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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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I don't really feel anything in my hamstrings when doing these. In regards to bringing my chest up, is it ok to lean forward on the negative but bring my chest up on the positive?

Well, you need to lean forward at the bottom. As you lean forward, if your shins remain relatively vertical, your ass will stick out. This is what stretches your hamstrings at the bottom and facilitates the rebound.


Notice how in a low bar squat the factor by which the hips extend the hamstrings is a function of back angle; the more vertical the back, the more the hamstrings slacken.

My god I feel incapable of increasing my deadlifts. Started a few months ago based on recommendations here in order to help my incredibly weak lower back that was painful as hell. Started super light at 95lbs and now able to do 5 x 185lbs on a good day. Been stuck there for weeks. I legit feel I can't go any heavier because my back will just inadvertently curve and do a shitty lift.

Essentially I'm Asking: what have u guys done when you've hit a plateau? Should I go for higher reps at a lower weight to get myself more used to it? Go 1 or maybe 2 reps at a higher weight to start off my training?

This is how I go about lifting:
8x135lbs (2 sets)
5x 155lbs ( 2 sets)
5 x 175lbs (1 set )
3 x 185lbs ( 1 set)

It's probably a form issue compounded by not enough food.

Reset back to 155lb or so and do a linear progression (add 10lb per session to your final work set). Do just 1 set of 5 with that weight that session; deadlift are tough to recover from. What you posted is a fuckton of volume that might be doing you more harm than good. You are burnt out by the time you get to your work set.

Your session should sort of work like this:

(Assuming a 185lb work set):



Well, you need to lean forward at the bottom. As you lean forward, if your shins remain relatively vertical, your ass will stick out. This is what stretches your hamstrings at the bottom and facilitates the rebound.


Notice how in a low bar squat the factor by which the hips extend the hamstrings is a function of back angle; the more vertical the back, the more the hamstrings slacken.

Ok, so along with the forward lean of the chest, my butt/hips will stick out more if my shins are vertical, is that right? Then, on the way up, I should drive up with my chest and hips/butt, right? Also, I've been a little confused on the width of my stance. I'm 6'2", so I tend to try to go super wide but not to the point of a sumo squat.


Ok, so along with the forward lean of the chest, my butt/hips will stick out more if my shins are vertical, is that right? Then, on the way up, I should drive up with my chest and hips/butt, right? Also, I've been a little confused on the width of my stance. I'm 6'2", so I tend to try to go super wide but not to the point of a sumo squat.

Drive with your hips but don't neglect your chest. Your stance should be a function of your flexibility. For most people shoulder width works fine. It's something you'll have to figure out with trial and error.

A very narrow stance will increase the ROM and decrease the involvement of the adductors.

A very wide stance will shorten the ROM but will also make it harder on the hips.


Drive with your hips but don't neglect your chest. Your stance should be a function of your flexibility. For most people shoulder width works fine. It's something you'll have to figure out with trial and error.

A very narrow stance will increase the ROM and decrease the involvement of the adductors.

A very wide stance will shorten the ROM but will also make it harder on the hips.

By my last set, my chest was up and out and I felt confident in that regard. I guess I'll just have to keep trying and not give up. Also, I'm going to try and record myself for the second time. The first time, the weights got in the way on my lateral view and I didn't realize until I saw it at home.


Noema, you ever thought about being a personal trainer? A lot of knowledge on proper form.

Oh, no. I'm just a geek who reads SS on my Kindle during my long commute. :p Hell, sometimes I feel I shouldn't even be giving out advice at all since I'm not even that strong.

I like helping out when I can, but I'm not really experienced or knowledgeable enough. And I really dislike gyms. As soon as I'm done with my training I bail out.


Oh, no. I'm just a geek who reads SS on my Kindle during my long commute. :p Hell, sometimes I feel I shouldn't even be giving out advice at all since I'm not even that strong.

I like helping out when I can, but I'm not really experienced or knowledgeable enough. And I really dislike gyms. As soon as I'm done with my training I bail out.

