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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Then how about a big burger from Five Guys and entire bag of fries? Did that too on my last bulk, felt it for days, but gat dayum it was good.

well it does seem like a cheat meal for him, all things considered :)

Matugi, what are your goals,? you posted pics some days back and you looked very good but you didn't seem to be in need of cutting, in fact, If I were you, I'd be bulking a bit more but that's me. You bench a lot so you probably have been doing this a long time, I am quite curious to read about your case..

Cut down to 145 then bulk up to 165 then pretty much maintain there. I'm just cutting off fat now then trying to add some lean mass.


Then how about a big burger from Five Guys and entire bag of fries? Did that too on my last bulk, felt it for days, but gat dayum it was good.

Cut down to 145 then bulk up to 165 then pretty much maintain there. I'm just cutting off fat now then trying to add some lean mass.

Ok getting better. You had ice cream after, right? ;)
Is this you BruceLeeRoy?

HAHAHA! Oh man...Yes it is


My bulk meals consist of a pint of ice cream pretty much every day, pop tarts, 5 guys, Taco Bell, pizza several times a week. Cheesecake


Calories may be the same but what about your macros?

Pretty much the same protein but he has me carb cycling.

Mon. 300g
Tues. 200g
Wed. 100g
Thurs. 300g
Fri. 100g
Sat. 50g
Sun. 0g

Obviously fat goes up when carbs come down but the lower carb days are lower cal overall.

He's got me eating 6x a day too.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
First day at the gym complete! Feels good.

I was trying to gauge the weight levels I should be using, so I did more sets than is prescribed in the OP, but here is how it went for Day 1.

Squats (referred to Mark Rippletoe's video on his Starting Strength website for the form--glad I did, because I never would've guessed that's how it's done):

  • 45 lbs x 5 repetitions x 1
  • 55 lbs x 5 repetitions x 1
  • 65 lbs x 5 repetitions x 1
  • 85 lbs x 5 repetitions x 2
  • 95 lbs x 5 repetitions x 1

Bench Presses:

  • 45 lbs x 5 repetitions x 1
  • 65 lbs x 5 repetitions x 1
  • 75 lbs x 5 repetitions x 1
  • 85 lbs x 5 repetitions x 2
  • 95 lbs x 5 repetitions x 2


  • 85 lbs x 5 repetitions x 1
  • 105 lbs x 5 repetitions x 1


  • 8 repetitions x 2
  • 7 repetitions x 1 (failed set)

The pull-up bar was really high up and required me to jump. Made it harder than the lower bar I have at home.

All in all, it took me about an hour including down time and shifting around the different weights. I'm kind of disappointed in how weak I actually am, but am rather pleased I was at least able to complete all of the sets (aside from the pull-ups). I thought I wouldn't have enough energy since I've been under 30g of carbs every day for the past 10 days.

Well, tonight is carb night, so I'm getting started with a big glass of chocolate milk and protein powder and a bowl of white rice with potato salad. Going to follow up later with some Yakisoba, then there are plenty of cookies, pastries and ice cream waiting later! All will be consumed and then I'll pass out early into a carb-happy slumber.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
All about progress, Zefah. Lower starting point just means more impressive gains! You'll be stronger than movie superman in no time ;b

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Zefah this is just the beginning, brother (or sister if you're not male) - today is the weakest day you'll have for the rest of your life. All upwards!

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Thanks for the kind words, guys! Already looking forward to my second day, which I have scheduled for Tuesday!

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Well damn Zefah did not even think to check the the starting strength site for the video on squat form. Just saw this one and damn did that help. Also good luck! Just started SS recently as well, have been to the gym before but like all the exercises are completely new to me. http://startingstrength.com/index.php/site/video/platform_the_squat_bar_position

Yep, that's the one! Took me a bit to figure it out in the gym, but I could tell I had it right when it felt like none of the weight was being carried by my arms or wrists. I had actually thought you were supposed to use arm strength in squats. Glad I saw the video before going in today!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Just remember you'll be adding weight each workout. It's gonna go fast. You'll get strong quick but remember to keep eating.

I second this, your body will tell you that it needs more food even though you may feel full. There's this weird feeling involved where it's like "more FUEL" and your stomach is like"but I just ate"

Ignore that stomach. Slam food. Grow. STRENGTH.


