am clearly craving things all of a sudden.

Is this a sign that I did something wrong (or right)?

Normal feeling. Some days you feel on and others off. Last week for me was tough, but I didn't break. Today I am fine with no craving at all. It just comes with the territory


So my girl wants to turn one of our rooms in the house in to a mini gym. Can anyone recommend some good strength machines(i'm not even sure if i'm using the right word here) or what brands we should look at (it's for the both of us)


Have you looked into a free weight setup? I'm not sure about your room and its dimensions (is it a sturdy room, is it on the ground, is it sizable), but if you could fit a power rack in there (w/ pullup bar) with a barbell, adjustable bench and plates you'd get a lot more out of it than if you got that machine.


Gold Member
Normal feeling. Some days you feel on and others off. Last week for me was tough, but I didn't break. Today I am fine with no craving at all. It just comes with the territory

ok cool. then I won't worry about it too much. I had an extra Fage Total 0% to help me out today. I'll step on the scales tomorrow first time in two weeks, interesting to see what has happened. I don't feel much of a difference quick tape measure suggested some 6cm is off my waist somehow.


just had my second workout after almost a week of having a UC flare. Eating 1200 calories per day and probably passing them all has made the workouts tough to say the least. But it's the only time of the day that I feel like a human so there is that.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
just had my second workout after almost a week of having a UC flare. Eating 1200 calories per day and probably passing them all has made the workouts tough to say the least. But it's the only time of the day that I feel like a human so there is that.

Hang in there, uh, bro (no pun intended) but I know you're going through some rough shit. Keep doing your best, you got this. You're doing more than most people do.
My gym had an awesome music playlist today! they had some radio channel tailored for workouts. I had my beast mode going on.

The gym manager told me I must use shoes for the squat rack. :-/

I feel like I perform better without shoes.

I also need to eat more, I'm feeling slightly tired/fatigue half way through my routine and I think I'll plateau fast at this pace.

Anyways, new PR's all around!

Squat: 67,5 kg
Bench Press: 42,5 kg
Deadlift: 72,5 kg
Nice numbers bro bro!

Thanks brah brah.

Sick squats. When will it be my turn to be good at squat?

When it becomes my turn to have arms the size of you.

Thanks brother! The vein! lol. I get flat out accused of lying when I tell some people my weight. Funny.

Yeah, I just think people have an idea of what 180 lbs is "suppose to look like" so when you say you are 180 yet look nothing like it, people will accuse you of lying.


My gym had an awesome music playlist today! they had some radio channel tailored for workouts. I had my beast mode going on.

I love my gym, they play straight up mixtapes with full on curses, or around closing time they start blasting Brazilian funk.


You need to fix the hip flexor.

1. Stop squatting for a week entirely. Nothing that irritates it, so no situps, leg raises, etc.
2. Do a course of ibuprofen. Take a few extra strength a day with food for five days.
3. When you return to squatting, start light, do NOT let your knees slide forward at the bottom and you may find that squatting a little narrow will help the healing. This is a chance for you to practice your form!

Thanks a lot, man. I think I'll try that starting Wednesday. Is it ok if I do Leg Press or will that also irritate the hip flexor?

I can vouch for this. I used to suffer from terrible pains in my hip flexor and had to stop squatting which eventually led me to develop ITBS. The problems were almost entirely based around squatting heavy while using terrible form and not stretching enough. I cannot recommend enough to stretch during warm-up sets of squatting because it will loosen up your hip flexors so you don't strain them terribly during the exercise. Before ITBS I had my squat max at about 215 (I was a sophomore in high school at the time and weighed 135lbs). After I injured my hip flexors it fell down to 115 and I could barely run faster than 6 miles per hour because the strain on my IT bands was so bad. I eventually found that stretching allowed me to start squatting again and I started light and eventually got my squat max back up into the 200 range and I could finally run again and my ITBS was effectively healed. I'm now a freshman in college, weigh 150lbs as of this morning and squat 335.

I used to squat 200lb a couple of months ago (I'm 145lb), but now I struggle with 165lb. It's pathetic that it's been almost a year since I started working out in the gym and I can only do that much.


Hang in there, uh, bro (no pun intended) but I know you're going through some rough shit. Keep doing your best, you got this. You're doing more than most people do.

Thanks! The good news is that it's making my cut super easy. Also managed to do 185 OHP for a single today. Colonoscopy on Thursday is going to SUCK!
I love my gym, they play straight up mixtapes with full on curses, or around closing time they start blasting Brazilian funk.

Never heard of brazilian funk had to look it up on the u-tube. Sounds right up crazy!

I wish my gym would play K-Pop

[MV] After School(애프터스쿨) _ First Love(첫사랑)

Thankfully, I have my mp3 player for that.

