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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
i just picked up those 15 lb weights tonight and did arm exercises like they were nothing

i know all of the rest of you guys lift significantly heavier stuff but this is huge for me

im getting stronger and i can actually tell ;______;

Great things. And if you keep it up, and stick with it, today is the weakest day you'll have. It'll only get better. Congrats :)
i just picked up those 15 lb weights tonight and did arm exercises like they were nothing

i know all of the rest of you guys lift significantly heavier stuff but this is huge for me

im getting stronger and i can actually tell ;______;

Nothing wrong with this. Congrats on your progress! Everyone started off somewhere low too.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
hey guys who knew it was this easy to put on muscle?

Mr. Jackman said the following about getting fitness advice from The Rock:

“He told me that if in a six-month period you want to put on 25 pounds of lean muscle and not fat, eat natural and eat 6,000 calories a day. There were times when I would literally eat with the mind set of working out. ‘One more mouthful, one more, come on, come on, you’ve got to finish this meal!’”

Sweet! I'll take out a loan and be 210 by the new year. Can't wait!


Don't you mean Lame Nordstrom?
He permabanned jason from BB lol

Gonna give Yeezus a shot while working out tomorrow. Has anyone listened to it? Is it good?
Very polarizing. The album has like no singles, not radio friendly/trendy at all. On sight goes hard doe...

"I swear I didn't know Deca was a steroid brah. I just take what my trainer gives me."
Sounds like chris hemsworth. "I lost all my mass after filming cuz I'm not eating enough"


He permabanned jason from BB lol

Very polarizing. The album has like no singles, not radio friendly/trendy at all. On sight goes hard doe...

Sounds like chris hemsworth. "I lost all my mass after filming cuz I'm not eating enough"

Oh damnnnn Blaha was a good contributor to the nutrition section.

Edit: love Kanye but I only heard the first song so far and the beat is horrible.


Neo Member
Hey FitGAF, I've been following the OP routine since February now, and at this point I've stalled on Bench and OHP with resets twice. I had to take two weeks off at the start of May, and now I'm headed back towards my maxes with all lifts, but it's definitely been a struggle with those two. Upper body, particularly chest and shoulders, has always been lagging behind my lower body. I've been adding in 25 lb weighted dips for chest and tri assistance, but it's still slow going. Any other advice for helping upper body progression besides keeping the deload resets going?

Age: 21
Bf%: 12-14

Current SS working weights:
Bench: 160 lb (max 165)
OHP: 105 lb (at max)
Deads: 285 lb
Squat: 265 lb
BO Row: 120 lb (max)
Cleans 125

It's been an excellent program otherwise, here were my weights when I started.

Weights in Feb:
Bench: 135
OHP: 90
Deads: 225
Squat: 205
BO Row:95
Cleans: 105

Thanks in advance y'all.


Hey guys, I'm kind of concerned about how much weight the scale says I've dropped. I've been eating healthier these last couple of months and exercising more and decided I'd buy some scales so I can see any weight loss. I've been weighing myself every Sunday morning since the 2nd. On the 2nd I weighed in at 366.4lbs(for reference I'm 6'5) and on the 9th I weighed in it at 344.2lbs; 2.2lbs difference seems natural.

This week though, on the 16th, I weighed in at 336.0lbs which is a massive drop from the week before. I tested it in the same conditions all three times and on the third time measured it several times to make sure. I'm just concerned that either my scales are lying or my body has suddenly decided to start devouring itself. I also decided just to weigh myself tonight to see if I unintentionally did something different and I came out at 333.6lbs which means I've apparently lost nearly 1lb a day for the last three days.

Is this there any cause for concern or is that amount of weight loss natural?

I'm no expert on this, but I think that kind of weight loss is not uncommon at the weights you're talking about.

I know a kid who had gastic bypass surgery recently. He started around your weight (although he was a fair bit shorter than you) and lost 40 lbs. in the first month, without exercise and eating a lot less because he physically wasn't able to fit it in his stomach.

So if you're doing that without surgery, I think you're probably doing pretty well! And it's all real and because you've developed good habits.

