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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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I used to do front raises with 50s. Now I stick to finishing at 40s. My shoulders respond well to heavy weight. Actually all my muscles do!
That's great and all but it's still not good for your shoulders, just like touching the bar to your chest on bench press. While it may make you slightly bigger/stronger it's a sure fire way to injure your shoulders. The minor increase in size/strength isn't worth all the time you'll miss resting your aching joints.


That's great and all but it's still not good for your shoulders, just like touching the bar to your chest on bench press. While it may make you slightly bigger/stronger it's a sure fire way to injure your shoulders. The minor increase in size/strength isn't worth all the time you'll miss resting your aching joints.

What does this do?


That's great and all but it's still not good for your shoulders, just like touching the bar to your chest on bench press. While it may make you slightly bigger/stronger it's a sure fire way to injure your shoulders. The minor increase in size/strength isn't worth all the time you'll miss resting your aching joints.

I'm confused over this whole bringing the bar down to chest level while benching. I've heard arguments against similar to what you just mentioned, but when reading about the exercise in SS, it sounds as though you DO want to bring it down close to your chest, "touching your shirt" is the wording used, I believe.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
That's great and all but it's still not good for your shoulders, just like touching the bar to your chest on bench press. While it may make you slightly bigger/stronger it's a sure fire way to injure your shoulders. The minor increase in size/strength isn't worth all the time you'll miss resting your aching joints.
Agree to disagree. I touch the bar to my chest also. Never had a problem in 20 years.


Brian Burke punched my mom

I wish my gym had one of these

edit: shit just saw his deadlift workout


How do I into Pete Rubish mode?


I liked his home gym with the washer and dryer, always made him stronger. It's like Konstantinov, he gets +10% strength wearing his glasses.

Alien is like T-Bone steak Meat Mode, built like a silverback gorilla.

It's your world and we're just living in it MTP! I'm just trying to get my GCBP to half of yours!


My strength is shit right now with the heat and work. I just poured sweat all day long yet managed to stay 192.5lbs today. The abs were glistening and traps were causing an eclipse.

If it doesn't rain it's walking lunges and weight sled sprints in the yard tomorrow, after mowing our 2 acres with a push mower... Haven't done those in over a year, killer.


I used to hate people asking me for spots, now I take a little pride in it because they view me as someone that knows what they're doing, but......jokes on you muddasuckas I'm the worst spotter in the game. It's going to take someone dying or leaving the gym on stretcher before people stop asking me for spots.

Completely unrelated to that, this is one of the trainers at my gym -




IFBB pro, she looks much better in person and not dehydrated as hell, outside of her back being crazy she looks fairly normal when I see her. I stare a lot to be honest, squats & lunges have been very kind to her.


So I started working out again about 6 weeks out after my surgery but I kind of feel aimless at the gym. I have to take a big hit in my lifts and I'm not sure what kind of routine I should do to get back into it. I was on 531 before and am thinking of just doing Starting strength at a fraction of my previous maxes. Any advice?

As a side note when I went to the gym today I saw two guys curling in the only two squat racks in the gym... I was completely dumbfounded.


So I started working out again about 6 weeks out after my surgery but I kind of feel aimless at the gym. I have to take a big hit in my lifts and I'm not sure what kind of routine I should do to get back into it. I was on 531 before and am thinking of just doing Starting strength at a fraction of my previous maxes. Any advice?

As a side note when I went to the gym today I saw two guys curling in the only two squat racks in the gym... I was completely dumbfounded.

I'd say go with SS for a bit. It'll probably be much quicker to get you back up there. 5/3/1 is good but slow progress.


Gold Member
So guys, how do I go about doing this cut thing the kids keep talking about? I have really no idea even where to begin.

The goal is to 'cut' as much fat you can while minimizing muscle loss. There are multiple ways to go about it. Here are some things I have worked with to drop fat

- Intermittent Fasting. I have found this far easiest and most pleasing. I do the 5/2 fast, so two 24h periods in a week with no calories at all
- Low Carb, high protein. You generally want to stick to lean veg, and proteins whatever you do. For example, I. Used to do 200g prot, sub-100g carb a day
- Carb Nite. This is a fairly advanced method I am experimenting with currently. 30g carbs a day for all week, then a 6-8h window with 500g carbs to kick your metabolism up
- Calorie control. Less important because if you hit your prot / carb / fat figures you are in the right calorie ballpark anyway, but for reference, my daily intake is 2000-2300 kcal when dropping weight and training
- Resistance exercise. Important to hold onto your muscle. I use the Starting Strength routine

I have dropped some 50lbs so far with these methods and even grown my biceps while doing so, so they work for me but everyone is different. Try things, keep measuring yourself and snapping pics in the same shirt and place to determine what works for you.

I am 6 feet 2 / 213 lbs / 19% BF
Did some Arnold Presses today for the first time thanks to FE and the ensuing discussion ITT. They seem cool.

Also did some hill sprints after the gym which had included squats. Had a severe case of jelly legs for a little while there!


Junior Member
this just happened to me... yep, I failed on my bench miserably... 5 days ago, I did 57.5 kgs. 3 x 5 relatively easy, I could've done 3 x 7 but I had a spotter.

today was the day for 60 kgs, 2 nice 20 kg plates, one on each side, but today the gym was nearly empty cause it was late (one hour ago it was 22:30 here in germany) and had no spotter...

warm up sets were encouraging and then it went like this..

60 kgs, 1 x 4.. holy shit, no, today's not gonna work..back to 57.5

57.5, 1 x 4... WTF!! I HAD THIS WEIGHT ALREADY ....but o.k, calm down...

55 kgs... 1 x 4... -_- .... pack your things and get the fuck out of here..