You don't have to be super strong to give advice, you give a lot of great advice on form. I watched a Kai Green video where the guy training him looked like he never touched a weight in his life, and Kai took his word as gospel.

Should think about making some money off it, even if it's just an hour or two a day.

Word. You'd think he's a kinesiology major or exercise scienctist.

Yeah his posts are great.


I know what you mean with squats being scary. There are a lot of times where I feel I could possibly get another rep, but I'm scared about getting stuck or dropping the bar. I'm sure it's a lot scarier at those manly weights.

Don't put yourself down Noema. I envy your problem. Having said that, you got injured and that definitely sets everyone back at least a month or two. You're gonna get there. It might not be by January 2014, but you're determined, dedicated, and knowledgable. That's the main reason you'll squat 405.

Keep it up Noema.

To echo what mully said just keep on keeping. You're a master of form so I'm sure you never put up sloppy reps. Just keep on going :)

oh man, why you so good.

who says your meals cant be delicious on a cut.

you have come a long way friend. let's keep going!

And I wanted to lose weight. Bhahahahahaha


Brian Burke punched my mom
I haven't tried for a max in a few weeks, but I'm plateauing like a motherfucker, to my credit I've been on a cut, though that's no real excuse. I think I'll continue lifting relatively heavy, but not near max for several weeks. In the interim I'm going to do some deficit deads to help me explode off the ground faster, some good mornings, strengthen my hams and maybe some glute bridges. I'll probably attempt a max in a few weeks and then start up some sort of program.

Maybe your gym has one of these http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRWpTDMno6M

I used to do 6" deficite deads quite often back in the day. My feet were practically touching the bar, used to do 240kg/528x2 that way.

Fuck GMs lol.

Do heavy proper RDLs for hams and you won't shit right for a week.


I used to do 6" deficite deads quite often back in the day. My feet were practically touching the bar, used to do 240kg/528x2 that way.

Fuck GMs lol.

Do heavy proper RDLs for hams and you won't shit right for a week.

haha will do this

hell, I'm about to go do legs right now.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I finally signed up for a gym and am going to go for the first time tomorrow.

The plan is to go three days per week and start by following the beginner routine in the OP.

So, tomorrow, I'll be attempting the following:

Squat - 3 sets of 5
Bench Press - 3 sets of 5
Deadlifts - 1 set of 5
Pull-Ups - 3 sets of 8-15

The pull-ups should be fine (palms facing me or away from?), but I have no idea what weight to start out with for the other exercises. Any suggestions? How did you all determine a good starting weight?

I weigh between 150 and 155 lbs and can do 10 pull ups in a row without too much trouble if that helps at all.

ACE 1991

Can anyone help me begin planning what kind of foods I should be buying for the bulk of my meals to start cutting? I assume lots of.chicken breast, eggs and egg whites and the like?


343i Lead Esports Producer
So I was abruptly awoken from my nap today by a cramp in my left Achilles tendon. Pain was quite severe and I couldn't move my foot for what felt like 10 minutes.

I'm guessing it's caused by a lacked of some nutrient in my diet like Potassium but I also read that it could be from over working or over loading it. I can definitely see how it might be the latter. I was out working all day and was lifting and carry some heavy shit some good distances. Gotta see if it feels good enough tomorrow for me to go work out.

Anyone have any experience dealing with an Achilles tendon?


Down 8.5 lbs so far in this cut. It's looking good.

Dude seems to have me on all this bro scientific bullshit but he has me at the same calories I was at before on my own yet I'm down almost 10 lbs in 2 weeks.

With no cardio. He specifically said don't do any cardio.

Nelo Ice

Oh, no. I'm just a geek who reads SS on my Kindle during my long commute. :p Hell, sometimes I feel I shouldn't even be giving out advice at all since I'm not even that strong.

I like helping out when I can, but I'm not really experienced or knowledgeable enough. And I really dislike gyms. As soon as I'm done with my training I bail out.
Damn I need to pick up a copy of SS. Getting my form right for the beginner SS routine from the OP is tough.