You should probably check with your doctor to be sure, but I don't think there's any cause for alarm.

And congrats, man!


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Yo dudes, what are your thoughts on jogging to the gym on squat day? In this case, the gym being 5.5 miles away. Lol

Really tempted to try it, but... Eh.


I'm no expert on this, but I think that kind of weight loss is not uncommon at the weights you're talking about.

I know a kid who had gastic bypass surgery recently. He started around your weight (although he was a fair bit shorter than you) and lost 40 lbs. in the first month, without exercise and eating a lot less because he physically wasn't able to fit it in his stomach.

So if you're doing that without surgery, I think you're probably doing pretty well! And it's all real and because you've developed good habits.

You should probably check with your doctor to be sure, but I don't think there's any cause for alarm.

And congrats, man!

Thanks, it's probably not that much considering my size but it seemed like a lot to lose in such a short space of time. I'm going to see what the difference is this week and then probably check with my doctor. Still got a long way to go, but I'm already feeling healthier.


Just wanted to ask about my form while doing bench presses I don't go completely down to my chest and touch it with the bar, I go slightly above where I should be. I can't even do it with just the bar without experiencing pain. The reason is I get a sharp pain on my right elbow, not sure what it is but the best way I can describe it is a tiny muscle or something connecting my elbow to my triceps and it feels like its going to rip when I bring the bar fully down. Is this due to a weak muscle or just a weird quirk I have? If it's a weak muscle how can I strengthen it to perfect my form?


Going to start ultimate diet 2 next week, considering my current diet I feel I can do this without too much trouble.
Just wanted to ask about my form while doing bench presses I don't go completely down to my chest and touch it with the bar, I go slightly above where I should be. I can't even do it with just the bar without experiencing pain. The reason is I get a sharp pain on my right elbow, not sure what it is but the best way I can describe it is a tiny muscle or something connecting my elbow to my triceps and it feels like its going to rip when I bring the bar fully down. Is this due to a weak muscle or just a weird quirk I have? If it's a weak muscle how can I strengthen it to perfect my form?

How far wide is your grip? I could see there being some tension in the elbow if your grip is too narrow or too wide.


Neo Member
I'd say these are pretty good squat stats, congrats!

what kind of squats do you do? is it standard/barbell, smith machine? high, low, front?

Thanks! I'm using high bar in a standard power rack. Haven't tried low bar yet, and front squats i've done, but don't like as much as high bar.


How far wide is your grip? I could see there being some tension in the elbow if your grip is too narrow or too wide.
Hmm I would guess its standard width, so my thumb and finger is clasped on the ends of the grip not the centre grip the ones on either side of that. My friend who does his press does a similar grip but I know everyone is different especially considering he is 3 inches taller than me. Should I go closer or wider? Thanks for the suggestion I will experiment with my grip and report back.
So I just hit my first big fitness goal for the summer, so I figured that I'd pop in and share where I'm at over all. That first goal was getting myself up to the top of this guy last weekend (Mt. Ranier). Probably post a pic of myself on the climb in the Post New Pics thread.


In all honesty, I underestimated the fitness required for this guy. I'm a pretty strong endurance athlete (I run trail ultra-marathons) but I found that fitness didn't totally carry over into altitude hiking with a pack. I think a couple of members of our climb group who I could have pasted on the trails were better than me on the slopes as they spent more time at altitude and with a pack. My quads were almost totally blown after the summit day. On that day we woke up at midnight from camp at 10,000 feet, summited in the early morning at 14,400, and were all the way back to the parking lot at 5,400 feet by mid afternoon. It was glacier climbing (so helmets, ropes, and crampons) and the winds were crazy at the time (65-80mph). Was incredibly exhausted after.

Over the winter I actually was making it a goal to try to bulk up from last years summer running weight and to try to not drop as low during this current summer. Over last summer I was at around 154lbs (top picture) and now I'm sitting more at 168 (bottom awkward selfie). I've put on some muscle, but some fat as well, so hopefully that will burn off some more are the running picks up. I don't currently have a gym membership, so it's all been with just bodyweight work at this point, which is pretty non-optimal. Maybe I need to look into sandbags or some cheap way to add more resistance into my workouts at home.