This was me a few day ago. Except I went from benching 74kg to 65kg (and I struggled).

I was pretty perturbed at my seemingly dramatic loss in strength.

So guys, how do I go about doing this cut thing the kids keep talking about? I have really no idea even where to begin.

Somebody put it pretty well - the best routine for building muscle is the best routine for preserving muscle. Do everything you can to keep the weight on the bar even if you have to drop some reps or even a set as time goes on.
Would it be wierd if I told you guys how much my ass has shrunken over these past few weeks? Seriously I never think I've felt my ass this small before. :p

Also you guys think Sunflower lived made it through his escapade into the unknown?


Would it be wierd if I told you guys how much my ass has shrunken over these past few weeks? Seriously I never think I've felt my ass this small before. :p

Also you guys think Sunflower lived made it through his escapade into the unknown?

Get it back with squats and oats.


Junior Member
That's great and all but it's still not good for your shoulders, just like touching the bar to your chest on bench press. While it may make you slightly bigger/stronger it's a sure fire way to injure your shoulders. The minor increase in size/strength isn't worth all the time you'll miss resting your aching joints.
How far should one go when benching?


Back felt fine benching. Was 1s week at 175 and I got 6. Decided to try the periodization accessory work (on the advice of alien and falling). I finally got a 5x10 on dips (been working at this for months) and I did cable rows and tricep pull downs. Back feels perfectly fine and I have a nice pump going.
When u do decline or incline benches r u suppose to make it touch ur chest?

My left arm and back hurt yesterday, but then again I've been mooring up boats before my gym time


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
20 mile bike ride after my GSLP sets today.


Did all of it before breakfast. I'm hungry.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Extra money for looking imposing 99% of the time, I'm all for it


Man... This week wore me out with hours at work. Looks like I am going to skip Tris today. One more week to go before I take my off week to rest and hit the skates, bag, etc.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
90lb weighted pull ups just aren't cutting it for my finishing six. I think it's 100 next week!


So I don't have much of an appetite, but I wanna work on my diet to actually put on some weight. I work a regular 8-5 job and am still a beginner weight lifter. What kind of diet would you schedule for me? I'm thinking oatmeal for breakfast, fruit for brunch, whatever for lunch, nuts inbetween lunch and dinner, and finally dinner. I'm guessing I should add protein shakes into the mix. Do you drink protein shakes even on days you don't exercise?


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Just used a digital kitchen scale for the first time.


You're telling me I can eat double the amount of almonds I've been eating before and maintain fewer calories? WTF?

This thing is going to prove very useful, I know it.


So I don't have much of an appetite, but I wanna work on my diet to actually put on some weight. I work a regular 8-5 job and am still a beginner weight lifter. What kind of diet would you schedule for me? I'm thinking oatmeal for breakfast, fruit for brunch, whatever for lunch, nuts inbetween lunch and dinner, and finally dinner. I'm guessing I should add protein shakes into the mix. Do you drink protein shakes even on days you don't exercise?
Where are you now with weight, what is your goal, etc. Oatmeal, fruit and nuts won't cut it no matter where you are tho. Also try to eat as much of your protein as possible. My only shake is post-workout and that's only enough to hit what I need.


So I don't have much of an appetite, but I wanna work on my diet to actually put on some weight. I work a regular 8-5 job and am still a beginner weight lifter. What kind of diet would you schedule for me? I'm thinking oatmeal for breakfast, fruit for brunch, whatever for lunch, nuts inbetween lunch and dinner, and finally dinner. I'm guessing I should add protein shakes into the mix. Do you drink protein shakes even on days you don't exercise?

Are you a vegetarian?

What's your weight / height?

You'll need to do a lot better than fruit and oatmeal if you want to put on weight: eggs, bacon, milk, red meat, tons of fish, pork, peanut butter.


i signed up for the gym today! and i was there for three hours without realizing it: 9:30 - 12:45

i really wanted to do the free weights, but all the ripped people were there and i still felt like id embarrass myself in front of them, so i stayed on the machines. i can do 60lbs on those machines and didnt even know i had it in me.

i should have trusted you guys in the first place with regard to feeling nervous in the gym. everybody was doing their own thing and nobody bothered me.

there was this one woman doing free weights and pullups alone in the corner and she's the Amazon i want to be

maybe someday

now im going to eat everything
Just used a digital kitchen scale for the first time.


You're telling me I can eat double the amount of almonds I've been eating before and maintain fewer calories? WTF?

This thing is going to prove very useful, I know it.
Yes, yes, yes, yes! I really feel like everyone should own one of these. It was one the only ways I could keep my PB addiction at a sane level.

That and it's nice to be able to know how much chicken you're actually eating.


i signed up for the gym today! and i was there for three hours without realizing it: 9:30 - 12:45

i really wanted to do the free weights, but all the ripped people were there and i still felt like id embarrass myself in front of them, so i stayed on the machines. i can do 60lbs on those machines and didnt even know i had it in me.

i should have trusted you guys in the first place with regard to feeling nervous in the gym. everybody was doing their own thing and nobody bothered me.

there was this one woman doing free weights and pullups alone in the corner and she's the Amazon i want to be

maybe someday

now im going to eat everything

Good job

Most guys respect the hell out of chicks using free weights, that is when they aren't totally enamored with them. My gym has a few gawkers that stay scaring some girls away unfortunately.
Man my life has been so insane I haven't been able to jump in here for a while. Good to see everyone still trucking on.

I joined a gym that is basically a dungeon with absolutely no mirrors and 50lbs(no 45's anywhere) plates and I can't believe how much progress I am making.

Anyone have a link to the GNC coupon for June.
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