Down the line, when I get bored of the gym selection I'll grab my ipod too and blast some of that good ol' gangsta rap!


the piano man
As an ex-fat on SS I'm scared of eating too much but I don't think I -can- eat too much. I stay away from eating shit, track things properly, but take in more than 500+ maintenance (but not much more, I'm a monster of a guy ay 6'7 so my needs might be more than most) - but I can't help but feel I'm on the fast track back to fatdom. Someone slap some sense into me. I'm SURE I'm just fine, but...

it's interesting to read about the worries of tall people. I guess you have to eat a shitton of food daily to reach your macros.

I can tell you that down here, among 5'4 folk, one of the fears is "... the more you keep eating and bulking up, the more you'll look like a dwarf..." :-(((

and I am not sure I got it right but did you say OHP is your best compound? or the one you are better at?? cause that's my worst, I suck at it...my better MC is definitely the squat I reach down and up easy cause I am small, you feel being tall is bad for squatting? would be interesting to learn about that.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
it's interesting to read about the worries of tall people. I guess you have to eat a shitton of food daily to reach your macros.

I can tell you that down here, among 5'4 folk, one of the fears is "... the more you keep eating and bulking up, the more you'll look like a dwarf..." :-(((

and I am not sure I got it right but did you say OHP is your best compound? or the one you are better at?? cause that's my worst, I suck at it...my better MC is definitely the squat I reach down and up easy cause I am small, you feel being tall is bad for squatting? would be interesting to learn about that.

Probably worst numbers-wise, but feels best to me. Feels important. I feel like a manster when I do it. But my numbers are low low low.


This is what I am trying to achieve. Zyzz before he got too big. I'd say I'm about half way there as I already have a lean build out and some size. This is very doable for me. Once I get my fat % as low as 7-8% I will slow clean bulk while only doing HIIT 2/3 days a week to keep the fat off. Im also going to take a mild test booster called A-HD that my buddy is sending me this week. Ill do a 4 week on cycle of it.

Just don't get a vini vidi vicci tattoo.


I hate his traps so much. unaesthetic/10

Makes him look like a giraffe. I'm perfectly happy with low trap insertions. They aren't small but they are low and not halfway up my neck.

how do you shape them? is it possible to shape them? just genetics? i dont want mine to look like his


Gold Member
My lower back has been somewhat sore after my SS days in the last few weeks. I always figured the reason was my relatively heavy deadlifts. However twice now I had to miss the deadlift for different reasons, yet my lower back is still sore after the session, so it's obviously the squat that has been doing it.

* mind blown *

I mean, I did know that squat is a full body exercise, but I never felt like my back was doing so much work in it, enough to make it sore, maybe because all my mind could think about were glutes and hamstrings holding up. Crazy.


^^ben is a beast

Hell, you can find guys less than a buck 50 who dead lift 700. You can't look at someone and say that they don't look like they can dead 330, shit is relative. If you think 330 is super impressive then you're holding yourself back for sure.

All I want is a 600lb deadlift
Yes it really does depend on the person, and yes people can do some surprising things, but I do not think it is fair to compare athletes with average people. Not validating anything the guy asked, just an observation.

Strength is relative. 330 to one guy is not the same as 330 to another. This thought should go hand and hand with the above. You can't judge weight lifted on the same scale for everyone.

The first day I benched 135 on my weight loss journey, I was so proud of myself. I know people could do far more, but I wasn't on their level at the time. I would have never wanted to hear someone tell me that I was holding myself back.

Basically don't harp on each other please.


Speaking of Ben Rice, I urge everyone on this thread to check out his YouTube channel. The guy is, simply put, incredible. He's running a second Smolov's squat cycle in less than 6 months.


Started yet another new routine, I'm jumping around like crazy now, only common thread in my routines now are rep ranges must be be between 10-12. That seems to be the sweet spot most of the pro body builders aim for. Also, I love the Versa Gripps, best money I have spent in a while, thanks to them my traps are showing all kinds of gains, alllllll kinnnnnnndsss.


What's the difference between a stiff legged deadlift and a normal deadlift for someone with long arms? I'm not sure if I've been doing stiff legged lately and should "go lower" in the bottom position..


What's the difference between a stiff legged deadlift and a normal deadlift for someone with long arms? I'm not sure if I've been doing stiff legged lately and should "go lower" in the bottom position..

SLDLs have almost no knee flexion. All the work is done by the hip extensors (ie; hips and hams). Even for a long armed guy, a conventional deadlift has quite a bit of knee flexion at the bottom and thus a lot of quad work.

Also, you need really good hip mobility to be able to do SLDL without curving your back.

Keep in mind every rep starts off the floor when doing SLDL. That's the difference between RDLs and SLDL since RDLs never touch the floor.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
2.5 weeks since I began cutting, and I think it's really gotten to my head.

Was forced on a date by this girl (don't ask), and she insisted I have ice cream with her. I had an entire late-night dessert planned at home, and I actually thought of excuses to not enjoy ice cream with her because it would cut into my daily caloric intake.


But fuck it, no regrets.
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