Yo dudes, what are your thoughts on jogging to the gym on squat day? In this case, the gym being 5.5 miles away. Lol

Really tempted to try it, but... Eh.

Unless conditioning is more important than strength to you, don't do it.

Jog back like the others suggested. Jogging will have a bigger impact on your squats than your squats on jogging.

Hey FitGAF, I've been following the OP routine since February now, and at this point I've stalled on Bench and OHP with resets twice. I had to take two weeks off at the start of May, and now I'm headed back towards my maxes with all lifts, but it's definitely been a struggle with those two. Upper body, particularly chest and shoulders, has always been lagging behind my lower body. I've been adding in 25 lb weighted dips for chest and tri assistance, but it's still slow going. Any other advice for helping upper body progression besides keeping the deload resets going?

Age: 21
Bf%: 12-14

Current SS working weights:
Bench: 160 lb (max 165)
OHP: 105 lb (at max)
Deads: 285 lb
Squat: 265 lb
BO Row: 120 lb (max)
Cleans 125

It's been an excellent program otherwise, here were my weights when I started.

Weights in Feb:
Bench: 135
OHP: 90
Deads: 225
Squat: 205
BO Row:95
Cleans: 105

Thanks in advance y'all.

That's excellent progress. You are doing the program right.

For most people upper body will usually lag behind lower body, unless you have really favorable anthropometry.

If you keep stalling on upper body lifts it's time to switch to 2.5lb increases on OHP and Bench if you haven't done so. It's very hard to mantain 5lb jumps on upper body, specially on OHP.

And of course, you can always add more food. ;)


Down another notch on my weight belt. Only 1 notch left after this one, and I definitely won't cut to where I need a new belt!


Neo Member
That's excellent progress. You are doing the program right.

For most people upper body will usually lag behind lower body, unless you have really favorable anthropometry.

If you keep stalling on upper body lifts it's time to switch to 2.5lb increases on OHP and Bench if you haven't done so. It's very hard to mantain 5lb jumps on upper body, specially on OHP.

And of course, you can always add more food. ;)

Sounds good, i think the university gym i'm at has small metal disks that fit on a barbell, i'll figure out if those are 1.25 lb and get my own set if they're not. Tomorrow is OHP day, so i'll start microloading tomorrow if they have the plates.
Scared? It's just food :).

My wife and I cook lentil soup rather often, it's great with a bit of feta crumbled on top and some warm toasted pita on the side (if you enjoy carbs). We also make dal (Indian Lentil stew) with yogurt and serrano peppers mixed in, also excellent. Lots of good protein in lentils.


Well, one of my office meetings decided to get fancy with the dessert option.

Look at this monstrosity.

Choco pudding with raspberries, white choco chips, brownie bits, and a few spearmint leaves.

There was no way I could let such a beast escape my clutches. With my sword and shield (spoon and bowl) on hand, I lunged at the foul creature with reckless abandon.

Staring at my blood soaked blade, the sweet taste of victory became tainted with the bitterness of the reality of my actions.

My cut, my cut....what have I done?

/bows head
Tried the Olympic Lifting WOD at my local box (yeah, I train at a crossfit centre, please skip any opinions about that) as I want to get better at those. Spent an hour working to find max in snatch (65kg, felt gooood) and then Clean and Jerk (70kg, the movement didn't come as natural for me as the snatch). Loved the workout, and having recently started reading SS and found my max in squat (120kg) and deadlift (140kg) with room for improvement on form, I'm psyched to experience that I can actually move a lot of weight (or at least it feels that way to me)!

Big thanks to the regulars in the thread, which has shifted my interest towards the heavy compound lifts and for just general inspiration. I haven't made that much visual progress since feb, which was the last time I posted a picture, but I've gotten stronger and feel lighter. IF hasn't been that hard to follow actually, in a month it will have been half a year :)
Had a cool day at the gym today. Talked with two cool, polite dudes at the squat racks and we exchanged opinions on the subject on the wonders of squatting and weightlifting.