Just got done doing legs. I'm spent.

Down 8.5 lbs so far in this cut. It's looking good.

Dude seems to have me on all this bro scientific bullshit but he has me at the same calories I was at before on my own yet I'm down almost 10 lbs in 2 weeks.

With no cardio. He specifically said don't do any cardio.
That's cool. Probably saving that cardio for the plateaus.
i signed up for the gym today! and i was there for three hours without realizing it: 9:30 - 12:45

i really wanted to do the free weights, but all the ripped people were there and i still felt like id embarrass myself in front of them, so i stayed on the machines. i can do 60lbs on those machines and didnt even know i had it in me.

i should have trusted you guys in the first place with regard to feeling nervous in the gym. everybody was doing their own thing and nobody bothered me.

there was this one woman doing free weights and pullups alone in the corner and she's the Amazon i want to be

maybe someday

now im going to eat everything

I had the same prejudice before I ever entered a gym. It's really surprising how polite and respectful people are. Nobody bothers you, and generally people are helpfull if you need spotting and such.


Slept more than 8 hours last night and I feel GUUUD!

Also my body must be playing tricks on me cause I'm eating like a horse and my stomach and ass just keeps looking smaller whenever I wake up. O-:


the piano man
Yeah his posts are great.

yeah, great asset to this thread.

It really felt like I got a medal when I showed my squat video form and he said my squats were good, :D Noema's posts are probably the best reference for info about barbell/strenght training in this thread.

For guys beginning from zero and without a single clue about fitness in general, most of the time I like what grumble suggests the most, even though he doesn't post much, I always notice his posts are worded in such a way that completely untrained guys can understand and follow. Another great asset to the thread.

thank you both for taking your time to post and trying to help.

@Sunflower, thanks! I hope I don't fuck up in my job, and if I do, something else is in
store for me :D, no fear here.
deadlifts and squats go hand in hand, partly because squats will turn your lower back from shit into a rock-hard plate of titanium

are you squatting also? doing other lower back exercises?

Thanks everyone for the suggestions!

I'm not squatting nearly as much as I deadlift. I also started doing some kettle ball swings to help with the hips and posture.

Noema :
Good to know the volume is too much, will give your recommendation a try my next session.
That's great and all but it's still not good for your shoulders, just like touching the bar to your chest on bench press. While it may make you slightly bigger/stronger it's a sure fire way to injure your shoulders. The minor increase in size/strength isn't worth all the time you'll miss resting your aching joints.

This argument doesn't hold up. All of my exercises involve going the full range of motion required to keep the muscle your targeting engaged. I have been working out for 12 years and have never hurt myself because of adhering to the actual principles that cause injury:

-Lifting Form
-Stretching and Proper Warm Up

I have never met a serious lifter who limited the range of travel over concerns of "Injury"

On a side note I just started doing Zercher Squats this month. My good lord these thing are a revelation. I can't believe how trashed my quads are.


Down 8.5 lbs so far in this cut. It's looking good.

Dude seems to have me on all this bro scientific bullshit but he has me at the same calories I was at before on my own yet I'm down almost 10 lbs in 2 weeks.

With no cardio. He specifically said don't do any cardio.

Can you give a general idea of what you're doing? That's awesome progress.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
I'd like to give Layne Norton's PHAT routine a try for a week or two. Anyone have any modified (or personalized) variations of the routine they'd like to recommend?


Because I really haven't progressed in Squats this year at all. I should be squatting 350lb+ for 5 at this point and that barely my 1RM. Hell I can scarcely do 315lbx3 on a good day. Even 295lb feels like I have to grind every rep.

I could come up with a bunch of excuses (I had to change gyms; injured my back, all of which led to resets), but the fact of the matter is that: I hate squats, I suck at them, they scare the shit out of me and I'm a pussy. :p This last part is key. None of the other lifts intimidate me. With any other lift if you fail it's really no big deal: Deadlifts and OHP, you lower the weight. Bench, the spotter bails you out. But that crushing feeling with squats, oh lord.

