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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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5'11" 155lbs. I'm not a vegetarian. Can yall maybe give an example of what your consumption is in a day?


6 Eggs (usually fried in butter)
6 Slices of Bacon
1 medium sized baked potato with mayonnaise or butter OR 1 medium sized baked sweet potato sautéd in butter.


1 liter of Milk

Post Workout

1 liter of Milk


2 cups of white rice with vegetables
2 cans of Tuna OR a medium sized Steak OR chicken


1 liter of Milk
1 or 2 tablespoons of Peanut butter


6 Eggs
1 baked potato

I eat no sugar Mo-Sa. On Sundays I eat whatever I want provided I meet my protein / fat requirements, and I usually eat junk food on weekends (I love McDonald's).

This has been my diet for about 2 years now. I've put on over 60lb in that time, most of it lean body mass.


i signed up for the gym today! and i was there for three hours without realizing it: 9:30 - 12:45

i really wanted to do the free weights, but all the ripped people were there and i still felt like id embarrass myself in front of them, so i stayed on the machines. i can do 60lbs on those machines and didnt even know i had it in me.

i should have trusted you guys in the first place with regard to feeling nervous in the gym. everybody was doing their own thing and nobody bothered me.

there was this one woman doing free weights and pullups alone in the corner and she's the Amazon i want to be

maybe someday

now im going to eat everything

It's a wonderful feeling isn't it?

5'11" 155lbs. I'm not a vegetarian. Can yall maybe give an example of what your consumption is in a day?

When I was bulking -

Breakfast - 5-8 eggs, turkey bacon, whole wheat toast, oatmeal, sometimes some hash browns

Snack - Yogurt & protein shake

Lunch - Chicken wrap, turkey sandwich and a salad

Snack - 2-3 burritos / protein shake

Dinner - Pretty much anything

Snack - 2-3 PB&J sandwiches / protein shake


Man my life has been so insane I haven't been able to jump in here for a while. Good to see everyone still trucking on.

I joined a gym that is basically a dungeon with absolutely no mirrors and 50lbs(no 45's anywhere) plates and I can't believe how much progress I am making.

Anyone have a link to the GNC coupon for June.

I noticed your absence. Also was disappointed to see you didn't make The Last of Us thread. Good to see you're still on the gain train!


I noticed your absence. Also was disappointed to see you didn't make The Last of Us thread. Good to see you're still on the gain train!

Please don't mention that game in here, my PS3 died two years ago and I am extremely salty that I can't play that game.


Hello everyone.

So, what's the best workouts/routines you would recommend for building back strength?

Had a tumor removed from my back a few months ago and have finally been able to return to something close to normal strength but would like to improve my back strength further. Thank you.


I need to convince my brother to buy that game so I can later borrow it (and his PS3). :p

And I still need to play Demon's Souls, dammit! :D

NoRéN;65624901 said:
Hello everyone.

So, what's the best workouts/routines you would recommend for building back strength?

Had a tumor removed from my back a few months ago and have finally been able to return to something close to normal strength but would like to improve my back strength further. Thank you.

Starting Strength


Sean have I told you that I love ya bro.
Thanks man.


Hmmm. I think I have to go back to counting everything. I feel like I'm getting fatter. Sad part is I don't eat that crazy during the week. Usually 3 eggs for breakfast with some bacon, and meat and vegetables for lunch and dinner. I'll probably try going back to the lean gains model which I completely fell off since my wedding.


I find that as long as I stay away from sugar / bread it's almost impossible for me to put on body fat no matter what I eat.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Well did walking BB lunges outside with this 1000% humidity. Haven't trained legs in 3 weeks with hip flexor pain and work...so weak.

143/165/187/198/143 x 16

Hamstrings are so tight after this...wanted to do a complex with x20 bsquat on the 198 lunges but fuck that shit felt like passing out.

Bread is my weakness.

Go to bread.

Had 6 slices of PB toast for breakfast with 8 eggs, milk and OJ.


I find that as long as I stay away from sugar / bread it's almost impossible for me to put on body fat no matter what I eat.

I don't know what it is with me man. I did <25g of carbs for a month and didn't lose a pound or have any noticeable body recomp.

Take for example this comparison. Left is 6 months ago and right is just now. Huge difference in waist size. I was wearing 34 jeans and a medium shirt on the left, neither fit me now obviously.


Now, I can obviously lift a lot more, but as a former obese kid/teen I always have that lingering feeling of do I look strong, or do I just look fat?

I always go back and forth with do I want to get bigger and stronger or lose weight. The problem is, every time I've tried losing weight has had half assed results. The only time I dropped a lot of weight in my life was by doing cardio everyday, fuckarounditis at the gym, and eating a low fat diet in college (no calorie counting).

