So full...
Potatoes and Tofu?
So full...
That's great and all but it's still not good for your shoulders, just like touching the bar to your chest on bench press. While it may make you slightly bigger/stronger it's a sure fire way to injure your shoulders. The minor increase in size/strength isn't worth all the time you'll miss resting your aching joints.I used to do front raises with 50s. Now I stick to finishing at 40s. My shoulders respond well to heavy weight. Actually all my muscles do!
That's great and all but it's still not good for your shoulders, just like touching the bar to your chest on bench press. While it may make you slightly bigger/stronger it's a sure fire way to injure your shoulders. The minor increase in size/strength isn't worth all the time you'll miss resting your aching joints.
That's great and all but it's still not good for your shoulders, just like touching the bar to your chest on bench press. While it may make you slightly bigger/stronger it's a sure fire way to injure your shoulders. The minor increase in size/strength isn't worth all the time you'll miss resting your aching joints.
Just popped up on my Facebook and thought you guys would like to see. Alien put up a monster DL pr (555)
What does this do?
Agree to disagree. I touch the bar to my chest also. Never had a problem in 20 years.That's great and all but it's still not good for your shoulders, just like touching the bar to your chest on bench press. While it may make you slightly bigger/stronger it's a sure fire way to injure your shoulders. The minor increase in size/strength isn't worth all the time you'll miss resting your aching joints.
Agree to disagree. I touch the bar to my chest also. Never had a problem in 20 years.
Yea but you're bionic.
I wish my gym had one of these
edit: shit just saw his deadlift workout
How do I into Pete Rubish mode?
It's your world and we're just living in it MTP! I'm just trying to get my GCBP to half of yours!
So I started working out again about 6 weeks out after my surgery but I kind of feel aimless at the gym. I have to take a big hit in my lifts and I'm not sure what kind of routine I should do to get back into it. I was on 531 before and am thinking of just doing Starting strength at a fraction of my previous maxes. Any advice?
As a side note when I went to the gym today I saw two guys curling in the only two squat racks in the gym... I was completely dumbfounded.
C'est la poutine isti!
edit: shit just saw his deadlift workout
How do I into Pete Rubish mode?
So guys, how do I go about doing this cut thing the kids keep talking about? I have really no idea even where to begin.
this just happened to me... yep, I failed on my bench miserably... 5 days ago, I did 57.5 kgs. 3 x 5 relatively easy, I could've done 3 x 7 but I had a spotter.
today was the day for 60 kgs, 2 nice 20 kg plates, one on each side, but today the gym was nearly empty cause it was late (one hour ago it was 22:30 here in germany) and had no spotter...
warm up sets were encouraging and then it went like this..
60 kgs, 1 x 4.. holy shit, no, today's not gonna work..back to 57.5
57.5, 1 x 4... WTF!! I HAD THIS WEIGHT ALREADY ....but o.k, calm down...
55 kgs... 1 x 4... -_- .... pack your things and get the fuck out of here..
So guys, how do I go about doing this cut thing the kids keep talking about? I have really no idea even where to begin.
Would it be wierd if I told you guys how much my ass has shrunken over these past few weeks? Seriously I never think I've felt my ass this small before.
Also you guys think Sunflower lived made it through his escapade into the unknown?
Get it back with squats and oats.
I'd say go with SS for a bit. It'll probably be much quicker to get you back up there. 5/3/1 is good but slow progress.
Haha. WIP! Next workout is on monday. I'm so close to squating my own body weight. Exciting!
How far should one go when benching?That's great and all but it's still not good for your shoulders, just like touching the bar to your chest on bench press. While it may make you slightly bigger/stronger it's a sure fire way to injure your shoulders. The minor increase in size/strength isn't worth all the time you'll miss resting your aching joints.
How far should one go when benching?
Holy fuck, I just read through Sunflower's Swingers' Apartment Thread.
20 mile bike ride after my GSLP sets today.
Did all of it before breakfast. I'm hungry.
Where are you now with weight, what is your goal, etc. Oatmeal, fruit and nuts won't cut it no matter where you are tho. Also try to eat as much of your protein as possible. My only shake is post-workout and that's only enough to hit what I need.So I don't have much of an appetite, but I wanna work on my diet to actually put on some weight. I work a regular 8-5 job and am still a beginner weight lifter. What kind of diet would you schedule for me? I'm thinking oatmeal for breakfast, fruit for brunch, whatever for lunch, nuts inbetween lunch and dinner, and finally dinner. I'm guessing I should add protein shakes into the mix. Do you drink protein shakes even on days you don't exercise?
So I don't have much of an appetite, but I wanna work on my diet to actually put on some weight. I work a regular 8-5 job and am still a beginner weight lifter. What kind of diet would you schedule for me? I'm thinking oatmeal for breakfast, fruit for brunch, whatever for lunch, nuts inbetween lunch and dinner, and finally dinner. I'm guessing I should add protein shakes into the mix. Do you drink protein shakes even on days you don't exercise?
Yes, yes, yes, yes! I really feel like everyone should own one of these. It was one the only ways I could keep my PB addiction at a sane level.Just used a digital kitchen scale for the first time.
You're telling me I can eat double the amount of almonds I've been eating before and maintain fewer calories? WTF?
This thing is going to prove very useful, I know it.
i signed up for the gym today! and i was there for three hours without realizing it: 9:30 - 12:45
i really wanted to do the free weights, but all the ripped people were there and i still felt like id embarrass myself in front of them, so i stayed on the machines. i can do 60lbs on those machines and didnt even know i had it in me.
i should have trusted you guys in the first place with regard to feeling nervous in the gym. everybody was doing their own thing and nobody bothered me.
there was this one woman doing free weights and pullups alone in the corner and she's the Amazon i want to be
maybe someday
now im going to eat everything
Good job
Most guys respect the hell out of chicks using free weights, that is when they aren't totally enamored with them. My gym has a few gawkers that stay scaring some girls away unfortunately.
Man my life has been so insane I haven't been able to jump in here for a while. Good to see everyone still trucking on.
I joined a gym that is basically a dungeon with absolutely no mirrors and 50lbs plates and I can't believe how much progress I am making.
Anyone have a link to the GNC coupon for June.