So I had to scale down my goal. If I can do 350lbx4 or 5 by December I'll be content. Or something like 370lbx1.

On a more positive note, my deadlift goal for December was 500lbx1, and since I pulled 450lbx5 before my injury in May I think that I've got that one, since converted that yields about 525lbx1. It's not exactly accurate, specially because I don't think my grip is there yet. But I'll get that one.

Great job on the DL's.

As for squats, yeah they are the most stressful worrying about getting stuck. Once I bailed on a couple of them though I lost any real fear of it. Literally shrug the bar off my shoulders and it's all good. This is low bar, I've never had to bail on a high bar yet but I assume it's the same deal. Do you have access to a cage? You could always do that and set the safety pins?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I was proud of myself last night. We had company over and on the menu was tri-tip, salad, cheesy bread, and twice baked potatos. I held strong and only had steak and salad! I did have about 5 shots of vodka and a mini cupcake but that's only about 550 calories.

Today is my day to eat mofos! Going to see Man of Steel with my daughter and there will be lots of kettle corn, candy, and soda consumed!
Just got done doing legs. I'm spent.

That's cool. Probably saving that cardio for the plateaus.

Leg day is the best day. Followed by back. Or chest. Or shoulders. I can't decide. That being said, after doing my deadlifts and finishing up the rest of my back routine, I was looking at myself in the mirror and truly appreciate the greatness that is compound lifts. As much fun as it is doing various isolation exercises, all my strength, size, muscle, and fat loss is because of compound lifts. I want to start doing power cleans again.

Yeah, and I agree with the cardio statement. I went around 8 weeks without cardio before finally having to do some HIIT to bust past my pleateau. Even with all the crap I am eating, I am hovering around 226 lbs. Sometimes a bit higher due to water and other variables.

And once again, I have to say thank you for making me get some chalk. Was able to do some work on deadlifts and stopped my 5+ set a few reps of short of failure which again, had nothing to do with grip but more with the weight.

Everything's coming up Milhouse!
Down 8.5 lbs so far in this cut. It's looking good.

Dude seems to have me on all this bro scientific bullshit but he has me at the same calories I was at before on my own yet I'm down almost 10 lbs in 2 weeks.

With no cardio. He specifically said don't do any cardio.

Calories may be the same but what about your macros?


My god I feel incapable of increasing my deadlifts. Started a few months ago based on recommendations here in order to help my incredibly weak lower back that was painful as hell. Started super light at 95lbs and now able to do 5 x 185lbs on a good day. Been stuck there for weeks. I legit feel I can't go any heavier because my back will just inadvertently curve and do a shitty lift.

Essentially I'm Asking: what have u guys done when you've hit a plateau? Should I go for higher reps at a lower weight to get myself more used to it? Go 1 or maybe 2 reps at a higher weight to start off my training?

This is how I go about lifting:
8x135lbs (2 sets)
5x 155lbs ( 2 sets)
5 x 175lbs (1 set )
3 x 185lbs ( 1 set)

Maybe do hyperextensions for assistance to strengthen your back?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I finally signed up for a gym and am going to go for the first time tomorrow.

The plan is to go three days per week and start by following the beginner routine in the OP.

So, tomorrow, I'll be attempting the following:

Squat - 3 sets of 5
Bench Press - 3 sets of 5
Deadlifts - 1 set of 5
Pull-Ups - 3 sets of 8-15

The pull-ups should be fine (palms facing me or away from?), but I have no idea what weight to start out with for the other exercises. Any suggestions? How did you all determine a good starting weight?

I weigh between 150 and 155 lbs and can do 10 pull ups in a row without too much trouble if that helps at all.

Bump just in case no one saw this yesterday. I went ahead and bought Starting Strength on Kindle, so maybe I'll find some good advice in there before heading to the gym later today.


Bump just in case no one saw this yesterday. I went ahead and bought Starting Strength on Kindle, so maybe I'll find some good advice in there before heading to the gym later today.