I squatted 70 kg today. 7 kg shy of my bodyweight! I feel so close.

Power cleans finally clicked with me. Just have to remember to shrug my shoulders before placing my weight under the bar.

I was also shocked to see my weight was 77,1 kg, my starting weight was 71~72 kg back in the beginning of may. And my waist hasn't changed!

Hit all new PRs today on all exercises too! Woohoo!


Hey guys, been doing a lot of reading about proper diet while training, particularly macros - wow, it's really a lot to take in if you haven't focused on diet previously, so I'm a little overwhelmed and unsure of myself. I was hoping to get a critique of sorts on what I've worked out, just to know if I'm on the right track.

Doing SS, I'm 6'7 and weighed in at 208 lbs yesterday which I'm sure is underweight for my height. I'm not scared of gaining some fat, but I don't want to go overboard either. I'm aiming to do a clean bulk, here's what I've currently got:

Cal/day - 3,600
Carbs - 315g
Fat - 120g
Protein - 315g

I've used various calorie counters to figure out my calories a day and they usually come in around that 3,600 mark which seems kind of low for a guy my size; but again, I really don't know enough about nutrition at this point to make an informed decision. Any pointers would be much appreciated. Thanks!


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Today at the gym: personal trainer has his client do barbell bench presses with resistance bands strapped to the bar. Which has plates on it.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Hey guys, been doing a lot of reading about proper diet while training, particularly macros - wow, it's really a lot to take in if you haven't focused on diet previously, so I'm a little overwhelmed and unsure of myself. I was hoping to get a critique of sorts on what I've worked out, just to know if I'm on the right track.

Doing SS, I'm 6'7 and weighed in at 208 lbs yesterday which I'm sure is underweight for my height. I'm not scared of gaining some fat, but I don't want to go overboard either. I'm aiming to do a clean bulk, here's what I've currently got:

Cal/day - 3,600
Carbs - 315g
Fat - 120g
Protein - 315g

I've used various calorie counters to figure out my calories a day and they usually come in around that 3,600 mark which seems kind of low for a guy my size; but again, I really don't know enough about nutrition at this point to make an informed decision. Any pointers would be much appreciated. Thanks!

6'7! My brother! I'm 6'7 as well it's good to see a fellow giant.

My maintenance calories were around 3800 a day, but I wasn't underweight like you, I was over. There'll be some wiggle room with your calories as everyone's different in some way. Work with it to find your sweet spot, but 3600 is not unheard of by any means.


So quest bars are like 33 dollars or so at GNC. With the coupon, it'll drop to around $23. Is that right?

I saw that with membership you only save a couple dollars for a whole box.


6'7! My brother! I'm 6'7 as well it's good to see a fellow giant.

My maintenance calories were around 3800 a day, but I wasn't underweight like you, I was over. There'll be some wiggle room with your calories as everyone's different in some way. Work with it to find your sweet spot, but 3600 is not unheard of by any means.

So if your maintenance as someone who was overweight was 3,800, being that we're the same height (*high five!*) wouldn't I want to do even more than that if I'm trying to gain weight?


So quest bars are like 33 dollars or so at GNC. With the coupon, it'll drop to around $23. Is that right?

I saw that with membership you only save a couple dollars for a whole box.

With my membership and the coupon, it comes out to a little over $15 a box.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
So if your maintenance as someone who was overweight was 3,800, being that we're the same height (*high five!*) wouldn't I want to do even more than that if I'm trying to gain weight?

You should probably put down upwards of 4k a day, just on principle. When I was overweight I was maintaining my weight at over 6k a day...but that was a lot of fat to keep on. I'm happier now.
Scared? It's just food :).

My wife and I cook lentil soup rather often, it's great with a bit of feta crumbled on top and some warm toasted pita on the side (if you enjoy carbs). We also make dal (Indian Lentil stew) with yogurt and serrano peppers mixed in, also excellent. Lots of good protein in lentils.

Lol, yeah I know it's silly, but when it comes to taste, I'm super weak. If I find something gross, I normally get sick. That's the only reason but I guess I have no choice other than to try it!
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