If I had to estimate, I say I eat between 2200-2700 calories (more on lifting days) and I seem to be at a steady incline with weight and size.

When I tried cutting lower than that, like I said, I was having terrible results and my workouts went to shit. I envy you guys getting cut and putting up PRs at the same time.

Oh well, rant over.


Today was killer in the gym. Did an hour of chest/lats/shoulders pretty intensely, then did fifteen minutes of HIIT, then walked about 3 to 4 miles at a golf tournament, all on less than 700 calories. This cut needs to be over.


Today was killer in the gym. Did an hour of chest/lats/shoulders pretty intensely, then did fifteen minutes of HIIT, then walked about 3 to 4 miles at a golf tournament, all on less than 700 calories. This cut needs to be over.

Wow. Eat more. A cut does not mean starvation.

A cut means eating 500 calories less than your TDEE.


5'11" 155lbs. I'm not a vegetarian. Can yall maybe give an example of what your consumption is in a day?

3-4 eggs fried in olive oil
3 slices ham, sometimes leftover steak

12-16oz of meat(ground beef, chicken breast, or steak)
Broccoli or some type of steamed veggie

Post workout
2 scoops protein and 32g peanut butter with water

12-16oz of meat(ground beef, chicken breast, or steak)
Head of romane lettuce w/ low carb dressing
Steamed veggies.

At least a gallon of water.

I'm trying Carb Nite. Seems to be working, but I don't think I had near enough carbs last night.


It's almost July and it's becoming clear that I won't reach my squat goals for this year that I set in January.

I was hoping I'd be able to squat 405lb for at least a double by January 2014 but I don't think that's gonna happen.

How's every one else doing in that regard?


It's almost July and it's becoming clear that I won't reach my squat goals for this year that I set in January.

I was hoping I'd be able to squat 405lb for at least a double by January 2014 but I don't think that's gonna happen.

How's every one else doing in that regard?

You have six months. What's stopping you from reaching that goal between now and then?


Go to bread.

Had 6 slices of PB toast for breakfast with 8 eggs, milk and OJ.

Glad you didn't post food pics, you make it difficult to cut with all the food photos.

It's almost July and it's becoming clear that I won't reach my squat goals for this year that I set in January.

I was hoping I'd be able to squat 405lb for at least a double by January 2014 but I don't think that's gonna happen.

How's every one else doing in that regard?

I didn't set any goals for this year, was trying to bench 400lbs last year and fell a couple pounds short and gave up on the heavy bench. Doubt I can even sniff that now, since that was when I was right around 250lbs and I'm 229lbs right now.

My goals this year were 10-12% body fat and over 200lbs, I think I'm going to hit that long before Jan, and I'll probably start a bulk around Sept/October.


Goddam you are big Sean. That right side pic is just superb.

Thanks, but I feel like I'm moving away from big and strong looking and into the fat and strong looking territory. Like I said, I need to go back to measuring and weighing foods.

But maybe I have a bad case of dat body dismorphia.


Thanks, but I feel like I'm moving away from big and strong looking and into the fat and strong looking territory. Like I said, I need to go back to measuring and weighing foods.

But maybe I have a bad case of dat body dismorphia.

You don't look fat, if you were it would show in your face which doesn't show any signs of it.

I used to be fat and have some body dysmorphia as well, to me I look the same as I did when I was overweight. If you can see your jawline and it doesn't just disappear into oneness with your neck (mine used to) you're not fat, that's my measuring stick at least.


You don't look fat, if you were it would show in your face which doesn't show any signs of it.

I used to be fat and have some body dysmorphia as well, to me I look the same as I did when I was overweight. If you can see your jawline and it doesn't just disappear into oneness with your neck (mine used to) you're not fat, that's my measuring stick at least.

Heh, that's a good way of thinking about it.

A lot of you guys do that carb nite right? Anyone getting good results?


Today was killer in the gym. Did an hour of chest/lats/shoulders pretty intensely, then did fifteen minutes of HIIT, then walked about 3 to 4 miles at a golf tournament, all on less than 700 calories. This cut needs to be over.

You're a dumbass if true.

Sean you look better than before, and keep improving each time I see pics.


Today was killer in the gym. Did an hour of chest/lats/shoulders pretty intensely, then did fifteen minutes of HIIT, then walked about 3 to 4 miles at a golf tournament, all on less than 700 calories. This cut needs to be over.

Goodnight sweet testosterone


You have six months. What's stopping you from reaching that goal between now and then?

Because I really haven't progressed in Squats this year at all. I should be squatting 350lb+ for 5 at this point and that barely my 1RM. Hell I can scarcely do 315lbx3 on a good day. Even 295lb feels like I have to grind every rep.