The information you're looking for is covered in SS but I'll tell you anyway:

To find the starting weight for any exercise, just start with the bar. Keep adding weight until your form slows down enough that you can manage the prescribed amount of reps without failure.


i did free weights today!

i managed 5 sets of 8 squats at 40lbs, which was 10 more pounds than i did a few days ago. and i also did 3 sets of 6 deadlifts at 60lbs, which was double my previous record.

i did something called "hack squats" on one of the hammer strength machines at 45lbs, and i did weighted calf raises on another hammer machine at 50lbs. i did more stuff than that but i dont remember the names of the exercises.

also out of a courtesy to weak people like me, please take the weights off the bar and put them back on the weight rack thing when youre done :(

today was leg day, not arm day :(


What are your guys' favorite cheat meals to have, especially at restaurants?

When I was bulking, nothing was better than Chipotle burrito bowl with brown rice, double beans, double meat, cheese, and pico. It ended up being like 1200 calories with 95g of protein, 30g of fat, and 60g of carbs. Perfect meal to help meet my macros but I couldn't help but feel a little dirty eating it.
during warmups (empty bar) my right knee experience sudden tightness, making going down painful.
so i quit doing it, and moved on to bench presses. when i finished it, i went back and finished my warmup squats and moved onto my working sets of squats (for SS) with no pain at all.

anybody experienced this?


Neo Member
Couldn't do working set 105 lb OHP on Thursday, but I managed to hit 275 squats and 165 bench today which were my previous working set maxes. All uncharted territory from here! I also did a set at 300 in the smith machine to show my roommate what a load of trash that machine is for squats.


Couldn't do working set 105 lb OHP on Thursday, but I managed to hit 275 squats and 165 bench today which were my previous working set maxes. All uncharted territory from here! I also did a set at 300 in the smith machine to show my roommate what a load of trash that machine is for squats.

Why would you do that to your back?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
The information you're looking for is covered in SS but I'll tell you anyway:

To find the starting weight for any exercise, just start with the bar. Keep adding weight until your form slows down enough that you can manage the prescribed amount of reps without failure.

Thanks! That makes sense.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Ugh, this new job has fucked my world up with sleep. Not good.

I'm looking to switch from SS to 5/3/1 after a cut. I would like to preserve my strength as much as possible while cutting, however I remember how I felt on keto trying to lift. It was brutal. Now that I'm significantly stronger than I was before I started SS, will my workouts (at maintenance lifts) destroy my life like they used to? Or should I SERIOUSLY lay off the gym for a while? I don't think I should, and I think I should stick with SS (maybe less accessory addons than I currently do) and just maintain.



the piano man
did 82.5 kgs 5x3 squats today and broke the previous PR... I am 7 freaking kilograms from reaching an Intermediate level..... seven motherfucking kilograms... so near yet so far..

after doing my deadlifts and finishing up the rest of my back routine, I was looking at myself in the mirror and truly appreciate the greatness that is compound lifts. As much fun as it is doing various isolation exercises, all my strength, size, muscle, and fat loss is because of compound lifts

what I've noticed is that the strenght and endurance you get from compounds greatly helps when doing assistance/isolation.

Machines without compounds isn't really a good thing, specially long term. I began with machines only because It took time for me to get over some mental shit but I am glad I did, best decision ever.

whoever is lurking/reading this and goes machine only, go use the barbell and make it your instrument, an extension of yourself.


What are your guys' favorite cheat meals to have, especially at restaurants?

When I was bulking, nothing was better than Chipotle burrito bowl with brown rice, double beans, double meat, cheese, and pico. It ended up being like 1200 calories with 95g of protein, 30g of fat, and 60g of carbs. Perfect meal to help meet my macros but I couldn't help but feel a little dirty eating it.

That doesn't sound like a cheat meal.


the piano man
well it does seem like a cheat meal for him, all things considered :)

Matugi, what are your goals,? you posted pics some days back and you looked very good but you didn't seem to be in need of cutting, in fact, If I were you, I'd be bulking a bit more but that's me. You bench a lot so you probably have been doing this a long time, I am quite curious to read about your case..
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