Fit-GAF I need your help! (please?)
Quick introduction: I don't have access to a gym (I live in my company's dorms, in the middle of nowhere), so I've been working out at "home" (in my tiny dorm room lol) with P90X and P90X2 for more than a year now (started in february 2012). I lost a ton of weight and put on some decent amount of muscles. Went from zero pull-ups (for months) to my first pull-up, then 2, then 5, 10 etc. and it felt great.
The good news now is that I convinced my company that it would be good for the employees to have a gym in the dorm. So they allowed me to use one of the empty meeting room on the first floor, and they gave me a decent budget. This is where I would like to get advices from you Fit-GAF, because I don't really know what would be good.
It's not a big room, maybe 6m by 6m. The dorm I'm in has around 100 people, all men, young and old, but I doubt they will all use the gym everyday.
I've been looking online and I found these 2 stores that sell professional equipment:


Would you mind taking a look and telling me what looks good?
I suppose I'll need a bench and a bar with weights? Something to do squats too? And some running thingy or bicycle for those who want to do some cardio?
Any kind of advice as to what should I buy would be really appreciated!
I second this, your body will tell you that it needs more food even though you may feel full. There's this weird feeling involved where it's like "more FUEL" and your stomach is like"but I just ate"

Ignore that stomach. Slam food. Grow. STRENGTH.
Maybe this is why i feel weak during bench. I still stick to IF diet and 2000 calories even though (i believe) i'm pretty skinny already (ie: ribs r showing)
My left hip flexor has me hobbling after my heavy squats and deadlifts. I'm going to listen to my body and give myself a week off the heavy stuff. Would rather miss a week now than miss months from snapping some shit up.


Zefah, when doing Starting Strength you are supposed to do 3 sets of 5 across. That means that the weight stays the same for those 3 sets. Those are your work sets. Everything else is a warmup and volume should be much lower on those. It's not a problem now that the weights are light, but it'll be a problem once they get heavy.

As an illustration, suppose that your work sets for squats are 115lb for the day. So your squats would look like this:


45lbx5x2 (2 sets of 5)
85lbx3 (1 set of 3)
100lbx2 (1 set of 2)

Work sets

115lbx5x3 (5 sets of 3 at 115lb)

Next squat session you'd add 10lb to your work sets, so your work sets would be 125lbx5x3. This applies to all the lifts, except the deadlift in which you only do 1 set of 5 as your sole work set.

I mention this because I see some novices making the mistake of doing too much work on their warm up sets. In Starting Strength it is the 3 sets of 5 across that constitute the meat of the training. Warming up is important but it's just that, a warm up.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Saw this routine over at BB.com (...I know), and thought it'd be interesting to try:

I have seen a number of posts lately regarding 3-day training splits and wanted to share a program that I put together which has worked well for me.

Monday: Pulling (Back/Biceps/Deadlift)
- Deadlifts (3 sets)
- Chins (3 sets)
- One-Arm Dumbbell Rows (2 sets)
- Close Grip Pulldowns (2 sets)
- Barbell Curls (2 sets)
- Hammer Curls (1 set)

Wednesday: Pushing (Chest/Shoulders/Triceps)
- Flat Dumbbell Bench Press (3 Sets)
- Incline Barbell Bench Press (2 sets)
- Dips (2 sets)
- Seated Dumbbell Military Press (3 sets)
- Overhead Dumbbell Extension (2 sets)
- Side Laterals (2 sets)
- Pushdowns (2 sets)
- Cable Crossover / Pec Deck (1 set)

Friday: Lower Body (Legs)
- Squats (4 sets)
- Strait Leg Deadlifts (2 sets)
- Walking Lunges (2 sets)
- Leg Curl / Feet High Leg Press Superset (2 sets)
- Calf Raises (3 sets)

For initial compound movement in each workout I generally work in the 3-5 rep range. For the next compound movement I typically go with 5-8 reps, and then I finish the rest of the workout (accessory/isolation movements) in the 8-12 rep range.

On some of the smaller muscle groups (deltoids, biceps, triceps) I will generally perform drop sets.

Seems pretty well-regarded over there. I kinda wanna mix up my routine a bit, while still having time to throw in intense cardio on Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday.

I'm not particularly interested in getting "big"; I want to be very athletic, however, so I'm not sure how conducive doing squats three times a week is for me right now (it's taken a strain on me, that's for sure--doesn't help that I'm a waiter, too).


Or recommendations for better splits (I'd consider myself intermediate if that matters).
5/3/1 deadlifts.

Decided to go ahead and switch over to the sumo version put up 425lb without a problem. Still need to read up and make sure I have all the queues down, but i'm pretty happy. Looks like I won't have to reset as soon as I thought.


Could someone explain to me what what some average squat numbers are? I am ~180 pounds and just hit 225x5 the other day. Not sure how much more progress I should expect, as I am not looking to gain much more weight.


First day at the gym complete! Feels good.

I was trying to gauge the weight levels I should be using, so I did more sets than is prescribed in the OP, but here is how it went for Day 1.