I could come up with a bunch of excuses (I had to change gyms; injured my back, all of which led to resets), but the fact of the matter is that: I hate squats, I suck at them, they scare the shit out of me and I'm a pussy. :p This last part is key. None of the other lifts intimidate me. With any other lift if you fail it's really no big deal: Deadlifts and OHP, you lower the weight. Bench, the spotter bails you out. But that crushing feeling with squats, oh lord.

So I had to scale down my goal. If I can do 350lbx4 or 5 by December I'll be content. Or something like 370lbx1.

On a more positive note, my deadlift goal for December was 500lbx1, and since I pulled 450lbx5 before my injury in May I think that I've got that one, since converted that yields about 525lbx1. It's not exactly accurate, specially because I don't think my grip is there yet. But I'll get that one.


Goodnight sweet testosterone

brb can't get my dick up

brb muscle atrophy out the ass

brb feel like shit

brb metabolic rate slows to a crawl, and gain weight back immediately after cutting....in turn I'll start cutting-myself

I posted this before having eaten dinner. I'm at 1600 overall for the day.

well that aint so bad then, although it's a weird way to look at things since it's not like the calories from the day prior just reset themselves at midnight.


brb bench max is still 265 at 150 lbs.

well that aint so bad then, although it's a weird way to look at things since it's not like the calories from the day prior just reset themselves at midnight.

Not sure what you're getting at here. I'm consistently at 1400-1600 calories per day which is why I haven't lost much muscle mass


brb bench max is still 265 at 150 lbs.

Not sure what you're getting at here. I'm consistently at 1400-1600 calories per day which is why I haven't lost much muscle mass

What I'm getting at is it wass weird to say "I did all this on 700 calories", it implies that's all your taking in . I'm saying your calories from the day(s) prior don't just reset themselves at midnight, but I'm sure you know that, it just came out strangely in your post without context.

I just finished watching that vid, and I'm with him in seeing Bigger Stronger Faster is where my paradigm shift on training began.
brb bench max is still 265 at 150 lbs.

Not sure what you're getting at here. I'm consistently at 1400-1600 calories per day which is why I haven't lost much muscle mass

You're not doing all that shit on 700kcal, you're using yesterday's energy intake too. That's how us people doing intermittent fasting don't die.


What I'm getting at is it's weird to say "I did all this on 700 calories", it implies that's all your taking in . I'm saying your calories from the day(s) prior don't just reset themselves at midnight.

Oh, gotcha. Suppose I should have specified that that's all I had to eat for the day at that point.


I tried working on my hip drive today doing low-bar squats. I'm obsessed with figuring these squats out. I did it with light weight today and tried pushing my butt up first as if I had some resistance on top of it. The only problems were that I never really felt it in my glutes and in the beginning, I think me leading up with my butt was forcing me to lean my chest down. I did manage to correct that lean by the last set, even though I still wonder if I was leaning too far forward. Am I doing this right? Am I supposed to start the positive movement by bringing my ass up first? I never really felt like I was doing any Good Morning leans or anything but it still didn't feel right.


Oh, gotcha. Suppose I should have specified that that's all I had to eat for the day at that point.

Yea, without context I thought you were like some of these guys on gaf. "I'm going to go on a diet that consists of not eating"

I wonder whatever happened to that guy. OP pls respond if you're ok.


Because I really haven't progressed in Squats this year at all. I should be squatting 350lb+ for 5 at this point and that barely my 1RM. Hell I can scarcely do 315lbx3 on a good day. Even 295lb feels like I have to grind every rep.

I could come up with a bunch of excuses (I had to change gyms; injured my back, all of which led to resets), but the fact of the matter is that: I hate squats, I suck at them, they scare the shit out of me and I'm a pussy. :p This last part is key. None of the other lifts intimidate me. With any other lift if you fail it's really no big deal: Deadlifts and OHP, you lower the weight. Bench, the spotter bails you out. But that crushing feeling with squats, oh lord.

So I had to scale down my goal. If I can do 350lbx4 or 5 by December I'll be content. Or something like 370lbx1.

On a more positive note, my deadlift goal for December was 500lbx1, and since I pulled 450lbx5 before my injury in May I think that I've got that one, since converted that yields about 525lbx1. It's not exactly accurate, specially because I don't think my grip is there yet. But I'll get that one.

I know what you mean with squats being scary. There are a lot of times where I feel I could possibly get another rep, but I'm scared about getting stuck or dropping the bar. I'm sure it's a lot scarier at those manly weights.

Don't put yourself down Noema. I envy your problem. Having said that, you got injured and that definitely sets everyone back at least a month or two. You're gonna get there. It might not be by January 2014, but you're determined, dedicated, and knowledgable. That's the main reason you'll squat 405.

Keep it up Noema.