Squats (referred to Mark Rippletoe's video on his Starting Strength website for the form--glad I did, because I never would've guessed that's how it's done):

  • 45 lbs x 5 repetitions x 1
  • 55 lbs x 5 repetitions x 1
  • 65 lbs x 5 repetitions x 1
  • 85 lbs x 5 repetitions x 2
  • 95 lbs x 5 repetitions x 1

Bench Presses:

  • 45 lbs x 5 repetitions x 1
  • 65 lbs x 5 repetitions x 1
  • 75 lbs x 5 repetitions x 1
  • 85 lbs x 5 repetitions x 2
  • 95 lbs x 5 repetitions x 2


  • 85 lbs x 5 repetitions x 1
  • 105 lbs x 5 repetitions x 1


  • 8 repetitions x 2
  • 7 repetitions x 1 (failed set)

The pull-up bar was really high up and required me to jump. Made it harder than the lower bar I have at home.

All in all, it took me about an hour including down time and shifting around the different weights. I'm kind of disappointed in how weak I actually am, but am rather pleased I was at least able to complete all of the sets (aside from the pull-ups). I thought I wouldn't have enough energy since I've been under 30g of carbs every day for the past 10 days.

Well, tonight is carb night, so I'm getting started with a big glass of chocolate milk and protein powder and a bowl of white rice with potato salad. Going to follow up later with some Yakisoba, then there are plenty of cookies, pastries and ice cream waiting later! All will be consumed and then I'll pass out early into a carb-happy slumber.

I'm jealous that you're able to start out doing 8 pullups twice. Your weights may be starting out low, but they will increase very quickly. Enjoy the easy times because it's going to get harder quickly. :)


Could someone explain to me what what some average squat numbers are? I am ~180 pounds and just hit 225x5 the other day. Not sure how much more progress I should expect, as I am not looking to gain much more weight.
You can hit 3 plates. Do it mang.



6 Eggs (usually fried in butter)
6 Slices of Bacon
1 medium sized baked potato with mayonnaise or butter OR 1 medium sized baked sweet potato sautéd in butter.


1 liter of Milk

Post Workout

1 liter of Milk


2 cups of white rice with vegetables
2 cans of Tuna OR a medium sized Steak OR chicken


1 liter of Milk
1 or 2 tablespoons of Peanut butter


6 Eggs
1 baked potato

I eat no sugar Mo-Sa. On Sundays I eat whatever I want provided I meet my protein / fat requirements, and I usually eat junk food on weekends (I love McDonald's).

This has been my diet for about 2 years now. I've put on over 60lb in that time, most of it lean body mass.

If I may comment on your diet.

You do not eat vegetables or fruit? Do you drink water? You might want to look into adding those things to get more nutrition and hydration. I see you said no sugar, but I would think the natural sugar found in fruit is OK. It's not like your eating candy or cookies or drinking soda. Edit: You do not have to go crazy with fruit. One a day is good, a single apple or something.

Looks like you're into bulking/mass and not really focused on the overall healthiness of the diet.

Fake edit: I see you have vegetables for lunch. I guess my thoughts still stand, you could be adding more veggies :p

Not trying to be a jerk or be in your business. Trying to provide you with some healthy eating tips


I hate veggies so much. I like corn and carrots but they don't count, and otherwise brocolli is about all I can stomach, and that's barely.



I hate veggies so much. I like corn and carrots but they don't count, and otherwise brocolli is about all I can stomach, and that's barely.


Ha. I don't mind them as a healthy adult. As a child/teenager I hated them.
I'm doing the whole raw veggie thing. I don't need to cook them or add spices, sauces.
Scary though, don't want to get some bad bacteria due to not cooking them.

Edit: I've been changing up my broccoli lately. Sometimes I buy regular broccoli, then I switch to broccoli rabe, then sometimes I switch to broccolini.
This week I got broccoli rabe. So good when eating raw

that damn water drinking thread

goddammit world

Ha. I've been doing the whole "healthy water" thing for years. Wish I could drink a gallon of "designer" water every day. Imagine a gallon of Fiji water :woah:
I gotta settle for Ozarka Spring water.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Man I love veggies, it feels good when you've eaten a shitload and you're bloated on greenery. So good.


I take it you don't eat salad either? They all share the same plant-like characteristics.

I understand where you are coming from, I have the same aversion to fruit. I haven't really eaten any since I was 7 years old.


I take it you don't eat salad either? They all share the same plant-like characteristics.

I understand where you are coming from, I have the same aversion to fruit. I haven't really eaten any since I was 7 years old.

I so wish I could find a way to enjoy salads and veggies, it'd make it much easier to hit macros and stay satiated.


Man I love veggies, it feels good when you've eaten a shitload and you're bloated on greenery. So good.

Ugh, just reading that reminds me of that lady who would eat and eat greens to the point that she was visibly bloated, but it wasn't enough to take care of her malnutrition.


Petrie you gotta find a way to eat more veggies man! Maybe you could try to find ways to sneak some into veggie recipes you already like?

Personally I like to just microwave bowls of bagged mixed veggies. Cheap, filling, low calories
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