I tried working on my hip drive today doing low-bar squats. I'm obsessed with figuring these squats out. I did it with light weight today and tried pushing my butt up first as if I had some resistance on top of it. The only problems were that I never really felt it in my glutes and in the beginning, I think me leading up with my butt was forcing me to lean my chest down. I did manage to correct that lean by the last set, even though I still wonder if I was leaning too far forward. Am I doing this right? Am I supposed to start the positive movement by bringing my ass up first? I never really felt like I was doing any Good Morning leans or anything but it still didn't feel right.

Drive with your hips but not at the expense of not bringing your chest up as well. The reason you need to drive with your hips is because at the very bottom your primary movers out of the hole will be your glutes and your hamstrings, not your quads and hip drive is a metaphorical cue so you focus on your posterior chain.

This only works, by the way, if you are properly doing a low bar squat, because it assumes that your hips are pushed back enough so that your hamstrings are fully stretched at the bottom.

I know what you mean with squats being scary. There are a lot of times where I feel I could possibly get another rep, but I'm scared about getting stuck or dropping the bar. I'm sure it's a lot scarier at those manly weights.

Don't put yourself down Noema. I envy your problem. Having said that, you got injured and that definitely sets everyone back at least a month or two. You're gonna get there. It might not be by January 2014, but you're determined, dedicated, and knowledgable. That's the main reason you'll squat 405.

Keep it up Noema.

Thanks for the support Mully. I really appreciate it; I'll get that 4 plate squat sooner or later. Hopefully sooner. :p
My god I feel incapable of increasing my deadlifts. Started a few months ago based on recommendations here in order to help my incredibly weak lower back that was painful as hell. Started super light at 95lbs and now able to do 5 x 185lbs on a good day. Been stuck there for weeks. I legit feel I can't go any heavier because my back will just inadvertently curve and do a shitty lift.

Essentially I'm Asking: what have u guys done when you've hit a plateau? Should I go for higher reps at a lower weight to get myself more used to it? Go 1 or maybe 2 reps at a higher weight to start off my training?

This is how I go about lifting:
8x135lbs (2 sets)
5x 155lbs ( 2 sets)
5 x 175lbs (1 set )
3 x 185lbs ( 1 set)


Drive with your hips but not at the expense of not bringing your chest up as well. The reason you need to drive with your hips is because at the very bottom your primary movers out of the hole will be your glutes and your hamstrings, not your quads and hip drive is a metaphorical cue so you focus on your posterior chain.

This only works, by the way, if you are properly doing a low bar squat, because it assumes that your hips are pushed back enough so that your hamstrings are fully stretched at the bottom.

I don't really feel anything in my hamstrings when doing these. In regards to bringing my chest up, is it ok to lean forward on the negative but bring my chest up on the positive?


My god I feel incapable of increasing my deadlifts. Started a few months ago based on recommendations here in order to help my incredibly weak lower back that was painful as hell. Started super light at 95lbs and now able to do 5 x 185lbs on a good day. Been stuck there for weeks. I legit feel I can't go any heavier because my back will just inadvertently curve and do a shitty lift.

Essentially I'm Asking: what have u guys done when you've hit a plateau? Should I go for higher reps at a lower weight to get myself more used to it? Go 1 or maybe 2 reps at a higher weight to start off my training?

This is how I go about lifting:
8x135lbs (2 sets)
5x 155lbs ( 2 sets)
5 x 175lbs (1 set )
3 x 185lbs ( 1 set)

deadlifts and squats go hand in hand, partly because squats will turn your lower back from shit into a rock-hard plate of titanium

are you squatting also? doing other lower back exercises?


My god I feel incapable of increasing my deadlifts. Started a few months ago based on recommendations here in order to help my incredibly weak lower back that was painful as hell. Started super light at 95lbs and now able to do 5 x 185lbs on a good day. Been stuck there for weeks. I legit feel I can't go any heavier because my back will just inadvertently curve and do a shitty lift.

Essentially I'm Asking: what have u guys done when you've hit a plateau? Should I go for higher reps at a lower weight to get myself more used to it? Go 1 or maybe 2 reps at a higher weight to start off my training?

This is how I go about lifting:
8x135lbs (2 sets)
5x 155lbs ( 2 sets)
5 x 175lbs (1 set )
3 x 185lbs ( 1 set)

I haven't tried for a max in a few weeks, but I'm plateauing like a motherfucker, to my credit I've been on a cut, though that's no real excuse. I think I'll continue lifting relatively heavy, but not near max for several weeks. In the interim I'm going to do some deficit deads to help me explode off the ground faster, some good mornings, strengthen my hams and maybe some glute bridges. I'll probably attempt a max in a few weeks and then start up some sort of program.

Maybe your gym has one of these http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRWpTDMno6M
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